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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. So in all the random Bravo crossover news, Stassi from "Vanderpump Rules" is in Charleston right now and Snapchatting all her hijinks down there, which have so far included hanging out all over town and even boating with Craig and Naomi and Danni. I don't know exactly how to feel about this, especially considering the fact that I can't imagine any of those vapid chucklefucks from the VP cast being able to seamlessly mix and mingle with the educated denizens of the SC cast, but I suppose anything is possible in the wacky world of Bravolebrities.
  2. Same problem here too---I teach high schoolers, and I'm constantly either having to tell them to quit talking so loudly, quit honking "huh?!" or "whah?!" at me or others if they don't hear the comment, or to turn their music volume down because it's *shocking* to me just how loud they turn up their music to the point that I can so clearly hear it through their earbuds/headphones. Never mind blaring car speakers so loud that the entire block nearby is shaking. Maybe it's because hearing loss runs in my family, but I trained myself early to take precautions to help protect my hearing by barely using headphones/earbuds, and wearing earplugs at concerts/clubs/loud events. I'll probably still end up with natural hereditary hearing loss despite all my early precautions, but at least I won't be practically deaf by the time I hit my 50's like some of these poor kids likely will be!
  3. Good grief...I finally watched an episode of this one because some lameassed couple was trying to find a vacation condo in Tybee Island, an area I happen to know well and love dearly. I call them lameassed because he seemed completely dead inside and she was puffy and matronly enough to pass as his mother, and they acted like aliens posing as human beings with their oddly stilted, cyborg-like repeated quips of "so much natural light" and "we want a beach view" or "this space is kinda small". Plus, they had two little boys and ended up choosing the tiniest, most awkwardly small condo with only one double bed((really no bigger than a typical generic hotel suite)) just because it "had the best ocean view." Meanwhile, I can't imagine the Hell on earth it would be to share a barely 400 sqft beach condo regularly with those two rambunctious-looking young boys who will eventually grow into big teen dudes that'll likely be too creeped out to eagerly vacay in that tiny condo space with their parents anyway. Maybe for now, soulless dad and poofy mom will gladly let their boys run wild at the pool as they both sit back and waste the hours away on their balcony, drinking bland white wine while staring blankly at their precious Tybee Island ocean view, toasting natural light and wide kitchen spaces for entertaining all those invisible guests.
  4. So Cooper just posted on his IG that he's officially "retiring" from the show. Makes me kinda sad because I've always enjoyed his presence on the show and the different events he planned, cheesy as they may have been. I wonder if he left on his own terms or otherwise, since he and Patricia still aren't talking anymore...and it definitely makes me wonder if Kathryn will be a part of next season's cast; perhaps he left as a showing of support for her if she indeed was booted from filming. Very mysterious...
  5. Cheers to those of you who grew up in heavily religious households who grew into such forward-thinking individuals!! Because of my own heavily Catholic upbringing, one of my greatest pet-peeves in general is organized religion and how its forced upon children who often aren't allowed to question it otherwise. I went to Catholic school all my life and even graduated from a Baptist college, but it was by the time I hit middle school that I realized that the religious beliefs I was forced into didn't align with my personal beliefs at all. Not to mention that most church congregations overall seemed to me to be hotbeds of misogyny, hypocrisy and complete denial. I was made to feel like a monster in high school because I dared openly support gay rights and was firmly pro-choice. I was often shushed as a child for daring to question why priests were allowed more rights and freedoms while nuns were shrouded and forced into complete servitude. I thought Jesus was sexy, therefore I was a disrespectful slut. Why do we give churches money for unnecessarily gaudy big buildings that went against Jesus's teachings anyway? And why were there alter boys and not alter girls?!((that shit burned me up as a child---of course they allowed alter girls long after I left, go figure!)) Although why couldn't priests get married and what was so bad about sex and birth control anyway? Why couldn't women be priests and popes and cardinals too?? Why couldn't animals go to this mysterious place called Heaven??? How did anyone know for a fact if Heaven and Hell and Purgatory even existed?!! "Having faith" in such things just seems so silly and almost like believing in fairy tales or Greek mythology; what about solid proof? To this day I'm largely agnostic thanks to years of being dragged to church and forced into teachings I didn't agree with anyway...not to mention some of the most severely flawed folks I encountered who ruined the whole idea of church-going for me. Let's just say the minute I hear someone proudly announce "I'm a Christian" is the minute I give that person the side-eye and slowly back away, because that's usually a smug public excuse for acting like a judgemental asshole otherwise.
