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Everything posted by renatae

  1. [Bilal setting house on fire] "Shaeeda, this is all your fault! I've done everything for you!"
  2. Ed is into "design?" Couldn't tell by the dump he lives in. Thought the only ideas he had about design was how to best place his chick pics. G'nite folks! Have a great week!
  3. So, I'm here late again, forgive me! Prayers for you and your friend , sainte-chapelle! But, what's wrong with you people? Grangie is on a Mission From God! Wonder how her chain smoking will affect her fragile patient. Kody, it's time to stop the farce. and set these women free from your vile self. Pronto. Blockhead, still not understanding the Law of Diminishing Eggs, continues to assert he's the only one who's given up anything. So charming; what a joker. I'm dying of laughter. I guess I forgot our entire lives ended when we had kids. They must have first aid services and a food bank at the spa or Saint Yara would certainly not have taken Karina there.
  4. Someone grab a kidney basin, stat! Kodo is about to lose that knifed kidney. Ah, the anguish! No one is obeying! He can't remember if he loves Christine or not! Oh, well, let's move on to denigrating the "relationship" with Janelle. Once we've done our best to drive her into the ground, maybe we can finally figure out how to get rid of Meri, who is sure this is all Christine's fault for not wanting to play doormat. The devil's Kodo's work is never done.
  5. I feel like Josh(?) really set up Natalie and expected everyone to believe him when he accused her of sending unprovoked emails to all his co-workers. Backfire! The mess between Debbie and Colt looks pretty shocking. I don't know how he can accuse her of not being a mother to him. What a narcissistic toad he is. Back to the ugly with Ronald. He certainly reverts to type when things don't go his way. (Flounces off.)
  6. Goodnight, all! Great to join you again! I have to slip in and out, so I hope to see you tomorrow!
  7. Same for me. The army sent him to a temp post which families were forbidden to come to. AT ALL. I left the post we were permanently assigned to and took our baby to my parents' house for the duration. When he came back, I came back. It was closer for him to visit on weekends anyway.
  8. I haven't seen much of PrEd and Liz, but isn't HE the cause of all the arguments - just like that nonsense about her having a lesbian affair? So why would his family blame her? Would love to see Jenny's daughter put Sumit's family to the fire the way they do to Jenny. And here's Jenny trying to plan to get Sumit to US when she knows he doesn't want to go.
  9. I don't think Jovi's issue is that he's afraid of her being independent. I think he's afraid she won't come back at all. That being said, why can't they agree that when he is done with the next job, she comes home? Jovi drinking beer for breakfast. Stellar.
  10. I'm not buying Mike's "she tore my heart out when she left" story. I remember the passive-aggressive way in which he treated her ever since she arrived. Yes, she's nuts and self-centered, but Mike's no choir boy in this relationship. Natalie seems to have really realized her part in this, and Trish can take her ugly inside and out self to the curb. I loathe her nastiness.
  11. I blame production for these participants suddenly looking like they've outgrown their clothing. Look at how Debbie has changed. Many of these participants came to us with too much hanging out, but others suddenly changed when they became active dating participants.
  12. Oh, and that Wolf Ledges commercial where everyone rides giant wolves to the park, which is surrounded by woods, looking really isolated. The wolves are scary as well as it being stupid to assert any co-mingling between humans and wolves. I live near Wolf Ledges and it's surrounded by hotels and office buildings and is right off a major road. You can probably see I-94 from the rooms.
  13. They must make a lot of money for the insurance salesmen and the provider. You never hear commercials about Medigap policies, probably because they are superior. But Part C? Constant drumming. My own insurance provider called me the other day about getting a Part C plan! I already have a Medigap plan with them. But part C doesn't have all my drugs, won't let me choose my own doctor, and has a crappy HMO plan. No thanks! That Revlon Colorstay commercial is driving me nuts with that intermittent motor noise. It makes me think my sump pump is on the fritz again. Why can't these advertisers get it through their thick skulls that annoying people isn't the way to gain new customers? 😡
  14. Troll Kody certainly has his nerve! "After all I sacrificed to love you!!" Like when he told Christine he didn't want to be on intimate terms with her in any way? What did he expect? Apparently the same blind obedience he got from Meri when he pulled similar crap on her. This goblin is only angry that his dream of playing Maharajah to a harem is falling apart. As it should. Oh, and TLC bucks.
  15. Bilal, again. As much as I hate him, Shaeeda's friend is pushy and out of order.
  16. This jerk Bilal. He considers her desire to have children "baggage?" Tool. Everything he keeps saying about "building the relationship first" sounds kinda crazy. It's not as though they just met, or that people don't continue to grow together just because they have kids. It's the opposite, jerk. Makes me wonder if wife #1 used to cut him off after each child. Or, of course, he does a good imitation of a child himself. Usman's mother sure found a delightful girl. Move over, Kim! So Sumit can't handle Jenny's arm injury? My son did something similar but worse (broke his arm at the growth plate near his elbow) when he was 11. This is not a big deal, Sumit! Grow up! And NOW he's talking about a child? I forgot how he is planning to accomplish this. Jovi: Everybody has a previous life. True, but for most it wasn't a life of debauchery so profound that your good friend can't believe you actually got married. Only about halfway through this farce, so maybe more later, lol.
  17. It looks like the con artist has met his match. They both seem to be trying to outfox each other in the financial department. This could turn out to be the most interesting story of the series. Of course, his having made her POA puts him behind the 8 ball. But I'm interested in seeing how this plays out.
  18. What is with this idiot Melissa, going to the work site, flashing everybody, and making out with him? Is she trying to get him sent back? She doesn't have two brain cells to rub together. Enter Snake, who thinks he can bamboozle whatsername, and us, into thinking his buddy wants her to "invest" in "this little business deal we startin' up." 🙄
  19. I agree. As a former OB nurse, I can't see that this woman would not have been able to find a doctor. There was no hope in her situation, so doing nothing was practically sentencing her to death. More likely, the doctors responsible would be charged for not intervening. To me, that was such a bogus case.
  20. No current laws seek to punish the woman, so there's that. I was thinking the same about Helen. It's as though she never existed. Max sure doesn't seem to miss her. Then there's the other extreme, Carter on ER mooning around for about fours years for dolt Kem who was carefree as a butterfly with anyone but him.
  21. Exactly. All of them acting like the sky was falling was ridiculous. New York legalized abortion three years before Roe v. Wade. Also trying to present the woman who didn't want the abortion as anything but a mother who made a choice of hope was offensive. Many women do refuse treatment during pregnancy and have had good outcomes. I couldn't take this episode and turned it off.
  22. Yet they claim Gwen stayed away for six months but the baby remembers her. Exactly!
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