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Everything posted by renatae

  1. I hardly know where to start, so many of these couples trigger me. I'll have to go in order of my messed up memory, lol. Kara is so immature, no wonder she picked someone younger than she is - and he is still more mature than she is. I've heard "I want to be my own person and do what I want all the time" so many times in just the first hour that I'm ready to commit seppuku. Whatever happened to the knowledge everyone can't just serve themselves and act on their own immature leanings all the time? Miona doesn't think she has to dress reasonably or contribute to the people she is mooching off of. Thais doesn't seem to be aware John is probably contributing half the household expenses and acts as though *she* owns the place. And John is another immature jerk who needs to lay off the booze. Patrick deserves better. They need a different living arrangement at the least. The middle aged blond with the special needs child also needs to grow up. Why is she marrying a Muslim man without having the least idea about his culture? I thought he was very polite about letting her know about the strictness he is used to, but I don't see her agreeing to do anything differently. Bilalzebub just gets more infuriating. She can't playfully touch him without him going on ad nauseum about being "disrespected." Oh, I hate that non-word, mostly because it's used so often by people who have nothing to be respected for. He can lecture her, prank her and treat her any way he feels like, but she can't give him some playful taps. He has her thinking this is something not done here and sooo outré. What baloney. Go stand in front of a mirror and lecture yourself to sleep, Bilal. (Oh, great, in the preview she says she feels like she's met her perfect match {splutter, gag!} and he so graciously tells her he doesn't think his match exists. Well, he's correct. I hope for her sake this is this end of them.) Preview Emily is more and more of a wet blanket. Poor Kobe.
  2. It was pretty upsetting to see Kylen refusing to see her mother during labor because she "wanted Palm Tree Head." After all he put her through and brought on himself, then turned it into "I got kicked out because of you." His deflection is maddening. When I watch him and Bilalzebub on the same night, I fear for my mental health. Poor parents Kylen. She lets him turn them into shadow people.
  3. I couldn't believe when Ari said, "I thought we'd just come here and have a new start, and now there's all this financial pressure." Seriously, it never occurred to you that you'd have financial responsibility? How old are you? Obviously expected mom and dad to take over again.
  4. Kind of sad when you choose your spouse just to tick off your parents. And so many did.
  5. Are you sure? You look like you're not old enough to *count* to 60, lol. Congratulations! 🎊🎉🎊
  6. I'd be more discreet, but the basement?? Plus wean the kid just for him?
  7. Yes. I think it's reprehensible. She's 37 years old and childless. He looks like just another one of those oafs who lead someone along until she's in his grip, then becomes immovable on the issue of children.
  8. This lady bugs me. It's not that I find many of her statements questionable. She should be able to say what happens in her own home. But I consistently get the feeling that she's a "do as I say, not as I do" person who expects perfection in others. Besides which her daughter needs help with the baby at night and I don't see her doing it. They actually all get on my nerves.
  9. Bilal already has me gritting my teeth. When the kids asked if she wanted more children, she deferred to him. Then he nastily and loudly said, "They're asking you, not me." Very confrontational and he's already on my crap list.
  10. Last year was my last. I came back from a year or two away and only stuck around to see Erika get her comeuppance. Instead, we got more of her cruel and nasty snits, lack of apologies and accountability, and hauteur. They're bringing her back for more? Not for me. I don't care if she gets paid or not, whether she benefits or not, whether Bravo benefits or not. I'm not tuning in for more of her hate, especially since I can't stand Rinna or Kyle anymore, either.
  11. This is one weird group, more than usual it seems. None of these people seem to have anything close to a future. Martel, with the bump on a log personality, (when he's not being outright verbally abusive) allows that he's always felt that *he's* the catch, so I guess the lucky lady had better get down on her knees and start groveling. Antoine, another slug without a personality who thinks he's God's gift to womankind, will not be missed. I'm breathing a sigh of relief. I hope Lacey gets over him yesterday. Lacey and Martel's girlfriend have such terrible taste in men - like just about every woman on the show. But it would be more understandable if the guys had a glimmer of a soul. Which reminds me of Branwyn's friend saying that Courtney's "the kind of guy you instantly vibe with." Yeah, as soon as I connected with those dead eyes and that monotone voice, I was captivated. At least I can be happy that Indie left Harry's butt in the dust. I hope her little girl will get over him soon as well. ETA: Oh, no! Just found out Lacey is pg with Antoine. Awful.
