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Everything posted by diebartdie

  1. Oh I understand that kikismom but in the story it wasn't pitched like Pete forbid Jessie from smoking, it was pitched like she has this bad habit and she doesnt want Pete, Sam or Ron to know (which always cracks me up about tobacco users! You stink, your breath stinks, your cloths stink, your hair stinks of tobacco but you go right on denying you're a tobacco user!). Edit because apparently peach sees it the same way kikismom sees it, I'll rewatch the episode soon, see what Jessie actually says.
  2. Why was Jessie being so sneaky about smoking when her PHYSICIAN husband also smokes like a chimbly?
  3. quoting kikismom there, this is so so so true. People that are addicted to substances are different from people not addicted on a cellular level. I worked at a hospital for 12 years and probably once per month I saw a tray of food going to a patient with a small can of generic BEER for them. I asked about it and apparently once you get to a certain point if you dont get your particular drug, you'll literally die, the body actually needs it to live. With heroin, quite often junkies get to a point where they dont get high at all off heroin, the dose just works to stave off the pain and this type of addict can usually maintain a job and a "normal" life. I guess Pete is being portrayed like the type of alky that requires his booze just to be "normal" and if that's the case he would be driven to extremes if he had to go through withdrawal (and they live in a world where naltrexone is probably more rare than hen's teeth). Pete would be drinking aftershave, sterno, rubbing alcohol, anything at all to get right and every step of the way he would get more and more violent and unhinged. What a sad storyline (including the abuse of Jessie) and one deserving more respect, even from a zombie show.
  4. kikismom, you're right of course, roughly half the remaining humans ought to just off themselves for being terrible horrible no good humans. Claimer guys were just Darryl and Merl without the calming influence of Carol and Rick (for Darryl) and Phillip (for Merl) in other words, for the first time in their lives they wer shown respect so they figured out how to chill out and be productive. Yes I do see that world as one full of promise, a clean slate for those brave enough to act on it in that way. No one seems to be trying to act on it like that though. Yes Jessie is super loud COMPARED to season one Carol. Season 1 Carol was being actively abused by Ed (who may have also been sexually abusing Sophia). So we disagree on some stuff but you did shine a light on the one area where I would knock somoene down in my haste to kill, that being anyone who rapes or abuses children (I'd probably kill rapers of adults right quick too so yeah, everyone is not super valuable, hyperbole gets the better of me YET AGAIN!!!HEY! LOOK AT ME!! HEY!!!)
  5. Damn Im being such a piggy with my responses today but anyway, lord knows I have stated many times I dont believe people would really be going for the whole monogamous "ideal" anymore and everybody (ESPECIALLY clean, well fed and watered people) would be doing it as often as possible with as many different people as possible. Tara + Maggie + Glenn, why not? Abe + Eugene, why not? Darryl + Glenn + Carol + Rosita, why not and can I watch please? The ZA has already shown them that anybody can be a superhero! Carol with the siege of Terminus, Michonne with her katana and zombie pets, Eugene with his ability to completely pull the wool over everyone's eyes, they live in a WIDE OPEN WORLD, there are no more templates of "girls look/act/feel like this and do this, boys look/act/feel like this other stuff and do these other things and any deviation must be squashed" it's just short sighted story telling and it betrays a level of cowardice that just sucks really. If you want to create that world and explore it, then EXPLORE it, dont just make it be same old same old.
  6. Im saying all Jessie had to do was get up, take her children's hands and WALK OUT THE DOOR. There are PLENTY empty houses where they are, she doesn't need to "hit the road" and go all feral like Rick, just go live on the other side of the community and become her true self. If Pete starts up his shit, make it so public Deanna HAS to do something about it! The ONLY reason Pete was getting away with it was because it was kept inside, kept quiet, like IRL. No reason for that, no reason to protect Pete and Pete's reputation.
