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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. It's on Saturday nights in Los Angeles (ch. 13), two episodes per night. I didn't stumble across it until the third week, and then forgot to record it this weekend. I'd never seen the first season except for a couple of episodes I caught in syndication, so it was a bit jarring. Especially the Boston accents that had disappeared by the time I started watching.
  2. That may be partially influenced by the binge watching. Seasons three and four, as compared to all of television, I love. But as compared to seasons one and two, I don't like as much. That didn't matter when spread out over the course of years. But if I was watching this era of the show for the first time, with the earlier seasons still so fresh in my mind, I would probably be thinking that very thing.
  3. I'm with you, for all the reasons you described. And since the overwhelming majority of romantic relationships don't last a lifetime, if you're going to go through life regarding all of them as failures, you're setting yourself up for a whole lot of unnecessary angst. Speaking of peeves ... This is how most relationships end, by simply running their course. But in fiction, most relationships end via one egregious act instead.
  4. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I’m nervous for how it’s going to end, but I am having so much fun watching this Giants/Saints game. I really appreciate good defense, but sometimes a good, old-fashioned offensive shootout just hits the spot.
  5. The setting: Local liquor store around 5:00 on Halloween. Me, in regular clothes. Man about my age, in what is very obviously a costume, but what he was supposed to be, I have no idea. Him: Aw, no fun. What are you dressed as? Me: An adult. The hell? We are not at a costume party, a carnival, or even wandering the downtown streets. We are a couple of middle-aged folk who happen to have both run low on whiskey at the same time. Shut up.
  6. I like that commercial. In fact, I may have let out a cheer the first time I saw it. I don't care why the father thinks it's bullshit that the winning team got the same participation trophy as the other teams rather than being acknowledged as the league champion (because I don't get any whiff of the obnoxious, or even abusive "you must win or you're worthless" sports parent behavior from him some of you are getting -- if I did, I'd join you in caring), I simply enjoy that he corrects that bullshit.
  7. A is for Adam's Rib. I think Dorothy would enjoy Katharine Hepburn/Spencer Tracy films, especially this one.
  8. Yeah, I'll grab my bus ticket to hell, but ... Steve Sarkisian couldn't have hit bottom a few weeks earlier than he did?
  9. Double posting to say Jeez, I love this movie. I scream at Laurie to stop dropping the damn knife, wonder at how it got so dark so fast as Laurie and Annie head to their babysitting jobs, and get a good laugh at what a quick lay – even for high school – Judith Myers’ boyfriend is (and then a bigger one upon finally listening to the commentary and hearing Jamie Lee Curtis say the same thing). And I don’t know that “kids today” who watch it with the rich history of horror films we didn’t have upon its original airing can possibly react the same way. But it’s good. John Carpenter and Debra Hill were really onto something. Something that went on to be diluted and ultimately parodied, but something at the time.
  10. They often skip Halloween III, too - and with good reason - but I see that tonight they're airing it. H20 was pretty decent, yeah. I also liked the one with the niece, but just for the ending reveal calling back to how it all began with Michael. My dinner plans were canceled due to a friend's illness, and I have a Halloween Blu-Ray with a bunch of special features I've yet to watch, so I think I'll settle in with some popcorn. IFC is currently airing the remake, which I've watched two minutes of and rejected.
  11. It wasn't on in the mornings this week, either, but that goes back to normal next week, too.
  12. And to think, there are probably people who only know her from The 40-Year-Old Virgin.
  13. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    That's a fake news site (and reprinted from another fake news site).
  14. Ugh, U-Verse. I use them for my internet service, and they're a bunch of lying liars who lie with their promotional rates. And y'all know I read the fine print. If a rate is supposed to be in effect for six months, they'll raise it after four. Shit like that. Every time. And then I read them the riot act and they give me a refund for the overcharge, extend the promotional rate, etc. It's a ridiculous dance, and it's making me a bit ill to give them my money, but from talking with neighbors the other options (Charter, etc.) are just as bad.
  15. It will be on tonight at 10 Eastern/7 Pacific.
  16. When I first heard about Friends With Money, I thought, "This could go either way." Then I saw it was written and directed by Holofcener, and thought, "I'm in." I didn't like it as much as I wanted to, but it has things going for it. Keener is in that one, too, as well as Enough Said. I love the casts of so many of her films.
