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Everything posted by drafan

  1. He has a smile / lower face just like the Property Brothers. Oh God, now I'm getting hungry. Love cherries. Babe's bro looks interesting.
  2. My urge to grab scissors is overwhelming at the moment.....to cut all the hair and to cut up the mustard cardigan. Jill looks better than Jessa in that pic. Is that madcap Cousin Amy hogging the spotlight?
  3. All the J-girts are just average-looking. The pic above where they're glammed up is very nice. But most people look nice professionally made up and posed. The J-boys are a different story. Cute little boys who now aren't aging well, which is probably why Jackson is desperately hanging onto his youth. LOL SILs?.....only Babe is passable. The rest...ugh. DILs? ........the 2 new teen-aged ones are kinda cute. Smuggar's bitch has improved over the years. Grandkids....all very average, the two M-girls being the cutest. All the boys...meh. Too much JB/Smuggar in them.
  4. What a beautiful venue for whatever this was...and the 3 women with their stringed instruments...hot! And it looks like they stashed their wine glasses over to the left side behind Mrs. V. Jinge's wedding pic is gorgeous......I love the neckline on the dress. Hair, make-up,and flowers are perfection. She has the prize for "Best Fundy Bride" hands-down.
  5. TWO sleeveless tops. And the outer one looks like a cap-sleeved top with the sleeves pushed up. (So she can whisk them back down should Mullet show up.) ETA: Lawson's pix are posier and prettier than Jana's pix.
  6. Holy Nike! She is baring a ton of skin......not just arms, but shoulders and back! On the flip side, the younger girl seated next to the Babes is wearing a QVC /Assisted Living-level top, which is even more defrauding because of the placement of the bouquet and/or angel.
  7. Totally agree. That was JB's exciting plot line. He was trying to come up with something Kardashian-equivalent. ((snerk)) All those stupid plots have JB's signature 1950s-level of humor about them. Yuk . Yuk.
  8. Oh, don't worry......it's only a posed pic of Jana "working" again, set up by JB to catch the eye of a Fundie guy. Are those two J-Boys up for grabs too? JB really should just print up Jana Needs a Man-a Brochures and distribute them at Fundie events.
  9. This is all for filming, I fear. JB is desperate to get her married off. I don't think she does any more than anyone else....she is instructed to get busy for the filmed sales-pitch. Remember,JB is the ultimate huckster. Jana is just like all the others, only not married, and JB is disturbed by it. And he knows that a Jana wedding will be a big teevee event cuz the "fans" have waited so long. Her garden is nothing more than those of people I know who work full-time jobs, raise kids, and garden on the weekends. Not impressed.
  10. Oops, she forgot: "While the blender is running, dash to the laundry hamper and grab a ratty washcloth to serve it on." I think I'm gonna heave......
  11. Actually, this is an advertisement for a Fundie mate. Look !! Jana is a gardener ! Quick, Fundie guys ...she's available ! Another season of Counting On is coming up and we need the wedding of the century..... and you could be in it ! Blech. And no advanced gardener would buy their plants at Home Depot, where the pots dry out all day in the sun, then the after-school worker drowns everything with a hose at around 5 o'clock. No thanks. That denim skirt is beyond stupid. Just buy a midi one at GW, then hack it off at that Fundie length. Raw hems are in style right now. And while she's hacking, she could hack about a foot off that dry-ended hair.
  12. A perpetually photo-bombing star. I think he's been sent to Pre-Alert many times. Run, Jackson, run! Grab Josie and head to Dollywood!
  13. First J on left....she's got boobs, so now she's forced into the Denim Skirt of Servitude. Joy, Part 2. Jackson, aka Peter Pan, but without the fun. Jyler....well, at least Peter Pan has a pal now. Jkid #4.....all the cute playclothes in Walmart, and she's forced into that shmata? Poor kid. Jkid#5...I swear that's a bridemaid's dress from one of the weddings. Josie....gotta love it.
  14. Meechelle....is that you? Is the pic for the cover of their brochure?
  15. It could've been a baby shower gift, given to them by several couples. At least they didn't call it their "Babymoon" ....they get 75,000 extra points for that.
  16. I'm sure the LaCroix waters are just for Boob and Mullet.
  17. Maybe Joshey's new kink is "Farm Whore". Isn't Mullet's sister a member of the LGBTT community? I would think that Mullet would have radar for the signs, and she'd be Journeyed to the Heart at a moment's notice. Jessa's Old Navy Tall Department frock is hideous. All of them look like borderline Amy Farrah Fowler characters. The dresses on the little girls just make me sad.
  18. Oh, show...Paige does not need to be swaddled in a Chico's sweater.
  19. Wow, these people look pretty great, mostly. Ty has aged the most....and what's with the Keith Partridge , circa 1970, get-up and necklace? Just looked it up...he's 53. Egads. And he still talks as if he has a mouthful of nails. Paige's hair isn't so flattering....and she's very fit, but looks a little bigger-fit, if that makes sense. Vern and Gen with the Botox: Extreme Edition. Yikes. Hildi is even thinner. The rest look the same. Doug looks better with grey hair. Amy looks girlie-girl, which seems strange. Guess they all needed something to do. Glad they found them available....probably wouldn't have 5-8 years ago. ETA: The Ty observation is from the first episode (now airing)....got a little mixed up. He and Hildi are now riding bikes through paint wearing flip-flops/ kitten heels respectively. Dumb as ever.
  20. Awww....he's just a few Crest White Strips and a regimen of Proactiv from being a Bates boy. (And maybe a few highlights.) He better grab himself a Fundy girl quickly before he Joshes out.
  21. Nope, that dress has gathers....hers is very fitted. I think she's cute........however, viewing that dress gave me a claustrophobic attack. Looks like heavy fabric. Josiah looks OK...the pants need ironing, but they're not too long with those boots. They almost look like a normal young couple (if we didn't know better).
  22. He is......for this show called "Counting On". (( Jessa's two, plus the M-boys, look just like Boob. Poor kids.))
  23. Looks like false eyelashes also. Brooklyn looks sassy....wouldn't take the lollipop out of her mouth for the pic..... and showing some toddler-cleavage. (Surprised Erin let that pic get published.) Super-cute kids tho.
  24. Holy crap! Am I reading this correctly? She had that baby yesterday and looks like that today? OMG ((That personalized baby blanket is awesome. Where do you get such a thing?))
  25. I love David as a designer and he's basically acting as a realtor on this show. Waste. This always makes me LOL....David is all excited about the amount they win, but in reality he himself (most likely) has more money and a better house.
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