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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Agreed, @Ms Blue Jay: I adored Carole during those first several seasons, although I never really stopped liking her. She really did fit the “Cool Carole” vibe, and even though I thought she was kinda mean to Luanne, I loved her style and the fresh vibe she brought to the show. LOVED her friendship with Heather and her hair too, although those were really just fabulous extensions. It was weird to see how much she aged and got less likable once she went for more facial work and chopped her hair off to go blonder...total Sampson Complex with her because it seemed like she lost a lot more than her youthful zest once she lost the long hair/extensions.
  2. Exactly. It’s disgusting and just plain cruel and unnecessary. If they want to cool down things with Kristen as a close friend, fine, but openly excluding her from their filmed life events is beyond mean and I don't understand why producers are allowing this to occur—-even the Real Housewives are forced to invite *every* housewife to major filmed events/vacations, so I don’t get it! I mostly don’t get Beau’s pussy-whipped behavior; to allow his good friend who *introduced him* to his fiancée to be treated that way is just as upsetting to watch and perfectly illustrates his pathetic character. Some excuse of a friend he is! Speaking of pathetic, LaLa rubbing salt into that wound by passive-aggressively calling up Kristen to “check on her”(more like to gloat) was especially mean. Officially can’t stand that opportunistic cum-guzzler. Lord, what a season...I’m actually rooting for Kristen and Scheana and mostly hate everyone else, LVP included. And LVP looked like she was wearing fucking adult diapers in those jeans...yikes, I hope that wasn’t the result of an ill-advised butt implant...
  3. Seriously, I think Schwartz has skated by all his life on his boyish good looks/charm and not much else. It figures he’d hook up with a She-Hulk like Katie to constantly nag him and keep the household running semi-smoothly.
  4. As a real estate geek who proudly lives right in central Nashville, I can attest that their insanely huge house is priced way too high for that location; it’s not even in a desirable or “hip” part of the city(lots of older folks in that area, not much else), but on the very edge of the county, almost to Williamson County in Forest Hills. Miles away from an interstate, let alone any stores. The only folks who can afford that gargantuan joint (celebs/record execs and professional athletes) don’t want to live in that area; they’re either wanting to move farther out in the much wealthier/more chic Franklin/Williamson County area, Hendersonville(for the schools/easy lake access), or they’re wanting to be much closer into mid-Nashville or even East Nashville(for hipster cred). My late grandmother lived in Forest Hills and it’s a bitch trying to drive anywhere from there, just due to the traffic headache alone. Never mind that when they moved in they rather stupidly took out the pool to ADD ON extra rooms to that already grossly humongous home. No one wants a home that huge/pricy without a pool. I could actually see an insane anti-vaxxer like Kristen demanding pool removal because she’d be too afraid of potential child drownings. The home/grounds are all too much for good sense though, at least in this town: too much upkeep, too much sprawl, too much everything. They made the classic nouveau riche mistake of going apeshit on their first major home and it shows: it reeks of new money, quite frankly. These divorce details are actually juicier than anything in these last 3 seasons of “Very Cavallari” combined, btw! I always suspected Jay was a stoner drunk on the DL, but a pill-popping cheat too? I’m all ears!!
  5. I saw Shep posted a cute pic of them together a few days ago! And now it’s gone...so I feel bad for any normal gal who dares try to get serious with him; she probably got a boatload of new followers and messages as soon as the press got a whiff of them being together and she likely freaked out...anyone he seriously dates is suddenly going to be thrust into the spotlight. That’s a tall order for anyone who wants to live a normal, private life.
  6. Sadly, this is true; I admittedly have drank socially rather heavily since my late 20’s(I’m in my early 40’s now) and I still don’t really get hungover much, if at all—-my body is apparently so used to me polluting it a’la the tiki torch trio that I’m able to party hard and then bounce back like it was nothing by the next morning. That being said, most seasoned-drinkers like us apparently hit our wall around the mid-to-late 50’s, so I’m trying to gradually wean myself off doing umpteen rounds of shots and drinking every color of the rainbow on the weekends...so I wish Sonja’s liver especially well if she hopes to keep her party girl antics up. I don’t even think Ramona hits the sauce nearly as hard as she used to for that very reason.