  7. There are so many things bugging me about the abuse storyline. Main thing I guess is why would Jessie keep putting up with Pete anyway? I mean look, in the real world, abused people stay with their abusers all the time, I know that. Usually they do so because they are quite literally trapped. Their abuser has done a number on their minds, gas lit them so many times they believe the bullshit completely. They live in a world (our world, right now) with little to no support for them, a world that constantly blares at them that they are worthless without their man (if straight) or worthless in general (if gay, disabled, poc, elderly, poor). Abused people right now stay in that misery because they have to. Jessie really doesnt have to worry about all that. I'm giving her a tiny bit of benefit of the doubt in that Pete has most likely done a number on her mind and for a long time BUT still and all, right now they are living in a world where "everything is free", a world with great promise and opportunity if you think about it. Sure there are zeds everywhere but that's just an opportunity for her to learn skills like shooting, trapping, concealment. As a trained healer, Pete is super valuable, even as a drunkard. However, EVERY living human being is super valuable, even people with certain disabilities. I have a dear friend who is wheelchair bound, dont you reckon she would be awesome patrolling the inside perimeter of ASZ? Damn place has paved walkways everywhere. My point is, Jessie does NOT act like Carol did. It was SO freeking obvious Ed was abusing her and Sophia, they cowered, they avoided much eye contact, they spoke in soft tones. Jessie meanwhile is all HEY! Let me cut your hair! Bring your kid to play with mine in my house! Hey I make art that is very loud when it falls over! Hey! Look at me! HEY! HEY! HEY!!!! I guess some abused people might act like that irl but tv works in obvious tropes so in that regard, Jessie does not come across as someone who is living in a torture chamber. I hate this storyline. Edit because wtf Carol, if Pete (and the Ghost of Ed living in your mind) gets up your nose that damn bad, POISON HIM.
  8. Omar I thought this episode was very very poorly shot, especially the scenes with Glenn and Dickolas, that was just terrible.
  9. A million thumbs up to GodsBeloved.
  10. The booze thing has such an easy fix though! All they had to do was show a "still" in Pete's garage and him drawing off some for a drink. Sheesh, even Battlestar Galactica had a still scene! Of course if there was a still we'd all be in here "where is he getting corn for that still?!?!? I dont believe that, there is no way he'd have that much corn! Stupid show!" because THAT is how we roll.
  11. Im reading Children of the Sky by Verner Vinge it's a sequel to A Fire Upon the Deep but in CotS, there is one person who knows exactly what happened to cause everyone to be stranded where they are but everyone else does not know exactly what happened because they were in cold sleep. Now that they are all awake, the folks that were asleep before look at all the evidence of what went down before and interpret the situation as exactly opposite of what REALLY happened. Anyway, as you say, there is no reason for characters not to share everything they know in exact detail because people, being people, will see things the way they want to.
  12. Well......bar-b-que anyone?
  13. CDB have not been outside for 2 years. They were at the farm for a month or two, then "out there" for like 4 months, then they were safe behind the prison walls. They were safe at the prison, with clean water and plenty food for a LONG time, long enough to grow crops, long enough for Rick to get his head together. Then, they lost that and have been "out there" for a couple months. Yes, they are tougher than the AZShats but they have not been living like wild animals for two whole years, even if your string together all the separate times of being "out there".
  14. Because if Rick has his way, CDB will take that town for their own. Too bad Rick's dick was put in charge of planning the take over. Also, kikismom the casserole dish DID have a cover, the note was propped up on it.
  15. OMG yes, that music! So grating, loud, ugly (no offense NIN fans but there is a time and a place for everything and sitting in the dark, mouring your son is not the time for that music UNLESS you are a family of goth/punk/death metal people). When I die, I hope this get's played at my funeral/wake but it really does fit this storyline too if you listen to it...
  16. Boofish, I agree, the copious, pointless use of electricity just took me out of the story over and over, starting with Deanna's mourning family scene. They are conserving electricity by burning candles and yet they have the CD player all fired up and ready to go! Meanwhile Carol, who is the ultimate survivor, whose house is RIGHT AT THE FLIMSY ASS GATE, has every light on, and the stove, just freely wasting energy like a 21st century American instead of a 1st century ZA Survivor it pissed me off but I bet her tuna casserole was DELICIOUS! Which reminds me, even in AZS who the fuck thinks its ok to waste food?!?!!? The floating red balloon was a blatant metaphor for Rick's barely contained LustRage but seriously? Helium is running out in the real world, would Helium be a useful commodity on the ZA?? Even for clueless assholes like the ASZ, helium of all things ought not be on the grocery list. Bottled alcahol too but I could see Dr Porchdick running a moonshine still.
