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Everything posted by ByaNose

  1. I’m guessing the devil storyline(s) is popular but watching a bunch of actors talk about the devil with a straight face hurts my brain. LOL!!!!the OG devil storyline was fun and new back in the day. Now, it’s just stupid. I guess I’m old school. I’m miss “straight” acting and realistic storylines that ATWT & GL had. That said, I refuse to talk about Clone storyline. That didn’t exist in my world. LOL!!!!
  2. I felt bad for the guy who got all the questions right but he never banked either. The Final 3 is rough sometimes. This is where they usually cut the strong person to even have a chance of winning. The $95,000 was a great haul. I keep saying I’m going to keep track of the winning pot but I never do. I do know this was one of the lager pots though.
  3. I do agree that in the old days it was What did you do last night driven whereas now it’s scurry to the newspaper articles that German has cut out for them. Regis would tell the best stories along with KLG…..until she didn’t. LOL!!! Kelly was there long enough with Regis to also have stories to tell as a young Mom and wife but that was years ago. Now she barely get two words out edgewise. I miss the old days.
  4. Not live…..as usual. I remember back in the day that Mothers Day week was a big deal. Not so much anymore.
  5. Why exactly does Valentin care that Martin wants to date Lucy?
  6. I’m curious how much after the double Tribal Councils we’ll get to see this week. Who gets in the most trouble and who comes out of it unscathed?! I know everyone says Individual Immunity is important but this week it will be major. If you don’t have immunity, an idol or advantage you are major trouble. One thing we have to see if another idol (or two) are put back in the game since Drea & Maryann played theirs. It should be a interesting episode.
  7. I had no idea that Studio McGee had a show on Netflix. I had watched them on YouTube and have bought some of their products at Target though. This show isn’t for poor people like me. LOL!!!! This is a big budget show which is beautifully shot. It seems that the wife, Shea, does everything. I’m not really what the husband, Syd, does. If I had an unlimited budget I’d probably hire them. Since I don’t I’ll just have to go Target and buy their less (high end) but still still nicely done items.
  8. ByaNose

    S42 Hai Giang

    Jai is playing hard but he’s a smart guy. I’m still not sure if he makes it to the Final 3 though. I think Jai & Romeo working will be short lived and I think Romeo will take Hai out. I’m hoping I’m wrong because I like Hai over whiny Romeo.
  9. Although, Tori wasn’t very self aware (at least to me) she was a fun character. I would like to have seen if she could have won another immunity challenge. That said, no one trusted her from jump. For a bunch of people who had never met or talked before she had a horrible beginning, middle and end. LOL!!!!
  10. Since there isn’t a thread for it I have to say I’ve been watching Texas on YouTube and it really was a good soap. I usually only watched it in the summer because I was taping GL and GH at that time. Texas had fun characters and beautiful sets. No soap was going overtake either GH or GL in the ratings so they should have just left it on the air longer. I know it’s a business but I’m sure it brought some money in for the next work. They probably could have gotten a good 5 years out of it instead of the 2 they ended up,with. Currently, I’m watching the David Forsyth years. He was super good looking here. He would go on to be a bigger star on Another World where he rocked an awesome beard and body in his tight jeans. Oh! He could act, too. LOL!!!! The 80’s and 90’s were a great time for the soaps.
  11. The tiny cabin redo still looked tiny because they had a lot of stuff jammed in. Granted, it was staged that way and some things could be removed but it is a tiny space. Most cabins are generally huge with large family’s or multi family’s renting for the weekend/weekend. This house would could that market or rental pool in half. I guess a group of four would be fine but beyond that it might get cramped. I didn’t mind the black color of the house but he did do that just last week. If it’s done again them I’m out. LOL!!! The closed in porch and deck looked nice. Also, the hot tub, fire pit and dinning were nice additions for the outside. Unfortunately, the show doesn’t give any location(s) for the renovations that are done (which is so dumb) so I have no idea if the $700 a night was viable or not. I also wish they’d give the renovation cost. It’s great to tell the viewer the potential rental income but how much of a loan are these people just to get the house to look like this. On a shallow note….Scott and Debra looked hot in their bathing wear.
  12. nuNoah is always sad looking. Between the actor and character itself he’s kind of depressing. I wish they’d bring back Robert Adamson back to the role. Though they never gave him much to do he was such a happier character. Also, I think Josh Morrow was really close friends with Robert Adamson. In fact, Josh Morrow has been close friends with all the “kids” who have played Nick’s kids.
  13. Meanwhile, Heather Tom hasn’t been seen in months. Wouldn’t Katie be there to lend an ear to Brooke? It’s amazing how far off the back burner Don Diamont and Heather Tom have been.
  14. In 1988 he played Harris Michaels before his run on GH.
  15. I think Harmony was put on contract (not that means much in daytime) but I’m thinking she’ll need a transfusion or body part and Willow won’t be a match. Of course, the show had to involve Carly because it can’t help itself. FV must tell all writers that MB and/or LW must be involved in all storylines even it doesn’t make sense.
  16. Philadelphia. I from the burbs outside of the city about 25 minutes. All the young kids are moving there for their jobs, nightlife and easy access. I get the appeal. That said, I wouldn’t have moved into any of those places. My idea of Philadelphia is a high rise with all night security and amenities. LOL!!! Also, I’m 58 and I’m too old for that shit. LOL!!!!
  17. SC bottom lip deserves an Emmy. Why?????? She was so pretty. Will those eventually go down or away or is always going to be like that?
  18. Dreya said she’d didn’t think Shenelle & Rocksroy would be voted out at this stage of the game. Didn’t Dreya vote Shenelle out last week or did she vote for Romeo?
  19. And, it’s only $295. LOL!!!! https://wornontv.net/262535/
  20. About the vote itself. Who was going to be voted out? Drea or Tori?
  21. The weird thing was that Rocks was voted out because he was trying to start an all guys alliance. Some of those didn’t want it. It had nothing to do with race.
  22. Now, I know what Chenille meant about Jonathan in her word association game last week. She was at this Tribal Council and saw the good and Bad of Jonathan.
  23. I hate when real issues come into play on Survivor. It’s like saying that it’s okay for them to vote out the white players? Also, they were all totally shocked that Rocks was voted out. Even Jonathan. That said, it was pretty powerful stuff and Maryann was all get out. That girl has got backbone and an opinion. Good for her.
  24. TempAlexis is horrible. She could barely move and act at the same time. I think the paparazzi guy needed to get closer to Sasha’s face. I don’t think he got her nostrils. Good lord. Horrible OTT acting today on GH. Also, if Violet pronounced color wrong one more time I was going to hurl. I know it’s nice to pick on a child but that was awful. As was the the random chem testing with MW and ME. So weird.
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