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Everything posted by renatae

  1. Oh, yeah, that heinous observation. Go, Grange. 🙄
  2. Hopefully because they want these people to do the work or fail - like Ed did. He's so self-involved. First he actually admits he cheated, then when Kelly calls him out, Ed calls him a bitch. Then, if course, once again, he yells at Liz for not defending his sorry ass. Grangela attacking Liz for exactly nothing, then trying to say Liz triggered her was yet another disgusting moment. This nonsense about Jovi being blindsided by the birth control is silly. Sure, Yara was wrong not to inform him, but how much of a surprise can it be when she keeps telling him she's not ready for another baby? Then, true to form, he goes off and drinks a Jeroboam of booze singlehandedly. This show. 🙄
  3. Riley trying to gaslight Violet into thinking everyone in USA sics PI's on their love interests made me see red. First, he insists on extracting an apology from her about writing to his dad, which was bad enough. I have a feeling the reason she was so adamant that she did nothing wrong was that in her culture, that's normal. But Riley can pound rocks. Christian inviting that total stranger to their dinner was so rude, as was the fact he chatted up this woman in the first place. Amanda, Aw, poor thing. You sat there practically with a smirk on your face while Razvan told you how hurt he was that you ripped him to shreds. Then when he recovers enough to realize he doesn't have to show up for this sort of treatment anymore, you suddenly decide to be conciliatory. Sucks to be you. I hope he dumps your sorry self.
  4. She didn't want him until he shut her down. She was staring daggers at him and now she wants to be all conciliatory. Douchess.
  5. Hi, everyone! Hubby keeps watching TV overtime. Nikola and Gino always look so furtive. Creeps me out.
  6. Ed, likeable and relevant? More like opprobrious and obnoxious. If the show runner likes him so much, let him entertain him at home behind closed doors and spare us!
  7. I know I said I wouldn't watch The Last Resort, but here I am hate watching. Well, true to form, narcissistic Ed is at it again. They broke up after his hateful behavior at the tell all, which was basically the same as ever. Well, they got back together, not because he missed Liz. Oh, no, he had shoulder surgery and was immobilized. Needed help. Prick.
  8. You are correct, but I'm used to considering it to be the processed type, not the recently excreted.😬 Also, Jean Jean, you are correct, but I think these two went overtime, lol. TJ and his brilliant plan to blindside whatsername after the marriage with the scut expectations is pushing my buttons. I see Mary is of the "Do as I say, not as I do" persuasion.
  9. I know Danielle is a twit, but I saw red when her friends first inquired into their financial issues, and then went on to quiz and lecture them about their choices regarding children. FFS, MYOB! YMMV, LOL. Elsewhere, I may never eat rice again. I knew they used paddies, but the thought of animal excrement in them never occurred to me.
  10. I'm afraid her dad died. He didn't look too healthy.
  11. I think he just was comparing himself to Jesus in general. I think his smug avoidance of anything she wants to talk about is a red flag. Then he tries to gaslight her by telling her she's unreasonable for wanting to be heard. I've only ever seen him avoid any issue she's brought up and I think another red flag is that he is completely unwilling to introduce her to his family. Goodnight, everyone! Have a great week!
  12. Yes! She was a real trooper and she made it! There were stairs involved and somehow she navigated them. I was only able to clear off a few feet of sidewalk with the broom as I couldn't be away from the baby too long. She was a doll about it. Very cheerful.
  13. Jerk. Big hugs. We had a Valentine's Day blizzard here in Chicagoland in 1990. The snow was deep and we were waiting for the visiting nurse to come change our toddler's IV. No way to shovel as we were renting a condo while our house was being built and there was nothing but a broom.
  14. Not sure which is more off-putting to me - Gino's face of avoidance or Nikola's "I wish for you to shut up" face. Both are constant and tiresome.
  15. From pipingpotcurry.com: "Basic Indian Curry Sauce is an aromatic, flavorful and versatile base for many Indian curries, lentils and rice dishes. It is made from onions, tomatoes, ginger, garlic and spices, which are the base for more Indian dishes." I guess JT or whatever's family doesn't eat curry!
  16. Kimberly is sweet and I feel badly for her. Too bad she apparently hasn't at least watched some of the other episodes with Indian families.
  17. My mind is absolutely blown about this "relationship." Just crazy. Kimberly is so unclairvoyant it's ridiculous. If she had a gift, or even a bit of discernment, she'd know she is in for a life of being controlled by this prevaricator and his family. One who thinks the best way to deal with her expectations is to hide the truth and keep reassuring her to "trust him." ETA Twirly - you beat me to the punch, lol. GMTA!
  18. I can't believe they're giving Big Edbuser another go 'round. Not for me. The sex TMI is getting worse and worse. Blech.
  19. David's expression rarely changes and it creeps me out. Violet seems to really like him so I hope it goes well for them. Nicola telling Meisha she was more tolerable with her mouth shut. Seriously, dude? She's trying to talk about important issues and he acts like a four year old. He's been chatting with her for seven years and his brother is so busy he can't even mention her. Sure. The big guy with Violet seems to expect way too much. Sure, she should be available, but it seems nothing she does is enough.
  20. In the past, I always leaned towards Melissa's side, but that changed. First, it was Teresa's daughter's saying they really weren't around during the jail years, whereas M&J kept acting as if they were holding the family together and were always there for the girls. Then there was all the passive aggressive stuff about the wedding. "You didn't invite Melissa's relatives who hate you." "Melissa doesn't want to be in the wedding. You should have asked her, anyway." Teresa, "OK, she can be in the wedding," and some comment like she (Tre) was fine with that and not resentful. Melissa refuses. Joe later has a hissy over, among other things, "Teresa didnt ask Melissa to be in the wedding." Finally, the nasty social media postings during the wedding. In between all that, the Ste. Melissa act, complete with cutting remarks. That was enough for me. YMMV.
  21. When we were kids, we had a drawer under the table meant for silverware, but it was empty. My brother used to hide his peas in there. Come cleaning day, dried up peas were rolling around everywhere inside. "Ronald!!"
  22. I agree that Amanda is simply not ready to find another husband and I find the two, especially her, extra cringe worthy. They make me truly uncomfortable. She's so demanding, and I don't think he can do anything that pleases her. What sort of person thinks it's weird to keep tissues by the bed? Who wants to get up in the middle of the night just to blow their nose? Guess she never had allergies or never sneezes at night. Meisha. In what world does a legitimate marriage which produced two children qualify for annulment? Tyray Is really working hard on his self-delusional skills.
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