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Everything posted by lulee

  1. I also thought it seemed anachronistic that Joyce reminded her boss that she had worked on Thanksgiving. I can't imagine a small town store open on Thanksgiving in 1983. Even going in to prep for the next day seems unlikely to me.
  2. Not to turn this into the gossip page, but conspiracy theories are running wild on Twitter and elsewhere that Hiddleston and Swift are seeking headlines and attention good for a shot at the Bond role for him, for instance. I'd expect to see much more of them.
  3. Many of you will find the TWD lines in John Oliver's latest piece amusing.
  4. Just joking around, Anela. I like Noah Emmerich as an actor, but he has a much quieter and passive demeanor, especially as Stan (IMO), than Russell and Rhys who can both really crackle. So I'm very curious what the big reveal will look like with them. I think Stan has to find out by the series end, absolutely, but I have a hard time picturing what it will look like.
  5. Such interesting possibilities already suggested. I could sign on to any of them (ETA: Not Stan on the loo). If there's a time jump to glasnost, Paige and Henry would be over 18 by then and could decide their own fates. I'm intrigued by the way Paige seems to be developing an affinity for some aspects of spying and if she would continue spying - and if so - which country would it be for???
  6. I saw a report that Elizabeth Debecki (Jed) will be the villain in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 playing a character named Ayesha. Looks like she'll be joining her friend Tom in the Marvel family.
  7. I don't recall the words, but I thought all the press prior to the premiere made clear that this was a one-off miniseries. -- not that I wouldn't love to see Olivia Colman's Angela Burr globetrotting to catch baddies while she's wearing her baby in a wrap.
  8. Excellent news! This is a series that has to have a sunset - no CSI: 14th season for the Jennings family. The way this season has been going, I have no doubt that the writers can create a 5th and 6th season with great drama.
  9. I missed something - what led Angela's lone office associate to call Dromgoole when he did?
  10. It looks like a promo for his new movie (not going to see it, can't be bothered to remember the title), and from the commercial I saw, I don't think his character in it is the sharpest tool in the shed. Dozed off before the cold open (watched it this morning) and missed the monologue but saw most of the rest of it. Nothing really stood out and nothing was a huge clunker. "Lewis & Clark" seemed lazy to me with the oft-repeated gay sex twist. Always love Sudeikis and he does sort-of-an-a-hole characters well. The shoeguac moment was great. Che and Jost have really clicked for me and the banned jokes were funny. Always love Maya and Willie gets a chuckle too. It has been ages since we saw Jebidiah and he would have a fun look back at the year before summer. Hopefully Taran will bring him back next season. So glad there were no Vogelcheks last night, and if one of you was the one who *explained* Nicholas Fehn to me over on TWoP, I always understood the character. I just never thought it was funny. Praise be that he wasn't on WU last night! Lots of ups and downs this season. Very curious to see announcements of cast comings and goings. I'd be surprised if it was Kenan's final show given that they didn't do any farewell. Even if he declined a sendoff, I'd think there'd at least have been a sign held up by a castmate.
  11. Yes, although it's only for the premiere and season finale, not every episode.
  12. What do you feel was left unclear? My brother called during the episode and so I was only half paying attention plus had the sound down. I missed the part with the walkers in the basement, the dog fed to them, and that Celia poisoned the communion, and only knew about it from Hardick and guests talking about those events. Not disputing your experience, just saying that they filled in blanks for me.
  13. So I watched last night's episode and I'm still fuzzy on where Drake's from. JK. The car rental skit seemed a little too lowkey, like they should have gotten more absurd sooner. Is Sasheer just not writing or pitching sketches enough? She was in maybe two sketches last night (Prom; Black Jeopardy) and seems like not much lately. Cecily didn't work as well as Late for me in the Cookies sketch. Maybe Sasheer would have been better. Sorry to hear about Leslie's knee injury during her ninja sketch, which was so funny. Always love her on WU. The banter between Drake and - who was it - Beck? - during the Ninja sketch seemed flat. I don't watch the show so maybe that's what it's really like, but it seemed like Drake's depressed guy should have been countered with a more manic guy. In awe of Jay's WU bit. He has such a good ear. Drake's always reliable. On a related note, some of that choreography for his back-up dancers was not good. Were they meant to look sexy hunchbacks?
