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Everything posted by fireice13

  1. I just want one of the girls involved in "she said/she said" to say "you can believe her or you can believe me or you can ask the show for the unedited recording of the conversation we all know they have!"
  2. I agree it's completely normal and common; I was saying that it shouldn't be. I also don't agree with the implication from the first post I quoted that because it's so common we don't need to hear someone's story about it.
  3. I'm sorry that so many people you knew were assaulted; that should not be something common or 'normal' for women to go through. Caelynn made the issue with campus sexual assault her pageant platform so she's taking what happened to her and trying to change things. I don't think she brought it up to win the competition. I also don't think we should be determining whether or not sexual assault survivors are traumatized, we should believe them if they say they are or were traumatized by the experience. Just because they aren't acting the way you think they should be doesn't mean they aren't traumatized.
  4. Yes, one thing that helps as you age is a little extra weight, especially if you're fair-skinned. I was hoping she would talk in her weird "accent" because that was just bizarre. I don't care about the ambassadors at all; I just want to know what Lindsay's life really looks like. Maybe with the show we'll get more gossip?
  5. All I care about at this point is the dog. That poor thing being handed off to some stranger and watching its human walk away. I just want to be told the dog is fine and wasn't left wandering outside the mansion.
  6. I lost it when he was "testing" the knives! I thought this episode was hilarious and did not see the twist coming with Jonah.
  7. I'm able to watch Ponderosa for free on cbs.com with my cable log in, at least the next day I haven't tried further out than that
  8. I love this show's Halloween episodes, they're great. I still love the random customer that was dressed up as the cloud 9 guy who turned out to be a cannibal. I feel for Garrett; I worked at a movie theater the summer Legally Blonde came out and had to listen to "it's a perfect day..." over and over and over every day I worked.
  9. I do wonder if Chelsea will be saved because it was sooo obvious she was set up to fail. Maybe I heard him wrong but it sounded like tWitch compared Chelsea learning tap to a hip hopper learning contemporary. If that is what he said, then no that's not true at all. Tap is it's own thing that you can't just pick up and learn and do to the level they obviously expect on this show.
  10. There's a difference between not being a liberal and liking social media posts that are offensive. One of the posts he liked implied border agents should literally throw undocumented children over a wall - that's offensive and someone liking it says something about them as a person. Also Becca is known to be liberal, so someone who is competing for her heart and liking these sorts of things may not be the right person for her (that's up to her to decide, of course)
  11. He obviously didn't think a few moves ahead. Flip and force a tie, re-vote makes Wendell play his idol, Chelsea goes home still. Try and pull Sebastian in (he doesn't seem too tight with Dom/Wendell) with Kellyn/Angela/Donathan to make it 4-3 and get out Laurel or Wendell at the next tribal. Maybe it wouldn't work and you'd get voted out the next time around, but at least you would've done something during the game.
  12. This was my first time really diving into this thread and it's been great. I usually only watch the figure skating but this year I really got into luge and curling. I'm American so I tend to root for the US first and then other former British colonies and members of the Commonwealth (which is a lot of countries!). I also really like seeing underdogs win or have unexpected results. I loved Ledecka winning the Super G and standing in shock at the bottom and the announcer's excitement when the US won the women's cross country sprint. One thing I'm not too excited about is that the next two Olympic sites are Tokyo and Beijing. I think it's great for them and awesome to see (especially Tokyo since Beijing has been more recent), but the timezone difference is brutal. I think it's hard not just on viewers but the athletes as well.
  13. They had fun at the end on the ice when they all took a selfie together and one of the pairs skaters lifted Hanyu.
  14. I get starting with the hardest jump because you need the speed and energy, but maybe she should start with the ones she nails to get the confidence up first.
  15. On the stream they just said Choi's mother died suddenly last year. It makes her skating even more amazing, training for the Olympics and dealing with that tragedy.
  16. If you're going to the Olympics but without a real shot at the podium, why not just go all out with music and costume and have fun? At least it might make the experience even more fun than just the fact you're at the Olympics. (I'm guessing the judges are more traditionalist and would not be fans of things like AC/DC)
  17. I'm watching the stream and I really like the Australian woman. She's giving out a lot of good information on the elements and what makes them good or why there are deductions. It's nice to actually be told why something was scored well or not instead of just hearing "oh that will lose some points."