  17. Remember how utterly glorious the press junket for IWTB was, because Gillian and David had resolved some past shit and were on their way to becoming friends at long last, so instead of them scowling their way through the tedious bullshit they were enjoying each other’s company and thus creating this infectious giddy energy that came out of your TV screen and made you happy to be a ‘phile? That needs to happen again in January. Because in the interim we've had IBG, her going to his play, San Diego Comic Con, AMA, Paley, NY Comic Con, Twitter, duets, and by all accounts enjoying shooting the six episodes together in a way they never had before. Joint interviews with that David and Gillian need to be part of my life.
  18. Overcooked meat is the work of the devil. Any meat, but overcooked pork and white meat chicken are pretty much inedible to me for the dryness factor.
  19. No, no – it’s even better: “Crime. Boy, I don’t know.” I hate the Simon Donovan storyline – typical “woman is terrorized, but it will be explored no further than setting up a potential romance with her male protector” bullshit – but that line is still used in my regular life. A friend and I will regularly trade, “[Complex situation to which some idiot politician has offered a non-solution]. Boy, I don’t know” emails.
  20. Yeah, they're really doing a good job with the promos. I know, countless crappy projects have looked good from their trailers. But, still - I'm hoping the episodes are as interesting as the folks cutting these promos are making them look. I adore the little thing Scully does with the flashlight. Cute and flirty. There were four promos leaked, right? (I've only seen three of them.)
  21. Was it something like the outlets being almond and the cover plates being ivory? Because that would annoy me, too. Right up until the point I shelled out a dollar apiece to change the covers and move the hell on with my life.
  22. Now that I’ve watched the whole thing: That poor momma dog. I know they have a lot of work to do and just enough people to do it, but I wish two people had taken her to the vet so someone could have been in the back with her when she died. But I’m sure Jennifer (I think that’s her name) was talking to her in comforting tones. I’m glad the puppies were saved, and glad another rescue stepped in to take the litter – VRC needs all the help they can get. I tried to get a read on what might have really been going on with family who adopted Artemis for 24 hours, but I gave up. I can’t tell, and it doesn’t matter. She’s a happy dog who seems quite adaptable, so hopefully she is blissfully ensconced in her forever home and just has some vague memory of a road trip with Mariah. I remember when Tia rescued her, and she just walked up to the van, waited for Tia to open the door, crawled right into the crate, turned around and laid down with a look of sheer relief. She had to wait two years and undergo one false start, but hopefully now she’s exactly where she belongs. The second dog Artemis’ would-be adopters saw had adorable ears. And, yay, Brandi with an i! I swear, if it's not true that – as I read on a pet forum, from someone who said they saw it on the Facebook page of one of the parolees – Brandi finally got a home, I am going to cry. I adore that dog, and she’s ten years old. I want her to spend her final years as she deserves. Matt nearly shitting his shorts when Sunflower jumped out at him was funny. He was so busy looking for her in the weeds, he didn’t realize she was right in front of him. I also got a good chuckle at Tia and Mariah’s conversation as Mariah headed off for Vegas. “No getting married, no gambling away your life savings … what else do people do in Vegas?” “I don’t think people remember most of it.” “Thank you for that closing thought. Goodbye, daughter.”
  23. Yes, but I can't find it. If I do, I'll send you a PM.
  24. Oh, how nice. I appreciate that. It was just a real downer of a day yesterday -- mostly from little things, but it all just piled up on top of what I'm already slogging through. Today is better. And there is absolutely nothing I have to do today. There is nothing that must be done before tomorrow, no one I need to see, nada, zilch. I'm having a Bloody Mary, waiting for football to start, and anticipating a relaxing day of solitude.
  25. I can get just about anything delivered in my neighborhood. There used to only be one Mexican restaurant in the immediate area, and they didn't deliver (their food is terrible anyway, so no loss), but a few years ago a great Mexican restaurant opened up that is within walking distance and offers delivery. They close early, but it's a start. At least for Italian, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, etc. there are many delivery options. In my friend's neighborhood, less than 10 miles away, pretty much all but one restaurant stop delivering after 9:30 or 10:00, even on weekends. Most of the restaurants here will take delivery orders until just before 10 during the week and just before 11 or midnight on weekends. The Japanese place will deliver until 2:00 a.m. So I guess I'm spoiled.
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