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Everything posted by bearcatfan

  1. I think I'd purged the nonsense of Fanny and Jane running from my mind. Fanny has so much more sense than her sister. I was not annoyed at William during those scenes, rather I was annoyed for him. Like he doesn't have enough on his plate.
  2. Agreed if John ever actually tried to have sex with Jamie, Jamie might kill him. He did push it with what he said because it triggered a PTSD reaction. In his normal mind Jamie would not kill John and John thinking that he would means that John doesn't know Jamie as well as he think he does as someone mentioned. Claire would have made sure Jamie was fed first (I laughed at that) and she would never had told Jamie about what John was thinking because she knows what kind of reaction that would get. That made me think of an interview I saw with Steven Cree where he talks about he and Sam fixing the wagon and how they didn't know what they were doing. They spent most of the time trying to keep from cracking up. Good point about the humor. I enjoy the characters with humor more as well. I hope they infuse more of that into the show going forward.
  3. John is sure that Jamie is going to kill him and it's theorized that he thought that by he telling Jamie, he would prevent Jamie from taking out his anger on Claire. Maybe John actually thought this. My question is, does anyone really think that Jamie would have killed John if they weren't interupted or that he would have physically hurt Claire? I remember thinking that there's no way either of those things happen. Even less likely if John had kept the "we were both fucking you" out of it.
  4. I think it's more than a year but I agree with your point. They didn't have long together before they died and she wanted them to have more time.
  5. I could have done without the Gellis scene. It's very, um, creepy? I'm not sure of the word but it wasn't good. I actually almost laughed when Willie remembered how he got the rosary and instead of thinking "oh yeah, I loved Mac" he immediately gets angry about Mac leaving him. Even though he left because he was trying to prevent the very thing that's happening now, although I don't think Willie has realized that yet. It is interesting how WIllie isn't angry with Claire but is with everyone else who knew or suspected, and I'm not talking about John or Jamie. I wonder why she gets a pass from him but Hal, Ian, Rachel et al do not?
  6. I don't know how they set up those brackets but Sam vs Colin should have been the final match up, not round 4.
  7. There was a few scenes when John is a prisoner in the camp because I remember Claire fixing his eye. I just remembered that. I wasn't't sure of the chapter so thanks nodorothyparker for that as I'm sure it would have taken me a while to find it. Now I'll have to read "The Brotherhood of the Blade."
  8. Now I have a question for the peanut gallery. John and Jamie share one climactic scene together at the beginning of the book when Jamie hits John (twice) and then give him to the rebels. Do John and Jamie see each other again in this book? If so, can anyone tell me which chapter? Because I'd really like to re-read that scene. I think they see each other at Jane's funeral but don't' interact at all. I can't recall any other time. It's chapter 134. What novel is it with Jamie and John's "discussion"?
  9. I'm going to have to read that scene again because I'm not sure if John realizes his mistake was confessing to pretending Claire was Jamie rather than actually having sex with Claire. Not that Jamie was happy about that but he wouldn't't have been quite so violent about it.
  10. Before it broke Sam was less than 100,000 votes behind Colin and gaining fast.
  11. Earnie is a dolt. That's probably too kind. He only get that much because he did realize that Bree and the kids were in danger and helped them out. Of course they wouldn't have been in that much danger if he hadn't brought the kids back. I understand that pacifists don't want anyone to use violence, but that's not reality, not now and certainly not in the past. Some one has to be willing to use violence so the pacifists aren't enslavened or murdered. A country without a military force soon finds itself occupied. Everyone (characters) saying that they knew Jamie was Willie's father annoyed me too because they didn't know, they suspected. It is possible for unrelated people to resemble each other. Only a few people actually knew with certainty. The whole scene with Willie, Ian and Rachel was the height of my Willie annoyance. Ian had been nothing but kind to him and he hits Ian and then forces himself on Rachel. Not his best moment.
  12. I was thinking the other footman could come into play about it but unless Geneva's mother told Isobel, who told Lord John, I don't think Lord John knows.
  13. True although I would have to think someone is going to have to tell him because I doubt that WIlliam thinks about his step-father's sex life at all. Probably an enemy of William's or Lord John's. I have to think that the fact that Ellesmere threatened to kill William as a baby will come out too but I hope not. As much as he annoys me at times that is something he does not need to know.