  6. This past Sunday I happened to see the episode with some young couple in New Orleans searching for their perfect shotgun house. The wife was seriously Negative Nancy, and had the most random pet-peeve she constantly mentioned about *needing* a front entryway and that houses without them looked messy and cluttered, or some random OCD shit like that. God forbid someone take off their shoes and outerwear in the main living room area right by the doorway, oh noes!! It was just such a random necessity and made me wonder if production forced her to have some strange house preference to constantly mention. I loved that her realtor was like, "Girl, traditional shotguns don't have front entryways!!" Go figure, they chose a house without one, but the doorway area was "big enough" for Princess Front Entryway to approve of in the end. Also, I can't take the mousy, squeaky-voiced little vocal-frying young white chicks anymore. They're literally causing me to switch the channel in disgust. Speak with confidence and authority already, ladies!!
  7. I'm so with you in the screaming kid thing; the kid in the loft next to mine shrieks/screams randomly, and I can't tell you how many times I've been dying to bust through the wall Kool Aid man style just to tell him to STFU. I didn't mind so much when he was 3 or 4, but now that he's at least 6 years old I'm wondering if he's special needs, because he's wayyyyy too old to be randomly screeching like a damned toddler. Like what in the hell is wrong with these parents who allow that shit anyway? Since when has it become perfectly normal to allow kids to just randomly shriek like they're being scalped?? Children with autism or other certain disabilities are known for random noises like those, but when I hear otherwise typical children of a certain age screaming constantly, I just hear an annoying little asshole whose parents need to teach him/her how to behave in a respectful, dignified manner.
  8. I had a toxic friend for ten years like Reza: bossy, vain, shit-stirring, self-centered, always calling out/fighting with friends within our circle, trying to freeze out other friends within our circle for stupid reasons, always thought SHE was right and everyone was wrong. Like Reza, she considered herself the Queen Bee of our crew and inserted herself into or started every stupid and petty incident/s. And no one ever argued back or crossed her path, for various reasons. After the second time she began stirring the shit again with me and began to freeze me out of our group invites and gatherings, I finally cut off all contact with her and that entire circle. That was over 6 months ago, and I feel so much better and freer without her meddling pettiness and negative energy in my life. I know GG has to see Reza because of the show and all, but I'd step far away from that crew and start finding a new group to socialize with if I were her. She'll feel so much better the sooner she steps far away from Reza and his loyal followers of his toxic bullshit!
  9. I have a friend who has been a vegetarian most of her life because she is a huge animal rights activist and doesn't agree with the unethical treatment of animals raised for food or goods. She's no hypocrite about it either since she doesn't wear any leather goods or make-up tested on animals. Good on her and I sympathize with animals too, but I couldn't ever give up seafood or stylish leather purses/shoes! She does eat tofurkey for holidays and fake bacon just as brunch filler, so I don't question it too much. Another friend of mine who became vegan a few years ago strictly for dietary purposes---she's over 60 and wanted to stay skinny. She misses the taste of meat though and eats all those fake meat products/vegan cheese and all. I guess vegetarians/vegans eating fake meat is akin to non-drinkers who drink non-alcoholic beer or people who have to drink their coffee decaffeinated: they just love/miss the taste, even though they can no longer enjoy the authentic ingredients.
  10. This recent post of hers was particularly baffling, and left quite a few commenters wondering what in the Hell she was trying to prove, beyond the idea that she's showing off the latest druggie dude she banged at a cheap motel? ?
  11. That commercial with the little girl who's up late at night eating a snack and her dad discovers her up and whispers at her to go to bed, and she immediately whispers back that he can't tell her to go to bed because "he's not the boss, mommy is"??? Yeah, I kinda hate that little girl. Quit sassing at your daddy and go the fuck go sleep already, you smug little brat!
  12. Me too!! And mostly I wanted to strangle her over taking her husband away from everything and everyone he knows and loves to chase some wild Sicilian dream. It just broke my heart the way he almost started crying when he mentioned moving so far away from their children...and yet the wife was like, "Eh, whatever, we can fly back whenever we like." She was so flippant, it was almost felt like they were just moving to a new state, not an entirely different part of the world!!
