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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Mom is such an outlier for him, I'm partially convinced he has a good twin and that's who is running the show.
  2. In setting up to record tonight's episode, I read the description -- something about Christy becoming discouraged when she "discovers" how expensive it will be to become a lawyer. Is the fact that the cost of earning a bachelor's degree plus a J.D. degree adds up to a lot of money really a surprise to anyone? (I don't mean that I think the story line will be stupid; I'm just griping about the stupid word choice in my program guide's description.)
  3. Yes, so many people are too busy documenting their lives to actually experience them.
  4. The archive is updated, so now I'm caught up - even though I'd spoiled myself for some clues by coming here last night. (I'd have known FJ anyway, and that's really the only one I remembered being discussed, so I went into it pretty fresh.) The Wyoming TS really surprised me, perhaps unreasonably. Montana was not at all a bad guess, and probably many people's first guess; even though it's a large state, there are a lot of unpopulated areas. So once that was ruled incorrect, I'm surprised none of the other two rang in with another sparsely-populated western state. I would have thought Wyoming the natural second guess. I'm going to go ahead and declare there's nothing unreasonable about being floored not one of the three knew Louis L'Amour wrote westerns, though. I want to be surprised by the Chile TS, but I can't because geography - particularly world geography - knowledge has gone the way of the dodo. Maybe it's because I have a print of it hanging in my kitchen, but I would have thought someone would know Irises was by Van Gogh. That whole category (well, the four clues they got to) was pretty Art 101 - I say that because I have only a rudimentary knowledge of art history, but got all of them instantly - but The Blue Boy was a TS, too. I confess I would not have got that one without the "colorful" hint in the clue. I'm mildly curious what the $2000 clue they didn't get to was.
  5. Or if she'd known Jack for more than five minutes. I hate that movie, because it takes something that needs absolutely no fictionalization to be compelling and puts at the centerpiece some stupid romance. But maybe if it had been a relationship I could believe and thus get invested in and root for, I could have let that slide, because the movie is visually stunning and the scenes with passengers other than Jack and Rose are interesting.
  6. The New York Times did a great obituary on Morley Safer.
  7. This truly made me laugh out loud. Carolina Panthers' Cam Newton/Black Panthers' Huey Newton ... I'm still chuckling. I missed tonight's game (as per usual recently) and the archive isn't yet updated, so I caved and came here to see how it compared to last night's match. Of course, it pretty much had to be better, right?
  8. Sprint, the Verizon rival to which he's presumably referring when he says other providers can lay claim to being number one in a few cities, including Kansas City, but only those few cities, is headquarted in Kansas -- but in a city (Overland Park) that is considered a suburb of Kansas City, MO. So he's probably talking about Kansas City, MO, not Kansas City, KS. And when he goes on to spout his comparison of this "we're the #1 cell phone provider in Kansas City, so yay us" to saying a brand of parachute is great because it works better than the rest over Kansas - versus one that works better than the rest in far more locations than the Kansas victor - there is a half-degree (at best) separation from a direct reference to either city that makes the commercial not quite as obnoxious to me as it sounded from the initial description here. But the point could have easily been made without naming - and leaving open the possibility that one was "eh, who cares it's Kansas City" denigrating - a specific city. And, indeed, when I did a Google search to find the commercial, as I'd never seen it, I found a bunch of regional articles taking offense.
  9. I've never seen the commercial, just read these posts, but I assumed the headaches referred to as a possible side effect were "regular" headaches: The Botox will work on your migraine (which, as noted, comes with problems in addition to the headache), but you may get a tension headache as a side effect. Sounds like a good trade-off! (The being injected with the same bacteria that causes botulism, maybe not so much.)
  10. I was expecting to be faced with that attitude when I went into the AT&T store last year to get a new flip phone when mine croaked, but it wound up being a thoroughly pleasant experience. The sales rep not only refrained from trying to sell me anything else, she expressed easy and complete agreement that it was silly to get more than you need. She just showed me my options, answered my questions, checked compatibility with my existing smart card, and sold me a phone that cost a whopping $15 or something. So, I wish the same for you. My peeve of the day: "I seen it." No, you saw it. Go away. I'm more tolerant of non-standard regional dialect than the average grammar purist, but this is too much.
  11. I agree; he had just played in the Super Bowl a couple of months before this was filmed. There were numerous stories about him, specifically, before the game, and much resulting media commentary on whether a racist double standard was at play when talking about his attitude and comportment (spoiler alert: duh), and much attention paid to his "sore loser" press conference after the game.
