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Everything posted by Mindymoo

  1. I find it interesting that they gave Chuck the electomagnetic sensitivity as his illness. Since there are a lot of doctors out there that say it doesn't exist, and double-blind studies have shown that sufferers can't tell the difference between real EMF waves and fake ones, it's pretty fascinating. It's not a clinical diagnosis that any doctor will give somebody. It's up there with the multichemical sensitivity, and sometimes seems to happen in folie a deux situations. So yeah, that part really fascinated me. Of all the illnesses they could have given him, they give him one that technically doesn't exist and that doctors think inhabits the minds of crazy people. I enjoyed the premiere. It is setting things in motion, as pilots do. It was pretty funny and well written, and it's always a joy to have Bob Odenkirk back on my screen. I just hope we get more Jonathon Banks.
  2. The mayor of my city died a few hours ago, and coverage and commentary is infringing on my JJ viewing!
  3. My Busia was the opposite. Dziadzia died in March of 1988, and she remarried to a lovely man named Charlie three years later. Charlie, on the other hand, had been a widower since 1981. He was just waiting for the right little lady to come into his life, I guess.
  4. I didn't feel much sympathy for the asshole defendant son. He reminded me of my brother. While my mother doesn't have cancer, she was diagnosed with severe fibromyalgia, along with some other health issues, when I was 16 and my brother was 20. She had a talk with us, saying that because of her constant pain, she was going to need some more support and help around the house. Bro's response? "Ugh, get over it, everyone has aches and pains and bad days." He treated her like absolute shit. If my mom was dying and he pulled that shit, I wouldn't have been able to be held accountable for my actions. As for the pot thing, I am as pro-pot as they come. Love the stuff, and it has done remarkable things for my health. I also think it should be legal across the board recreationally, just like alcohol. But the guy did go and completely destroy a bedroom to turn it into a grow house. Dad probably wouldn't have had an issue with an MMJ card and a plant here or there, but a remodel of a whole room for that entire purpose? Whole other ballpark from growing weed with a lamp in your closet.
  5. Two songs that fit this for me are both Rolling Stones songs: Brown Sugar and Under My Thumb. Brown Sugar because it's so racist and sexist, but goddamn is it fucking catchy, and Under My Thumb because of how anti-woman it is, referring to the woman as a "pet" and a "squirming dog" and basically just celebrating breaking the will of a woman, yet the marimbas and the whole of the music itself are so glorious. Thus scratches the surface of my love/hate relationship with The Rolling Stones.
  6. I enjoyed the show last night, which surprised me. I'm really not a football fan at all, so this controversy is just sort of there to me. I like the Chiefs, but that's only because my wife likes the Chiefs, and she only likes them because they are (or were for a very long time) the worst team in the NFL. We like cheering for losers, I guess. I hardly understand football at all. I'd rather be watching hockey or rugby. But the show managed to keep my interest and make me laugh, which it really hasn't done much of this week. I still think the best episode so far was the one about Bill Cosby, but this was pretty good too. I will give the show some time to find its footing. I mean, it is only week two, and we are coming off a near decade run of the always amazing Stephen Colbert. I'm willing to give Larry more of a chance to find his ground.
  7. You know, I've lived next to two neighbors from hell. Growing up, I had a next door neighbor that owned four houses on our block that were right next to each other, had four rottweilers that looked like they would get loose and kill you at any second, he built a gigantic metal building to grow pot in, and he would throw dead birds in our yard that his dogs killed, along with bricks. We managed to live relatively peacefully next to him for fourteen years. As scary as the dude was, we at least knew that if someone tried to break into our house, crazy Edziu would help us out with his guns and man-eating rotties. Our neighbors now we've had for three years, leave their four dogs out at all hours (their yard is next to my bedroom window) won't get the belt fixed on their car so it's been loud as hell these last couple years whenever they take off or come home, let the dog shit sit in the backyard for weeks if not months, so it really reeks in the summer while you're in the pool, and are the kind of people that take their trash and recycling bins in at 2:00 AM even though they've been home all day. Yet I still find no need to go to their house, slash their tires or otherwise vandalize their property, and start physical altercations with them. Call animal control when the dogs are outside in subzero temperatures for hours at a time? Yes. Start shit for no reason? Absolutely not. Neighboring, people. You're doing it wrong.
