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Everything posted by bearcatfan

  1. I think Shatner got involved because this is the 3rd or 4th Twitterstorm in a week because someone said that Sam and Cait aren't a couple, or something related to it. First, Shatner made a joke when someone jokingly said that he should fix Sam up with one of his daughters. Shatner said his daughters were married but @lisamariiiie is single and met Sam at the Paley event. She must have received some hate tweets because then she said that they can stop hate tweeting her because she didn't attend with Sam, she went with Paul Camuso. Then Paul chimed in and said that he knew for a fact that Sam and Cait are not a couple. Both of these people are friends with Shatner. Then, when Cait said in her interview that she and Sam aren't a couple and that some people seem to have a problem separating the actors from their characters, both Sam and Cait were bombarded with tweets about throwing the fans under the bus and calling fans stupid and how Sam and Cait are responsible because of how they act when doing publicity for the show. That's when I think Shatner got fed up and entered the fray. Once you are in his inner circle, he is a very loyal friend. Considering his twitter picture is a picture of him and Sam, I'd say Sam has reached Shatner's inner circle. I don't follow an fan sites so I learned all this from the twitter accounts of Sam, Cait and Bill Shatner. Bill is also friends with the actors on Supernatural so it's not like he hasn't dealt with intense fandoms before.
  2. I thought I heard that they were no longer going to talk about Outlander because of the reactions that some of the fans had when they talked about that "Fandom is Broken" article. I didn't see the exchange myself so I can't really comment on what actually happened. Did anyone else hear this?
  3. Great! My memory of the sequence of events is obviously not the best but I was told that we were done with Paris until Voyager so I thought I'd missed it..
  4. They never confirmed on the show that Alex is actually Frank's ancestor and not BJR if I'm not mistaken. That's a huge thing that the nonbookreaders have missed. Many of them still think that BJR is his ancestor. I wish they had shown that Murtaugh relieved the Duke of his head, but I can live with that.
  5. Damn, I missed the baseball analogy. I'm going to comment on it anyway. The pigeon lady was the guy who bunted the runner over so that bloop single could drive in the run. It's much easier to drive in that run if the runner is on 2nd or 3rd than if he's sitting on 1st. I have no good explanation on how Amara healed God.
  6. While I don't believe that Amara would have killed Dean without pigeon lady I do think she helped validate what Dean later said about family. The fact that it came from someone who didn't have an ulterior motive where Amara was concerned certainly helped matters. This may sound crazy but I think that bullet didn't hit Sam at all. Either his previously dormant psychic powers stopped the bullet or God gave him some sort of protection because all we heard was the bullet hit the ground and saw a scared look on Toni's face. Maybe I'm only thinking this because of Jared's answer to the question about Sam's powers at JIBcon, but something happened to cause that look on her face and the nervous swallowing she did. I didn't hear one thing from Sam. No body hitting the floor. No cry of pain. There would be a grunt at least if he was hit, right? At least we know they got Baby out of the bunker. We didn't see her last week, did we?
  7. Just watched Season 2's Sadie, Sadie and I thought the middle of that episode was a good moment from Emily. She clearly wasn't happy at first with Dean being there but quickly put it aside and was very kind to him. She even appeared to be sympathetic when Richard went on his illogical interrogation and rant. It may have been because she realized that Rory was getting upset and not for Dean's sake but it still was there. Season 5 Emily wold have reveled in Dean being uncomfortable no matter how upset it made Rory.
  8. Wait, that wouldn't be Jennifer Horton would it? I haven't watched Days in years, stopped not long after Jensen left (not because he left but just couldn't watch daily anymore). I'm pretty sure she was an adult when Eric Brady was born. Of course they did age him to 16 in about 4 years so.. In any case, if it is Jennifer Horton, or whatever her last name is now (I'm using maiden) she should be close to 50 by now. The actress who plays her is 49. But it is a soap so I guess anything is possible.
  9. I'm not sure Frank believes Claire either. I think he wants to believe her but can't quite believe it. Even if he does believe her, Claire thinks that he doesn't and as Frank doesn't want to hear about it any more, I don't think she will ever think that Frank believes her. Therefore, Roger believing her should still have an impact on her.
