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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Nothing about the reason they can't take cover in the basement makes sense -- that Dan would be storing such a large amount of drywall at home (rather than a job site) to begin with, or that he'd store drywall in the basement rather than the garage. Drywall is heavy, and the sheets are large. The only reason he'd maneuver it through the house and down the basement stairs is if he was going to use it down there (say, making it a finished basement that could be used as a writing room); if he just wanted to store it, he'd put it in the garage where he had a straight shot from the truck bed rather than dealing with stairs and corners. Even if the boat was still in the garage (I can't remember when that project disappeared), there would be room to stack drywall.
  2. Oh god, that "special soap for lady parts" commercial is back -- the guy in the shower, who learns he's using soap "perfectly formulated for a woman's V" and thus has to run around doing a series of macho things to preserve his masculinity. There is so much to hate about this commercial: Referring to the vulva as "V." The fact I suspect the word they're actually replacing is vagina, because they don't understand female anatomy enough to know what is being washed is not the vagina, but the external genitalia. Implying women's genitals are so foul they need special cleaning products. And then, of course, that idiot's soap-induced emasculation complex.
  3. For me, the latter is the cutest moment. A side-by-side comparison of two different paper towel brands soaking up liquid, saying this one is faster than the competitor, followed by a shot of the paper towel being used on one side and the dog drinking the spilled water on the other: "And faster than Chloe, too."
  4. A friend recently raided her 401(k) to buy a house rather than bothering to save a single penny (of her good salary that she doesn't have to use to take care of anyone other than herself and her pets) for a down payment. I about had a heart attack. I have cute little windows in each of my three closets, but I had to make curtains for them to avoid sun damage to my clothes (thankfully, it was a cheap black top rather than one of my suits that reminded me to get on that). Plus, no matter how well-organized a closet is (and mine is, because I'm like that), it's just not something I want to look at other than when I'm in it. So, yeah, those would both be big nos for me, too.
  5. Thanks; I'm not home right now and Animal Planet's website wasn't giving me any info. I think I'll be home next weekend, so I'll plan to catch the Saturday repeat and then the new episode. From the promos for it, it looked like there was going to be more focus on the vets' home life than I'd like (I have a very low threshold, especially if there are kids), and I see that at least one poster had the same complaint after the first episode. So we'll see, but I'm still looking forward to it.
  6. After all my excitement that we were getting a show with black vets, I completely forgot to watch the premiere of The Vet Life; hopefully there will be a repeat.
  7. That and the episode with the obnoxious accountant who won't leave the Conners alone are the only season two episodes that I don't watch over and over. (But I will always watch the tag of the accountant one - I love them with that refrigerator.)
  8. "And this offends you as a Jewish person?" "No, it offends me as a comedian."
  9. Other than with people whose work is something that must be done at a specific time (e.g. receptionist, security guard, something where there are shifts), I don't care what time anyone who works with or for me comes in or leaves, so long as the work is done well and on time -- I only care about punctuality when someone else is depending on it. (And that includes social situations; leaving someone sitting around waiting for you isn't any less rude just because they're your friend.) Otherwise, I don't care if someone works 9-5, 11-7, or anything else (not that I'd know who was in the office early; unless I have to be in court or have an early meeting, you sure won't be seeing my ass in the office [or even on my computer at home] at 9:00). And the first 15-20 minutes in the office are your own time if you report to me - get some coffee/tea, have a muffin, check the headlines, etc. and rest assured I won't be asking you anything until you've had time to settle in.
  10. They've had years to watch the show, and have the contract to read before they sign it (and do have wiggle room even under that contract to decline to say something). Yeah, the producers suck, but I've long since stopped caring whether a participant is a moron or agreed to act like one in exchange for air time.
  11. Same here -- I have Virginia Woolf and Long Day's Journey, and had seen whatever else was included (I'm blanking now) other than The Sea Gull, so meant to record that but forgot. Like you, I've heard I didn't miss much, but I like seeing how plays are adapted (or not) to the screen.
  12. I'm reminded of the jackass who followed his girlfriend to Thailand (I think), where he'd be working from home and she'd be relying on public transport to commute. The place they got gave her a killer commute, but he loved the aesthetics, and oh-so-graciously agreed to "help" with making dinner and other household chores since she'd be spending her life sitting in traffic so he could have whatever it was he loved about the apartment. Now, yes, because he'd be spending most of his time in the home, and had uprooted his life because of her job (although seemingly of his own volition, rather than her asking him to), I think many of his desires for the home's amenities should outweigh hers. But not all, and her needs should pretty well dictate the location.