  7. Kristen pretty much had to semi-entrap Jay’s ass with an “oops” pregnancy early on before he’d finally put a ring on it after several early breakups; not exactly a storybook romance there. And he still seems to barely tolerate her on the show(although to be honest, his bland ass seems like he hates *everyone* on there, including himself)...their interactions always seemed oddly forced and unnatural. I’m surprised they lasted this long, although two more band-aid babies in the meantime probably helped distract them for a bit. Yes!!! I always side-eyed this relationship because he obviously should’ve ended up with some hot little southern debutante sorority gal who was raised to be nothing more than a rich housewife, not a former LA party girl who just wanted to parlay her former reality show fame into an attempt to be some wholesome mommy blogger-turned-“boss babe” wannabe. Even to this day it feels like Kristen’s desperately trying to one-up the far more successful Lauren Conrad at her own game. Wish I could feel bad for them, but I don’t; I do feel bad for their 3 little unvaccinated kids who have to go through this mess now.
  8. Most *especially* the guys have aged—-Thomas obviously looks older thanks to his lifestyle/advanced age, two young kids and legal/relationship drama, but I’m not sure why Whitney suddenly looks at least 10 years older...as for Shep and Craig, I just think all the partying has gradually caught up with them. They were already local partyboys, but I think it only intensified once the show became a hit and they started making more appearances and ramped up the partying for future seasons. Really sad to watch JD acting like such the wise and respected “family man” around his wife/kids, knowing what we know now...his marriage, businesses and reputation went completely down the drain just a few years ago...wonder what the ol’ red-faced buffoon is up to nowadays... Jenna was vaguely interesting style-wise, but she was such a snooze onscreen! Which is weird in retrospect because she acts completely differently/weirder on social media...I did love that snazzy old downtown home her rich boyfriend rented for her, but yeah, her whole defensive spiel of “investments” as her claim for that high life was so laughable. Plus, she just didn’t fit in with that crew at all...I’m not a huge fan of Austen or Chelsea either, but I found them way better fits for the cast than her. Hell, even that giggly twat Landon came off as a better overall fit. Yeah, this was such an amazing season and proved how shit the show has sadly become...I miss the posh gatherings, the hunting/fishing trips, the real estate porn...and awful as he truly is, I’ll always miss Thomas on here. All the oddly amusing/weird drama and Old Southern upscale linage he solely brought to the show, while everyone else basically reacted to it with their smaller side stories.
  9. I honestly didn’t even realize they were absent from this past episode until you mentioned it! Hmmm...well *that* says a lot about Mr. “#1 Guy in This Group” and his beer cheese bride.
  10. Does anyone here follow Craig & Austen on Instagram? Because Austen is apparently quarantining with Craig at his house(he recently moved down the street from Craig), so they’ve started to regularly host IG Live’s some nights called “Pillow Talk” where they get disgustingly drunk/stoned and chat with various Bravolebrities/friends and fans. It was vaguely interesting the first few times I participated/watched it, because Craig in particular tends to get gladly shitfaced, spills wine all over himself and says weird things, while Austen misquotes movie characters and rambles endlessly. Although it’s extra funny to see them attempt to not giggle at various fan comments/questions as they get drunker. Funny quips about T-Rav/JD particularly seem to tickle them(although they wisely never actually reply to those). They’ve had everyone from Below Deck’s Kate Chastain on(which is amusing considering Austen didn’t know who she was at BravoCon) to SC Savannah cast members, to Kathryn and Whitney, etc. Anyways, Austen/Craig usually get to singing incomprehensibly to the point that I’m starting to consider them Southern Beavis & Butthead; this is not a compliment. Also, why am I not surprised that they both claim to regularly play video games at all hours?
  11. I’m not even a Kristen fan and yet I’m 100% on her side with this idiotic friends/business partners breakup, so fuck you both for making me side with that hosebeast for once, Stassi and Katie!! Speaking of hosebeasts, some friend Katie was to not calm crazed Stassi’s ass down while Stassi was standing there making a blubbering fool of herself at the Witches of WeHo party. Maybe Katie had eaten one magic brownie too many by then. But good lord, either Stassi was back on the adderall or she’s really not progressed from the psycho mean girl schtick she played up on the first several seasons. Beau must be pretty damned desperate to dare consider settling down for marriage/fatherhood with that nutcase...or perhaps he really is just in it for the free ride and extra perks. LaLa has apparently replaced Kristen in the Bitches of WeHo coven...or her man obviously bought their loyalty with those PJ perks. And he’s such a bastard, but I miss James. I especially miss drunk/snarky James. I’ll give one thing to LaLa: at least she’s savvy enough to still film with him. The newbies...ugh...just recast them all next season, PLEASE. Or how about no newbies at all?? And whoever mentioned above that Scheana is a stealth bitch is totally right: I’ve never liked her or felt sorry for her. She’s your typical self-absorbed princess who only does things to make herself look better or to sneakily make others look bad. Period. If I were Dayna and she showed up on my doorstep with a camera crew and some sketchy psychic, I’d be calling the police on her ass!!
