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Everything posted by MartyQui

  1. I loved everything about that house…even the overstuffed living room. I’d kill for that kitchen, and the *pantry*! Their aesthetic is me all over (if you saw my apartment you’d understand)…except I do like some color. I loved that they saved the china cabinet and modernized it by painting it black. The brown chair had memories, but it looked worn. Loved, loved, loved that they incorporated her drawings. And the island that wasn’t an island…I could go on and on. Can’t wait until next week, and then I hope they get a second season.
  2. I was really surprised when last night’s couple decided to list it! I though the remodel solved pretty much every problem (except for the teeny closets). The loftice was great!
  3. I didn’t understand why the parents would be visiting, when their son was living with them?
  4. Boston University has a 6 year med school program. I worked with one of the graduates…he seemed so young, even though he had completed residency and was working on an interventional cardiology fellowship. I was thinking that Tim would see the advent of effective chemotherapy, and combination protocols. In 1966, there were crude drugs that could perhaps help…nowadays we have targeted chemotherapy, and cancer isn’t necessarily a death sentence. My grandmother was born in 1896, her mother was a midwife, and my grandmother lived to be 103. She was always astounded by the amazing strides in medicine (including the “operation” (never named) after my first uncle was born that let her have 6 more kids)!
  5. I thought last night’s house was beautiful, but I didn’t understand that closet…it looked like there was only about 3 feet of hanging space. I know they had to work with what was there, but it seemed impractical. And they still didn’t have a whole lot of storage in the kitchen, although it was beautiful. One thing I noticed on this show is that they don’t give the budget, unless I missed it? I like Farmhouse Fixer (Jon Knight’s show), because at least they give realistic budgets, not like some of the other shows where they do the entire house for $50,000. And for once the house wasn’t black, with all black and wood inside!
  6. I loved that Paul was crying laughing during Prue’s holes/squirting soliloquy. I was crying laughing too. I live in Boston (MA) and we just got a donut shop near work (Blackbird Donuts), which doesn’t have cronuts, but has a maple bacon donut that is *out of this world*. And their Boston Cream is excellent too. And now I have to avoid the store!
  7. How much do you want to bet that the buyer ripped out that primary bathroom and redid it?
  8. If you follow them on instagram, they show more shots of the whole house.
  9. Cabo…how old was this guy?? I’m from Foxboro, and we haven’t called it Foxboro Stadium in 20 years. It’s Gillette…or the Razor. She wasn’t all that young, her forehead was Botox central. There was something off putting about them as a pair.
  10. What a gorgeous job they did on that house! In the neighborhood where I grew up, there were a lot of brick row houses like that one. It was fantastic to see it modernized, and I actually got teary eyed when Nate showed Anya the stamp album. They must still get things donated, there’s no way they did all that work for $90,000.
  11. My dad’s cousin (born in 1935) was gay, and was out from the time he was 19. He worked as a bartender (in gay and straight bars), and I don’t remember any issues with anyone in the family. He had a long term boyfriend (before my time) that he’d bring to family parties. When they broke up, he never had another (he was in his late 40’s at that point), but he was always a favorite family member. I don’t think we were all that progressive, but maybe we were. I loved this episode, I thought Sr MJ’s scenes were really moving, the new midwife is a good add to the cast, and I was so happy for Lucille!!
  12. Haha…my mind goes to height. I have a niece who is 6’2” and Dutch men are two inches taller than US men on average. We tell her to go to college in the Netherlands. :)
  13. RE: Kevin. Mare says during her therapy session that he had been diagnosed with Tourette’s when he was a child, and reels off a list of medications that they had tried to control the tics. Tourette’s has high comorbidity with ADHD and depression, and sometimes patients self medicate in order to deal with everything…which is apparently what Kevin did. Also, the camera focused on Drew’s eye blink tic (early sign of Tourette’s) at one point, so apparently Mare will have to deal with that in the future..
  14. She was saying that a white man wearing Praajes’ (sp?) design would be cultural appropriation, which showed she didn’t understand cultural appropriation at all. She was an annoying jerk who wore dirty underwear as a *fashion* statement The whole model thing was a train wreck. Just do a random draw and give them 15 minutes to try to convince someone to switch with them if they feel the need.
  15. This is a new HGTV program which shows renovations of antique houses on the South Shore of Massachusetts. The team really does a beautiful job, and the bits and pieces of history about each house are really interesting.
  16. Those high cabinets were a big fail, but the post in the middle of the room? There mustn’t be *any* inventory in Pomona.
  17. Did anyone catch the NYC to Melbourne that was on earlier last night? The woman needed a bathtub because she did her work from there. Literally, she perched her laptop on the side of the tub and typed. And did Facetime calls. The boyfriend said she sometimes took five baths a day. I know a good psychiatrist she could talk to.
  18. Nice./Monaco. They were a very reasonable couple, and the house they picked was fine. But oh, I would have paid anything to live in the first house with that glorious view of the sea.
  19. I don't think it would have occurred to him that feeding him was an expense that they couldn't afford.
  20. I felt bad for the curate…he was clearly just ordained, and waiting for his first posting and stuck in an attic. I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t have occurred to him to pitch in for room and board…priests get that for free (at least in the US Catholic Church). It wasn’t like Nonnatus was a boarding house. And then Sister MJ…I am so over her. Just die already.
  21. That gold dress was the same fabric I used to use to make column dresses for my Barbies. Add a ruffle, and it's my design (which usually took me about 15 minutes). The fabric stretches a little so he basically made a tube top with a ruffle.
  22. I agree about the sectional…and then that coffee table that looked sharp and pointy. I loved the red tile, and good for Nate for sticking with upper cabinets on that side. The open shelves (for once) didn’t bother me too much because there was the pantry cabinet and all those lower cabinets. I’m short, so I appreciate lower cabinet space!
  23. Why? It’s just a fancy way of saying that you work remotely.
  24. AML is still a really aggressive form of leukemia with a low 5 year survival rate…in the days before chemo it’s not unrealistic to think it could kill you in a month. I felt so bad for the dad…the actor did a great job.
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