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Everything posted by diebartdie

  1. HEAR! HEAR!!! Im sure statsgirl knows this but some comments on this thread show that maybe others dont know but those measurements Stretchy Boy was rattling off were not "bra measurements", they were chest / waist / hips and yeah, that kind of male chauvinistic junk went away in the 70's (thankfully). I HATED this episode from top to bottom, every frame of it, I just hated it so much. I hope Stretchy Boy is gone by the end of the season (I would love for Wally to come back OR Gypsy to come be a part of the team!) if he is not, Im not sure how much I'll keep up with this show.
  2. Bruce may have bought that club but it's still going to lose its liquor license due to all the under age drinking! Even if the show is set prior to 1984 (we have no idea when this show is really set), which is when the drinking age for all alcoholic beverages went up to 21 (prior to 1984 eighteen year olds could drink beer), Bruce and his party posse are all under 18.
  3. Well, seems like most serial killers have some sort of day job since having money probably makes it easier to procure supplies for all the murdering? Anyway, here's a doctor for you...
  4. Yall see this? https://io9.gizmodo.com/the-walking-dead-takes-over-some-of-the-most-famous-mov-1819696492
  5. Im pretty sure she meant it the same way someone can be mad at or blame for leaving a loved one who died.
  6. Oh....my...god I can totally see her as (comic book spoiler)
  7. Better title to this thread would be "Season 4 slow start, needs more cowbell." I'll see myself out.
  8. I think she did that because she was really invested in living on that ranch so she was pissed off at him for destroying it so thoroughly. I tell you what though, Daniel is one lucky bastard.
  9. Well, if that mess was really the pilot, they learned a very valuable lesson. That being that newbies can not compete in Game Face, it really is suited to previous contestants, people who know the shop, understand time constraints and are mainly able to hit their marks creatively. Scott needs to start taking some classes in anatomy, his faces were just wonky as hell. The woman who won, I could see her really being a good competitor on the real Face Off. When does the real Face Off come back? If Game Face never came back, I would not miss it.
  10. Thank you for saying this! I know it must be the tiniest nit to ever be picked but seriously, how were they all walking and running and carrying on on Earth? They were all born and raised on the Moon with very little gravity, suddenly finding themselves on Earth they would have been so pathetic, unable to even lift their heads. I agree with basically everyone about Maximus' point regarding the caste (slavery) system. However, he's only in it for himself AND he wants to come to Earth and subjugate (enslave) Earther humans, what kinda bullshit is that? I dont watch GoT so am not familiar with the actor playing Maximus but boy howdy was he struggling with a California flat accent! Poor thing. All the costumes looked like polyester with various vinyl bits tacked on. Lockjaw was too shiny. The sets looked like plywood. The fight scenes actually were WORSE than Iron Fist which man wtf. IDK, someone in this thread (thuganomics?) said they managed to enjoy it by thinking of it like a 90's syndicated thing like Hercules. If it had just a tablespoon more humor I could really take it like that. As it is now....it gets one more episode....if I remember it.
  11. That pissed me off to no end! They FINALLY have the walkers as a credible threat and then......show a long, long, looooong scene focusing on rusty barbed wire. Man eff you show.
  12. I remembered Heather because she presents a stereotypical wholesomeness. I remember Mel because she was such a hot mess her first time on FO. Nico has been on twice now, he is one of the people they regularly show close caption for yet Ive never needed it to understand him. The second time he was on, he was with his GF, he keeps growing as an artist. Drew was a third place finisher, one of his make ups was very bold in that it was a snake based challenge but he eschewed a full prosthetic and instead went with smaller, discrete face appliances.
  13. I read that it is meant to be an anthology series so different characters and story lines each season.
  14. I enjoyed this episode which I didnt think I would because I remember Mel and the first time around she was a mess. I remembered all the contestants this episode. Drew was in the final three with Cig and Dina (Season 7).
  15. Well one silver lining is that if there is a season 2, it wont have anything to do with any of the characters from season 1, this is supposed to be an anthology series.
  16. Not too much to add right now except that my wife and I adore this show! We both burst into applause and cheers at the end of S4 when I follow Craig (big mac) on FB and he's been dropping some serious hints that the series is going to a different network and continuing, I hope it does, it's a sweet show. Speaking of Craig, look him up on youtube, there are some AMAZING videos of him....oh heck, just LOOK at this hunk!
  17. Don't forget, somehow they have to always have enough gas to drive that big ass truck back and forth too.
  18. Cora already plead GUILTY, she is currently awaiting sentencing, the trial ended when she stood up and said "GUILTY" (she even said that TWICE. I believe the second time, which was the one that counted, was due to seeing her evil mother in the court room). I dont even think she can mount an appeal after having plead guilty like she did. The time for an insanity defense or any other defense is well past. She murdered Frankie, we dont 100% know "why" but we know she did, she knows she did, the Court accepts that she did and that she admitted to it openly and (seemingly) free of coercion.
  19. Agreed, I seriously do not like this show. I'll continue watching it as I love special effects makeup but this is just cheap. I still dont kno when the real Face Off next season starts?
  20. #1 Because Cora's husband got JD's wife (and mother of an infant) arrested for hard drugs. #2 My money is goons representing Todd from the orgy (Todd is the rando who shot up before feeling up Cora's knee) #3 Yeah I dont get that either #4 Well, choose from column A, "her sister was accidentally killed during drug fueled sex" and from column B, Todd agreed to take her off JD's hands and finally....your guess is as good as anyone else's with this weirdo show
  21. Im watching it and mainly enjoying it. I wonder who killed JD and why? Like everyone else, I was grossed out by the sister sex, yucky! But that kid sister has been pimping Cora out so what's another sexual transgression?
  22. I want to like this but I find Im just not able to get emotionally connected like I can with the real Face Off. I think it's because they have to use pre-made prosthetics which just stunts the creativity. That and the super quick turn around is just leading to a big pile of BLAH. When does the real Face Off come back?
  23. This is just shit news. DM really came into its own this season, it has been SO good and now, it's all over (and probably with a freekin cliff hanger). I like Killjoys a lot (but not as much) and I LOATHE Wynonna Earp (which is kind of odd considering how deeply I fell in love with Lost Girl) and Blood Drive is not anything I would ever watch plus I tried with the Expanse, I really did but it just didnt work for me. Man SYFY, just when I start to trust it again, it pulls a Farscape on me.
  24. Non-make up question here and not sure if you can answer due to contract issues but, besides the overall winner who gets $100,000 do the other contestants receive any monetary compensation? Congratulations on the finale, your work was awesome, one of the best finales Ive seen on FO!!!
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