  12. I made the mistake of hosting a gathering at my place for my 15th reunion; granted, I went to a girls-only private Catholic high school and graduated from a class of less than 50, so our school doesn’t really do traditional high school reunions anyway. But I thought it was kinda sad how every few years the usual reunion organizers would practically beg us all to show up at some lame local restaurant and only a smattering of folks would show up, so I wanted to offer up something different, right? I was liked by most, had friends in most every clique, was president/officer of a few clubs and got a senior superlative, so why not?? Six gals showed up to my reunion event. SIX. We had a nice time and all, they ate and drank very well on my dime, but I still wanted to throw up my hands and go to our Facebook class reunion page and post: “This is why I was so glad to graduate; even back then I knew you girls were a bunch of boring bitches who don’t know how to party!!!” Needless to say, I haven’t bothered with any of our attempted reunions since then; I should expect no less since most of them got married had herds of kids by their late 20’s. So I just sit and judge who’s gotten the fattest/who looks the oldest on social media like everyone else does now. HS reunions are obviously all a bit outdated these days.
  13. Like I’d slightly forgotten what an entitled twat Caprice seemed like on this show; maybe some of it was her heavy pregnancy, maybe some of it was her “star” status she’d gradually gained over her years in London, but she was completely different a few years before when she appeared on a season of “The Surreal Life.” She seemed so sweet, fun and less thirsty back when she filmed that show(also, not as plastic yet), versus the haughty wannabe socialite she embodied on this show. Plus there was the endless back and forth about Caprice’s baby shower...God I was so damned sick of the silly baby shower fiasco. Maybe I’m just a lowly peasant, but I completely sided with Caroline on that one: if someone offers to throw you an elaborate baby shower, the gracious thing to do is to accept the offer on the host’s terms, not make self-centered demands otherwise. She totally wanted it held in the city because she wanted the paps and supposed ‘important folks’ to show up there too, which was ridiculous. You can have multiple showers, for chrissakes. Noelle was also annoying to me in a desperate older golddigger way, playing up to that fishy slimeball Scot(RIP) like he was actually loaded. I’m vaguely curious if she’s moved onto another supposedly rich Englishman target since then. Ditto Marissa, but in a different way. She seemed really phony to me, for some reason; I got a desperate social-climber vibe from her. Juliet just annoyed me overall and seemed to be playing the overdone role of the clueless American; plus, I’m sorry, but she had such a rat-like sneer on her face that I could never buy her as some fashion visionary. Go figure that the one American cast member I liked was Julie, the actual true royal-by-marriage. She seemed so genuine and disarming in all her frazzled glory; she’s proof that most folks who are actually are *somebody* don’t put on pretentious airs and act above everybody else. Although that whole protein balls idea she was hawking is still so cringeworthy. She could be a pretentious snob, but I still sorta enjoyed Annabelle, especially when she offered glimpses of her fashion underground vibes. Honestly, Caroline Stanbury ran circles around these gals in terms of poise and wit...but she seemed to be at the top of her game back then. I think moving her family to Dubai played a huge part in her recent divorce, although her frequently absent husband did seem a bit suspect even way back then.
  14. Seriously. Leah was correct when she mentioned that tattoos are now quite fashionable and no longer considered inappropriate, low-class nor socially unacceptable. Hate to say it, but the other ladies seemed like a bunch of typically out of touch Upper East Side old bags while they were sitting there ranting about tattoos, not even knowing what “tramp stamps” are(seriously?! This term has been around since at least the early aughts!). I was secretly wishing Leah had fired back with a well-deserved comment of “Okay, boomer.” So for once, Ramona appears to be off the hook and Dorinda is this season’s official designated bitch. It’s been a long time coming!
  15. THANK YOU!!! I cannot stand that phoney-accented, social climbing, dog abusing, money-laundering, plastic-faced, square-tittied asshole Dorit. Beyond her creepy Single White Femaling of Ericka Jane, I hold her personally responsible for completely hijacking RHofBH with her stupidassed petty storylines, and the fact that she helped push my girl LVP off the show. So fuck her and please don’t ever compare her to sweet Tinsley! Tins has an inner-kindness that only enhances her beauty. I’ll take her style of plastic face any day over the mean girl/ice queen beauty of the BH bitches.
