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Everything posted by bearcatfan

  1. Actually, I believe Gen once told Jared he was 8. I believe that was when he injured himself wrestling with Osric.
  2. I don't doubt that these 2 would pose for this picture. Why would they photo shop something like this when they could easily pose for it themselves? It would take much less time than photo shop. The real question is, did they actually use the makeshift bathroom? I could see it going either way, lol.
  3. Yeah, it was a joke but it was funny. I think one of them made the comment about how their panels would be popular once people found out they were giving out money. Was it Mark that started it? The years start to blur together. I found a bunch of videos of the various panels once I started watching the show. Being unemployed has been a bit difficult and the videos were funny so I would watch them for laughs.
  4. I agree. I think his hair looks better when he does it himself during hiatus and at the various cons.
  5. I know some oncologists do surgery, but that isn't their primary focus. It's treating cancer. It's not all doctors., it's primarily surgeons and there are exceptions. But considering how many surgeons I've seen with that particular personality trait it almost seems like there's a class they take to teach arrogance.
  6. That was my impression too upon my 3rd viewing. Prior to that I hadn't paid attention to the fluttering. I know plenty of women in their 50s who haven't that weight around the middle, even after 2 - 4 children. I'm not going to tell you that you are full of it. I will say though in my experience, orthopedic surgeons are the ones that are the most down to earth followed by neurosurgeons believe it or not. That may be because if you are calling in a neurosurgeon, it's often pretty bad. They may have developed more empathy as a result. Otherwise, my experience was that surgeons really believe that they are better than everyone else. So I'd say your analysis was pretty spot on.
  7. I'm done. I wouldn't have replied the 2nd time if I didn't believe what I was saying was misconstrued.
  8. I'm not sure if this is directed at me but I said it's not an issue with his body. It's an anxiety issue IMO. That doesn't mean it's related to his body. He has stated that he suffers from anxiety. He's stated that he see someone to help him cope with his depression and anxiety. It's a clinical illness and does not resemble the normal anxiety that the vast majority of us go through from time to time. My speculation is that clothing helps with the anxiety like he has stated his beanie helps. He doesn't always wear the beanie and he isn't always wearing a ton of clothes. This isn't related to any body image issues. It's purely an anxiety issue. The anxiety for Jared does not need to be related to anything. It just exists.
  9. He's mentioned before that likes wearing hoodies because it hides the belly. However, my point was just that being covered might be more of a comforting factor rather than being specifically anxious about his body. He has stated that he suffers from depression and anxiety. That's not related to any one specific thing. Everyone gets depressed or anxious at time but for people who suffer from clinical depression and anxiety, it's more of a constant that just occurs. His depression isn't because his life sucks, because it clearly doesn't. He isn't anxious because of a certain situation. It just is. I just think he finds the clothes comforting. Just like he has said he finds the beanies comforting. That doesn't mean he won't wear less at times. Of course, this is all speculation based on what he's said and the psychology classes and psychiatric clinical practicums I had as a nursing student.
  10. Pure speculation based on something I heard him say about his beenies, I think it's because of anxiety. The more he's covered, the less anxious he is. Just a guess but he has stated that his beenies are like a security blanket.
  11. Probably because almost anyone can edit Wikipedia and someone is convinced that she is of Mexican ancestry. DG and this person have probably been going back and forth for years!
  12. I know! One thing would be bad enough but lice, foot and mouth and a broken car is a very bad day.
  13. Looks like Misha had a rough day yesterday. https://www.facebook.com/officialmisha/photos/a.129194833769199.14975.127138843974798/1150479008307438/?type=3&theater
  14. I read somewhere that the ship scenes will only be one episode. I'll have to find where to determine if it's accurate but I didn't question it when I read it. I'm not sure what significant means as far as Frank is concerned. Was BJR significant this season? I think we had fewer scenes with him than Dougal.
  15. I agree with most everyone that I like Murtagh replacing Jamie at the wedding. Not only because he shouldn't have to be in the same room as BJR but also because I believe Jamie would be doing everything in his power to try to stop Culloden rather than wasting time attending the wedding of his rapist.
  16. A pregnant woman decided to text the girlfriend of the man who impregnated her, but got the wrong number. It looks like the wrong number is a Supernatural fan. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3651980/Woman-trolled-Imgur-announcing-pregnant.html
  17. Loved the episode! Characters were true, pacing was good and humor was sprinkled throughout. The changes from the book were true to the story and didn't feel forced. I think DG should write more episodes. I actually clapped when it was over!
  18. Some of them are. I seem to recall during the podcast of the episode in Season 1 with the duel that they couldn't actually fire the guns, even with blanks, because it spooked the horses too much and created a dangerous situation. Probably the same here.
  19. Exactly. Plus he had asked Claire for a kiss at the beginning. In hindsight, I should have realized but I didn't because I was so sure Rupert was going to die.
  20. How is he going to do this plus the panels this weekend? You said it catrox14, he is something else. I haven't figured out what yet. He is entertaining!
  21. I too was fooled into thinking it would be Rupert. I thought that maybe they cut the church and would have him die here, all the while forgetting that Angus had been hit. Then, afterward, I realized that Angus' death had been telegraphed. I have always liked Rupert more than Angus but I still cried just seeing everyone's reaction to his death. These last few episodes are going to be painful! I thought Colum died right before Culloden. I think we see the Duke's head prior to Colum dying. I was trying to figure out if he was supposed to be Hal and missed who he actually was, until Dougal killed him and I rewound to see what I missed. He would have made a good LJG.
  22. Did they think they were somehow hidden simply because he wasn't on tumblr? A simple google could have directed him to some of those things without him being on tumblr. If people are afraid of what he might see, maybe they shouldn't have posted it in the first place.
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