  8. I was annoyed with the Tuskegee talk because the gentleman panelist seemed misinformed about that. The people in that experiment weren't purposefully infected with syphilis, but the reality of what happened was much worse. They took around 400 black men, most of whom were illiterate sharecroppers, in 1932 who were already infected and just watched the disease progress, because they wanted to see the effects of untreated syphilis. This lead to them infecting women with syphilis, having babies born with congenital syphilis, etc. Even when penicillin was available as a treatment, they refused to give it to them, giving them placebos instead and doing all kinds of unethical medical testing on them. When a whistle-blower came forth forty years later, they still wouldn't stop, stating they couldn't because some of the subjects were still alive and they needed to be able to autopsy their bodies to study the findings. It did lead to the passing of the 1974 National Research Act. There were conspiracy theories that they were deliberately infected with syphilis, but this wasn't the case. They just basically watched these men as their brains turned to swiss cheese and as they infected more and more people and did horrendous testing on them. So on top of that completely asinine anti-vaxxer lady, the Tuskegee talk kind of irked me because of how misinformed it was.
  9. I felt for those defendants too. The guy didn't seem like a neglectful dog owner, but someone who had fallen on hard times. He and his daughter clearly loved that dog, and their willingness to let him go to a good home was nice, though still sad for them, to see. At least they got to know exactly who was taking their dog, something I would want to know if I ever had to give up one of my kitties (which would only happen over my dead body.)
  10. Wasn't DesiLu somewhat responsible for The Twilight Zone? He at least aired what turned out to be a somewhat backdoor pilot for the show. And thank goodness for that, because that's some of the most thought provoking, beautiful television I've ever seen.
  11. If this show has taught me one thing, it's that no matter how racist, sexist, homophobic and right-wing my brother is, and how much he disapproves of my "deviant lesbian lifestyle", I am glad that he is a mechanic who fixes my car for the cost of parts only and will check out any used car that me and the missus try to buy. Because I guess blood is thicker than preconceived notions of your sister's icky "lesbian lifestyle". Or something. And he never overcharges. The folks on this show are just DUMB when it comes to buying used automotives.
  12. Don't forget the rampant claims of incest, sexual abuse, underage rape and severe physical child abuse that go on in those communities. I live three hours from Amish country, and I met someone who was on Rumpringa once at a bar. The stories he told made me think me own history of sexual assault and rape were something from a Disney movie.
  13. I'm with you there, and actually the people who put money in the pockets of amoral puppy/kitten peddlers are also getting animals with genetic question marks, since I've never seen a "breeder" on this show who has shown their animals to championships before breeding them and can prove up they've been tested for and cleared of all genetic defects. Not even the RKC (British AKC) can make guarantees on the dogs either. They don't always screen for genetic problems for show dogs, They've been inbred and mutated so much over the past couple hundred years alone for the very purpose of them being show dogs, and the treatment is just awful. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are having this disorder that causes the skull to fuse together before the brain is finished growing, causing horrible pain and seizures. There's a huge increase in cases of horrible epilepsy for Boxers. White German shepherds are culled as soon as they're born. So just because you're getting an AKC/RKC certified dog, from a certified breeder, doesn't mean you're getting a dog with a clean bill of health. The stuff with the Spaniels doesn't even show up until later on. Like Jackson Galaxy always says: Adopt, don't shop.
  14. AngelaHunter, taking it to the Judge's Chambers.
  15. I did think that Mandy was better for Lip overall, because she did want Lip to go to college and get out of the slums. Yeah, Karen turned into a charicature, but she had a whole plan of just having Lip getting her knocked up to get him to stay in poverty with her. Not excusing what Mandy did in anyway, but in the kind of home she was raised in, you can see how she got the desperate. And Lip did finally go to college because of all of those applications, so Mandy does have that in her corner.
  16. Maude had a great two-part episode about abortion. Roe v. Wade hadn't passed yet, but it was legal in New York State. Maude was in her mid-40s, on her fourth marriage, with a grown daughter, and not at all ready to have another child. They never used the word "abortion", but you knew what they were talking about. After much soul-searching and conversations between Maude, her husband and her daughter Carol, she decided to go through with it. They treated it very seriously, but it was still a funny episode. Sadly, I don't think an episode like that would be made today, not with that kind of frankness and honesty.
  17. What I don't understand is why they had to make it North Korea. Why couldn't they have had a fictional country as an obvious stand-in for North Korea, the way that Charlie Chaplin did with "The Great Dictator"? Everyone knew that Adenoid Hynkel was Adolf Hitler and that Tomainia was Germany, and the movie was made when the US wasn't involved yet in the war. So why couldn't they have taken a page from Chaplin's book? It would have been self-censoring, but it also wouldn't be causing the major issue they're having right now. I don't agree with the decision to pull the movie in all formats at all, but I am astounded at the lack of foresight the creators and producers have. Anyone with even a smidgen of knowledge of world affairs knows that the higher ups in North Korea aren't exactly known for their senses of humor.
