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Everything posted by Brooklynista

  1. Now that Megan is back home I'm going to need her to ditch that hair hat she insists on petting and lose those Lee press-on talons.
  2. Yup! I am going to pick a fight with the husband right now so he can leave me alone for the night. I need to watch this in peace so I can take copious notes of all the fuckery that we know is going to go down.
  3. This is why I'm convinced Whitney had zero input in planning this Twit a thon. This broad aint active, no way she came up with this activity laced trip. TLC called her in the office and told her what this season's fat girl's escapade was going to be. Wanna go to Alaska? Here's the humiliation we need from you. No way the broad who tried to teach Tal new dance steps while sitting in a chair is the same broad who woke up one day and said "I wanna rappel down a mountain".
  4. That's what blew my mind. Everything up to and including peeing in community water is okay with these people?? Where's the bottom?? Even if I'm a super fan of someone, I expect at least a small amount of decency. Ugh!
  5. Briana is going to New York? Did she bring Stella with her?? If not, she needs STFU about telling Luis to step up because her ass is at the airport more than she's in that overcrowded room with her kids.
  6. I think Jo was s bitch to Kail because he KNEW who Kail was even then. Her true self wasn't revealed to us for a few seasons but I think Jo was aware of the cunning shrew that Kail was even then. I never had a problem with how Jo treated Kail because he was always good to Isaac. Jo won me over very early when Kail had a plan to take Isaac to go live with her dad. Jo told her "YOU can go but Isaac is staying with me."
  7. Megan does not want those problems. Not with that badly perched hair hat she's been wearing. Last thing Megan needs it to have her wig snatched on television. It would take that smug look off her face though.
  8. Maybe Naomi and Den should have had a conversation about wanting kids BEFORE she got pregnant. I try not to judge, but how long has she known this Den guy to already be going at it raw?
  9. Why were they all sitting around the lodge crying about Buddy breaking up with his non-girlfriend? He's a 30 something year old manchild who knew the chick for a few months. Who gives a shit??
  10. Anyone remember when Star Jones from The View experienced a rapid weight loss and tries with all her might to convince folks she did it with diet and exercise? It took months before she was exposed and had to admit she had bariatric surgery. I could see our Twitney doing the same and lying to her diehard followers. She's not willing to do what it takes to lose weight, only what she thinks it should take.
  11. So Kail just breezes past the part where she was snooping in her EX-husband's phone? Doing the same shit she called Javi "controlling" over when he wanted to see her texts when they were still married.
  12. How much can these people be getting paid to sit in someone's pee water?
  13. They are like the poor version of the Kardashians. An overly close group of women who have poor taste in men and totally lack boundaries, except this bunch is poor.
  14. Will is too guarded and Jasmine is too rigid. I want this marriage to be over so I can be taken out of my misery.
  15. For the life of me I cannot figure out why this broad doesn't have a man.
  16. So the only person who knew about Whit-a-thon was Whit? Maybe Heather wanted to walk up a tiny boulder to simulate a mountain trail. Maybe Todd wanted to rock climb a bit. Nope just "oh by the way Whit a thon". This shit gets faker by the week.
  17. It's time for the Whit-a-thon people!!!! Who's with me!!??
  18. Who did the car belong to? I'm going to assume Megan didn't rent the car because (if she had any sense) she would have been driving. Michael would not have been able to rent one with no license. So who's car was he joyriding in?? Another hot car? And who drove the car back? Or was it seized by the officers? I have questions.
  19. These people sure do injure themselves a lot. Mayhaps they should sit down and get real jobs.
  20. Micheal's parole officer HAD to violate him. Not only was he late (again) but he was caught driving with no license to the office with some random chickadee AND a camera crew in tow. That's just too much. Why be so damn flagrant? Hell, even if he was late he could have parked the car a block away and sprinted to the office without Megan. We all have to answer to somebody and I'm sure the P.O. couldn't risk his boss finding out he let Michael slide on all of those infractions. If it comes down to me or you it's gonna be you.
  21. There really are some tragic hair pieces in Michael's circle. I can't tell what's worse, Megan's heavy ass wig or his mother's plopped on ponytail.
  22. So, was everyone "training" for the Whitathon? If the parents are tagging along with this overgrown brat, are they preparing for this 5 mile hike and 5 mile bike ride?
  23. Miss Jasmine is not going to get got. Will is looking at the front door, he's just way more polite about it than Luke.
  24. Maybe they'll leave her ass on the mountain like they do with distressed climbers on Everest.
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