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Everything posted by Vixenstud

  1. Especially if Zingy tosses a bottle of Summer's Eve at her before he departs.
  2. For the love that's all and fucking just, no. NOOOOOOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! This better be like each week when you think someone else is getting evicted then everyone comes to their senses.
  3. What? I thought Patrick's Vida was pretty, Leguizamo was definitely fine and lol, agree with the fugly Noxeema. Unfortunately, I'm always reminded of a former friend when seeing Vida...he looked just like her whenever he did drag. Do you know why there was tension. I take it back...Don did mention Lisa a few times in the doc. As for why they don't get along, iirc there was drama after Patrick's death concerning the auction of his things and what his family actually got out of it. I didn't know there was another brother outside of Don but Sean Kyle definitely had negative things to say about Lisa: https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2019/08/patrick-swayze-brother-slams-widow-abuse-claims/
  4. Awwwwwwwwwww, shit! Listening to Part One of the fight, I'ma need some chips and a beer!
  5. Same here....in fact, I don't recall Don mentioning her name at all during the doc.
  6. Not being mean, just stating what will likely happen. Most kids when they get in their tweens start 'smelling their piss', as the old folks say.
  7. I....died at this in bed around 1 in the morning! And yup, Gizzard did look visibly taken aback at Beaky's handing Ashley the hostess duties.
  8. Why yes, it is! Twas watching whilst getting ready for work this morning and had to stop....didn't want to cry in the Lyft drive. Will watch the rest (with tissues!) tonight.
  9. What in the Diddy's Dress White Only Party is this shit?! The only one that looks halfway decent is Karen, and she gets points taken off for the hair.
  10. Damned computer! Now I gotta type all over again! Gizzard, you ain't shit! You're just wasting money to that Norbit looking therapist 'cause you're still the same bitter bitch you've been for three seasons and if there is Karma you'll get it twice-fold by your twin daughters when they go buckwild in their teens and you'll feel like shit for not being there for them as you should be now; how bout trying to be a mother instead of their friend! And miss me with that half-assed apology to Karen....err'body knows that when you start off with 'If I've offended, etc.' then you know good and bluedilly well that you did offend. Karen has an excellent reason for treating you the way she does, if it were me I'd treat you like Fredo and act like your stupid ass didn't exist. Beaky Buzzard - I don't care if Juan is dickmitizing you on the regulah or if you are too stupid to know that as the host you are responsible for all the events, when Bravo ('cause let's be real, this broke bitch ain't get near any paaaaaaarts of money all of a sudden!) takes you on a trip, you might want to be on time! I hate late people, this is trifling and inexcusable. And how the hell is Gizzard supposed to know that she should apologize unless you tell her outright? See, when normal folk fuck up, they know they fucked up and act accordingly....you are waiting for an apology from a selfish twat that's only concerned about herself. Keep on waiting dumbass! Monique, let me have to tell you one more 'gin bout that Isis headband in your TH's! Damn Ashley, you didn't have to go so HAM on Katie like that.
  11. Hulu? Is this why I Love Lucy's no longer on The Hallmark Channel?
  12. I'll never grow up....giggling silently in bed.
  13. Thank Christ she is finally out....fake assed Lucille Ball! Tommy's exit message couldn't have been more Hoover'd; I hope he eventually gets evicted.
  14. S'long as his plans don't get out, I'm happy....too bad he won't put her BFF Loudy McLouderson next to her.
  15. I remember Mike being on the show about twice....has he been on recently? Wonder why not?
  16. I'm still side-eyeing Cliff due to, when the Six Shitheads were being mean to her because they thought she was the vogue vote, distancing himself from her when she needed him most. Never been a Kat fan so if she and her unfunny ass can go then all the better.
  17. I’ma give it to Ashley….right or wrong, at least she had the balls going to see her biological father. It is unfortunate that he wants nothing to do with her, but at least she tried. She has Michael, her family, friends and now more importantly baby Dean….that’s a lot of love her way and if karma is real then one day that POS will regret how he treated her. OMFG, THIS!! Gotdamn, all this drama would be erased if Ashley/Candiace had just gone to Monique and asked her outright. Jesus! Same here....I guess Gizzard thought Monique was going to clam up but she 'owned' what she said; isn't that the very thing you keep telling people to do heiffa? I screamed out ‘WHEN?!’ when she claimed that bullshit….she’s been oozing green-eyed jealousy at Monique since day muhfuckin one so she can miss me with that lie. And I replied with Monique when, after Gizzard proclaimed that she'd never send Monique another text, Monique says 'You've never texted me anyway so you don't have to worry about it!' (Not verbatim but that was the jist of it) Gizzard is a dried up pathetic POS that tries to queen it over people....she fucking needs to get a life, get laid and get some shrink sessions for the daughter she pays not enough attention to. Bitch, bye! That's exactly how I saw it. I will say that the house looked lovely after everything was done...too bad Gizzard had to ruin a prospective buyer with her shit. If this doesn't show Beaky Buzzard how much Gizzard is not a friend, then nothing will. Karen, you know I love you and all but when you said that I yelled 'FUCK YOU!' to the screen. I am currently in Bridget's former situation in that I live with my mother and take care of her while my brother lives in Georgia and my sister lives in Virginia. Since no one else is in Philly, everything falls to me. And there are times that I resent the fuck out of my siblings because they get to 'spread their wings' while I'm taking care of our mother alone. She is grasping at straws...she will lose money and Juan will be pointing a finger at her again. She should invest in something she knows about and has a passion about. Again, this is all for Juan to love her again....she's so sad it ain't even funny anymore.
  18. This is a hard one (shut up, Nick!) Anyway, who do y'all think will be evicted?
  19. IF Tommy is sharing the prize money with him, yes.
  20. Y'know, I was thinking that very same thing. I believe it is the same guy. Yeah, the alien dude tormenting Aquadouche was cracking me up, he made AD seem...human. But then 'Jack Fucking Matthews' came back and I cheered his eviction. What a pussy reason to hate someone; I hope Kemi wins AFP just to see his face drop. Oy, Tommy's the new HOH? S'gonna be a cringe worthy week, folks.
  21. Isn't that the reason why he's scared of Cliff? Shocked....thought noms would be Jackson/Cliff or Jackson/Nicole or Jackson/Kat No it does NOT! It was a racist comment period. I don't know which explanation was more insulting, that or the reason for his Kemi hate. I wish they would have aired 'Waterbottle-Gate' just so he can remember what a jackass he is.
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