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Everything posted by Catherinewriter

  1. Oh, hell, I thought there would be a second episode. Should have realized, when tonight's played for so long. Oh, well.
  2. Are we supposed to assume, or at least wonder about - Megan killing Alice? I miss Alice. I always liked the actress, and now, seeing her regularly on "The Affair" I still like her a lot. But do I remember correctly from the first series, that she killed her parents? Bad Alice!!!
  3. As much as this show is about skewed realism, I really like, so much, the family scenes that are very realistic. Good emotional connections among Wilson, Danson, Milioti (sp?) etc. Will miss, you., Fargo. Must we wait another year, or is this show a half-year/half-year series? Ed should have lived - he was so much less destructive than Peggy.
  4. Any word on Season 3? Unlike many of you, I don't like the split screen; it messes with my concentration. Could someone with cinematographical savvy explain the use of this technique? I went over and over the cast - there were so many bit players - to figure out which was Martin Freeman - than someone mentioned that he was the narrator. Wow, good voice.
  5. I certainly find Noah to be a dick much of the time, but when I think of the break up of the two families, I give him much more credit than I do Allison. Noah was, for fourteen years, faithful to Helen (when as an attractive and excellent teacher, could have been sleeping his way through a dozen or more female students), a good father, and an all around good guy. He really f--ked up with the affair, but again, he's made really fine attempts to make it up with Allison , etc. She, on the other hand (and this is hard for me because I love the character and want her to find some contentment), has acted really selfishly throughout all the affair (except for the time when she said to Noah, :"Are we making a really big mistake?) So, That's my two cents in support of Noah, who is in fact a dick. Any word on a third season?
  6. Scotty and Cole's scene broke my heart. Scotty may be a junkie, but I feel for him, and the actor is bringing it. I hope someone can clear up my confusion about the living quarters in this series. There have been so many houses, apartments, coach houses on someone else's property, etc. that I really don't know who's living where. Main problem is the house that Cole lit up and burned down. If that was Allison's house, where did the house come from they she just sold to get the money for the Lobster Roll? And why was there no follow up to the arson - did no one notice it because there's so much more going on.
  7. I was so caught up in Sizemore's performance that now I can't remember whether or not he has definitely been identified as the other boy's kidnapper. If not, then I think Robin's defense is strong and he was probably coerced. I hope they don't drop this story next season. Excellent, really excellent work by Tom Sizemore, Raul Esparza, and the actress who played Hector's mother.
  8. Absolutely loved the interaction between Arizona and Webber. But where exactly were they? It can't have been a lesbian bar or Webber would have evidenced some discomfort and wondered WTF? But they were great together. Show needs more of this kind interaction, even if scenes are short. Do we know that Riggs was in Afghanistan with Owen and is responsible for Owen's PSTD? I must have missed something.
  9. Always fun to see Bruce Campbell, but do other people wonder why he didn't try to mimic Reagan's accent. After all, many actors learn accents for one role or another. Seemed strange to m.
  10. Don't understand the title. In "The Gift of the Magi" by O Henry, the two people each sacrifice something for the other. In this episode, Betsy gives up her dream and sells the car for money so Ed can buy the butcher shop, but what does Ed sacrifice for her? I'm such an idiot. It's taken me all this time to realize that Alison Tolman in Fargo Season 1 is the daughter of Patrick Wilson in Fargo Season 2 and that Keith Carradine (season 1) and Wilson (season 2) are the same character. I could not understand why commentors kept saying they were happy that Lou made it through this season alive. How would they know that? And by the by, isn't there a whole lot more killing in this season than last? I mean, geez!
