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Everything posted by diebartdie

  1. Right and when THAT Beebo said, "Beebo want cuddles!", that was terrifying! (and hilarious)
  2. I agree with all of your post but love this sentence the most. I think these days, there is just way too much good tv out there. Seems weird to say but really, it's true. I've been a fan of the zombie genre for well over 40 years now, that is what brought me to TWD to begin with but these days, it is hardly a zombie show. I read an article somewhere recently that laid out possible ways to fix the show. The whole premise started with the special effects make up. The author was saying, the special effects make up are always so top notch (and seriously, that has not faltered in all these years, Nicotero rules the zombie make up game), everything else should be AT LEAST up to that par. I think in previous seasons it mostly was but everything else has gone down and down. Let's be real about a couple things though. This show is still (marginally) a ZOMBIE show and as such, it has ALWAYS been pretty disgusting. The gross out stuff is the basis of the entire thing (that sounds weird and I know lots of people dont want that to be true but it is. EVERYTHING else is just laid on top). This show has ALWAYS had people doing stupid fucking annoying bullshit. EVEN Darbont had stupid shit, it is the nature of LIFE for people to do stupid, self destructive shit. Even our heroes are just stupid people. Of course most heroes (especially action adventure heroes of zombie shows) are EXPECTED to rise above and do heroic shit from time to time. Rick, Michonne, Carol, Carl, Daryl have all had BIG DAMN HERO moments and every one of them have had gibbering idiot moments. It's just that now things are so distorted and messed up, it is really hard to see Daryl as a hero....it is impossible (for me anyway) t see Rick as a hero. THAT is a problem. IDK, this is another sort of odd thing but when this show started, I did not have cataracts. I do now so for me (and apparently LOTS OF OTHER PEOPLE TOO), filming scene after scene after VERY IMPORTANT SCENE in pitch black darkity dark dark darkness means I have NO CLUE what is happening, I get frustrated, pissed off and eventually indifferent. You dont want me to see show? Fine, I wont try AT ALL. There are just too many great shows out there now! The Magicians, Legends of Tomorrow, Legion, Black Lightning, Z Nation, hell even Face Off for my special effects make up fix! Shows that respect their audiences, shows that put 100% of the budget on screen, well lit. Shows that construct plots that may be wacky but still make sense, still tell compelling stories, stories that help make more sense of this weird world we find ourselves in these days. I'm rambling, I know but I feel myself letting go of TWD. Maybe this is stupid but for me, the season finales of The Magicians and Legends of Tomorrow just rocked so hard that I'm beginning to accept that TWD will NEVER be that good ever again (and those shows are nothing at all similar to TWD). I think for me, maybe TWD went from a compelling story exploring the gray areas of life, one where there are good guys who have to make very hard choices and bad guys who hack off old men's heads just because they are full of themselves, to an unwholesome mess where everyone is just a shit head with no heart, no kindness, no love and no fucks to give. I never did believe the world would go so shitty if the ZA happened so now I just find the whole thing repulsive. Plus, Rick should have shot Negan instead of the windows.
  3. So my two favorite shows just had their season finale. The Magicians left me feeling very sad for our heroes. Legends of Tomorrow filled me with joy and delight and pure HAPPINESS! Here it is the next day and I still feel HAPPY! ALL PRAISE BEEBO! So nice, so kind, way to leave me feeling good show, thank you. This show is AWESOME.
  4. Just about my favorite thing in this entire, crazy, wonderful episode was......when Beebo defeated Mallus, they exploded into a giant, blue heart. Love trumps hate FTW!!!!!
  5. Really good interview with the showrunners: http://collider.com/the-magicians-season-3-finale-explained/
  6. Sure he did, he made sure everyone knows how much he loves playing douchey characters and drug dealers and rapists. Like, he said it over and over and over to the point where I will never look at that guy the same way again. Like, if I was at a party with him, I would never put my drink down. I would never accept a ride home from him. The guy is just flat out skeevy.
  7. lol, I know but it would have taken me alll damn day to type everyone's name out so I went with nashville ;)
  8. You know what NO ONE ever could have predicted? Lucille was the name of Negan's wife! Oh wait a minute, I think Nashville did....
  9. Ok, Im not trying to defend any of this because there isnt really any way to, in the comics, Negan is more "mutherfucker" this and "fuckin' mutherfuckin' fuck face" than he is "balls, dicks, nutsack". I think this was the show runners "compromise" and man, it failed so hard. I didnt get it. I mean The Magicians on Syfy (SYFY FOR GOD'S SAKE) has characters saying fuck ALL. THE. TIME. All they did on that show (until this season I think) was block PART of the word. So you would hear "mother _ucker" or "Fuc_ me", whatever. Hell even FX's Mr Robot has "fuck" all over the show. Who cares? I mean sure, profanity can be very ff putting but "mutherfuckin' fuck face" befits an asshole like Negan so much more than this dick and balls stuff. DICK AND BALLS just makes him juvenile and unbelievable as a person who could cntrol all those mean ass dudes he has with him. Hell, the most powerful would be for him to NEVER say ANY profanity. The thing about Norman Reedus is he is VERY self conscious about his right eye. It bulges under his eye because after a severe motorcycle accident, he had to have a metal plate there, he almost lost his eye. Whenever he is not on TWD, the makeup people working with him can easily disguise it, or well enough. On TWD where they go for a far more natural, no makeup look, the only way he can "hide" the deformity is with his hair. He really ought to just own it for fuck's sake. We've been watching the show for years now, we're all used to the welt, he should stop covering it and let it be.
