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Everything posted by diebartdie

  1. That bugged me a lot. Im glad Iris let Barry know how she really felt though, everyone did her wrong.
  2. Vanessa is using possession to protect herself? I dont get that at all. Sir Malcom used her last possession in order to get the information he needed to track down Mina but other than that, the possessions of Vanessa have been brutal and each time every nearly killed her. I think Vanessa would be extremely glad to have the demon permanently gone from her.
  3. All I can say is good riddance.
  4. I didnt see a thread like this so figured it would be ok to start one. My only speculation for season 3 is that Helena will kill Mrs S.
  5. I wont call ya crazy because I thought so as well! I was really hoping Emily would win it and if not her then I was pulling for Logan but I pretty much knew the fix was in when Darla got Fantasy. You know, she didnt even make that chest piece and she got so much help from Laura, meh sour grapes as someone else mentioned. I kind of thought Emily was sort of running out of steam anyway, there towards the end of the competition so it made sense to me her final thing wasn't as awesome as I thought it would be. She really likes working with Jamie (even though she didnt pick her first), I thought that was cool and even though I really liked Jamie's sculpt for the wood monster, they really missed their mark, Emily wanted it to look like a bunch of wooden pallets had exploded into the guy but instead the wood all looked too much like raw wood, it should have had nails in it and maybe been lighter in color or something. Ah well, I reckon any of the final three could have very bright careers in the industry if the go for it and especially Emily, she's a youngin' going places. Yeah he did the armadillo sculpt.
  6. Emily took top looks last week so she'll most likely get first dibs and so will probably pick fantasy!
  7. Here's something to think about. The Wolves found Aaron's backpack in their trap, they are going to think whomever dropped that pack is dead now. Aaron knows he dropped his backpack and knows exactly what is in it and he and Daryl and I guess Morgan too know The Wolves are very bad psychos, they know the psychos have that bag. This means The Wolves will NOT have the element of surprise so yay! I want to add, I have no knowledge of any spoilers, I dont read spoilers, I dont want to know whats going to happen until it does. When I said I think Glenn got bit, it's just because I think that, and also, a lot of people here apparently think that as well so it's not in any way a spoiler, EVEN IF it turns out to be true eventually, it's just a hunch right now. Have they even started filming the next season?
  8. I thought Glenn said "you left me to die", not "now Im gonna die" but whatever, I too think Glenn may have been bitten.
  9. Now that Dr Drunky Drunk is a limp porch dick, there will be SO MUCH MORE alcohol! Cheers everyone! Have a drink on me! Or on Pete rather. Or hell, do shots off Rick's butt, its all FREEEEEEE!!!!
  10. Oh I wasn't looking at the ankles, the entire pants are very tight, almost Michonne level tightness, as tight as jeans can be on a guy and not cut his junk off tight. I might have rewound a time or two...Edit to add, lord have mercy but all the looks between Aaron and Daryl in that car, I mean I know Rick (AL) is the master of the eye fuck but Daryl (NR) was seriously giving him a run for the money, he was banging the ever loving hell out of Aaron in that car! At least that's how I saw it.
  11. Carol is fully, completely alive now, feeling 100% of her power, if she had seen Sasha lying in the pit of dead one's, Carol would have pitied her, not joined her. Sasha and Carol are complete opposites, Sasha is dead, Carol is alive. So the Wolf trap, that was interesting! I will admit to you all, the shot of Daryl and Aaron walking towards the food trucks, I was amazed to see our boy Daryl wearing SKINNY JEANS!!!! Oh man, no way in hell Daryl and Aaron dont end up together, fuck whatever Kirkman said! Anyway, the wolves, the wolves, the wolves. It is so very unlikely that people that deranged, that frankly psychotic could really manage such a detailed operation, not with two people, not with 20. It's just too much craycray. People IRL that tend to do that kind of sick stuff work alone. The wolves have no real goals other than to do exactly what they've been shown to do, BTK writ large.
  12. I thought that was a great, satisfying episode.
  13. There isnt any reason to believe Sam will grow up and reproduce so if THAT VERSION of Sam were to be "erased" or that timeline to never happen, it does not necessarily mean anyone else would never exist. There has been some question about how Ramse was able to guide the army of the 12 monkeys (or whatever Olivia's outfit is called) to such great wealth. There was a scene showing Ramse looking at some computer displays, Olivia walks in and asks him "has anything else come back to you", the implication is Ramse remembering anything else useful from his remembrance of historical facts to her group. I thought those computers looked weird but the thing that really is bugging me is what is happening to Ramse's hand and arm? Was that tattoo? Was it some weird alteration to his body caused by the unprepared time travel? Also, Im still Team Jones. I know her primary motivation is just one person BUT she also misses all the GOOD stuff human kind have created over the millennia, the art, the philosophy, the music, the food, all the stuff that makes our otherwise shitty species worth a damn. In fact, if she had not given such a full throated defense of the awesomeness of our culture as a species, if she was JUST motivated for her daughter, I would be Team 12 Monkeys because our species is so horrible, so depraved so wasteful and bent on utter destruction. I LIKE that she reminded me of what makes our species worthwhile. If only we were all like that all the time instead of so many of us being bent of destruction of each other, of this beautiful, precious planet.
