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Everything posted by diebartdie

  1. Man, now Im imagining a new, even more lethal group of antagonists....The Gothic Grannies with their knitting needles!
  2. You are so silly! Slingshots, boomerangs, throwing stars and katars are all indeed lethal in the right hands. And if you're talking about only fighting deadies, well I'm sure you remember Andrea killing who knows how many zeds with a teeny, tiny, itty, bitty little thumb-long knife! All those things can easily kill living beings as well. Is it a shtick? David killed Goliath with a slingshot, sounds good enough to me! Slingshots are quiet, ammo is plentiful and it seems like the sort of weapon that would be overlooked meaning easily replaceable at any outdoorsy type store. I would love to see someone roll up using a damn boomerang, that would be awesome! Throwing stars too! The katar though....let's swap that for a chakram!
  3. Well hot damn y'all, we've solved the mystery of the rumbling motorcycles!
  4. I have a question that will show my complete ignorance of all things mechanical I guess BUT do any motorcycles run on diesel? If so, veggie oil works, old restaurant grease works (once filtered). "Diesel engines were originally designed to run on a variety of fuels, including peanut oil and vegetable oil." so, artisinal motorbikes could be diesel, right?
  5. I really loved this pilot episode! I was unprepared for how raw it is though, wasn't prepared fr naked Brendan Frasier ass, wasn't prepared for all the f-bombs, I just wasn't prepared! Heck, I saw all the trailers and thought it looked cheap and stupid, I was expecting something horrible like Inhumans but no! This show seems like it might be great!
  6. Right unless they are tanning the skin but then, wouldnt that just make it leather and how is that blocking living human smell anyway?
  7. Yes, the level of interest in the show is way down, that is very true. Something else that is true though is people getting really turned off by reading posts about this show (or any other) that are just pointless dragging of the show. I know I come here for thoughtful discussions, even about how "terrible" the show is now. More and more though it seems to be post after post of "I dont watch this shitty shit show any more, my time is way too precious for such shitty shit BUT I'm here to tell you again just how shitty this shit show is! Yes, I have NO IDEA what the show is about anymore but I dont have to because this is a shit show." Or "Oh I can't be bothered to pay even the slightest bit of attention but here, let me write 14 gotdamn paragraphs about how shitty this show is now!" Damn, who cares? Dont watch the show, do watch the show, whatever, who cares? Whatever. This season, so far is WAY better than the last two seasons. This show has ALWAYS had th very best make up effects but also the weirdest, sloppiest story telling (yes, even in that tiny little season 1). Fuck it, let's talk about those dogs. I was thinking about them when I watched the shitty shitty show last night. That one big black one had cropped ears. How would that be a thing? I mean dogs generally live 8-15 years. All those dogs looked young and healthy so clearly, they were born wild and free and were all younger than Judith. Aint gonna be no cropped ears on dogs that late in the ZA. Ah well, this shit show has ALWAYS had a weird relationship to time, it's part of its funky charm. Speaking of charm, how cute was it seeing all that vomit? Oh boy, up close and personal, can't you just smell it? Why was Negan vomiting, is he pregnant by Said as well? Damn. Now there's a slash fic for ya! OH and my man Aaron is seriously ROCKING the Old Testament prophet beard! Oh yeah, Jesus coulda just crawled up in there, no walker would have ever found him! I like this shitty, shitty show again. That to me is really amazing because I was pretty much done with it (and when I say "done" I mean it, no reading recaps for me, no posting on forums about it if I dont watch it) but so far this season, Im good with it. Except fr Carol's hair, that's gotta go.
  8. I've seen several variations of this idea but....at the end of the episode, Nora confesses to Thawn that she really just lied in Iris's face. Her apology was fake, meaningless, bullshit. Nora is NOT sorry for how she treated her mother, past, present or future. Nora is a real piece of work, I loathe her.
  9. This news is baffling. Why this crap and not Dark Matter? Honestly, I dumped this show this season (I would have stuck with it had they killed off Sam).
  10. Jennifer is already trying as hard as she can by using cannabis like she does (she even referred to it as her medicine in a previous episode).
  11. Pretty sure in the intervening 18 months they could have raided a furniture store for new beds.
  12. No, the audience wasn't supposed to be shocked about him dying, nor were we supposed to mourn him. What we were supposed to do is realize, by the characters' shock and grief, that dying via walker bite has now become a rare thing for them. Remember back in the prison when Beth had that sad "No accidents in ___ days" sign? Well essentially, the various groups have gone over a year, more like almost 2 years without any accidents. "No accidents in 400 days". They are getting soft, they are losing sight of walkers as predators and even beginning the think they are in a new age, one were the bad guys have all been vanquished. That is why Daryl and everyone was all broke up over the death of what to us in the audience is just a red shirt. Speaking of red shirts or red anything.....freekin this many YEARS into the ZA and not only have the walkers' clothes not rotted off their bodies, they even retain bright colors. I am referring of course to the walker propped against the car, had a coat and tie on. I reckon 99.9% of men who turned into walkers that were wearing ties, died right at the beginning. I mean, Im not a man but it seems to me, if you were not required to wear something so useless as a tie, why would you? So, tie guy (most likely) died in the very early days, maybe even the first day of the ZA and yet his freekin tie is bright freekin red. I mean if the show refuses to accept that clothes exposed to the elements PLUS blood will in fact rot, they could at least fade, stain and rip up the clothes to a far, FAR greater extent. It really detracts from the otherwise outstanding walker make ups.