  10. If you are talking about the family pet that got eaten, that was on Fear the Walking Dead.
  11. I don't drink much pop (like Denise) but if I do it's Coke Zero or Diet Coke. I refuse to drink Diet Pepsi. That stuff is foul!
  12. I've lived in Cincinnati my entire life and have never heard the term Jo Jo for potatoes of any kind. So that means it's neither a northeast nor a southwest Ohio thing. The only major city left is Columbus. Cincinnati is close enough to Dayton for me to assume that it's not a Dayton thing. We do say pop for any carbonated beverage. I did a fist pump and "yeah" when Denise explained that she was from Ohio.
  13. My past observations of The Spoiling Dead Fans is that their spoilers are extremely accurate. If you read their posts back several months, you will see that they have nailed nearly everything that has occurred, Generally, if they are not sure of what's in an episode, they will say that they haven't been able to confirm.
  14. This thread is spoiler for past events, right? I'll put this little tidbit under a tag then.
  15. During my nursing education back in the 1980s we were told that the effects of alcohol were not fully understood until recently and that we would have to educate women because their mothers, grandmothers, aunts would tell them that they drank while pregnant. I don't care what papers you have found that predate the 1970s, the fact remains that pregnant women were not explicitly told to avoid alcohol before that time.
  16. I'm sure we will. Hopefully people will remember that the dangers of drinking alcohol while pregnant has been a fairly recent discovery. It was only recognized in the 1970s so even Claire wouldn't have known the dangers from her original time period.
  17. Sorry. I edited my post to take that out.
  18. Good for him! It's amazing how literally they take the tweets where they call each other "wifey" and "hubby". Their characters are married so there's no big reveal there. There was a snapshot of a tweet from someone on the set with a picture of the 2 saying "the Mr. & Mrs." and they believe this is some big revelation. I'm 99.9% it was reference to their on-screen characters but I suppose it's possible that they did get secretly married and are trying to keep it secret but let people who know about their marriage tweet out things that tell everyone that they are married. I doubt it but I suppose it is possible. I think I need a shower now.
  19. Because when things like this happen I'm curious and currently unemployed with a little too much time on my hands, I went investigating and found a couple of tumblr blogs that "ship" Sam and Caitronia together. These people are convinced that this denial is because something happened to Cait to make her feel unsafe so they decided that rather than come out with their relationship, they decided to deny said relationship. A relationship in which they are convinced that the 2 are married with a baby on the way. They are putting most of the blame on people they cause "antis" or "truthers" who they claim harrass the 2 (why, I'm not clear). Of course, I also saw where these "shippers" stopped voting for Sam for the PCA for nearly a week because of an Instagram comment he made to a woman who was not Cait so I'm not sure why the "antis" are a bigger issue than the "shippers" as it seems the problem is the "shippers" (some of them) hate tweet to anyone that Sam and Cait seem to give any kind of attention to that isn't they other. I feel that I wasted far too much time on this but it's about 10 degrees here (Fahrenheit) so my options are clean the house or play on the internet. You can see what won out.
  20. In July, it seems I stated that Rankin looked like how I picture Roger when he was being discussed on people's wish list. I didn't remember that!
  21. Per @Outlander_Starz twitter account, Richard Rankin has been cast as Roger. I don't know him so I can't offer any input.
  22. Eugene has done something brave and important. Twice. He came in with the fire truck and used the hoses to fend off the walkers when everyone was trapped and he also saved Tara and then made sure that Glenn wasn't left behind when Nicholas wanted to leave. Eugene confuses fear with cowardice. He's very fearful but everytime he's the only one left to save the day, he comes through.
  23. I read a story about the decomposition of the corpses on the show and actually, they would down to just skeletons in about 9-12 months. I'm assuming that the brain would decompose as well and once the brain is gone, no more walkers. Of course, then the show would be over. There were be new zombies from new deaths but since the vast majority sucombed in the initial wave, they should be few and far between. http://hellogiggles.com/zombies-the-walking-dead/
  24. To be clear, it was the 8th episode filmed but was always going to be the 4th episode aired. Speculation is that they did it this way to give the remaining cast an extra long break as there was a break in filming that began after filming this epsiode. The spoiling sites knew filming for 4 was skipped back in June/July.
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