  18. Is skeleton done on the same track as luge? If so, that would be terrifying because of curve 9 and all the issues the men had with it.
  19. Actually the US anthem celebrates the US not surrendering to the British when they were bombing Fort McHenry during the War of 1812. Francis Scott Key was being held captive and the "bombs bursting in air" meant that the US hadn't lowered the flag and surrendered. More detailed history. I did really enjoy the parade of nations and especially the ones with smaller contingents; they were so happy to be there and represent their countries. I liked the drones and the snowboarders going down the hill carrying flares. I was really annoyed with NBC during the singing of the Korean song that was really meaningful to both North and South. They kept talking about how much it meant and the emotion you can hear just listening. I'm sure I could've felt that emotion if they had shut up long enough for me to actually listen! The live streams are so much better without the commentary, even curling (which I don't understand and therefore like the explanations from the commentators) is sometimes better because they have the athletes miked so you can hear strategy. If the commentators are talking over the athletes then you can't hear that part, which I find interesting.
  20. The bottom of Kate Hudson's dress looks like she got mauled.
  21. I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but I don't like allowing lyrics in the music. I think it's great for the skaters and the live audience, but it's horrible for television viewers. It's so difficult to separate the commentary from the lyrics!
  22. I work in transfusion medicine and I can't stand it when shows use the whole "they have a rare type!" Sarah correctly pointed out that the rare type (AB) can receive any type of blood. Also, the whole "I'm a match, I'll donate" is complete BS because the blood has to be processed and tested which takes about 24 hours. The blood bank in the hospital is going to use the blood on their shelf that was donated weeks earlier.* *sidenote: this is why I get bothered with people rushing to donate after things like mass shootings or bombings. Blood is good for 42 days so the victims are getting blood from the hospital blood bank that was donated 4-6 weeks earlier. The blood center then replenishes the hospital with blood drawn in the last few weeks. It's important to donate afterwards, but it's more helpful a few days to a week after. The most helpful is to donate regularly. [stepping off soapbox]
  23. I think they should have ruled that one contestant correct for her answer of the French and Indian War. That is the Seven Years' War; it's just what it is called in the US.
  24. Blind item that seems to be about Jose. http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2017/10/todays-blind-items-not-shown-on-tv.html Today's Blind Items - Not Shown On TV - The Strangest Tie In Of All Time Back in the 80's, there was a very powerful record executive. He was part of the day to day group of people managing the careers of this Spanish speaking boy band. He was also the first in that group of people who said the boy band members should be rotated frequently. Why? There was the story for public consumption and then there was the truth. The men all liked having sex with teen boys and rotating them kept them fresh and also kept them on edge when they would be leaving. It was during this time period that the executive started working on some soundtracks for movies. At the label where he worked, he had to do more than deal with the boy band and rape their members. The label had been big in Old Hollywood with soundtracks but was not having much success in the 80's One notable exception was a soundtrack from one of their own artists who was also making a movie. Anyway, shortly after that movie came out, our executive was talking to movie producers and seeing how this label could be a part of their movie. At a party he was introduced to this actor who was foreign born. He had just started making his second movie after starring on a television show for tweens. Our actor would go on to be A list and was a definite heartthrob of the decade. At this party, the movie producer offered up the actor to the record executive. Apparently the two had sex. How do we know they had sex? Well, a few years later, this record executive made the news in a very big way. Not the way he probably would have hoped. His wife probably hoped not to make the news in that way either. The husband and wife are pretty big again this fall. Anyway, when the big news happened, our actor said to more than one person that he had hooked up with the record executive in a cabana next to the pool at the movie producer's house. Oh, and that movie producer who is permanently A+ list was passing off this actor when the actor was 14 or 15. Yeah, and also having raping him on an almost daily basis.
  25. It's only being maligned if it isn't true. Just because you don't believe the abuse happened, doesn't mean it didn't. People can be one way in public and complete monsters behind closed doors. There were enough jurors in the first trial who believed the boys which is why in the second trial the just didn't allow the abuse testimony in; the DA and the judge were under pressure to get a conviction and not lose another high profile case.
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