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Everything posted by renatae

  1. My jaw dropped when he said that. I can't imagine a single man I've ever known who would utter the words "my dream wedding." Except with PBR's and nachos, lol.
  2. 57 years here. In the 70's and 80's here in the Twin Cities: 30 minute church ceremony followed by a buffet dinner at the VFW, KC Hall, Elk's Lodge, open bar and a DJ. Couple stayed until the end to thank everyone for coming. For the most part that is how it went down. Now? $10,000 to start for a venue? Geezaloo no thank you. Actually, I'm not 53 - I've been married 53 years, lol. I do remember in the 70's people started doing Elk's club, etc. Our small church would usually hold the cake reception. We had ours at my parents' house and we had a ball. Neighbors teasing each other, and one of our female friends got hilariously tipsy and her fiancé was trying to coax her away from the wall she was depending on for support. My aunt wound up chasing my little brother around the garage to retrieve a bottle of 🥂. No sloppy drunks, just a few tipsies. 🥴 Ah, the good old days, lol.
  3. In my day, (53 years and counting!) the norm was pretty much church or civil ceremony, and a cake reception afterward. Actual dinners were rare. Hard for me to accept that now it's cocktail hours and midnight snacks, along with dances and multiple showers. No wonder these people can't afford weddings these days.
  4. I think I know which one you mean. I think she lived in Florida. They did say on one of the shows I saw that they thought the suspect might be a woman, because of the way the person moved, and the projected height. Regarding Shriner, I believe the program did say a big part of the scam was her constantly asking for money and scamming people into buying orgone from (and for?) her.
  5. I've only just started watching, but David is a piece of work. He baits Jibri about Miona. I don't think Jibri was trying to start a physical fight when he tapped David on the back of the neck, but David takes him down, anyway. David keeps yapping about Miona, Jibri keeps saying "concentrate on recording, never mind about Miona." Then David accuses Jibri of bringing Miona into everything, and convinces Jibri it's *his* fault for bringing her up, when it was actually David. Later, Jibri tells everyone he feels like he gave up the band for Miona. Did we not see that David calls Jibri on the phone and the next thing we see, he's headed for Chicago, and not listening to any arguments to the contrary? These guys need a referee and to watch themselves on tape. Their music stinks. Jibjab needs to rent that truck.
  6. Watching "Devil in the Web - Reptile Cult" about Sherry Shriner. I'd never heard of her before. The narrators are acting like she is this super charismatic radio person who could draw in just about everyone with her expertise in production of radio shows. Then you hear her voice and wonder what they're smoking. Gravelly, world weary voice droning on about she's in direct contact with God and the Devil, some sort of uber prophetess who is your only salvation. "We gotta get this army going against the conspirators, get off your butts" type of thing. Yes, she phrased things this way. Quite erudite and professional. 🙄 After the first two sentences I heard, I was thinking, boy, anyone with half a brain would have dived for the power button. Haven't finished watching, so I don't know how they finally stopped her, but there appear to be murders on the road to justice.
  7. Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross! Idiot first says someone has made women worried about odors that don't exist, then turns around and says we need deodorant for those parts. The whole thing is cringe worthy.
  8. There's a new commercial out which I hope will die an early death. I don't know what it's for, but it begins with a loud smoke alarm! What is wrong with these people? They just alienate me.
  9. Me, too! One of my biggest pet peeves! Of course, I also hate it when I'm hospitalized and people neglect my railings. I always remind them. This is basic, folks. Nursing personnel are always taught to keep those things up.