  14. I was so traumatized by The Day After as a child. I was like Paige Jr. Notable that after all this time and all that's happened, Pastor Tim is still more perceptive (or maybe just not in denial) about Paige's mental state than her parents are.
  15. Clay linked to a GoFundMe page for a fundraiser for funeral and related expenses. The goal of 10K was surpassed in 3 days. I found this list at JustJared, and Rickey's not listed as a performer. I'm not sure if there would be any site that would identify contestants who were at the audience or other festivities.
  16. Oh, Jazzie/Pamela, I am so sad too. I remember that he called you. He just seemed like such a good kind soul and my heart goes out to all who mourn him. Such a horrible, preventable death. So heartbreaking.
  17. Definitely not the last of Gaad. Martha, I'm not sure. Maybe if at the end of the series, Philip goes back to Russia, he'll check on her. It felt consistent for me that Philip didn't get emotional or (even more) confessional with Martha in their goodbye. They had a final night together, which probably infuriated Elizabeth, and shared a closeness then.
  18. Long day yesterday so I nodded off before the end and missed the Jed-Roper revelation scene and the Carol bit; caught up from the recap. Some of last week's details feel more cohesive in retrospect given some dialogue in Ep3. Add me to the Mallorca-on-my-destination-list list. It looks so elegant and relaxing. I enjoyed the tension between Jonathon and Corky, and points to "little friend" Tom Hollander not being vain about his height like some actors seem to be. In the long shot of the two outside, Hiddleston looked almost a foot taller than him. The physical differences between the two are a good contrast to the apparent (but possibly temporary) power differential.
  19. When Martha was stepped away from Gabriel, I was expecting her to back into the street and be hit by a car going at an unusually high speed for a residential street, but I guess her real fate will be much messier.
  20. Or if they don't get their collective act together ... Los Angeles Mobile Escapees.
  21. Green cards certainly aren't easy to come by but not impossible to get either. As someone who's always lived in the middle of the U.S. and especially from my time working at universities, I wouldn't find it farfetched for someone from New Zealand, for instance, to become a citizen. If they wanted to make extra plausible, they could have thrown in a few lines about him coming on a student visa, marrying Liza, and staying. I know an Aussie who did just that, and just on my street I have neighbors from Ireland (recently became a U.S. citizen), India, China, and Saudi Arabia (not sure of their citizenship statuses). Not sure how walkermom caught up. I guess our group must have stopped in the yard to argue, left fences open, and made a lot of noise so she followed. I don't want our group to be unrealistically competent but they need to keep getting gradually more with it, preferably at a good pace.
  22. I don't think there will be many more weeks with them stopping somewhere and then heading back out over the water again -- either whoever's after Strand (given all that foreshadowing) will catch up or the group's conflict with Strand will rachet up with to a boiling point -- and the group will find some place on land and bumble around there. And although the execution is less than smooth, shall we say, I think the premise of fleeing the city makes sense, but they'll have to get back to the mainland and scary reality. While I think Cliff Curtis's American accent is OK, this is one of those cases where I think, "Why not let the actor use his own accent?" - Travis could have moved to the U.S. as a young adult - for job, for college, whatever, and decided to stay. Nothing we've learned so far would have dictated that he was born in LA. Obviously there are limits -- Maddie's kids couldn't purposely have two different accents from her.
  23. Just finished binge/cringe-watching Series 2. I keep reminding myself that this show is called, "Catastrophe" and not "Things Go Fairly Well." Still a really well done show, but with the darker tone from so many subplots, I felt like lines like their spiteful imagined email addresses for each other were more smile-inducing than laugh-inducing. Series 2 ended with quite the cliffhanger, but I'm not sure where Series 3 could go ... maybe another time jump so that circumstances would have to have changed, but something more than circumstances would have to change for Rob and Sharon's relationship. It can't be so much about trust issues and poor communication again (ETA: I mean that I, for one, would find it hard to watch another season with variations on Rob and Sharon so deep in dysfunction). The catastrophes could be outside the lead couple not between them.
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