  11. Mily, you you're not wrong, or if you are, so am I. And I'm with everyone who wants good things for Pat. The only problem I have is that I wish she could have stood up for herself. But all of us need help at times, so that will have to do. Who called the Foult guy to get him to hire Bob. And is Bob really all that good a reporter? Die, Bob Those were RAF planes. Yes, of course if they were Germans, everyone would have been heading for the shelter. (And who has a basement large enough for a whole town, for god' sake.) The planes were probably heading for Europe. Can't wait for next season. The sixth episode really felt anti-climactic. Do watchers ever try to imagine what it was like living under bombardment. Every time I read a book about war, I wonder how brave or cowardly I would be
  12. I want Susan to win everything that can be won. Okay, here's the deal: First, where did the first 7 or 8 accusers come from? Where did Liv and company find them, when at first all they had was the first woman - the plagiarist? Second, how did they get 22 women together in the middle of the day (and a dozen or so more than in the morning) to march into the lecture hall to surround Cosby/Randall, or whatever his name is. It's this kind of unrealistic crap that keeps me saying "Okay, that's enough." So why don't I leave. Probably because of Joe Morton, but perhaps I can find him on other shows. And David and Portia what's her name - please, show, just please.
  13. Bless you, Walnut Queen. And . . . . . fuck you, George.
  14. And I might add, just because it needs saying regularly - "Fuck you, George." I'm continually reminded of how poor many current shows are when compared with "Deadwod," and long for an announcement from HBO that they'll start reairing the episodes soon, perhaps as a holidayi present. To amend my previous post, I would except "Fargo", "The Americans," "justified," and a few others from my judgment about current shows. But truly so much dreck, so much soap opera disguised as real drama, so much supernatural crap. My, I'm really angry today, right?
  15. I'm having a real problem with this show. I've read about the Manhattan Project and wonder if we're supposed to be matching show's characters with real-life characters. Was Kitty Oppenheimer really such a homophobic bitch. If Hickey isn't back soon, I'm out. +
  16. I've been thinking of a stray bomb that doesn't hurt anyone else or any animals. He has to die and soon. Also, historically, not even marital rape was illegal until recently, so would domestic abuse have been actionable? Horrid that things were like this for so long. And in many parts of the world they are still horrid. Die, Bob, Die. Problem with Bob. He's never outside, so stray bomb is not a good idea. The actress playing Sarah seems so familiar to me, and I finally realized that she looks somewhere like Rachel Stirling (daughter of Diana Rigg) from Bletchley Circle. I wish they'd to more series of BC.
  17. My favorite line: during the "communication" segment, the wife of one of the sons whispers to him, "Can you do your job overseas? Bwhahahahahah
  18. What happens to the staff (I had no idea there were so many) between now and when Tervor takes over. Do they get paid, or are they supposed to take long vactions. Also, the dogs will miss each other.
  19. As usual, season is much too short. I would kill to be able to watch them block a scene, preferably one in which most of them are together in a room and have to leave. And leave quickly. I don't know the they get through these scenes without totally blowing it. Which they probably do, lots. Until next season. Sigh
  20. Can someone please explain why Arby's hasn't sued TDS or Comedy Central for the continual bashing of their company. I have no use for Arby's but it can't be any worse than any of the other fast-food emporiums. So what's the story?
  21. I simply do not understand. Davos knew this was coming and could have spirited Shireen out of town, or set up something that suggested she died, or some goddamn thing. I have love Davos more than almost any other character because of what I perceived to be his character. Now I'm lost. This is unacceptable. Stannis and Melissandre must die. They must.
  22. "Ian Glen is one of those weird instances where a guy gets hotter the more dirt they heap on him. Not enjoying his character as much since Emilia Clarke's interview saying he was always commenting on her tits during nude scenes. Go die of greyscale, Jorah, I no like you no more. Also, you're turning into a total stalker and no lady likes that." Rozen, I'm so not happy to know this. One should never fall for people without knowing EVERYTHING about them.
  23. The actor playing Pierce is just so fine. I don't know him - or recognize him. Yes, Tom's agenda is beginning to be seen leaking from him.
  24. There was so much pre-season publicity about Dorne that I'm really disappointed that there's so little about it in the series. Plus, I love Alexander Siddig, or Dr. Bashir. Whoever mentioned Jorah being hot, he's been hot from the beginning. So very different from the creepy boyfriend of Mary in Downton Abbey.
  25. Damn, I'm going to miss Joanna Wilding. I hoped she would be a major character. What's with the almost useless walls? Compare them, for example, with the walls in Lord of the Rings - the ones at Helms Deep and other places. These are the walls that are supposed to protect them from Winter and the Walkers? Hell's bells. Pool Jon, and all wildings and NW's. Damn
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