  12. I think Columbus, and especially its gargantuan university, is beautiful. I love the reflecting pond and park. Visited there for a homecoming in the late 60's and loved it. ETA: "Lake effect snow" and Cleveland are practically synonymous, lol. I've lived in three locations with lake effect snow and it feels like a curse. Akron, Buffalo, Chicago. Chicago being the most ironic since we are east of the lake. Who'd a thunk it?
  13. Not desperate to get away from the 1 1/2 yr old baby, but desperate for some alone time with my husband, who'd been away for 10 weeks at boot camp, and was going back for OCS after about a week. It doesn't sound like long now, but it was an awful time. Mom and dad kept him overnight at their home the first night. The ironic thing was we also planned another night that week to go out to Big Boy's, so my parents watched him for the afternoon and evening. We'd been swimming and came back to our apartment to a phone call from my mom, desperately saying, "I tried to stop her, but your roommate from nursing school said she was on her way for a visit (from 30 miles away) and wanted your address. I'm sorry! I tried to explain." When roommate arrived, she wanted to know what was for dinner. I told her our plans. She opined that she hated Big Boy and glared at me, expecting me to change plans and fix them some dinner! Sorry, wasn't planning on caving, lol. The nerve! Sorry, I became ill last night and couldn't stick around for the live chat. Better today!
  14. Lawrence seems to be a seething, self-absorbed hothead with Lisa Simpson hair. "What you do isn't hard." Clueless.
  15. OMG! This ignoramus Palm Tree Head! The midwives saying they didn't have a plan and weren't on the same page was slightly incorrect. Jason has a plan he wishes he could carry out. It's for her to go out in the cotton fields on the back 40 and drop the baby there, then resume picking. 😡 Ridiculous that he didn't want her to have fluids and insisted they were drugs. Idiotic that he wasn't concerned when her BP and pulse were elevated and refused the ambulance, saying she "just came here too early" and "wasn't even dilated," and they should just go home and go back in the morning! How the h-e-double-hockeysticks would you know? You wouldn't even let them check her progress! My most gratifying moment was when she said, more than once, "Are you trying to kill me, you dumb ****?" He wants to know what the hospital can do that the midwives can't. Throw your jerk ass out, that's what. I think I'll stock up on confetti and champagne for the glorious moment! ETA: AR Traveler, I'm so sorry about the prognosis for your daughter. I pray she will surprise the doctors with a long life. Plant creature, LOL. Good one, AR Traveler!
  16. The Kardashians look low rent despite their money.
  17. I wish I could "like" this 1000 times. After seeing his game, his face and expression make me stabby.
  18. I heard that place is full of romance scammers. I'm so curious now! Hi, everyone! I might actually be on time and chatting! Dinner over, etc. Hubby's watching reruns of "Lost in Space" so it's dubious, lol. I play WWF. The romance scammers are a big pain. They take up space in your limited number of games. It's a pain to even just delete them. Guaranteed, they are widowed, have young children or pets who are ill, and live in some outpost, having served in a military they know nothing about. Bah!
  19. That's what I thought until I looked more closely at her bone structure - then I could see it.
  20. I'd like to know since he feels she should think his dilapidated previous home should be good enough for her, why isn't he living in it? Why is he now sporting expensive watches, luggage, clothing, home and automobile if his earlier environment is "who he is?"
  21. Palm Tree Head won more points for insisting Kylen "only had one contraction" and got so miserable, insinuating she was over reacting. Then it comes out later that she's been in labor at least several hours and it actually started at 4 a.m. I live for the episode (I hope it's next week) when the punk gets kicked out of the labor room for whatever he did. I hope it's not long before we see him escorted to jail. Nobody put that smirk on your face nor those constant "I know it all" comments in your mouth, PTH. You make yourself look bad; you don't need any help. Your crowning achievements for the evening were the comments "No, you're not in labor," and "Why did you have to choose today?"
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