  16. Scary Island is just as baffling to watch today as it was then; and it’s so funny to already see the foreshadowing of who Sonja would eventually become thanks to those funny little details from her first season...she was so composed and poised that first season, wow! Small details I noticed while re-watching the Scary Island episode today: -Kelly comes off as even more randomly unhinged upon second viewing. I feel like we missed a lot of key scenes building up to that insane dinner party. She seemed high AF. -Sonja drunkenly humping Kelly on her bed while repeatedly mentioning she smelt cat pee. Supposedly meth smells a bit like cat pee...you think Sonja suspected Kelly was high on some weird substance?? -“Johan face, Alex!” Da fuq does that even mean?! -Alex REALLY didn’t fit in with this crew at all. She seemed so awkward and out of her league compared to everyone else. That intensified by her final season. -Luann was such a pretentiously uptight bitch in the first 4 seasons. -Jill was such a pathetic, social-climbing, materialistic bitch. -I miss the Bethenny of early years, before she got so high on her own fumes. She really did give zero fucks back then, which is why we all rooted for her. -Ramona is the only HW who has remained exactly the same person from her first to her current season.
  17. EXACTLY. I totally get Stassi’s frustration if Beau’s being genuinely elusive about the possibility of marriage in general. Surely they’d discussed marrying each other before that scene, I’d like to hope?? Otherwise, I understand her frustrated tears; before I ever moved in with my now husband, I let him know that marriage within 3-5 years was my ultimate goal. And when I happened to pointedly mention 4 years later that my grandmother was in her mid-90’s and I wanted her to live to see us get married, he was kind enough to give me a few helpful hints that a proposal was on its way soon...and I was *completely* surprised when he did propose! So yeah, that’s stupid and borderline cruel if Beau’s stringing her along with the marriage stuff. You don’t play with your partner’s emotions like that over something that’s obviously very important to her or him just for the sake of it being a “surprise”; grow the fuck up, Beau. Speaking of which, I agree that Katie let Schwartz off the hook wayyyy too easily; I’d be mortified and devastated if my husband dared such hurtful things to me in front of all our friends, drunk or not. Completely inappropriate and probably based in truth since our angry drunk sides are usually willing to unleash the truths we normally stuff inside. Those two need some serious marital therapy because their relationship still feels as toxic as it did in the first seasons. God I’m so over LaLa. Yeah, so you’re engaged to a fat Hollywood film-trade divorcée who will eventually trade you in like the previous wife. Big friggin deal, get over your damned self. And while you’re at it, quit fucking with your face! Also, I’m no Kristen fan and I get Stassi/Katie’s annoyance with her, but it’s like they’re taking sick delight in excluding her and treating her like dogshit...it’s so nasty and unnecessary. Katie in particular is such a nasty bitch about excluding her/icing her out that I don’t even feel sorry for her when Schwartz yells at her or when people call out her beefy body.
  18. You should read this Twitter feed with the comments on their disgustingly entitled behavior, taking an extended stay at their resort house In the islands: https://mobile.twitter.com/clairecdowns/status/1247187750614228993 As if we didn’t know Kristen and her crew were smug enough; talk about tone deaf. For the sake of being responsible parents/brand spokesmen, they *needed* to swoop everyone up and get home earlier. I know the weather here in Nashville sucked around that time in mid-March, but those beaches/pools down there were all likely closed anyway, so what was even the point of staying? Then they waited until the last possible moment to scoop up their unvaccinated kids and her captive hair stylist from a resort forcing its scared staff to still deal with them all, moved them all through a hotbed of potential COVID cooties a few days ago via the airports/planes, and finally got their asses home. Things that make you go UGH!!!
  19. I saw that and almost corrected her, but I’m sure other petty followers like me have already. At any rate, I appreciate her using her platform to speak up and publicize the ugly political wrongs in her state. Especially critical she uses this time wisely since supposedly she’s not going to be on the next season of SC.