  14. I've been thinking about the Cole / Ramsey relationship. I agree it seemed to have come out of left field when Jose turned on Cole BUT think about it. Cole and Rams had been together most of their lives and thought of each other as brothers. Now think about famous brothers like Dave and Ray Davies or Chris and Rich Robinson, brothers who loved each other fiercely yet also fought each other bloody. It's a common thing even for best friends to have disastrous falling out over misunderstandings and go from deep love to absolute hate in no time. Love/Hate, same thing in some ways. So Jose Ramsey found his long lost love and the son he never knew. That was real, tangible HOPE for the future and so Ramsey just stopped believing in the efficacy of time travel and can you blame him? All he has to do is wake up in the morning and know "the mission" has FAILED, again. All he has to do is look at his beloved friend, see him dying bit by bit, jump after jump and know "the mission" is more or less a prolonged torture session that Cole seemed to have bought into, like a Stockholm Syndrome victim. I do think Ramsey tried to show Cole love to get him to stop but that failed so Ramsey had to turn that love upside down, turn it into something dark, turn it into hatred in order to stop Cole. He loved him enough to save his life by making him stop, he hated him enough to make him stop by killing him. That's a sad fucking story right there.
  15. My nested quote is also a link to the article :P I agree with the article, the writers need to either shit or get off the pot!
  16. Hey yall, check this out, I thinks it's a really good article, here's a tidbit from it.... dont know why that made a nested quote......
  17. Nevil brought it up when the judges were taking their up close look but then didnt mention it to her at all which I thought was weird, she REALLY needs to stop doing that, it looks stupid.
  18. Also, those kids were most likely making up their imaginary friend right there on the spot so when it came time for the reveal, all the artists really needed to do was something generally similar to what the "clients" asked for because I doubt many of those kids even remembered what they asked for anyway. Especially Ben's kid, he seemed so very young he would have please with just about any silly, colorful thing. Ben's thing reminded me of the season where that guy kept making HUGE GIANT BID ASS creations, there was a troll challenge that season but each troll had to have at least two heads and he made a freekin 10 foot tall troll with three heads plus the model who was being held by the troll....maybe they weren't trolls, maybe they were giants? I dont exactly remember the parameters of the challenge but that guy made an amazing, giant creation in that three days so things like that can be pulled off it just takes really excellent time management and Ben failed big time.
  19. I've been reading the comic since day one but after season 1 of the tv show, it and the comic are just two different things to me. Yes, I know I referred to ASZ as ASZ before it was consensus to call it that but I called it that because it seemed like what it should be called. I haven't read that part of the comic for a long time, I dont re-read them so anyway, I guess I remembered it but didnt realize I remembered it. Anyway, I respond to the tv show as it is and the comic as it is. I used to be so aggravated that Chandler Riggs was so much older than Carl in the books but now, meh, kind of different characters. They are just different things, TWD world is pretty big when you think comic + tv show + various games, it's all just a hodge podge. Im spoiler adverse, I dont even watch sneak peeks or scenes from next week's episodes and even when im reading the comic, if for some reason Im reading hard copy (Ive been getting it electronically a long time now), I put my hand over the next page so I wont see what's coming up (I do this when Im reading novels too, keep my hands covering everything except the paragraph Im on right now, I just take in visual information super fast). I dont really want a million threads all more or less about the same thing and I think the comic thread has really started to pick up since ASZ. That may be because the story lines are closer than they've been in a long time. IDK, there are other things I think would be more interesting to have discussions about, like comparing all the various zombiedom's, what works as a zombie story, what doesnt, micro zombie stories we tell each other to scare each other. That's my two cents.
  20. OMG Ve make up your mind!!! I loved Adam's creation, it was REALLY great.
  21. why torsos though? Why not just heads? They would be like biting caltrops!
  22. Quoting kikismom again because Im guilty of exactly that. My excuse is that we are watching a tv show, not reality. In reality, people do all that horrible stuff you mentioned. In reality many of us on this forum have gone through abuse or seen it up close and the range of experiences is immense. That is reality. The Walking Dead is not reality, it is a tv show and even the very best, most brilliant tv shows have to communicate to so many people the show HAS to use "tropes", has to communicate even subtle things broadly (that's a dichotomy). TWD is not the most brilliant tv show ever (my vote is for Breaking Bad), it's often times crude, blunt, stupid. In that regard, the abuse story got even more fucked up when there wasn't any OBVIOUS signs of abuse. I dont hate the Jessie character, hell I dont (yet) hate the Pete character because I'm STILL not convinced things were so fucking horrible for Jessie. I think this storyline has got a lot of us triggered, some are responding like Carol, seeing more than has been actually shown. Others of us are responding to EXACTLY what we've been shown. Man I feel like Im defending abusers or something when I say this but Jessie does not act like any other tv character who is representing an abused human being. For me it is just that simple. Yes the writing is weak but so is the direction, so is the makeup and damnit so is the actor. SHE is making the choice to portray a character who outwardly looks and acts like everything is fine (which does happen IRL), in this milieu, she's making the wrong choice. She could have done things, even constrained by poor wrting to show the AUDIENCE things were severely fucked up between her and Pete. To me she just looked BORED with Pete and so over his drunk ass.
  23. LOL!!! Z Nation is like the Cleopatra 2525 / Jack of All Trades of the zombie genre!!! Hahaha oh man that show is pretty bad but I am actually looking forward to it's return this summer. Even Cleopatra 2525 had it's compelling moments, Z Nation might get there too! What a hoot!
  24. Enid isn't from ASZ, Enid is from outside, she's only been inside for a few months. We still dont know what her story is but we do know she was an outsider like Coral.
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