  17. When Deanna was watching her video of the interview with Dickolas, he said "you don't know, you don't see everything" and she replies something like she sees far more than he realizes. I don't think she believes him at all BUT she also is starting to think bringing in Rick was a HUGE mistake. I dont think she feels that way about the entire CDB and that's why she's been letting everything play out. When Porchdick and Rictator were cave manning each other and the POV switched to Sasha shooting the wall walkers, it is very obvious that the wall has a giant gap. Watch the scene and look in the lower left area of the picture, you'll see what I mean. The effects people missed putting cgi wall there. I agree with everyone, this storyline got fucked by being rushed. One or two episodes of Rapey Hospital ought to have been eliminated to give another episode or two to ASZ. I totally buy Rick being insane, he's really been shown as someone with serious mental illness for a very long time now but what I dont get and I dont buy at all is his violent lust for Jessie. I dont buy for one second, even as psychotic as he is that he would be so willing to put Coral and Judith in danger of being cast out over a woman he met 2 weeks ago. Jessie is cute but Jessie is as clueless and dumb as all the other ASZhats, why would that hold any appeal at all to Rick? Rick is insane, not stupid. If Rick is going to be hot for anyone, he's going to be hot for someone who can survive OUT THERE with minimal support, not Betty Homemaker (or Alice the Artist).
  18. Not all Supers look like this or this. An earth spirit super could look like this, a post apocalypse slayer type could look like this or even this and a more royal type could look like this but for the most part I can't help but wonder, where does MAKEUP fit into any of that except the earth spirit? Im reminded last season, the GI Joe snake challenge, everyone went for a full prosthetic except for that one fellow, he did a very minimal look and even though he didn't win, he got top looks with it. (If anyone is curious, most of those pictures were screen shots of characters I created in City of Heroes, an mmorpg that no longer exists)
  19. Ben's was horrible for this challenge but otherwise it was a great makeup.
  20. I cracked up so hard during the reveal stage! Ben is a freek, that black blood coming out of his mouth, dear lord that is not a SUPER HERO!!! Did Macenzie say they could make EITHER a hero or a villain? The worst thing was Emily got SPANKED by the judges but you know what? She really really needs a WAKE UP call. There is no reason for a person that talented and that young to be relying on crutches and her crutch is BIG HAIR so she just needs to quit it. She'd do well to do a bald makeup for the next challenge. Im glad Stephanie is gone, she was boring. Darla's makeup sucked, it could have been awesome but instead it was just so blah. Logan is another one relying on a shtick, almost all his creations have been a face with a mask so he needs to quit it too (his was AMAZING but really, I could see that running around in WoW but not City of Heroes) Oh and Julian, man dude made a male counterpart to his female beauty queen from last week! What the hell, this group is just very disappointing. By this point last season there were AWESOME makeups happening, this group is overall weak. I assume before anything is filmed all the contestants have to sit for head shots and casts of their faces.
  21. HOLYCOW!!! Talk about deep cuts! I am a HUGE GIANT SUPER Xena Fan (I have a Xena tattoo, collected tons of merch back in the day, etc etc) but I never in one million years would have identified Rose McIver with Xena! Hats off to you!
  22. So Ive never seen Veronica Mars, Pushing Daisies, Tru Calling or anything else yall have mentioned this show being like but Im a big ol' zombie fan so here I am. OK, this show I would put in the same universe as In The Flesh however I think izombie is way more comedic than In The Flesh was. I'll give this a few episodes, see how things turn out.
  23. Hear! Hear! Loved your whole post.
  24. Im atheist right now in the real world but if the ZA happened, it being such a weird thing with no explanation like that I would certainly go agnostic with regards to supernatural things. "God" might still be a bridge too far but dead people walking around eating living people for no known reason would certainly make it whole lot easier to believe in magic.
  25. I dont think the AZShats are "suddenly" incompetent, I think they are like most normal people, it's been tough however, they are beyond lucky in that they all ended up in one place with power, fresh water, sanitation, well stocked houses and a nearby construction site! Along the way they've lost plenty of people, it's been hard for them. Not as hard as it has been for out heroes but still, the ZA is a brutal world. I just dont think it's very fair for everyone to be thinking the AZSers got hit by the idiot stick 5 minutes before Rick showed up.
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