  10. We had the Alice and Jerry books, too! For some reason I don't remember being read to, but I'm sure I was. My parents put education as a high priority. I remember in First grade trying to print the letters we hadn't been taught, trying to keep ahead of the game. I do remember my dad taking me to the library nearly every week when I was old enough. It was in the renovated basement of a large Victorian house and had a special smell the kids of my era remember well. I'd get to pick out 3 or 4 books and was so excited to get them home! Regarding the OCD, yes, I'd be the one eyeing the rearranged books and be hard pressed not to move them on the spot. Nowadays, it is difficult to do all the things I used to do to keep everything straight, and it drives me nuts! Now I understand why senior citizens have so much clutter. First, you can't remember what you restocked, and when you buy it again, you can't find a place for it. 😡
  11. Ahhh! Motor mouth gets her due! I can't believe she has the lack of insight to hink she was being helpful. No, just nagging! Great to see him tell her to shut up. I have mixed feelings about Thais. When she first came, I thought she was being pushy, wanting John out of the house but this new deal with moving and him still wanting John there, instead of in his own place nearby is a little strange. It sounds like he thinks they should always live together. I don't blame her for not wanting to be the third wheel in the brother's relationship. The house was ugly and it was obvious she hadn't even seen it, while John was all moved in. Tight white boxes, no personality at all. Ari reminds me why I found her insufferable.
  12. It takes time for issues with formula to show up. Sometimes it takes a few switches before a compatible one is found. Also, iron in formula can cause little ones stomach upset.
  13. Jason: It's a mystery why you think you're all that. You are crude, a self-absorbed, manipulative bully who is not nearly as cool and smart as you think you are. Your immaturity is boundless. Kylen: Please wake up and see Jason for who he is. You said he was unfairly portrayed. So why does he tell you to grow up when you want to see your family for a few minutes, yet he is living with and off of his parents. How is he grown up? Why are you too afraid to tell him you want to see more of your family? Because he bullies you, that's why. He's keeping you away from your very ill father because it pleases him to control you. He gaslights you and blames you for things which are HIS fault. It's not your fault he got kicked out of the delivery area. His own mouth and intransigence caused that. But you are still listening to him tell you it's your fault because you wanted relief from the incredibly long hours of labor you were in, which he credits you not a whiff for. He never said a comforting word to you. Including when he refused to stay in the room with you because all he cared about was extracting a promise from you that you would only do as he said and refuse the epidural. It was all "You're a drug addict, we came here too early, you're not in labor, you don't need any pain medicine, you need to promise me not to take an epidural {or just about any other comfort measure} blah, blah, blah." Let's not forget how many times he mentioned how hard your labor was on HIM. When he got himself kicked out, he had you so gaslit that you didn't even want your mother around. He couldn't be there because of his own actions, so why did you have to spend your wonderful moments alone with no one to encourage you or celebrate with you except for the hospital staff? Please take a good open-minded look at what went on this season. Sure they may have left out some moments in which he was nice to you, but that's how abusers keep their victims on the hook. There are plenty of moments he showed a complete lack of concern for your safety and the baby's safety because he wasn't getting his own way. First, when he didn't want you to go to the hospital and get some fluids for your dehydration, and later when he refused to listen to the hospital staff when they tried to tell him what you needed. I was a labor and delivery nurse, and like the nurse said during your labor, I've never seen a father so completely indifferent to the safety and comfort of his partner, (and by extension, his child) as Jason was. What's good for the mom's health is good for the baby's health.
  14. Yes, I've noticed the same thing: Warning: sex, drugs, nudity, foul language, smoking.
  15. If there's anyone I dislike more than June, it's Jennifer. Spiteful being - and since she's the new one in town, where does she get off acting like everyone's done her dirt?
  16. I've never had quite as much disdain for MJ as most, but this week finally convinced me she really does completely suck as a parent. Why wasn't I totally convinced during all that nonsense with Geno? I guess because she was addicted and I knew she had better moments prior to that. But this week her complete indifference to Alana while texting some rando and arrogantly proclaiming she was "saving" him finally made me see the complete light. Some road to redemption.
