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Everything posted by DeeDee79

  1. Oh, please don't let this happen! This may be an unpopular opinion but I enjoy Hank more than Wu. The semi-amusing one-liners tend to get old.
  2. This brings to mind something I've been wondering about Juliette. Rosalee stated that "made" Hexienbiests were more deadly than ones that were born that way. Since Adalind was a Hexenbiest that lost her powers & regained them wouldn't that make her a "made" Hexen as well? If so, shouldn't they be equal in terms of powers?
  3. I agree with this. I don't recall any episodes stating that Hexienbiests go through "phases" and Nick didn't let her "run wild". He let her stay locked up because she was purposely causing harm to people. Then they looked for a cure because she blamed them for making her the way she is & she also told Nick that she was in hell. Why wouldn't they think she wanted to be cured? I think she just came to enjoy being more powerful than everyone else around her.
  4. Well, Adalind's mother was pretty powerful & knowledgeable right? It would make sense that she picked up a thing or two from listening to her. No one said that Henrietta was the most powerful Hexienbiest around; it seems that she was simply the only Hexienbiest around that Renard knew personally.
  5. Oh, that's why I don't remember this. The 2nd season is the only one I haven't rewatched due to the amnesia arc.
  6. Is this something we learned when he reunited with his mother? I thought his Aunt Marie was the only relative he had left before his mother found him.
  7. Nope; that was an awesome entrance!
  8. Well, that was an interesting episode. I'm glad that Renard is finally cured & that we got an explanation for what was happening to him. I guess his mother wasn't to blame for his condition after all. I can't wait to see how they explain the closing of the case; if it warranted a press conference with the mayor they can't bullshit their way out of it as they usually do with Wesen crimes. I still hate Juliette; no way to come back from setting Nick's only living relative up for slaughter.
  9. I don't often post to the Grimm boards wanted to put in my 2 cents. I've always been somewhat indifferent to Juliette but never really minded her character. There's been some awful writing for her but this season & particularly this episode takes the cake. My jaw dropped when she set the trailer on fire & then called Nick to taunt him about it. I don't see much redemption for her at this point; I'm all for her being killed off. If Nick knew about her intimacy with Renard I doubt he would still care so much; I wonder when that will come out?
  10. Too true! Despite Mulders off the wall presentation at his parole hearing Tooms should have never been released. Unfortunately everyone was content to just paint Mulder as the eccentric instead of looking a little closer at was going on. Interesting how he was always the only one that was right all along.
  11. How so? If you're referring to Scully's habit of downplaying the strange and unusual in order to find a rational explanation than I completely agree. After determining that Nick's eyes were outside of the norm of normal human anatomy that there should have been a little more curiousity on the physician's part.
  12. The only thing that bothers me about Trubel is the fact that people still refer to her by that ridiculous nickname. I hope they drop that moniker in the near future. I do want Nick to recover his powers sooner rather than later; it was painful watching him flounder around and depend on her to help them figure out who the Wesen was in this case. I would like to see Clay again; they had pretty good chemistry together. It would be interesting to see Teresa befriend a Wesen since she hasn't been exposed to as many good ones as Nick has.
  13. Good ep; I continue to enjoy Dylan which seems to be an unpopular opinion. Another unpopular opinion is that I don't see why there's so much adulation for Maggie Q; she's a good actress but the entire cast is good, not just her. I wonder what the endgame is for Beth's stalker & I hope her friend doesn't get hurt in his pursuit of of her.
  14. Not sure how successful they were with this commercial but I always got a kick out of it *shrugs*
  15. Just want to add to the vintage candy ads with my personal fave; why did they discontinue this candy bar again??
  16. I can't wait for Wu to either figure out what's going on or for them to tell him already. Even though Nick is not currently a Grimm his continuing disagreement towards telling him what he is close to figuring out on his own is disrespectful and short sighted. He's been unknowingly exposed by Wesen more than once & he's not an idiot. Of the two of them I feel if Nick doesn't fess up soon Hank most definitely will and the repercussions will be damaging to their relationship.
  17. I enjoyed this ep. I liked seeing Jack and Ben without the usual animosity and the case of the week had a twist I didn't see coming. I felt optimistic about the resolution with the situation with Jack and his ex; he told Beth part of the story and they hashed out some of their issues regarding their shared past so maybe this storyline will come to a close soon. I continue to enjoy DM!
  18. Despite her fake tears and Wes's gullible insistence I don't think Rebecca is as pristine as he seems to think. I don't know if I buy that she killed Lila but she strikes me as shady and manipulative. Or maybe that's my extreme dislike clouding my judgement. Asher is edging out Connor as my favorite; he's entertaining whenever he's on screen while Connor's hypersexuality is starting to wear on me. I'm confused about Annalise and Nate; he seems to be over his relationship with her but why does he still come running when she calls for help? Hmm... Oh I almost forgot: I could've done without the unsexy Wes/Rebecca sex scene. Ick.
  19. 1. Since we know Juliette isn't going anywhere I would like to see better writing for her character. Last season she made a choice to be a part of Nick's Grimm life so she could understand and accept it; this season she's changed her tune. She knew what being a Grimm entailed; he never tried to sugarcoat it for her and now since she's had enough she's making decisions for him behind his back. If the viewers are supposed to like and support her role in his life they aren't making it any easier for us. 2. I would like to see better writing for the Royals storyline; it's all over the place and doesn't hold my interest. Do they want to kill the Grimm, or have him on their side? They want to kill Renard but panic when he's dying for fear of what the King will do. Beyond getting the key what is their purpose? I want to fast foward through all of their scenes but hold back for fear that I'll miss something important or interesting. Sadly this is never the case. 3. Give Monroe and Rosalee some purpose beyond being Nick's support system. I know he's the star of the show but they cater to his needs too much. Monroe more so than Rosalee; how many times are you going to be at his beck and call because you feel you owe him for saving your life? Is this a neverending debt? 4. Last but not least: tell Wu! Keeping him in the dark is now ridiculous and a little cruel.
  20. shelley1005 I'm right there with you. I've always been a fan and I'm enjoying him on this show. I too feel that the weak point on this show is the ex wife and the big secret. Is Elizabeth Rohm a regular? She hasn't been in every ep and she's not shown as often than the others so I'm hoping that this storyline will wrap up quickly.
  21. I like Annalise as strong; I don't want to see more scenes with her basically begging Nate to take her back. Sam has seemed shady from day 1; it won't shock me if he was the one who killed Lila. Bonnie bugs as her longing for her bosses husband is less than subtle; Frank has zero sex appeal and I don't buy the connection with him and Laurel and Wes's awkward neck movements annoy me. I'm very amused by Connor, bored by Michaela and annoyed by Asher.
  22. I'm still enjoying and sticking with this show. I see that the general consensus is that Dylan McDermott sucks but I've always enjoyed him. I've never seen Maggie Q in anything before this but I'm enjoying her as well. Last weeks ep was lackluster but this week was much improved. Part of my enjoyment was the absence of Elizabeth Rohm's character. That subplot doesn't interest or intrigue; I hope it's wrapped up or discarded quickly. The Level 1 employee grates & is very immature. Your new co-worker got the spot you were salivating over so you're a consistent dick to him; grow up.
  23. Well, I'm out. I loved Harvey and Jessica and to a lesser extent Mike but now I despise all three. Was never a fan of Louis; he had his good points and his bad but these last eps outlined everything I detest about his character. Why would you want to be name partner alongside people that you clearly detest unless it's to hold something over their heads? There's no turning back for me; at least I don't have to put up with Rachel any longer.
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