  13. I read he was called "The Louisville Lip" when he first started out as a pro, for all his talk. Yes, as far as I know the name was bestowed on him by Elijah Muhammad.
  14. No, it was just The Man Who Would Be King, but all but Louis XIV were Somebody II.
  15. Gillian has been cast in Bryan Fuller's upcoming series, an adaptation of Neil Gaiman's American Gods. It isn't really my thing, but I think she'll be great as Media, with the biting social commentary.
  16. Yeah, and their excuse for not going to the basement is that Dan is using it to store drywall. We've seen that basement; I highly doubt he filled the entire room, floor to ceiling, so they couldn't at least cram in there for the time it took to wait out a tornado. There's a marathon on Logo, too; season four just started. The WE marathon is about to start season two. I am going to get nothing done this morning.
  17. I always get excited when checking the program guide and seeing The Parent Trap or, especially, Freaky Friday, and then inevitably disappointed when it's the remake. Seeing Cheaper by the Dozen and anticipating Myrna Loy and Clifton Webb and getting Steve Martin and Bonnie Hunt in the different movie, same title instead (I like both actors, I just don't like that film). I also have a bad habit of seeing The Holiday as Holiday and being similarly disappointed when I realize my mistake. On the flip side, I like the Father of the Bride remake better than the original (sacrilege, I know, given the cast and writers) and am just as disappointed when I'm scrolling through the guide and think it's the former but it's the latter.
  18. I didn't come in until about halfway through DJ, but I got detached retina and charitable trust. Jamba Juice came to me pretty quickly. My dad is from Oklahoma, so I'm rooting for Kelly to keep winning.
  19. Well, to be fair, if they were going to bring on one of Charlene's sisters, she had to have an -arlene name since we'd already learned all the Frazier girls had names like that -- Harlene, Darlene, Marlene, etc.
  20. That one is on right now, and I love it for bringing attention to backlog of untested rape kits. The scene you describe is the perfect ending. "Now I'll always know where you are. Be a good boy. <slams cell bars shut> Behave yourself."
  21. I was watching the NBA finals and forgot to check back later for the late J! airing, so I had to check the archive. It was a pretty good game for me, but the only interwebs clue I knew was Mental Floss, because to me that's a magazine, not a website. "Short course" (instead of crash course) being later ruled correct? Why? VMI surprised me as a TS. I'm not exactly up on my military colleges, but United States v. Virgina (not to mention the sexual assaults) certainly put that one on my radar, so with Virginia spotted in the category that was an easy one for me even though I was wholly unfamiliar with the book referenced in the clue. I joined them in not knowing William Styron, though. I'm familiar with the controversy surrounding the book, but could have sat here all day without being able to name him. Band as a TS really surprised me -- it's Anthro 101, plus you have the musical group hint. The cultural anthropology TS also surprised me, given how many people take that as an elective in college (I took "Cultural Anthropology Through Film"). I didn't know Dalmation, though. The Saskatchewan TS is one of those where my impulse is to be surprised no one got it - Regina is right there in the clue - but then I remember how bad most Americans are at U.S. geography these days, let alone world geography. Autoclave also surprised me a bit, because of all the hoopla over whether dentists were using it to sterilize their equipment (after people had been infected with HIV). The other TS in that category was a total loss for me, too, though. I loved - and ran - the '70s songs category! The glasses alone made FJ an instaget for me, and the sandals confirmed it.
  22. "It's perfectly legal -- I checked!" While Mrs. Griffith is the one who ruined her marriage - and, yeah, her "Who would you believe?" nastiness is a total "Oh, hell no!" moment - I love the way Olive expresses her regret about her role in ending it. Telling Mr. Griffith she doesn't regret lying for his wife, but she hates herself for telling him the truth.
  23. Dealing with an addiction is a medical condition, not a character flaw. If Prince's chronic pain led to an opioid addiction (that ultimately led to an accidental fatal overdose), there is no need to deny that lest he be confused with those "bad" addicts who became addicted for a different reason.
  24. Oh, trust that most people who try to foist an unwanted hug on me find themselves wishing they'd been mauled by an angry cat instead. Well, I must be more specific -- most people who ignore my polite but firm decline of a hug and persist with their "but I like to hug, so I'll impose that on you" bullshit wind up thinking they'd have been better off trying to manhandle an angry cat.
  25. I was just coming here to post that news; hopefully it will continue in another city (The First 48 has contracts with several other cities, so producers could start there and probably ink a deal). Even better, they could just stop following NOPD and stick with EMT and Fire.
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