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Everything posted by bearcatfan

  1. Sam did say that she smelled good, too. I don't know if she smelled like food though.
  2. What I found interesting is that Sam, who loves to correct Dean, didn't jump in as well. I guess he was too worried about the internet connection.
  3. He didn't -- the other hunter wanted extra cheese because he was on a "carb load". The waitress and Cas point out that cheese is not a carbohydrate. I was going to say this too. Cheese has more fat and protein than carbohydrate. It does have a very small amount but it's minuscule. Also, it appears that Dean was going to state this as well. He was shaking his head. Maybe I'm strange but I love when Sam and Dean bicker about trivial things. Reminds me of my boys.
  4. I didn't realize that. Shows my inexperience with high stakes poker! When my husband and I go to the casino, I start panicking when I lose $20. Not a risky gambler. That's why I rarely go.
  5. Maybe whatever magic she used to change the cards also made the players forget what their cards were? I wondered the same thing but then figured that she probably took that into consideration and planned accordingly.
  6. I wonder if that means that the death is slow. If so, how slow? I can see Sam and Dean having an issue with a more torturous death, especially considering the alpha vamp did help them with that Leviathan problem a few seasons back.
  7. I agree. My FIL has dementia and he has no filters at all. He loves to go out to eat but we are limited on where we will take him because you never know what will come out of his mouth. Considering that he is in his 80s, a lot of learned filters are gone, such as what it is ok to say. He will use the n word without hesitation because when he was in his 20s, that is what was commonly used, even though he's hasn't used that term in 50 years. Cusses a lot too and my husband said he never heard him cuss when he was a kid, even when very angry.
  8. I could hear that every single day and never get sick of it. I love me some Def Leppard! The video does make me a bit sad however. Vivian Campbell is good, but I miss Steve Clark. One of the DJs on our local classic rock station introduces them by asking "What has 9 arms and can't spell?"
  9. It's been years since I've been to a Bon Jovi concert. Have fun. I could name 80s Bon Jovi but I have no idea who replaced Richie Samora and Alec John Such. I wonder if Sam chose them because although they were considered a hair band in the 80s, we also know that Dean likes them, on occasion.
  10. If they make Cas into a reaper does that mean that Sam and Dean won't have to worry about dying anymore? I mean, WE know that they aren't going to die but THEY don't know that.
  11. Joking at Sam's expense is such a brother thing to do. I have 2 boys and the brother moments of teasing each other feel very real based on my observations of them. I wonder how many of the little jibes are scripted and how many are ad libbed. Jensen stated once that the one about the clippers was ad libbed. Both of them are brothers so they have plenty of real life experience to draw from.
  12. I wouldn't look too much into that as the interview was with Ruth. I'm sure she has more information (and interest) about her character than Dean.
  13. That makes sense. I'll go with catrox theory that Cas trusted Ishim. Now, Cas trusts Sam and Dean over an angel but 100 years ago he wouldn't have thought that the angel was lying.
  14. Maybe Cas could feel the Lucifer spawn because it was Lucifer, and therefore more powerful, but he doesn't get it with a run of the mill angel spawn? Or close proximity makes a difference?
  15. I can't understand how you can discuss one brother without ever mentioning the other. Their relationship to each other is at the foundation of who each one has become as adults. Can you have discussions about Sam without mentioning Dean? Probably, but IMO those discussions wouldn't be very insightful.
  16. I hadn't really thought of it that way before. Maybe because Dean's rejections are veiled in sarcastic barbs Crowley doesn't take it to heart like he does with Sam? I agree with this. Light-hearted for me too!
  17. I understand what you are saying, however, the way I perceived it was a positive since "not Moose" came from Crowley. To Crowley the fact that it wasn't Sam was a good thing as he obviously prefers Dean to Sam. I also don't care if it changes as I'm not that invested in it. I just want the change to be something original rather than from a different board.
  18. I don't have a problem with either of the thread titles either. The fact that Crowley gave them those names obviously doesn't bother the actors as they even had a moose and a squirrel on the EW cover. If we do change them, however, I have liked the suggestions made by Catrox14. I have that fear as well. I wasn't on the TWoP site for this show as I didn't discover it until a little over a year ago, but I do know that the imdb board seemed to be very unfriendly to Sam. The respect shown on this site to not only the characters, but especially the actors, is why I'm here. I like both brothers, although I prefer Sam (it's the hair; I've always had a thing for men with longer hair). Even when people disagree, they are respectful.
  19. One of the reasons I gravitated here rather than the imdb boards was because this place is much more brother friendly. That is, while many have a brother they prefer, bashing of the other brother and/or the actor who portrays him does not occur.
  20. Interesting how the one guy was so sure that Sam and Dean were blood thirsty killers even after they merely put the lab guy in a drawer rather than killing him. In fact, Sam and Dean didn't kill anyone, yet he was still sure they were the bad guys. I don't think there would have been any reasoning with him but maybe with the older guy. He probably would have listened if they had been able to get Cas or Crowley to do some magic to prove that they weren't crazy.
  21. At this point they should probably make some sort of deal where Crowley leaves the boys alone because they are assets as he said and Sam and Dean leave Crowley alone because he's a known and anyone taking over could be worse. Since it's obvious that they aren't going to kill Crowley they should explain why. Of course that would mean that Sam would have to stop trying to kill Crowley.
  22. It was the episode where Denise gives Darryl a list of things that she wants and pop is on the list. He doesn't know what that is so she tells him with the explanation of "I'm from Ohio." IIRC, she wanted the orange pop as a gift for Tara. I think that was the episode where Darryl and Rick meet Jesus. I can take or leave Lucifer myself but did think that Rick Springfield did a good job.
  23. The freeway/highway/interstate discussion reminds me of the pop/soda discussion on TWD boards last year. I agree for the reasons you stated. I actually enjoyed the episode. I also haven't rewatched it yet but that's probably because I usually rewatch immediately after the episode airs and this week I watched the 2nd half of the Cincinnati/Iowa State basketball game.
  24. Many for profit businesses have a charitable arm. Even if Creation is in the money making business, that doesn't mean that they are skimming off of the profits rather than sending all the profits to charity. The firm I used to work for would sponsor several charitable events which involved a hefty donation to get their name on the t-shirts, time at work for rallies to get employees involved which took away from actual money making business and time for those employees that were more heavily involved in the planning. What the firm received back was good publicity. Is Creation's name on the merchandise somewhere? If so, I'd bet that publicity is all that they are taking, not profits.
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