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Everything posted by CatMomma

  1. Poor thing definitely got Ken's chin. I hate to bag on people's looks, so I will say that Pandora is by no means ugly. She just doesn't compare to her mother, who, while dressing like a diva from Dynasty, is still gorgeous. I wonder if she would look better with darker hair?
  2. I think this is a really good point. Hell, at times, Lisa didn't hide that she was trying to guide Brandi when it came to her tv persona. Her telling Brandi to stop cussing and yelling when she was upset and suggesting that she lay off the drinking are perfect examples. Brandi called it mothering, but I think Lisa really was trying to lead Brandi in a positive direction, at least when it came to what viewers saw on screen. Call it manipulation, but I do believe that Lisa thought she was helping Brandi, which is why she was so hurt by her betrayal.
  3. I have to say that even if Lisa was a little jealous, why on earth would Kyle needle her like that? It was juvenile and petty, especially when I hadn't seen Lisa do anything negative toward Kyle at that point. Even if Lisa confronting Taylor was about jealousy, she was also 100% correct. Taylor said something to Camille to get her riled up again. I think Lisa felt like Kyle was being naive when it came to Taylor. I also think Taylor was really horrible to Kim from the beginning, probably because she had heard some things from Kyle. Lisa, who knew what Kyle had been dealing with for years, was never as nasty toward Kim as Taylor seemed to be. As dumb as Lisa can be about some people, she definitely had Taylor's number. I actually really liked Kyle in the beginning of season 1, but toward the end of the season, she started displaying some mean girl tendencies, particularly when it came to Lisa. I don't think Lisa is innocent, not by a long shot. But, I do think Kyle started the animosity that now exists.
  4. I don't think it's fake to be cordial. Nene didn't have to hug her or treat her like her best bud, but there is no reason to be dismissive and rude. And, she was incredibly rude. We can speculate that Claudia was rude to NeNe behind the scenes, but nothing I have seen of Claudia so far leads me to believe she acts that way. I can only go by what I saw on screen, and what I saw was NeNe acting like an ass. Plus, this seems to be a pattern with her when it comes to new cast members. She was rude to Phaedra, Porsha, and Kandi during their first seasons. This whole keeping it real argument always reminds me of the Dave Chappelle skit, "When keeping it real goes wrong". Being polite doesn't mean a person is fake. Looks like next week, NeNe will be calling another woman a whore. Yay! More slut shaming!
  5. Yup. I always took Brandi's silence as an "Oh, shit, I may have gone too far this time". I certainly didn't see Lisa as playing Michael Corleone to Brandi's Fredo. I mean, if it was a threat, then Lisa certainly never carried through on it. I read it more as a guilt trip she was putting on Brandi, which I really didn't have a problem with at the time.
  6. That was just weird, because it didn't look like they were yelling or having some huge blow up at the time.
  7. I hope, based upon Brandi's comments in the media, that Kyle has had enough. One of the things that really bothered me about last season is Kyle's readiness to cozy up to Brandi, despite seeing how nasty she could be toward her cast members. Kyle has never struck me as nasty, just spineless. Girl. Grow a backbone when it comes to someone who isn't Lisa or Kim.
  8. There does seem to be this attitude that Lisa has a lot of power at Bravo. No, she's just another dancing monkey like the rest of them. Lisa has a marginally successful show on Bravo where she is a producer, which simply means she gets more money. Bravo pulls the strings. If production wanted Scheana at the party as a cross promotion, then Scheana will be there. Brandi knows this and accepts it as part of her paycheck. To play this as Lisa's machinations behind the scenes is ridiculous.
  9. My favorite is that after you make it clear the comments were hurtful, it becomes a compliment. Yes, telling me that I go to throw up every time I go to the bathroom is a damn compliment. See? You are skinny and we are just jelly! All this is to say that commenting on a woman's body negatively, rather overly thin or overly obese is not okay. Ugh, I know we are getting off topic, so I'll stop now.
