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Everything posted by Mindymoo

  1. I think that Ben is too much like Jinkx to win, that Courtney is too blah, and Adore is too green to win. If Bianca loses, it's going to be a fucking travesty.
  2. I agree, Ohwell. As much as I like Molly, and as right as her instincts are about Lester, I really couldn't feel too bad for her because she was aggressively questioning him and trying to prevent him from leaving that parking lot. She doesn't have evidence that he is the killer of either his wife or any inclination that he killed Vern, just the suspiciousness of the conversation in the hospital waiting room. She is a smart cookie though, and since she is on the case of the naked guy from the pilot, I think she will be able to tie it all together anyhow.
  3. This show is really running on fumes. There just isn't much to keep me interested anymore. And as someone who has been on very strong painkillers, I must say that you would not be able to call in oxycontin over the telephone. You must have a written paper prescription for drugs like oxy, morphine, fentanyl, dilaudid and percocet. and you are not allowed to write for refills on those scripts. But hey, this show routinely fucks up the medical stuff so I can't say that I'm surprised.
  4. You're not the only one, Dan. It read as pandering to me and trying to endear herself to Ru. Didn't buy it for a second.
  5. A lot of people are starting to use e-cigarettes as a way to quit smoking. They come in different levels of nicotine, all the way down to zero, so you still get to have your smoking ritual without actually using any nicotine. I actually use one without nicotine because they come in some great flavors, and I can vape a slice of pizza instead of eat a slice of pizza. I've actually lost weight since I used them. I was glad that JJ called that lady out for the hustler that she was, though. She probably stole more than $2k worth, because the good ones sold in stores and kiosks don't come cheap. And whatever she was saying about them going obsolete is nonsense, because I've used the same one for over a year and they still sell the same model I have, along with all of the accessories.
  6. Well, any smidgen of good will I had left for the show has been completely obliterated with the return of Jimmy. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse. And the producers even said he was dead! What the fuck? So, as I said elsewhere, I'm pretty sure I am finished with this show now. It's gone off the rails too much, and Jimmy's return is proof that this is more Showtime bullshit. This is a wannabe prestige drama that takes no chances where no one suffers any permanent consequences, and I am just done. There are no consistent characterizations, unless you count in the fact that Liam has been a baby for four seasons now. So yeah, done with this shit. Have fun losing any awards you have a snowball's chance in hell of being nominated for.
  7. Yes, Kromm, that's the one! I love it so much, and to this day will yell out "SAUSAGES!" at my wife to freak her out and make her laugh.
  8. One of my favourites ever was the sausages sketch from season five. It had such a dystopian, David Lynchian, "Eraserhead" feel to it that it really resonated with me. It's disgusting and hilarious and totally Bruce.
  9. I am so sad Michonne no longer has her sword.
  10. Worst episode of the season. Any good will I had for the show was partially erased by the last episode, and fully obliterated by this one. There is not enough suspension of disbelief possible for me to be able to accept all of the nonsensical garbage. The social worker up and left? Frank in a room with a little girl when there are pediatric wards? Sheila has the kids already? They try to give you emotion, but rely on cheap tricks to get there and it's ridiculous.
  11. I was wondering if anyone knew which episode she was talking about when she referred to the child support order.
  12. I had two new episodes today.
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