  10. I think it's a sweet, old-fashioned name, I adore it! I once had a girlfriend named Sally and my wife is named Becky so yeah, old timey girl names do it for me!
  11. I think for most of the men though, Neganland has been a pretty sweet deal. I think we, the audience, happen to come into his story right as things were starting to fray around the edges for him. In other words, I think someone (Simon? Dwight?) was about thisclose to breaking bad on Negan anyway.
  12. Well, I took one for the team yall and watched talking dead. The walker on the cart thing, it folded down so the mouth could have been right on Negan's pride. Now how the eff we were supposed to know that, I haven't a clue.
  13. I guess the show is trying to say when walker guts are injected deep in your body (Tobin was stabbed in the chest, rando stair falling dude caught an arrow in his leg) that is = a walker bite. It's bullshit of course but whatever. The thing is though, why did that cause everyone so afflicted to all turn at precisely the same time? That has NEVER happened before and oh dear god here comes that stroke again...
  14. I tell you what, Face Off needs to come back with a quickness! I'm jonesing so hard Ive started watching Skin Wars on Netflix! Help me!
  15. So the "no guards" thing was annoying as shit but you know what was even more annoying to me? EVERY freekin door was standing wide open. All the bedrooms, all the trailers, the freekin front door to the big house, all WIDE OPEN. So far, even if they try, walkers are unable to open doors so all those doors were left open by living humans. Humans who have been dealing with the walker threat for YEARS NOW. Ugh, Im giving myself a damn stroke just thinking about it.
  16. Maybe the Fairy Queen was thinking of her people moving forward, thinking if any if them started going back on deals, that could expose the fairies, she has stated over and over how vulnerable they are. I guess even though they are pure magic, they can't do battle magic? Also, the McAllisters were not a small family, they were pretty far flung, maybe the core was at that dinner but not every one, there might be a cousin here or there who know and were not at the dinner so have survived. Maybe the fairy race makes deals with all others, so they have deals with other magical creatures. Now it gets out that their word is no good, all sorts of baddies could be coming for them now. So the Fairy Queen not only sacrificed the good of the many (all fairies in Fillory) for the good of the few (Earth faries), she further exposed her people to great danger by telling Julia about the 7th key. That was kind of a weird turn about, maybe she hopes Julia will somehow be able to continue to protect the fairies.
  17. Poppy is new. I think she is not as important as Josh because she came along after the quest had already begun, she was not one of the 8 The Great Cock named.
  18. I'm like yall, I FLOVED this episode! Im not ashamed to admit, the "Under Pressure" actually made me cry, I just got all the feels. This show is awesome.
  19. Considering the fact that Nate and Mick went back in time to see The Grateful Dead (I wish I knew what shows they went to, I REALLY hope 5/7/77 was at least one of the shows.....maybe one of the Acid Tests too....) I think the Legends are probably ok with .... yeah no, Grateful Dead = kind bud AT LEAST and probably (considering various times Nate has gotten into some psychadelic chicanery) shrooms, maybe even some window pane. "Gone are the days...." Anyway, even though I mostly did not like this episode, the injection of my favorite band of all time (I saw the Grateful Dead hundreds of times, Jerry Garcia band dozens of times, yeah, Im a dead head ;) ) into an episode even in an "off stage" way made me love the Legends that much more!
  20. If Jadis does not go on to become then every second spent with the GPK was a waste of EVERYONE'S TIME. Not just the viewers, arguably every moment we spent watching tv is wasted time, I mean the cast, the crew, everyone. If TPTB have to stuff episodes with POINTLESS FILLER, they either have too many episodes to fill or they have no story or both. I have been so tolerant this season. I've been confused from time to time about who all is where and night time scenes are just murky mess but mainly, I've been ok with a lot of it. THIS EPISODE THO......... OK WTF, the drama nerds / art kids / cos players all manage to find Jadis and buy into her delusion t live out their nerdiest fantasies in the middle of a garbage dump, in the middle of the worst catastrophe humanity has ever faced?!? Even the most dedicated cos player is not going to do that. So yes, the writers did manage to "justify" the supreme weirdo "culture" of the GPK but the justification belonged in a FANTASY, not TWD. How did Jadis not get shot? Why did Jadis change into a white night gown? Who thought the audience would want to watch a scene lasting roughly 50 years of rotten zombies being turned into rotten dog food? Why doesnt Michonne clobber Rick on the head and take his ass up to hilltop where is DAUGHTER is? Why did Rick ring up Negan? Is there any chance AT ALL this show can come back from all this bullshit?
  21. I get a very strong vibe from her that she is very heterosexual so is really not loving the fact that her husband has changed his gender? She's not into it at all.
  22. Remember Noah? Remember how Beth stayed behind at Grady Hospital so Noah could escape? Remember when CDB went back to Grady to rescue Beth and how the crazy cop lady said Noah had to stay but Rick told her to fuck off, Noah was coming with them? And then how Noah made a pact with Diana's husband to learn how to build things and work for a better future? Remember all that build up? And then what happens. ONE EPISODE LATER, Noah get devoured. I expect Siddiq to honor Coral's memory right into the middle of a random silent walker herd next episode.
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