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Everything posted by diebartdie

  1. Yall, I just became aware of this and I just want to take a minute and say how grateful I am that I settled here on this forum after the demise of TWoP. You folks are really awesome and the linked article just reminded me that here I am safe to say "hey yall Im a big ol' lezbo and this is what I think about the gays..." and then we just all have a friendly, interesting conversation. NOBODY here was like "ewww, gay dudes are gross!", nobody here went all "my sacred text tells me to condemn the unclean whore men who lie with other unclean whore men so therefore I now hate this show and will protest it and troll this board over it." I was taking it for granted that I (and all the other lgbtq....) can speak freely and not have to worry that somebody is going to go all hellfire and brimstone on me for that. Thanks yall, it means more than some of you realize.
  2. I've heard folks say you can throw a soft snowball at the dish to clean it off but it would really suck if you did that and manged to knock your dish completely out of alignment! If you have high definition service and some of your channels still tune in, check to see if those that tune in are standard definition. If so, set your receiver to show both HD and SD, it wont be as pretty but you wont miss your show.
  3. Got a satellite dish and live where it usually snows or you have regular ice storms in the winter? Get a dish heater, they are not expensive and while your friends are all mad because they cant watch the super bowl because of a blizzard, you're sitting pretty. Or just watch everything online.
  4. I dont know kikismom, plenty women get pregnant and give birth and raise children right now in war zones, I guess that would be a "Lori situation". Show world, until shit got stirred up, the prison was safe enough. The hospital would have been sort of. Woodberry (as twisted as Philip was) was...until shit got stirred up. Um maybe everyone should avoid getting pregnant when they are on the run hell I dont know I just did not mean to imply I think it would be a jolly good time if all the fertile people were forced into rape camps.
  5. Hey wow yall, Im not advocating for any Handmaidens Tale or rape camps or anything fucked up like that!!!!! NO!!! SERIOUSLY!!!!! That is a long longlonglong SUPER FUCKING LONG WAY AWAY from what I was saying. Damn. Gross. But seriously, at SOME point, more humans gotta start being born and if everything is safe enough, you really ought not be selfish/squeamish about having a baby. Ugh, I feel so skeeved out now.
  6. Damn you know when I wrote that I was thinking about something totally different so yes Carol is the bottle rocket guy, Eugene is the science-ish person and as far as Im concerned he has proven his worth so much more than FPP who is utterly useless.
  7. But Eugene is NOT useless, he is far more skillful than FPP, Eugene taught them how to filter silt from water, I bet he knows 20 different ways to make fire, he was trying his damnedest to make a small explosive charge to open the container they were trapped in in Terminus, he's the guy who knows how to make a bottle rocket lethal, I mean to say he's like a super awkward (yall are going to kill me for saying this but) Macgyver...sort of....I mean just squint one eye and think about it for a minute. He's got scientific understanding that can be extremely useful. What FPP going to do but pray to a god that is letting the dead roam the earth, how helpful is that?
  8. Dont mind boofish, they're just upset they lost last week's dance off.
  9. Im thinking about pairing up and repopulating from a married, infertile lesbian point of view. So, everything is all settled, trade routes have been established, the roamers are not a threat, things are quiet when Rick calls for a town meeting. "OK yall, life is returning to normal now but there are still more dead ones than there are live ones so here's what we need to do. If you had a child or children and at least one has survived up till now, good for you! The rest of you, if you are still fertile, regardless of your sexual orientation, you gotta try to conceive as soon as possible. In fact, Id like you all to pair up now and get started!" Aaron turns to Eric, "honey, I think Rick is right. Doesn't matter how hot Darryl is, he wont help us make a baby. We're just going to have to suck it up and do it with ladies." Aaron and Eric take advantage of the soft candle lighting and make out for three hours. Finally Aaron says,"ok, Im going to go talk to Tara." Eric watches his man walk away and wonders who to talk to. Carol is fierce and hot beyond the telling of it but eww, gray hair, probably not fertile. Maggie is sweet but she's with hottie Glenn....... Aaron walks up to Tara while she plays with her gore covered yoyo. "Hey so Tara, I was thinking about what Rick was saying and you know...well...you're gay, Im gay, the world is...well the world is not gay except on dance off Friday then it's gay as shit around here (Aaron cuts a few dance moves)...well anyway, I think you're really cute, Im really cute, we'd have a cute baby with a 50/50 chance of being gay so (more dance moves), whaddaya say?" Tara looks at him, watches his dance moves and cries inside because she knows she'll only ever be a yoyo-er not a twerker, "Meh, sure Aaron, it's either you or Eugene and he kind of still smells of cheese." Meanwhile Eric gathers his courage and makes his move, straight (hahaha) across the room to Sasha. "Hi there Sasha, I was wondering..." Sasha cuts him a look sharper than that brand new ceramic cutting knife I got for xmas. Wounded in his pride or just scared to death Eric quickly backs away, right into Michonne. Not a word is said, the connection is electric, immediate and so hot. Their clothes somehow magically fall away, everyone else does too and finally there is only Eric, there is only Michonne and they know their genetic material will combine to make the ultimate dancing zombie killing human being. The human race was saved that night but looking back on it all anyone remembers is the dancing....