  13. Lord, much as I should hate on the sad little man, I feel so bad for Mike and his shitty luck---he is just one walking bag of FAIL. Even when he finally scrambled into his pathetic little party at Kitson, 15 minutes before it was over,and so desperately unloaded all his basic Mexican shoes into Kitson, those editors just had toss in that snarky final screen cap about Kitson closing its doors not a month after Mike's big shoeline "debut"! And then after alienating everyone last season defending her honor and his great marital love, he had to cheat on his wife Jessica and mess that up too? He's just such a goddamned fuck-up on so many levels that I don't blame her one bit for ditching his loser ass; the dude almost self-sabotages himself with his fail-whale ways! Speaking of fuck-up's, as much as I hate her, I don't blame GG for staying away from Reza either. She deserves an apology for how rudely he dissed her on their vacation. Even if he felt that way about doubting her sickness, he was just so unnecessarily cruel about it. Good for Asa finally addressing her own romantic situation---for those viewers who didn't see her quick mention of her man a few seasons ago, it was nice to see her at least acknowledge her arrangement again. Glad to know they're still doing well and are happy together. Not glad to see that she still wears that ridiculous gold chain muzzle/veil on her mouth. Shervin finally found a nice lady who he isn't awkwardly insulting on a weird 2nd or 3rd date, wow! Good for him. Her hair is lovely, although she appeared to have the personality of a rock. MJ gets a proposal from Tommy next week?? Awww...I'm rooting for those two.
  14. Patricia just posted this sweet pic of Thomas and Kensie playing in her pool while she, the nanny, Cameron and Whitney are looking on: The Kathryn supporters((who are these crazies?)) are actually commenting there that she's being a "mean girl" and posted it "just to antagonize Kathryn." I think it's ridiculous that every time Thomas happens to be pictured on social media with his kids and/or other cast members, some people believe it's posted just to tick off his crazy babymama---they have just as much right to post their social moments together as she does. As Landon once honked to Kuckoo Kathryn, "It's not always about you!" I am enjoying the shade Patricia is tossing around in the comments---"sorry, but I don't condone drug use or anyone who does them"(although, hmmmm...just how innocent is her son when he's out partying til he pukes while in LA? I don't doubt that he dips into a bit of nose candy now and then). She also mentioned about Thomas, "I still believe he's made some unfortunate life decisions, but I like him...he has a good heart."
  15. Maharincess, I'm so sorry you had to endure that and feel such empathy---yes indeed, people can be extremely cruel and awful from the safety of their keyboards and computer screens. Sadly, personal honesty/opinions online coupled with your own image can bring out the worst insults imaginable by people who either feel jealous or opposite of your views. Once you've gotten personally attacked like that it certainly makes you a bit more leery of sharing as much online, unfortunately. Years ago, way back in 2001, I experienced a similarly cruel dose of online hate, so hope you don't mind if I share my own story on that: I was on an online fan forum I regularly visited that was about my favorite band. A girlfriend and I had visited one of the band members' bar that he owned, and spent a fabulous evening drinking and partying with this band member in his bar after we spotted him, introduced ourselves and we all hit it off. Naturally, we were excited about it and shared our various photos and tales from the evening on this forum, and everyone else enjoyed the post, save for this one dickhead who went on our post and said, "Gee, after reading this post, I thought these chicks would be hot. One looks inbred and the other is fat. What a waste!" Thankfully, the other folks rose to our defense and immediately called this douche out for being so rude, and he was later bounced from the forum(after making it a personal mission to point out how "ugly" I was or how I "look like a tranny" by posting other personal photos he'd found of me on similar forums there)but it was a shock to me, nevertheless...and it honestly didn't bug me as much as my friend, the "fat" one, to the point of her losing so much weight not long afterwards that I thought she developed an eating disorder(she's fine now, thankfully!). Since then I'm extremely careful about keeping myself mostly nondescript in forums. People will pounce on your weaknesses in an instant online if you allow them that power. I can't imagine how kids these days can even cope being online with their fragile young egos up against cruel peers just waiting to tear them apart.