  18. You can get an associate's degree in nursing. However, that program is much harder because they're trying to cram in way too much knowledge and way too many credit hours into a two year course. They started clinicals the first semester at my wife's school, when she didn't get into clinicals until her sophomore year. So theoretically, she could have graduated high school early, enrolled in an ASN program immediately, finished it, and she could be closer to 20 than she is to 18. But I highly doubt it. Or she could be an LPN, which in a lot of places is just a one year program, but I doubt that too. She's just an STNA/CNA, a program you can even do in just a few weeks and doesn't require a lot of brain power to get through it.
  19. For the one hummus chicken salad, you take 2 cups of shredded chicken (I used a rotisserie chicken so I didn't have to cook chicken breasts, as I am lazy), 8 oz. of garlic hummus, 2 tablespoons finely chopped green onion, 2 tablespoons of finely chopped red pepper, 4 tablespoons of finely chopped celery, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, a dash of salt, and some fresh ground black pepper. Mix the lemon juice and veggies with the hummus first, then add the chicken, salt and pepper. I use Tribe brand hummus, but that's because it's my favorite. Really, any flavor of hummus would be good with this one because the ingredients are so basic. The other has 2 cups of shredded chicken, 8 oz. sweet red pepper hummus, 1/3rd cup of dried cherries or cranberries, 1/4 cup of finely chopped walnuts, a stalk of celery, and a tablespoon of lemon juice. Pretty much the same deal for this one- mix the lemon juice and non-chicken ingredients together first, then mix the chicken in last. This one needs to stay with the red pepper hummus though, because the sweetness of the cherries blends so well with the flavor of the red pepper hummus. I use Tribe, but I know Sabra makes one too. Bon Appétit!
  20. Or, "If you do something wrong/damage someone's property, you own up to what you did."
  21. That case was hilarious. However, did anyone else think her teenage daughter who was "assaulted" looked like she had fetal alcohol syndrome?
  22. I am 28, as is my wife, and we both watch and love it. Then again, I'm someone who has spent a lot of time in hospitals, and she's about to get her BSN, so perhaps that has something to do with it. Loved this episode. Everything was pitch perfect. Funny, sad and insane. I loathe Jayma Mays' character. Dr. James did do exactly what she told her to do, and now she's completely fucked because of her. I really hope this gets renewed. Come on, HBO. Don't do to this what you did to my other favorite female centered show, Enlightened. This can't be that expensive to make, and it is so well-written.
  23. While this is still a chicken salad, I make two different chicken salads with flavored hummus instead of mayo or Greek yogurt that are completely different than any chicken salad you have ever had before. Something you can put on sandwiches, pita, crackers, wrap up in lettuce or put on pretty much anything. Would that be of any interest?
  24. Kind of like how those One Million Moms who keep protesting anything pro-LGBT are really just 10,000 moms with multiple facebook accounts.
  25. I'm recovering from a post-surgery infection before I have to have another surgery, so I decided to try this show out. I'm so glad I did. I watched four episodes, then waited until the next day and rewatched all of those episodes and finished the series a couple hours ago with my wife. Jeffrey Tambor was completely brilliant as Maura. I really wasn't sure what to expect of this show, or how it would show the trans community. I have quite a few trans friends and acquaintances, whose coming out ages range from teenagers to their fifties. I thought it hit every note magnificently, and was very respectful of the trans community. I love Maura, I love Davina, and I really, really love Shelly. I must say, their kids are pretty awful though. Particularly Ali. It seemed like they were in a contest to see who would come out as the biggest asshole. Sarah was most accepting and protective of Maura, but she was a really selfish human being. I could write an essay on how offputting Josh was. But Ali is someone I just wanted to smack whenever she was on screen. I loved how she blamed the cancelling of the Bat Mitzvah on Maura, even though it was her fucking idea. Did it make it convenient for Maura? Of course it did, but it wasn't Maura's plan, it was Ali's, and Ali was the one who brought it up and started the cancellation talk. And as for the "why would you let a 13-year-old make that decision" bullshit, let me tell you something. My family is Catholic. When I was thirteen, I started going to public school and the parents wanted me to take RCIA classes so I could get confirmed. I told them no, absolutely not, despite my brother and his friends and others in my family saying that I would get a huge party and get a ton of gift money from friends and relatives. My parents finally relented when I told them that if they made me do it, I would stand up there on the altar, tell everyone that they believe in a pack of lies, and that I worship Satan. (I didn't worship Satan, I was just an atheist who found it against my moral principles to do some kind of religious ceremony for gifts and a fucking party.) My Busia, a lifelong Catholic, actually respected me for not standing up and lying in her church for financial gain and attention, something a lot of other 13-year-olds wouldn't even think about. That was fifteen years ago, and it hasn't derailed my entire life. I was allowed to stand my ground, even was a teenager, and I turned out okay. Imagine that! Ugh, that pissed me off so much. Grow the fuck up, you petulant brat.
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