  13. I thought she bit and torn her arm off before she zombified but we'll never know... Antifreeze tastes sweet so that sort of explains why they didnt really notice it in the coffee......but only if they used bottled water for the coffee and why would they do that? They showed Charlie brushing her teeth with running water in the bathroom and Morgan washing his face with running water as well. I think a group of seasoned ZA survivors would use the running water to fix coffee and save the bottled water for the road. Antifreeze can be pink, blue, orange or green. All of those colors would be noticeable in water unless diluted to the point where you might taste it, might even get sick, probably wouldnt die (unless you just chug a lugged that whole pallet). Now how did Muddy Martha have enough time to poison that entire pallet as well as all other bottled liquid in that store? Sigh. Oh and wasn't it funny, scene after scene you see a bright, neon sign saying "COLD BEER" and everyone "dying" due to lack of alcohol. ALSO, I know MANY states sell liquor in stores like that, seems like if it was staying nicely stocked like it was, why wouldnt it also have PLENTY booze?!?
  14. Walkers have always been shown to be attracted to both fire and loud noises.
  15. I'm pretty sure that is exactly what happened. The hurricane force winds must have spawned tornadoes, one picked up the truck Morgan was asleep in and blew it from Texas to a truck stop in Mississippi. And he slept through the entire storm. Inside the truck as it flew threw the air, hundreds of miles. That is what happened on screen. He was following Alicia in the storm, he lost track of her and then took refuge in the truck. Right, that was even more amazing than the magical flying truck (trucknado). So Morgan waited to try to escape the walkers until it was the middle of the night, after his arms had been tied like that for hours and hours but he managed his ninja stuff and starts walking, all night long and he catches up to the newest weirdos and he asks them, how far they went. Weirdo in the wheelchair says "hundreds of miles" but Morgan caught up with them, on foot (wasn't he down one shoe too?) If this show wants to be Z Nation, it has a long way to go.
  16. No, jimson weed tastes like dirt
  17. Well what Im wondering is how the heck Abby even got addicted? I mean any medications that were in the bunker, even if they were still sealed up would have gone bad decades ago. I mean, weren't they up in space for 100 years? So drugs in the bunker would be 100 years old. Even if hydrocodone can last 40 years, that is 60 years out of date. EVEN if prisonkru brought drugs with them, THOSE drugs would also be 100 years old.
  18. Well, Im back this season because I'm ever hopeful! However, I already have a problem with the set up. Jimsonweed really is extremely common, it is just everywhere but most people have no idea that it is toxic....but some people kn ow it is because they know it is a hallucinogen. Look it up, the amount required to kill an adult is considerable and it takes a lot longer. The amount those two seemed to take, they might have got a little dry mouth for a few hours, maybe been drowsy. They would have needed to down more than a couple sips of tea. When I was in my early 20's, I tried some, I actually consumed a large beverage made from steeped jimson seeds, supposedly the strongest part of the plant. I'm talking 12 ounces of liquid. I had the most severe case of cotton mouth I had ever experienced and all night long the most vivid dreams. I slept late the next day, missed my classes and generally felt hung over. After that, I was fine. Was I lucky? I guess I was but really, it was quite the thing in my town that summer. Every single person I knew was trying it out, none of us died or went into a coma. One guy got arrested for driving under the influence. I mean people were ingesting just massive amounts of the stuff. I dont advocate for it, I did it that one time and never again because it just wasnt much of a party drug. I guess maybe we were all lucky we didnt all die of it but whatever, fact and fiction, two different things. So in this show, a little kid can manage to pick enough jimson to kill two adults (while only getting a mild rash himself...okay....) only thing left to do is find out why!
  19. thanks for pointing it out to me....I kinda hate this now, everything is so messy and hard to find
  20. Is it just my browser or do none of the forums have baby forums anymore? I mean like....previous seasons are now all just there on the main forum instead of being in a sub-forum.
  21. You know, if Matt and Walter could switch, Matt would be in 7th heaven! He could make the Ginger General be a giant tooth, covered in teeth that shots more teeth out of a gaping, tooth covered jaw. Glen would have orgasmed so hard his hair style would suddenly turn into flowing, golden locks, Nevil would scream and scream and Ve would be like, "I really thought this time someone would make a damn beauty make up. Check please!" Instead, we get Walter doing some weird burnt oatmeal monster dude and a sad knock off of the superior lollipop creation from season 10
  22. In all fairness to Michael O'Hare who played Jeffery Sinclair, he was "wooden" because that entire first season (and the rest of his life) he was suffering from a psychotic disorder. I reckon he was doing the best he could.
  23. Oh come on, you know how many windows left in the world needed shooting out...
  24. OK, I buy that....I was thinking the "accidental push" was killing Carl but as you said, the article does not explain it and it is just awkward.
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