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Everything posted by Vixenstud

  1. Humph. I get Harris being pissed at Darlene’s shimmy-sham fests with David/Ben but at the end of the day that’s her mother….be angry all you want but you need to be respectful. Heiffa had my eyebrow up higher than Mr. Spock, at some point I would have karate chopped her throat! Loving Dan and Louise and hope this is taken snail's pace slow. It will be interesting to see the reactions from the girls, DJ and especially Jackie once this romance takes off. Love the new set for Becky and Bev....glad they had Emilio on but isn't his deportation cell a wee bit homey looking? I'd think he'd be in some cramped room or something. Beverly Rose is adorable and had me near tears with her chubby smiling self.
  2. It's not? I wasn't complaining about Sikora's blaccent, I find it hot.
  3. Chile? If I had met Kevin Costner on the Metro, it would have been something. Wife, schmife. Great read, Funky-Rat!
  4. Damn but Joseph Sikora has serious blaccent....I was cracking up at him saying 'Let me holla at you right quick'. He sexy AF though. Speaking of which, Larenz Tate? CLAUDE have mercy, slappin' that ass and shit. Oh, was I supposed to be watching the episode? *Seeing myself out*
  5. Sooo....Donna doesn't have spina bifida?
  6. Holly Sutton Scorpio, the real and true love of Robert's life!
  7. Sorry for the crappy reception in advance. Girlfriends, Trick or Truth? episode Joan ends her friendship with Toni after Toni crosses a personal line. This scene is always hard to watch for 8 years ago my BFF ended our friendship, leaving me devastated to this day. About two days after we last spoke for good I happened to come to this very scene on the television....with the song playing in the background and Joan/Toni crying, I fucking lost it. By the time I finished ugly crying, you would have thought that Mike Tyson had punched me in both eyes they were so swollen. Even now it is hard to watch without tearing up.
  8. Forgot to add.... Years ago, me and Mr. Vixenstud were eating in a restaurant in Philly when I looked up and saw the embedded hair pick of Questlove! I stared then he turned, looked at me, said 'Hello' then walked away. I had such a stupid grin on my face the entire night.
  9. He's had a very interesting life. *Throws confetti in his honor, RIP*
  10. Was shocked to hear about this during the weekend....any BB fans that have watched from the beginning? https://screenrant.com/big-brother-julie-chen-reacts-cassandra-waldon-death/
  11. OMG.... This woman was a motherfucking trailblazer! From Julia to Claudine to Marion Gilbert to Norma Desmond, etc., she was the epitome of class and beauty. This one hurts. RIP, lovely lady!
  12. Not a one....nay, nay, nay! (For you History of the World, Part I fans out there!) Anywho, just watched WWHL; big fan of Henry Winkler, he and Dan Rather together were great. Nicole looked nice as well.
  13. What the? How in the bluedilly hell did this happen?! That's fucking great!
  14. Oof, just saw it Camille....that's up there with Hope on DOOL after being told her son had died.
  15. Dear Sir, Madam or Co-Worker: If you should ever see me walking down the street with headphones on, either nod or say hello....then keep it frickin' moving! I hate when people get in your face and want to talk when they know perfectly well you're listening to something! Some woman was walking right next to me the other day (my underwear is black heiffa, you're too damned close!), wanting to ask a question. First of all, I don't like strangers walking so close to me. Second, there are other walkers around that you could have asked! And then people get offended when I rudely inquire what they want, since they obviously don't see the blue headphones hanging from my damned ears!!
  16. I'm actually dreading this, 'cause while I know we're going to get grade A acting from Jay Ferguson won't this mean he won't be on the show anymore?
  17. Low blow, David.....let them hash it out in peace, don't be a dick. And this is coming from someone who loved you and wished that you had gone far in the game. Otherkate, I always chuckle whenever I see Jamie on It commercials....I was the main one that said she wouldn't amount to anything celebrity-wise and look at her now, she's literally a billionaire!
  18. YAWNS! Entirely too much time spent on Michael and Bootygate!
  19. Why is she trying to get back on? Hasn't she won before, or is that just Josh?
  20. How I wish that Da'Vonne had been on....she would have shanked those fools and wore their balls like earrings.
  21. Chile, my mama would have beat me like I stole something.
  22. True dat....but what I liked about her was the fact that her very existence bothered the hell out of Jack.
  23. Y'know what? Kemi was mean girl bitchy but she did not deserve the shit that was piled onto her by these assholes.
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