  20. Seriously!! I’ll never understand how such a lameassed She-Hulk bitch like Katie was ever a cast member on this show, especially since she’s gotten even *worse* as the seasons have worn on. Not only does her body get puffier with every season, but her attitude gets snottier too. Stassi only latches onto her because she knows Katie is dumb enough to easily manipulate into remaining as her one sole minion. And I get that Katie is annoyed with Kristen right now, but it looks like she takes such unnecessary deviant pleasure in taunting and mean girling Kristen. Like dude, this is your supposed “business partner”; you’re supposed to be promoting and helping sales despite any personal issues, so it’s no wonder that joke of a wine business is currently sputtering into oblivion. It was obviously just a little publicity whim they pursued as a random vanity project a’la RHofNYC’s Ramona Pinot Grigio; although Ramona Singer is savvy enough to keep promoting this project. So Katie’s not only bitchy, but lazy AF too. I'm convinced she’s too busy lying around feeding her stoner munchies to even bother ever considering actual work. God forbid she ever gets pregnant...the idea of her and dim pussywhipped prettyboy Schwartz parenting anything beyond lizards and dogs is so frightening. Obviously I’m looking forward to seeing Schwartz say next week, “this is why I don’t sleep with her anymore.” I don’t doubt it; they’re such a horrible match.
  21. It’s shocking to witness how many people not only so casually refuse to wash their hands when next to perfectly working sinks, but who randomly stick their fingers in their mouths in public. Like I’m constantly having to remind my teenage students to wash their hands/keep fingers out of their mouths. Cheetos/Taquis are even banned at my school because of red-dusted fingerprints around the building becoming such an issue. After 20 years working in education and a bit of healthcare, it’s just ingrained in me to constantly keep my hands washed and nails short because of the grime that can collect under there. Which brings me to another pet-peeve: nail biters. Can we specifically address nail biters with the whole “wash your hands” demand? Because I’ve known a few nail biters, and they’re nasty. Like I have such a phobia around nail biters that I don’t even let them touch me or my stuff because I know their fingers are freshly nibbled and constantly germy.
  22. Hells yes, hah!!! I also sadly remember the infamous dead baby scene from “Trainspotting”, which is probably when my immediate distaste for parents who wanna get wasted around their young children first began... ((shudder))
  23. How could I forget the parents I saw at 8ish the other night headed up with a kid in a stroller to a fashionably clubby bar with a DJ?! I legit wanted to ask them if they were lost and/or high.
  24. Because I’m a rather social lush, I go to breweries, wineries and bars regularly. Seeing kids/babies at these ADULT places eerily more frequently is a phenomenon that has greatly risen in the past ten years. There’s even one local brewery that has a playground for kids in the back, no joke...speaking of actual kids, one night I went to that playground brewery because I heard they were hosting baby goats during happy hour. I fucking love baby goats and was so excited at the idea of snuggling little goats while slurping a Saison! I was pretty incensed when I arrived to what looked like a drunken Mommy & Me party, complete with endless toddlers and small children chasing after completely indifferent goats. Comon now. I had to ask a bartender the other day why a CHILD was sitting in a seat at a crowded bar while other adults and I were desperately trying to order? He shrugged and said the kid’s dad was “the head brewer” and I’d have to take it up with him. Ridiculous. Not too long ago I was at a jazz club around midnight, and some gal was walking around with a toddler with headphones on. Are you fucking kidding me?! I completely quit going to a local winery on the weekends after I got tired of telling parents to please make sure their kids would stop screaming so much that I couldn’t even enjoy relaxed conversation on the vineyard picnic grounds with my friends over our wine. Sure, I get that parents deserve their time to relax and have a pint too, but why must the rest of us ChildFree folks be forced to endure their choices?! I don’t go hang out at the local Daycare, Chuck E Cheese or park playgrounds getting drunk, for chrissakes. Some places need to be ADULTS ONLY, period! Drinking around children is a major buzzkill and I really don’t understand folks who don’t get this; you wanna get buzzed with all your equally insufferable parent buddies and their litters, fine, please host backyard parties or hang at family friendly places, not the local winery or bar with the rest of us saner adults. Its only a matter of time before they’re going to allow kids in stripclubs, at this rate.
  25. So the “word on the street” is that Cameron hasn’t signed on yet for the new season and hasn’t done any filming yet either. She’s either holding out for more money or is likely not wanting to return; makes sense when you consider how close she grew to Naomi and Chelsea, who both definitely aren’t returning. Also, supposedly Eliza tried to hold out for more money/a bigger role and was quickly given walking papers. Probably doesn’t help that she’s still very Team Ravenel/Ashley, of course.
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