  10. Yup. This is coming someone who has been skinny all of her life and has to endure the "she's probably going to the bathroom to throw up" comments. How flattering to tell me I look sick. I find commenting on anyone's body incredibly insulting. I am not about to compare the things I've heard to what people who are overweight have had to endure, but body image is a damn personal thing. Women, no matter their weight, have body image issues.
  11. This is something else that feels odd. Kyle acted innocent when Brandi said she received her info from Kyle, and yet, here they are, still good friends at the beginning of the season. Why on earth would Kyle continue to befriend Brandi after accusing her of something she didn't do? Something stinks.
  12. Mauricio is one of the top 5 realtors in the country. He wasn't hurt by Lisa's comments. Not one bit. So, if the argument is that what was said hurt their reputations, then I'd say they are equal in that regard. If it is about the comments potentially hurting their reputations, then yep, it's all equal. Why do you say Lisa said something she didn't believe? She made it clear that she didn't believe it at the reunion, but also made it clear that is how she felt at the time. So, at the time she said it, she believed it.
  13. Thank you! I don't even remember my parents teaching me to do laundry. I just watched them, asked a couple of questions and "Voila!" laundry was done. Heck, the instructions are right there on the washing machine.
  14. Yes, and Kyle also said some really hurtful things about Lisa long before these comments were made. Calling Lisa Bobby Fisher, accusing her of preying on the weak, and staying completely silent as Lisa was accused of selling stories to the tabloids (by Taylor during the season and Adrienne at the reunion). Did that not also hurt her reputation? I mean, damn, at least Lisa finally conceded that what she said probably wasn't true, but how she felt at the time. A lot of people felt that at the time, long before Lisa said it. Kyle hasn't said anything in the way of an apology. Not once.
  15. I think a lot of that had to do with the fact that Brandi was a fan favorite, so people were going out of their way to give her the benefit of the doubt. I know I tried to do that with NeNe on RHOA, but it gets to a point where you realize the person is vile. I actually liked Brandi her first season, but after her behavior with Joyce, I was pretty much done. Joyce had done nothing for that type of treatment from anyone. Even with Kyle and Kim, who were incredibly awful to Brandi during game night, I could maybe see why they went in with some bias. I think the final straw was when Brandi turned on Lisa. We can talk about the goings on behind the scenes, but what most viewers saw was Lisa going out of her way to support and befriend Brandi when nobody else would. It looked like a huge betrayal, especially when Brandi went to Kyle, who she previously loathed, to talk nasty about Lisa. I am supposed to believe that Brandi felt terrible about what Lisa was supposedly doing to Kyle? Nope. Brandi has said some truly awful things to and about Kyle. And, her dislike of Kyle came from Kyle's own behavior during Brandi's rookie season, not from anything Lisa said to her. If this really was all about Scheana, then why was Brandi giving interviews saying that she really had no problem being in the same room with her after the sit down? Plus, Brandi's reasons for being angry with Lisa were just all over the place. It was Scheana! No, it was Lisa's mothering! No, it was using Brandi as a pawn!
  16. I agree. I'm just willing to give her the benefit of the doubt because I haven't seen anything that implies she is full of herself. So far, she seems to be able to make fun of herself. When she says anything, I feel like there is always a wink and a smile. A very big lipped smile. I will probably regret it saying these things, because I thought Brandi was great her first season. Lisa, girl, don't let me down.
  17. I'm going to agree and disagree. I do believe that Brandi felt like as a friend, Lisa should have cut off Scheana. But, I don't believe it was that big of a deal and Brandi is really not all that hurt by it. To me, it seems as though Brandi has latched onto this one thing and is using it as a stick to beat Lisa with, because it makes her look like the victim. People talk about Lisa playing the victim, but she has nothing on Brandi. Which is why they can't win. Apologize and it's insincere. Don't apologize and it's because they can't admit fault. The reputation remarks went on during season 3. I haven't seen her talk about it since. Did Brandi or Kyle apologize for their remarks?
