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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. She was talking specifically about shaving one's legs above the knee, not everything on the body above the knee. "Never shave above the knee" used to be a thing, yes.
  2. Hee. Oh dear, now I fear I'll think of this typo every time I look at her. I was semi-spoiled for Mrs. Landingham's death, but holding out hope it was really someone else - although I had no one in particular in mind (I knew for sure someone died, but didn't have 100% confirmation it was her). I think Dulé Hill was the weak link in the cast (along with Janel Moloney) - perhaps inevitable given who he was working alongside - but his face upon getting the phone call finally rose to everyone else's level. The rest, not so much, but such a minor thing in the course of a great episode.
  3. ... Builds His Dream House. One of my favorite movies. I missed tonight's episode, but I'll definitely have to check the archive now. How could that be a TS?! Blasphemy.
  4. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Yeah, the final minute and a half was really something for the Seahawks, but there was too much iffy play leading up to it.
  5. It wasn't just about managing the money (if that was even mentioned as one of his problems; I only remember it as one of Rose's faux reasons when she was pretending it was her fault), it was the fact he didn't bring very much in to begin with. Rose led them to believe he was a big success in business, but he wasn't. So if he wasn't a very successful salesman and thus wasn't bringing in good money for someone with that many mouths to feed, they'd have to squeeze those nickles pretty hard to take care of the family.
  6. Thank you both. And walnutqueen, I'm sorry to hear about your mom. It must be very hard on you to note the progressing weakness when you speak to her. The only thing that's ever going to hurt me more than losing my cats is losing my parents. My mom is in remission from metastatic breast cancer and my dad has picked up some heart problems this year, but they're both doing well. Their cats keep them on their toes. :-)
  7. Ugh, apparently I'm going to have to set my VCR for five extra minutes so I don't keep missing the end -- I did either one or two extra minutes this time, and it still cut off right when Mariah pulled up to the house in Salt Lake City. So, I'm sure that worked out, but can someone please fill me in on what the little update screens showed for the spaniel Sui and Matt rescued and that adorable girl with the tennis ball obsession that Tia picked up from the good Samaritan?
  8. I just watched the clip/update show, and no matter how many times they show me Cheech and Chong's story, I will cry each and every time. That footage of them hugging each other in the shelter, Cheech hovering over Chong when Chong first got sick, Cheech needing to be distracted so anyone could get into their kennel and take just Chong to head for the vet and then getting upset as he realized Chong was being taken off without him, Tia not being able to get the words "Chong has cancer" out without crying and practically wailing as she wondered how Cheech would survive without him, everyone hauling ass to get the river house done in time for Cheech and Chong to retire there so Chong didn't have to die in a kennel, Tia dropping to the ground crying when she finds out Chong died, Cheech whining as they released Chong's ashes, Cheech putting his paw up on Tia's arm as she leaves him with his new family ... ugh, my heart. It was funny to hear Tia talk about how the show capturing their lives for all these years really drives home how much her kids have grown up since season one, as I was just musing on that very thing recently having watched the early seasons for the first time. I loved seeing again that rescue that Tania had to lead with ten dogs (including Renegade) tied up in a yard. That was the one when Earl said the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and I think it's a great case study of Tania. She, like always, is worried about pleasing her mom, and she's mad at herself for getting upset instead of just getting in there and getting the job done. But then, she gathers herself, and is perfect. Take the dogs in the front out first so we're never walking a dog past chained dogs. You do this, you get this one. She takes photos to document the scene, and just all around does everything Tia would do. Thus Earl's comment. Okay, I have just enough time to watch my recording of the new episode ...
  9. Judith Light can do no wrong in my book, but Alyssa Milano has bugged me ever since her line of NFL clothing for women and, especially, her pronunciation of "quarter" as "kore-ter" in one of those "please donate money" pitches. (Yes, I know she's not the only one. No, that does not lessen my annoyance.)
  10. They're counting down the time left on the break room microwave in the commercial. In the song, they're counting down to leaving Earth (heading for Venus).
  11. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    The Giants are still not fully grasping the concept that a game has four quarters, and they have to play all four of them, are they? They're lucky that the Bills are even better at shooting themselves in the foot, and there has been improvement. But this is still a big problem that Coughlin has somehow got to get under control.
  12. It's standard procedure in cases like that of Aaron and Candy, where there are no second spouses in the mix, for the estate to pass to the surviving spouse; the kids generally get their inheritance when the second parent dies, not when the first one does.