  10. So let's assume Alexandria is a good, safe place where everyone gets along, Rick cleans up, gets some food in his belly and some sleep for his weary body and he finally brings the crazy back down to a manageable level. Now let's say there are a few other communities of good folks and they all band together against the unfair wolves, cannibals, rapists, weirdo dead head in jar keepers, then what? What might that mean for our show? Personally, I'd like to see them settle down IF the showrunners can manage to make the show still interesting and exciting, unlike the dreadful season two Herschel's Magic Farm.
  11. Most Ive read was Darryl + Glenn, Darryl + Shane, and one really memorable one with Darryl + Rick + Glenn, that one was really special....edit to add I need to see if I can find Maggie + Tara and Maggie + Tara + Glenn
  12. Oh Im sure there's already plenty of that!
  13. Lord have mercy I know better than to post first thing in the morning.......
  14. I know you probably didnt mean it like that but I really have to say (again) that homosexual couples can and occasionally do make babies the same way heterosexual couples do. Ou sexual orientation is different, our biological needs and abilities are not. If our species is facing extinction (whether the zombie apocalypse of BattleStar Galactica scenario), if you are fertile and in a safe place, it is everyone's responsibility to make more humans, not sit one out because dicks are gross (Tara) or poonani are gross (Aaron and Eric), take one for the team literally.
  15. Rick killed the shit out of those two guys, if he or Glenn remember them at all it would be in relation to everything else that happened after that (the guy with the leg impaled on a post, Shane, the farm being over run)
  16. We agree then, more gay folks, yay! Seriously, some people saw that scene as treacley, others didn't but overall it really seems like it's a positive development. In no way do I dislike those characters so far and I hope they get to be full-fledged characters but for all we know, they could be the new black guys of the series...
  17. Cue ghostbeth cameo in 5......
  18. So we totally agree then, yay more gay folks!!
  19. Check out the "I am not a crackpot..." thread, the all seasons thread and the survival guide threads :))) Now one thing that bugged me about last night's episode and it is very much related to the complaint about easily heard children, the front gate to Alexandria was a JOKE! It was not going to keep anyone or anything out, it was just an electric (functioning electric gate, they must have solar) gate with burlap thrown over it, there was a HUGE gap under it, large enough any number of crawlers could slide right under, the gate itself was freaking flimsy as hell, a herd would smash it down after untold numbers of dead ones squished themselves between those stupidly wide-spaced bars and dont even think about being safe from human raiders!!! Edit to add, Catrox14 I wish you could see I thumbed up your post, this website never keeps my up votes but yeah, I hope things just go back to normal it was just a bit much to me is all but at the same time, Im glad for more gay folks! Second edit....Ive got to be remembering that front gate wrong.....somebody get a screenshot stat!
  20. Ok so Im lesbian and Im always complaining about the lack of regular, normal gay characters being a part of shows (like Tara is a really great example of a character who happens to be gay and her fling with the Woodburian that Lizzie shot was a decent portrayal of two people getting to know each other sexually.....pretty much just like Glenn and Maggie did) but when Aaron walked into that room and there was his sweet nelly (seriously, the stereotypes those two fellows were representing were KILLING ME! Aaron = soft, non-threatening butch, Eric = silly sweet non-threatening nelly), all the soft lighting, the giant smooch.....for me (a lesbian who craves seeing more regular, not special gay characters with regular, not special lives) just made me so uncomfortable. As a different poster said here, that scene was very clearly pandering......pandering to ME!?!? Oh man they coulda just let Daryl be gay and no body even knows until we just randomly see him shacked up with Aaron. Not a secret but not a "thing" anymore either. Seriously, gay people are just people, not special in general so as soon as we start seeing ourselves represented as people FIRST and then people with a different sexual orientation, that will be cause for personal celebration.
  21. How did Aaron and Eric avoid being detected by Darryl?
  22. When CDB were at the prison, they used to send teams out who brought people back, had the prison survived I have no doubt they would have refined their tactics of bringing in survivors to match the situation so how Aaron and Eric did it made sense to me, Im cautiously optimistic about Alexandria.
  23. Oh and Tyreese had the fever almost instantly so in his case, even if everything else had been perfect, I think cutting his arm off wouldn't have helped. Seems like being bit causes your heart to race and adrenaline and endorphins to be released plus all the secondary infectious agents in a zeds mouth all combine to hasten death and hasten turning...maybe if you had a super chill meditating blissed out person on the one hand, on the other a person who always practiced oral hygene who was JUST turned bites the relaxed one, maybe in that instance the bitten one, as long as they maintained their composure would not experience the advanced infection? Kind of like in the 80's people died from HIV/AIDS really quick and painfully but now folks can have it and it's almost no worse than diabetes (which can and does kill). None of that really speaks to your point about the prions though. My money is on an airborne fungus, not lethal on its own.
  24. Well he would have turned as soon as the sepsis set in and he died. Remember, somehow everyone is already infected, you die for any reason, even in peaceful old age after having lived a life of comfort and plenty, still gonna turn to a ghoul.
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