  18. I haven't really seen Lisa single out Kyle in her talking heads. I did see Kyle in a TH say that Lisa is a grudge holder. I do think that Lisa is making up based upon opportunism, but aren't they doing the same? I mean, since season 2, Kyle has talked about how manipulative Lisa is, yet she wants to make up? Not just Kyle, but all of them. The only people making Lisa more relevant is the rest of the cast. From what I remember, Lisa and Ken said that they felt that Kyle was nice to Adrienne because Mauricio wanted their listing. She also apologized for her remarks. From what I can tell, Lisa and Ken's comments did absolutely nothing to hurt his business. In fact, he seems to be kicking ass, so her remarks were no more hurtful than the bankruptcy accusations lodged against Lisa. And, didn't Brandi say that her info came from Kyle? Kyle, who looked like a deer in headlights at the reunion. So, no harm no foul.
  19. Aw, I saw that statement as a bit self deprecating. Had I not seen Lisa R. making fun of herself in every ep, I might think differently. But, the woman seems to understand she's a failed actress on a reality show, reduced to adult diaper endorsements.
  20. Lawd help me, because I'm about to defend these idiots. Because, yup, they were being hella rude. But, I do believe they were playing the "I'm on camera so I gotta seem cool" BS. We constantly talk about these 40-50 year old women playing it up for the cameras, so why should we be surprised when teenagers do the same? Teenagers say incredibly stupid shit, which is why it's probably best they stay off camera. And making excuses for teenagers isn't new. Let's not forget that until recently "Boys will be boys" was an excuse for all kinds of bad behavior.
  21. Well, not exactly. She has said that Scheana and Pandora are good friends. I see this whole thing as a tempest in a teapot. Had Scheana had an affair with Eddie after Lisa was good friends with Brandi, then I think Brandi would have a grievance. However, the affair happened long before Lisa even knew Brandi. The only thing she knew about Sheana is that she was good friends with Pandora and it does seem as though she has always liked her. Right or wrong, I think Lisa views Scheana as naive when it came to Eddie. (Personally, I see Scheana as an opportunist, but Lisa seems to be pretty stupid when it comes to reading people, particularly those she perceives as a victim.) Now, if Lisa suddenly became friends with Eddie, I could see the problem. But, no, I'm not buying Brandi's victim act.
  22. I am rewatching right now, and Kyle just drives me bonkers. She is the person that said they all had problems with Lisa, which implied that Lisa was the entire problem. However, just a few seasons ago, these same people had a huge problem with Kyle. So, she can shut up. Maybe, just maybe, the problem is Brandi, Kim, and Yolanda. She had her sit down with Lisa, where they agreed to move forward and avoid talking about each negatively. While, technically, Kyle didn't say anything negative, she certainly implied that the problem was all Lisa. She also, as usual, neglected to defend Lisa. Even if she didn't defend her, she certainly got the ball rolling and knows that Brandi's "all about Scheana" version was a load of horse manure. But, the truth would have made their problems seem pretty damn petty in the retelling. I keep wanting to like Kyle, but she always seems to do or say something that keeps me sitting on the fence with her.
  23. I always loved her on DOOL, so I never viewed her as a bad actress. I do think that being popular on a soap hurt her, because for some reason few soap stars make it outside the soap world. Not saying it isn't possible because obviously, there are a lot of soap stars who have managed to become successful, but they aren't the norm. There are a lot of talented soap actors who leave, only to return because they couldn't find work. I too am digging Lisa R. and find her refreshing, but what she said was pretty snark worthy. She isn't that well known. I know that a lot of people see her as fakey nice, but to me she just comes off as a very positive person, and at times, it can seem like a bit much. I see a woman who is down to earth and self aware.
  24. That was hilarious. Yes, honey, all the great roles in Hollywood go to unknowns. I can guaran-damn-tee she only got the role on Veronica Mars because she was "known" as the wife of Harry Hamlin.
  25. Not only that, but we don't know what was going on in her marriage at the time. I can't stand Brandi, but Cibrian was an ass for what he did to her. However, every situation is not Brandi's situation. I am a firm believer that a person should at least separate before they get involved with another person, but I also understand that nobody is perfect. If Eileen was unhappy in her marriage and there were problems, I can understand her being weak and giving in to her feelings.
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