  14. You're right, it only 5 - 6 months. I saw the 1779 date and thought it was December not January for some reason. I still find him annoying but I don't hate him. I trust I will find him less annoying as he interacts with Jamie more often and realizes that Jamie's not a heathen. I know he doesn't realize this now, but he's lucky Jamie's his dad and not Ellesmere. Very brief glimpse of him in Voyager but what a horrid man!
  15. If it was only his initial reaction that lasted a few months, I would get it. It's not though. He holds onto this anger and disgust for It's not unforgivable but it's damn annoying and not particularly healthy for William either. Others disagree and that's fine. No one is going to change my mind about it. I edited because I sounded a bit confrontational which was not my intention. I just don't want to keep discussing it because I understand why he acts the way he does, I just don't care why so there's no need to continue to try to explain it to me.
  16. I actually don't compare WIllie to Jamie. I compare him more to Brianna, specifically their reactions to Jamie being their biological father. Brianna had a father that she adored and was present in her life for nearly 18 years. She initially was upset to find out that Frank wasn't her biological father but she actually came to terms with it in only a few weeks. Willie has no memories of his father so his reaction is simply because he's a bastard. Yes, I know it's a different time and culture, but he has his step-father and uncle telling him that Jamie is an honorable man and others who respect him even if he's on the opposite side, but he ignores all of that with this whole "woe is me" attitude. When he's not thinking of his paternity I don't find him annoying so I'm hopeful that going forward, he won't be as annoying to me. He's had much longer to come to grips with it than Bree had. Am I being unfair to Willie? Perhaps.
  17. I couldn't figure that out either. It sounded like she was saying that he was Ian's son, but I thought he was cast out right after she miscarried the last child. If that's the case, he couldn't be. Also, If there was an issue with the Rh factor, it would be highly unlikely. I'm Rh negative myself and had to be tested. We have Rhogam now to prevent the issues that Emily had but it still can happen if there is an unknown pregnancy that miscarries.
  18. The bone is the clavicle. There is an artery underneath it that is called the subclavian artery. Maybe it's the subclavian vein but I think it's an artery. I'm sure about the bone though. Technically both are correct as she's stitching near the bone and the artery.
  19. I hear you. I bought the 7th book last week.
  20. I hope William grows on me, because right now, he irritates the hell out of me, much more than Brianna ever did. I've finished MOBY and he still irritates me.
  21. I'm was late too cypfan. I saw the mid-season trailer on YouTube and was intrigued. In early April I found a couple of videos on YouTube of the various panels and decided to watch an episode. Then I was hooked, watched all of the episodes up to the current one (episode 10 at the time) and when I realized that I would have to wait until Sunday morning to find the new episode, I decided to get Starz. I then bought the first book and decided to wait to read it until my vacation because I thought it would interfere with me enjoying the show. I started with the first book on June 26 and am currently about halfway through MOBY. On the one hand I'll get a lot more done when I finish it, but on the other, I now have to wait years to see what comes next!
  22. Exactly. I'm a CPA and have audited my share of financial statements and have a good grasp of GAAP. I just find that most people near die of boredom if I try to explain it.
  23. They still have a profit so they are not spending more than they make. The problem with net income is that it doesn't really mean much. There can be a ton of expense that doesn't drain cash in the income statement. Depreciation and amortization for example. Cash flow from operations is much more important. I don't want to get into an accounting lesson but I wouldn't look too much into net income or profit. If I could see the financial statements I could likely say where the expense is coming from. Maybe if I have time I'll look for them tomorrow.
  24. When they cast Mother Hildegard didn't the press release state that Claire would later be a patient at the hospital? Also, Claire had to be pregnant when Jamie was taken as they hadn't had sex since. She is likely a couple months pregnant by the end of Season 1 which took place in June/July as Claire said it had been 8 months since she came through the stones. That's 1744 and isn't Culloden in 1746? I say the miscarriage/stillbirth is kept.
  25. Well they managed to make Steven Cree less attractive so I'm sure they can do the same for the king.
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