  17. Ack. Yes, Natalie is a nut job and her crying is fake - except for the fact that she seems to have just realized he's stuck her in an untenable position. True to his passive-aggressive personality, Mike is not bothering to do anything regarding her status and green card. He revels in shutting her out and down, as he has since she first came here. She may be a nut, but he is one festering ball of revenge pretending he's just indifferent. Debbie sure had a mouth and strong opinions about several of the others. Her lack of relationships with Vanessa and Colt prove what became obvious about her since the beginning - it's not just Larissa and Jess and their faults. Debbie wants to be queen bee and she's incensed that, as she said, he's putting Vanessa first and Debbie thinks that's upside down. Vanessa was a great friend of Deb's until she committed the cardinal sin of becoming involved with Coltee and his heinous beard. I don't know what to think about Pred's mother and daughter refusing to speak to him and saying he and Liz are "selfish" to get married. I didn't watch the season, specifically so I didn't need to watch Pred, but this has me curious.
  18. Nope, I don't think you forgot, because I don't remember it ever happening, either, which has really bugged me. Maybe she just didn't want to commit (remember how Luka had to drag her down the aisle) so didn't want to bring it up. Another thing that bugged me about the non-proposal was that soon after John declared he loved Abby as she was, he immediately dropped the proposal when Abby said she didn't think it was possible for people to change. All his protestations aside, that gave him pause.
  19. Actually, right about the time he got hit, she realized she really did care for him, and started to go in search of him. Unless my memory is totally wanked again, lol.
  20. Yeah, this sort of thing always bothers me about these medical shows, and highest on my list is surgery done in the ER, especially by ER doctors. I'm watching the Carter/Kem episode wherein he goes to Paris when he hears her mother is ill. God, she irritates me. Six months after she loses the baby, she's out having a great time without Carter. It seems every time she's with him she's mooning around like a sick cow who can't get over the death of the baby, but she was having a great time with her ex when Carter showed up on her doorstep. I'm not negating the idea that a parent in such a situation might have a problem continuing in the same milieu, but Kem just irritates me. The scene in which she shows up for the dedication of the new Carter Center (or whatever it's called) only to turn around and leave immediately afterword makes me stabby. Hate her almost as much as early seasons of Morris.
  21. I took "ground nut" to mean a type of nut, so I had to look it it up. There are ground nuts and tree nuts, and peanuts are a type of ground nut. You are so right about young children and nuts. Emily and her mom showed up just in time, which makes me wonder if we are being manipulated again. At any rate, I'm so relieved Koban wasn't fed any of them.
  22. Emily the Mouth is so dictatorial that she's annoying the death out of me. I can't imagine how Kobe feels. He can't drive the car because his child is in it? The only thing she and her mom had a point with was the nuts, and yes, it was a big one! Yve should have asked this question as soon as they started to get serious: "Do you expect me to live as a Muslim?" I don't feel sorry for her that she was stupid enough not to ask. Her butt hanging out in that dress was ridiculous. And how did she think he would feel about bikinis in the future after their first fight over it? She's in LA-LA land and her friends are nasty. Ditto Bini's sisters. They were delighted at the prospect that he might tell them he is miserable. I believe they deliberately sabotaged the relationship by runtelldatting to Ari while she was away. Similarly, Ari's sister had the audacity to ask what they were arguing about as if it was any of her business. Butt out, everyone! Balloon lady needs punctured. She's a mean piece of work. Both she and her ex are cases of arrested development. She "forgot" her ex stormed out and broke up with her for cheating on him? Okaaay. Miona is pretty demanding, but I'm with her on the beach wedding. Why does he think that would be so expensive? Of course, nothing can be cheaper than grandma's farm, but, yuck. Ah, Bilalzebub. Still stringing her along about kids. He's so romantic. Blech. She needs to learn romance is more than boat rides, etc. Anyone can make grand gestures. Real romance is day to day consideration. For Bilal, gestures are how he keeps women he's abusing stick it out with him.
  23. Are they just going to pretend Jo never told Link she loved him? 🙄 I'm in the minority; I'd like to see them together. I like the Jo character and find Amelia is just all over the place. She is settling down a bit. However, Kai's lack of personality is weird and unsettling. I would love to see her gone. There's no chemistry there and it's so off-putting. Japril! Yay!!
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