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Everything posted by WhineandCheez

  1. Thanks guys! My brain could not wrap around the fact that Jessa's Headship was going to allow her to become gainfully employed. Although, once the cash cow is done, toilet cleaning is not going to support that family...
  2. Can someone please explain this--the photo of the 2 girls with nice eyelashes--that is not Jessa, why do people say it is? Also, are you saying Jessa enrolled in Police Academy? help.
  3. I think this is really a funny line. I enjoyed---not--the 30 some minute recap this Am of every single thing the Trump Admin has done that was squiggy. Including KAC shilling Ivanka's clothes on the White House lawn. That was stupid to insert in there, I think.
  4. Is be-clowned a real word? Joe keeps saying it over and over. Thanks for the min-recap, Oakville. We'll take what we kin git!
  5. The guy who didn't graduate? I have one word...drugs. I'll bet. Just be glad that someone taught his to cook between the end of S1 and the beginning of 2. Before I think he was a pretty model-boy who got casted and they had to give him something to do. I was seriously wondering if he is gay and got overwhelmed by the Fab5. It's not like he is spontaneously going to come out on national TV. Also, those kids in the paintball place were a set up. No strange kid is going to be nice to a strange kid who comes up and compliments his shirt. In Chelsea or Provincetown, ok, but not GA!
  6. Tomorrow expect PRUITTGATE. Expect lots of suggestive lotion and used-mattress talk from Scoop.
  7. Now wait, Chloesmom. Are you talking about Dershowitz or Joe!!!!
  8. We all get to see what kind of sweater and shirt combo Podhoretz feels its appropriate to wear in 98 degree humidity. Apparently Chaps line also includes an oatmeal cotton/silk blend. Martha's Vineyard-shaming. Awesome. I wonder if Dershowitz also wears those faded red Nantucket pants that Joe has.
  9. She's got nice teeth. Surprised Boob would pay for a dentist.
  10. I'm gonna see Vanjie next month as she is performing at a Pride event in my town (with Alexis Mateo--!BAM!) We never got to see her perform so who knows how she'll be. I remember thinking she had funny comments the first episode then poof she's gone in a flurry of bad silk flowers.
  11. RE: TOASTGATE: Don't you all realize that the only reason Jill can come up with a toast recipe is that Aldis doesn't sell toast. Jill, you are selfish. Don't you realize that if there is a male barista there you have defrauded him with your knees??
  12. I know. I was definitely getting the vibe that he uses said lotion for "personal gratification" (Oakville, better start recapping again--we have nothing left to talk about but this...)
  13. EDUCATIONAL TV: This AM I learned, per Joe, that Mika accurately predicted that Trump would win. And I can accurately predict that Joe will get some tonight.... Oakville, how did you lose all that weight so quickly? Did you used to binge eat whilst recapping?? Can we all make a pact to meet on top of the Empire State Building, I mean here, the morning after the Dems take back at least one Chamber in Nov.? If that happens.... Hard to believe how that could've happened on the Progressive channel??!! Mark Thompson greets each and every caller with, "Get woke, get ready for impeachment."
  14. I wonder if a aqueria had told been told she would win or if she was just very confident because she just stood there basically while they gave the crown to her. Also is the reason that nobody likes Cameron because she has a kind of dull personality? Because she seems nice? I think that Asia Lip Sync has to go down as the number one worst lip sync in the history of the show. I was gagging over the season 1 contestants they all looked pretty much the same except Shannel just did not even look like herself. As for the posters upthread who says that Ru should update her look, should Marilyn Monroe have long dark hair and wear pink lipstick? Come on Ru is an icon and is perfect in every way
  15. Yeah, it's all just flowers and sausages until trump starts talking about your bleeding facelift. IMHO Dylan Ratigan is one good looking older man. Unlike Joe...
  16. Jews from Queens cannot look like that..... WTF??/ WTH???Never heard that moniker used before.
  17. Derek has as many homosexual friends as I have unicorns in a pen in my backyard....
  18. Can we have a sub-thread just to discuss Sex, and his Mother, in all their glory?? He was rockin' the 70's outfits even back then!!
  19. If we could see under the table we would see Jackie O leather thongs sandals (made in Capri) or a nice Feragamo. All meant to coordinate with Joes "I Went to an Ivy Nantucket Red Pants Except I Really Went to Nowhere Alabama U" pants.
  20. 8:47 AM: Mika shoe-horns-in the words "Know Your Value" into the interview with the new young NY Congressional candidate.
  21. Displayname you are suffering from a disease called C.O (Contemporary Overload). Every time another 18 year old in a bikini top and boy shorts steps up and chirps, "I'm a contemporary dancer!!" another little part of me dies.
  22. NIGEL SAYS: "Broadway is not over the top" NIGEL MEANS: "You are too gay" Arcadian (cool name) was no Cheon, that's for sure. And the 1972 audition outfit was weird. Black Lipstick Chick is sooo hard and edgy. I love the way these Goth types think they are so original and dark. It's been going on since 1978 or so, I think it's a bit mainstream by now. I suppose we can just be happy she didn't feel compelled to wear torn black fishnets.
  23. Ahhh Millennium, that's a sad story about your parents. Thanks for sharing it anyway. I think that Joe paid the booking fee for author Mona Charen himself, since she basically said that you HAVE TO BE MARRIED (MIKA) to avoid poverty. Mika, you need to be able to support the chickens. See! You need to marry Joe.
  24. Good list teddysmom but you have to add in something about the chickens.
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