  13. I am, too, but he'll always be Lt. Abrams (from two Thin Man films) to me. I feel the exact same way!
  14. I like pretty much the whole series of PODS ads with the telephone conversations between a potential customer and a service rep. Especially the one with the increasingly freaked-out woman who will be temporarily staying at her brother's because they have to be out of their existing house before their new house is ready. "He has kids of his own. Five of them. Help me."
  15. Indeed. But as one who absolutely hated the Josh/Donna thing, I can perhaps assure you that at this point they'll be simply a minor annoyance in the midst of great episodes. And yes, CJ's absence was due to Allison having an unanticipated scheduling conflict -- I think she had to film additional scenes for The Hours. It's a testament to how incredibly captivating 17 People is that I don't even miss my favorite character.
  16. I finished season three, and no wonder they got the hell out of Dodge! I knew the basics about why Tia pulled up stakes, but seeing it play out on the show was really something. She got walloped by a whole lot of crap in just a couple of years' time. I can understand why the new county regulations were the last straw; when you're standing there being told your dogs' kennels are too large, it must be surreal. I bawled my way through Mariah losing Sloth, which I had seen before, and then did it again when Tia and Tania went to help that woman in Tuscaloosa whose rescue center/training & boarding facility had been destroyed by a tornado -- listening to her talk about her own dog that died in her arms, and then the memorial service for all 21 dogs lost (of the 50 that were there). With both Sloth and Mayhem, Tania was so upset because it made her picture losing Bluie and she just couldn't imagine living without him. So sad to watch knowing it would happen in a few short years. On a much happier note, watching Otis - the dog on "parole" - learn how to be a Frisbee dog, and get a new home, was delightful. And I'll never, ever fail to laugh watching Tia run away saying, "Bees, bees" or watching a group of parolees run, scream and jump to get away from a mouse. Heads up: There's another clip show episode tonight immediately prior to the new episode.
  17. walnutqueen, I'm sorry you're going through this as well! I'm really struggling, even more than usual; this is the first time in 30 years that I have gone through the loss of a cat without another cat to comfort me, and the cat-less house is so much worse than I remembered. And then last night I met up with a friend for drinks, only to hear, "I haven't wanted to tell you this, but things are progressing fast so you need to know -- [mutual friend I haven't seen in nearly a year] has inoperable brain cancer." She's only 39 years old. I'd really like to put the world on pause right about now, and crawl under my covers for a few months.
  18. FJ was an instaget for me, especially with the fireside hint. Willie Nelson as a TS made me sad, but whipsaw was almost as surprising; you had two definitions within the text of the clue, plus the category spotted "hip."
  19. Oh, I derailed the Chit Chat topic and didn't want another one where people feel like they have to say something, so I've been so hesitant to explain my recent flurry of posting. But now I've been annoyingly cryptic, and in re-reading it sounds like an attention grab, when I just felt like I had to, in this silly way, publicly honor how helpful the show has been to me by throwing in the security blanket line. So, yeah ... I had to have my cat put to sleep two weeks ago. I cry at the drop of a fucking hat. I hate the world. By all accounts, this show is the last thing I should be subjecting myself to. But it has become an obsession that is helping a bit, when little else is.
  20. This show has become some sort of security blanket for me during what is a really difficult time, so I'm already up to season three in my marathon comfort watching. I am cracking up at Tia helping that rescuer in Jackson, MS -- the woman has warned Tia what a rough neighborhood it is, with lots of drugs and guns, and Tia is looking around thinking, "Um, this is not what rough neighborhoods look like at home." I like that Tia called herself out on pre-judging and stereotyping, when she hates when people do that to her kids, parolees, dogs, etc. The other woman made the same admission about the assumptions she had made. Nice to see. My favorite is Tia justifying the group of guys being put off by them heading up onto the guys' porch after the injured dog: "Louise and I jump out of the van like Cagney and Lacey, of course they're going to wonder what's going on."
  21. That's what people are referring to when talking about Matt slowing the game down yesterday -- he started doing the "I'll take [Full Category Title] for [$], Alex" routine instead of his usual, refreshingly direct way of selecting clues, presumably as a strategy to maintain a runaway lead.
  22. I love how several of the videos give you clues to other Google search terms (e.g. Crocs, star sign, knitting) that will turn up one of these gems.
  23. My favorite thus far is this bit from the Crocs video: "Why don't you keep that ten cents a day you've been sending our kids and buy yourselves some shoes you can't strain pasta with." Or maybe Jessica's "What, no - blasphemy!" in the religion video (when he points out she's trying to recruit him to clean her apartment).
  24. I don't think he was using that "Okay" to slow things down -- he was remarking on the dorkiness of the Greek letter puzzle clue ("psi-clone," I think). It made me laugh.
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