  12. One of the comments on that article is from someone claiming to have been at the taping; she or he says Anderson Cooper initially did well in the practice round:
  13. Holy crap, these people are still/again on the air? I watched for a while back in the day, as I thought it was nice to see how daily life was different - and the same - for little people. But then it turned out Matt and Amy were crappy parents and pet owners (and two utterly miserable people), the twins were entitled twits, the house was disgusting, Jeremy and Grandpa Roloff (and maybe other family members) made hateful public comments, etc. and I lost interest in this nest of assholes and their scripted experiences. Hoping Molly got out and earned a proper education was not a reason to endure the rest. I thought the series was long gone, but was going around the dial tonight and came across an episode. Zach declared himself an old maid in need of imminent procreating at the ripe old age of 26, Jeremy basically said he needs to appease Matt in order to inherit the farm lest he and his wife ever have to earn an independent living, Molly and Jacob were absent (from the part I saw, and good on Jacob if he's cut all ties with these people who treated him as an afterthought who didn't pan out as they'd planned), Amy said "daughter-in-laws" rather than "daughters-in-law," and Matt and Amy have acquired two new dogs to neglect. It beats funding the Duggars, but, damn, I'm sorry to see these people haven't had to crawl back into the woodwork.
  14. I took one look at my program guide's description and kept on channel surfing.
  15. I just got home and can't decide what to make for dinner. Perhaps a nice burger made with some Kyoto beef? What fresh hell was this game? I was just reading the archive; I cannot imagine actually sitting through it. I don't really know where to begin with the TS, so I won't. Disgraceful, all around. And two of these people are international journalists, working for major news organizations. It's all fine and dandy when pop culture celebrities turn out to be decidedly uninformed about the world around them, but this ... sickening. Forget the dinner, maybe just some Kentucky bourbon -- in honor of one of the few things they knew!
  16. From that article: I would have the worst case of cabin fever as one of the cheftestants! Not being able to get out and roam, and not having any time to myself at "home" (at least until the majority of cheftestants have been eliminated). That's pretty much my definition of hell.
  17. Yeah, the first season already had too much "just for the show" stuff for my tastes (my tolerance is low), so I'm nervous about how much of that they'll resort to in a second season. But, although this has always been more of a reality show/less of a documentary series than I normally watch, I'm in just because of the subject matter. I think it's great to get a glimpse into the life of a transgender person, and I'm sure as hell not enduring Caitlyn Jenner to do it, so I'm happy this series exists. Plus, I like the family, especially Jazz -- it is so nice to listen to a teenage girl on TV who doesn't speak like a moron and who has numerous interests and concerns, rather than focusing almost exclusively on dating.
  18. I don't peel my apples, as I find the peel an integral part (not necessarily in terms of taste, but certainly in terms of nutrition), but, even though I've never tried it, I have always been mildly impressed by the characters (because I've never seen anyone do it in real life - I guess they share my feelings about the peel) who can do it in one big, curling strip. This is film, rather than TV, but I get a kick out of the 9 to 5 DVD commentary when Dolly Parton watches herself achieve such a feat and is quite proud of herself.
  19. There's one in Kansas, too. But the commercial sounds obnoxious, regardless. Okay, I just looked it up and it's both worse and not as bad as it sounded. I'm torn. I think I'll just declare it ill-advised and hope not to come across it on TV.
  20. I didn't make it home in time (and if S.E. Cupp was playing, I'm glad I missed it), but I read the clues at the archive. Petruchio was a TS?! Of course, being a Moonlighting fan helps, but I still would have expected someone to get that. Trinity as a TS surprised me, too, because if I can answer a clue about religion, everyone should be able to. I cannot believe Chuck Todd said Amsterdam when asked to name the city in which the Royal Danish Ballet is based. Presumably his mind read/heard Danish as Dutch rather than actually thinking Amsterdam is in Denmark, but how embarrassing. I got veto, but as an educated guess; I'd never heard that fact before.
  21. I remember the print ads with the all white underwear against a white backdrop. It is Dove, yes, and from their "Real Beauty" campaign (it's called something else now, but from the era you're looking for that's what it was called). That campaign got a lot of press (good and bad), so try searching for articles about it and maybe you'll find a link to the specific commercial you're looking for.
  22. I think it's just, "They froze the head and put it back on in a two-day operation. Use your imagination." But I love that scene. "He doesn't have a head! How am I supposed to write for a guy who doesn't have a head? He's got no lips, no vocal cords. What do you want me to do?" I love that whole film. It came out while I was still watching a soap (I was down to only Guiding Light at that point -- largely because of shit like bringing back characters who have no heads), and I went to see it in the theatre with a friend who was still recording two or three of them. We laughed so hard. "She has more lines than I do and she's a goddamn mute!" And when Celeste is going on about the turban making her feel like Gloria Fucking Swanson. And when she gives the motherhood speech she stole from her character. This movie is so good!
  23. I think that was when she was talking to Linda Lavin, saying she always liked Gregory, even though she had doubts about the relationship. I think it's after that when she says she liked Violet having someone to take care of her. Which is problematic on more than one level, certainly, but also makes sense for Christy to say.
  24. As soon as I saw that freeze frame, I said aloud, "You'd be wise to ask yourself, 'Do I know where my baby is?'" "I think you and your baby should get some black wigs on and get the hell out of town."
  25. I'm excited that the upcoming veterinary show being advertised on Animal Planet (The Vet Life, premiering 6/4) is about a practice where two of the three partners are black.
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