  16. Whitney could truly make this his next big producer/filmmaker credit pet-project, just various SC spin-off's. On that note, I happened to actually meet Cooper himself in Charleston a few months ago, and he was just as sweet as he could be. He happened to mention that Bravo was considering casting a SC spin-off somewhere in Georgia...so maybe much like when Lauren Conrad left "Laguna Beach" to star on her spin-off "The Hills" about starting her awesome new fashion career in LA, Craig could star on his own spin-off about starting his awesome new law career in Georgia, har-har...((ehhh, no thank you))
  17. I dunno about you all, but I already have "Southern Charm" withdrawal...nothing this shmaltzy and elegantly Southern-fried to look forward to watching every Monday night anymore for at least the next 8-12 months(I'm hoping this thing finally gets renewed for another season, which *surely* it will, right?)...no more of those jazzy montages of beautiful Charleston as these chuckleheads pretend to be getting ready in the mornings, no more home decor porn, no more drunken Southern-accented drawls/brawls/"words of wisdom"...no more Kathryn yelling versus Landon dolphin squeaking, no more hungover/whiny Craig versus self-congratulatory Shep chuckling, no more JD cackling and Gentry bourbon shout-outs, no more glam Patricia martini-sipping sessions...I need my medicine! For withdrawal's sake alone, I'd almost love to see a "Southern Charm" series of spin-off's in equally elegant old Southern cities like Savannah, GA or New Orleans, LA or even Oxford, MS. Oh well, this fellow Southerner can dream, right?
  18. Is this season over yet? Is this entire SHOW over yet?? I'm always shocked that I keep watching this trash, but it's like a bad habit for me at this point---I find no one redeemable among this entire cast, except Asa, who seems like a genuinely caring, creative soul and a model friend/family-member. The rest of these aging losers just depress the shit out of me, much like the cast of "Vanderpump Rules", although at least that cast is more interesting to watch due to their own delusions of coolness. This group just gets more pathetic with each season. I can't decide between the trio of Mike, MJ or GG as to who's the most pathetic of this bunch, but I'm thinking it's likely GG at this point. Her life just seems so damned sad and pointless to me: sleep til the afternoon, go find people to lunch/shop with, then go out and get shit-faced at clubs almost every night? Then dealing with chronic pain too?? Just seems fairly sad and lonely, especially considering how she can't seem to have a healthy relationship. On that note, I'm rooting for MJ and Tommy---they seem goofily happy with each other and I hope they can make it last. Please, please, NO MORE comedy routines for Reza...that's really stretching a plot out beyond even my own boundaries of believability.
  19. THANK YOU!!! I can't imagine how Landon and Cameron managed to stay even *that* composed while Kathryn was boasting about her new "jewelry business" while sporting that big ol fugly choker, because I know I would've burst out laughing myself. That girl can barely dress herself to look moderately sane/stylish, and yet she thinks she can make a quick buck selling her Holly Hobby baubles?! Yikes. Sure, jewelry-making on the side is still a better side hustle than Landon's pointless/hopeless travel blog, but still, I'd sooner wear jewelry designed by Count Chocula than the skankwear Kiki will likely churn out. As evidenced by her choice on everything from clothes to friends to gloves to babydaddies, bitch clearly had godawful taste. Landon was extra bitchy on this second reunion episode for sure, but I still side with her over Kuckoo Kathryn tweaking away on her sofa rasping at Landon to constantly shutup when she wasn't calling her "crazy." Sure, Landon might take secret pleasure in setting off Kathryn via social media and little verbal barbs, but she's been nowhere near as aggressive or hateful as Kathryn has been to her. She doesn't owe that insane babymama a damned thing and has at least been civil in response to Kathryn's wild accusations and name-calling.
  20. Speaking of gym etiquette, does anyone else recoil in disgust at those gross guys who insist on grunting/groaning as they lift weights? Seriously, I don't care to hear anyone sounding/looking as though they're mid-orgasm when I'm just trying to squeeze in a quick jog on the treadmill. Coincidentally, many of those same gross guys are the same ones who loudly CLANG and BANG the weights/weight machines down when they're done with their strenuous extreme lifts. And then my sensitive ears and I are usually left jolted and aching in annoyance after this, wondering why I even attempt to hit the gym without earbuds in my iPhone, blaring a personal gym mix. But really, fellas, if you have to literally toss your weights to the floor/clang down weight machines in aching relief, I'm guessing your lifting wayyyy too much for your poor arms to capably handle.
  21. Oh, and OF COURSE Kathryn had to pull the oldest trick out of the overdramatic reality cast member handbook: stomp off stage in a huff, because you're just "so done." Or so "over this." Lord, my eyes about rolled out of my head. Get over yourself, hon. And I honestly don't think Landon slept with T-Rav. Just a hunch. He probably was fighting with Kathryn already, and used their formerly romantic getaway as a friendzone only Landon trip just to get back at Kathryn...because he's childish enough to do silly shit like that.
