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Diana Berry

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Everything posted by Diana Berry

  1. Did anyone get what Lyanna exactly said to Ned? I couldn't catch all the dialogue.
  2. I hope Chad's sidekick (Daniel?) joins him on. Bachelor in Paradise. He needs a sounding board to bring out more of the funny.
  3. So very sad. Condolences and prayers for her family.
  4. Is there going to be a season 3? According yo Wiki, Lancashire is saying no to season 3.
  5. I've really grown to like this show. i thought maybe there was something in the lei that was put around downey's neck ( I read way too many mysteries). It was very ambiguous. I did get all teary eyed. can April work as a nurse with TB? so if Reese had taken the pathology position, how long would she have had to stay until trying to go into another field?
  6. What was going with the mentor surgeon at the end? They started laughing but I was lost about why?
  7. I guess we don't have to worry about this show. It's on the just released cancelled list.
  8. I'm confused. If next weeks episode is the finale and ties up loose ends, what would the storyline be if the show is renewed?
  9. What was incompetent detective lady doing at the end of the show on the floor ( and please don't say trying to escape this show)?
  10. I think everyone put through were the top three I tunes except Mary Sara , she must have taken Katie B's spot. Which bears the question, do the judges pick the 3rd highest vote getter or who they really want to go through?
  11. Yes loved Scotty laughing (secretly cringing). You go girl.
  12. Sorry if this has been asked. How much does the bachelor/bachelorette get paid for the season?
  13. How is Lauren going to feel when she realizes he loves her just a little bit more than Jojo?
  14. Sorry the file is not coming up for me. What was the ruling?
  15. Am I the only one not impressed by nick's debut song?
  16. Right decision by the judges. But Gianna does seem like a very sweet girl.
  17. I never bothered to see mad max fury road since I loved the original so much.
  18. Curious. Why isn't dodds Jr in the opening credits?
  19. I don't have cable. Is there any way to stream it?
  20. The late dad really did sound like a great guy. I'm still not sure if son has it in him to mingle with the little people. I did like the sous chef guy just because he seems willing to work. I'm also interested in the co executive chef scenerio.
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