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Everything posted by betsyboo

  1. I thought the father of the murdered girl was great (played by a HITG whose name escapes me). A little bloody this episode, yes?? The thumb on the floor.... GAH "What, so you're gonna sit at the singles table with Kamekona, Jerry and Flippa?" "Yeah, i'll be ok." "What you're gonna be is hungry." HAAAAAAAAAA! Poor Stan. :-( <shallow> Seriously, could DDK's cheekbones cut glass???????????
  2. Hugh Jackman Jack Black NPH Andy Cohen Tina Fey (I'm surprised she hasn't been on yet!) Nathan Fillion Scott Foley
  3. Just because I knew it was coming didn't make it hurt any less. :-( Viva la Bluebell!
  4. unrelated, but i am now secretly 'shipping MIchael and Hoda!
  5. Agree on all counts! My favorite thus far. I didn't know anything about Stephen Merchant before his "Single Ladies" on Jimmy, and have now become a devout fan. My gosh he was hilarious. I was sitting in my living room braying like a jackass. LOVE! Malin's Def Leppard was ON POINT. Chrissy Teigen NEEDS TO GO. I can't believe they aired the bit when she sniffed the sock! She brings absolutely nothing to the show. There's no one else who can be "colorful commentator"? They should have a guest bartender each week a la BravoAndy. They are definitely a little crass and loose. Must be why it's on Spike and not NBC! My nom for next season? I need to se Jack Black!!! And Hugh Jackman vs. NPH!!
  6. He left a soda can in the interrogation room and left the suspect alone. The suspect used the can to kill himself. I think Voight made the point that because IAB would be investigating the circumstances of the perp having the can, Atwater couldn't legitimately be working in Intelligence, which makes sense since he would be the one being investigated. I have two brothers who are police officers and another who is a fire fighter. I did not find Nadia's memorial inappropriate. Yes, she was a civilian. But the only reason she was "chosen" by Dallas Roberts was because she was in the squad room, and he knew it would get to Erin. He didn't choose her willy-nilly - he specifically kidnapped her because of her job. Again, not an officer, but a part of the team nonetheless. I'm confused on the timeline. So if this was just days after the murder (as evidenced by the priest's comment to Jay), this is before the NY trial, yes? I'd like them to reference that somewhere - that they're working with SVU on building a case, etc...
  7. I loved all of it. Esp that Schmidt was crying at the end. Tee!
  8. When did Otis become such a dick?
  9. Loved Martha. Loved Castle and Martha. Loved Beckett being worried about Martha. Loved AMAZEBALLS Martha (how could she be anything else?) "I know who the killer is!" <beat> "To be fair, I led you all the way there." Kate twirling her hair for Gregory Harrison. TEE! I did not love the plaid ties on Rysposito. stringy dark hair: check. wooden delivery: check. British accent: ch...wha?
  10. i will miss this show this summer. I love that Bess calls Allison Noodle. I cannot explain why.
  11. Me, too!! WORD. I noticed that Danny softened just the *tiniest* bit when he realized Curtis shot the witness to protect his mom. Praise Jeebus that Niki goes to college this fall and only shows for holidays.
  12. with a joint crossover logo no less! :-)
  13. So Noah has recovered from the measles enought Benson can jet off to Chicago at the drop of a hat? Dallas Roberts - I whole-heartely concur on the guest Emmy. Rack it up. Raoul Esparza makes me so tingly. They can't let him sing - just ONCE?? can't they all go to a karaoke bar one night?
  14. I'm just sad. Not that I didn't see it coming, but I really liked Nadia's redemption story. I hope they carry this mourning through next week not just for Erin - I want to see Platt's reaction. Sophia Bush was great. I like that she isn't camera-ready (Beckett) all the time. She wears a hat. She has stringy hair when she's been flying all night. she has smudgy makeup after crying. She wears combat boots. Dallas Roberts was sublime. Extra double creepy, but sublime. His facial expressions - his eyes! - as he imagined the awful things... He was a great. Guest actor Emmy nom for sure. (And he plays such a diff character on TGW!) Somewhat off topic - but not, since it was a crossver --- Raoul Esparza makes me so tingly. They can't let him sing - just ONCE?? can't they all go to a karaoke bar one night?
  15. I liked Coach's breakdown in sex ed. predictable, but i still laughed. Also loved Jess counting backwards, all-knowing, waiting for May to turn around and knock again. I'm glad Fawn is gone - i didn't mind her, mainly because she owned her selfishness. But i want CeCe and Schmidt together again. "Nick! A dress shirt on a Monday??"
  16. i like the new paramedic, even if i think she won't last since all new paramedics go away. She just wanted to fit in! and the CHill-eez was just what she needed to get Hermann on board. I liked Cruz's wide-eye trying to wave her off Hermann giving her advice. <snicker> Who knew Daniel Meade could be even hotter - just get him to be an aggressive douche! Clearly there is more to learn about the blonde stripper. DId she want Casey to continue to work so he could "rescue" her? Or did Daniel Meade tell her to reel him him and now she failed? Was surprised the chief pow wow took place in the firehouse - that puts Voight in Casey's immediate eye sight. Plus why would Benson go straight to the firehouse and not PD?? I know, it was CF's time slot, so it had to take place there, but..... looking forward to Casey/Voight interaction.
  17. i was wondering that as well!!!
  18. I know these type of choices happen all the time, but i can't imagine an idealogy (or such strong belief in saving the "republic") that I would choose over my kids. As in, as soon as Juliet (Julia?) agreed to this path, she had to know she was giving them up for good either because she'd be exiled/on the run, or in jail.
  19. I like that Will Estes posts in reply: "Wha??"
  20. Season 5 Finale Preview from CBS: Clearly Linda does get hurt. Boo.
  21. Posting the preview in the spoiler thread-
  22. Starting a topic because i need some intel on Baker. So she's a detective - full rank, carries a weapon, but runs Frank's schedule?? They can't have a civilian do that? Maybe there's a security issue? I think she's great - she manages that office and its access with an iron fist. I wish they'd use her more - i'd love to see her sit in with Garrett and Sid on a pow-wow. I also like that she and Frank have a collegial work relationship and nothing else. I realize that this is not the show for subordinate flirting, but it's still nice to see absolutely no sexual tension between a man and his female assistant. Wasn't she pregnant last season? DO we know anything about her life? I don't remember a husband when she was being sexually harrassed by the Long Island cop. (I always loved Margaret and Leo's relationship on the West Wing; hence the title. Also - she had a surprise pregnancy too!) Feel free to change if it's confusing.)
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