  22. Okay, so Kuckoo Kathryn was proudly riding the Hot Mess Express tonight, guns ablazing and self-centeredness on full display. I was so genuinely embarrassed for her and her family. Hey, I don't like the subtle slut-shaming she gets from some folks either---although did anyone else notice how Kathryn totally(and wrongfully) turned the slut-shaming around and told Landon she "fucks everyone"? Hypocrite much?! And she's not even in the same league as Patricia, sorry, but that's an insulting comparison; as Whitney attempted to explain, his mother at Kathryn's age was educated, refined, poised, stylish, and involved in upper echelon activities/pursuits that are so much more above Kathryn's current station in every way, especially in the ways of catching a wealthy husband without popping out baby mealtickets first. He was at least stating this very diplomatically until Kathryn went all Monk's Corner on him. Good lord, on this Reunion she acted like totally cracked out white trash, quite frankly.(tm Aviva) ((and thus I so wanted Ramona to come out and shriek, "Calm downnnn, take a Zanax!!!")) Seriously, what is *wrong* with this chick? I'm starting to wonder if she is indeed mentally ill/bipolar?? She had the chance to class it up, clean it up, and stay rational by calmly explaining just how wrongful she felt her accusers and the supposedly "cheated" drug-tests really were against her, and damned if her insane temper fucked her chances up again. The "Miss Kitty's Old Time Photos" costume wasn't exactly helping her cause either, especially when Cameron & Landon looked so much more chic and elegant in comparison. And her constant name-calling was so tacky and immature---notice even though Landon kept poking at her, it was in response to Kathryn coming at her first, and never once did anyone else call Kathryn or their other fellow cast members names. That's the true sign of a classless moron a'la Brandi Glanville, Tamra Judge,Teresa Guidice, etc: when you're too stupid to use your words to fight fair and debate like an adult, so you resort to childish name-calling for shock value. She's also quite possibly one of the most self-absorbed cast members I've ever watched on any reality show---did she even attempt to act interested or remotely engage with the rest of the cast members during their own personal reunion moments? Has anyone even seen her discuss any subject or situation that doesn't somehow involve or revolve around her own self?? I'm mostly just so sick of her psycho tantrums and her severe victim complex. Also, her raspy rants scratching over Landon's dolphin squeaks is getting really old at this point.
  23. Indeed! Total, classless asshole excuse of a "friend"((was he raised by wolves or is he a gypsy?))...nope, I would've gladly made sure that if my husband ever did that to me, it'd be HIS complete responsibility to figure out how to suddenly feed/entertain/prep for a night with Swiss Family Moocherson, as I'd have left to enjoy a lovely dinner and a movie *by myself*. A mature adult should know better than to allow himself to get taken advantage of like that, and a simple polite text back to his friend saying the family could either bring enough extra food/drinks with them or simply not bother coming due to a lack of time for proper prepping/hosting on his part would've sufficed. So what ended up happening then, krimimimi ??
  24. Oh comon now---that's just insulting to those of us viewers like Carole who may not "have families." Sure, she has an odd career field that leaves her with likely downtime, but I'm quite certain that she still has things she does daily same as any other ChildFree woman, like chores and appointments, publicity/meetings for her various writing sidegigs and HW promos, she has friends to check on and various parties/gatherings/events(I follow her on Instagram enough to know this), she travels, she hangs with her dude, she shops and socializes and writes and emails...I mean, geez, I'm not as huge a fan of hers after this season either, but even I know that this woman or anyone else in a similar situation doesn't just sit around at home scratching her ass getting stoned and eating Pringles all day just because she doesn't "have a family/kids".((although I'd be quite envious if she did, because that sounds kinda awesome))
  25. I still say all her wild temper tantrums did her in---I'm sure Thomas is an asshat to deal with as a faithful, attentive partner, but I think he values a bit of public discretion and cool collectiveness as well. Her youthful immaturity was on full display with all those public blowouts, what with her making loud scenes shrieking at him and causing all sorts of ridiculous displays before storming away for days on end without even considering the long-term consequences. Just one look at that insane video of her aggressively shouting and grabbing at him on the streets of Manhattan shows how nutty she is. And yet look how responsive and smitten he is when she's actually calm and rational and sweet with him---she's truly the embodiment of that old saying about catching more flies with honey than vinegar. She'd probably have that wedding ring and more if she'd just tried harder to control that firey anger. Maybe she'll learn with the next fellow. It's a damned shame in a way, since I think they would've worked much better as a couple if she were an extra ten years older/wiser. Even Thomas has said as much!
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