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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. She seems to be the least-developed of the four kids (I guess spending season two on bed rest will do that), but in season one she was kind of positioned as the Bud of her family. She's the one they rely on, and isn't really afforded her turn as the designated basket case. Plus, she's got a husband and two young kids at home (plus two more on the way), which would be reason enough for me, but I think narratively it's that she's chafing under the expectations of being the normal one in a family that's spiraling into the unusual.
  2. Answering in the All Episodes thread ...
  3. Nothing wrong with not wanting a child, or thinking they're too much interference with a relationship, but wouldn't he have found it a lot easier - and, you know, much more humane and legal - to simply get a vasectomy and marry a woman who also did not want kids (I know TV doesn't think we exist, but we do - at all ages, and at all levels of desirability)?
  4. No, it didn't take me that long, but it did take me several viewings of Shawshank to make the connection. The worst it how long it took me to realize A.D. Kersh on The X-Files was Chuck (James Pickens Jr.).
  5. I hope I haven't told this story here before (I know I did at TWoP): Many moons ago, I went to a charity event hosted by Feminist Majority Foundation and as we milled around the DGA before it was time to enter the auditorium itself, I spotted Tyne Daly and her family (her mom and at least one of her daughters) nearby. This was cool enough, but when I heard her say to her mom, "I talked to Gless; she's coming," I grabbed my friend's arm and proceeded to freak my shit. When Sharon arrived, Tyne went over to greet her, and the press line went nuts getting photos of them together. There were much bigger stars there that night, but they got the biggest reaction from the assembled media. It warmed my heart.
  6. Yes, I enjoy 100 Clues for what it is, and they did work in a lot of good nods to the film, but I wanted it to be even better, especially since they had several of the Clue actors to work with. I haven't watched it in some time, but I have the niggling memory there was no homage to Mrs. Peacock at all. Or maybe Mrs. White? Somebody was ignored, I'm almost sure.
  7. Having just finished season two, I am making my way back through the series from the beginning, and I figured we needed a thread for discussion that spans episodes rather than being specific to any one of them - story arcs, character development, etc. Here be potential spoilers for anything aired as of present day. A random observation: In the first episode, Frankie is chowing down on the seafood platter along with everyone else, but in subsequent episodes she is vegetarian -- in the third episode the retirement home director says they offer vegetarian meals and she asks if it's that obvious ("it was the shoes"), she asks for a veggie burrito from Del Taco, Jacob made something like seven vegetable dishes when he cooked dinner for her, etc. On network TV, I'd chalk this up to one of the many inconsistencies between pilot and series, but Netflix ordered the show on spec, so you'd think the characterization would have been more established up front (and, really, could the Frankie as presented from minute one have been anything other than a vegetarian?). But there's also a season two episode where Grace tells Frankie to hand her the leftover chicken salad from the fridge, and since Grace barely eats - let alone something with mayonnaise - it seems unlikely she'd have prepared it. A more substantive one (perhaps): I looked it up, and Brooklyn Decker had a child in 2015, so I'm assuming Mallory's reduced role in season two was because of that -- I guess that's why the character is so much less developed in season two as in season one? Because early on, there's really something made of the differences between Mallory and Brianna in terms of their parents, especially Grace, there's the storyline with Coyote, etc. and then in season two she's just gestating off-screen for the most part. I can't say I'm particularly intrigued by her, but it's rather glaring and I hope she's further developed in season three.
  8. Low supply, and increased demand because of the Netflix airing? Maybe you're driving the price up with your many searches (demand)? Heh. I posted about some of my favorite funny moments elsewhere, but two of my favorites are Celeste's "Gloria fucking Swanson" rant about the turban and when Rose is asked to bring back a character who was killed off: "[He was decapitated.] How am I supposed to write for a guy who doesn't have a head?! He's got no lips, no vocal cords. What do you want me to do?"
  9. I never followed this show, but watched 100 Clues after reading about it because Clue is such a favorite film I can recite it verbatim. A friend - who also knows the movie by heart - did the same, and wound up buying the series on DVD. I've still only watched a few that pay homage to things I love (e.g. Dual Spires, Tuesday the 17th), and of that small sample Tuesday the 17th is my favorite. The shout-outs to Friday the 13th and April Fool's Day (two of my favorite '80s horror films, and I spent much of the early to mid '80s watching horror films) are fabulous, and there's very little in the episode that can't be tied - intentionally or in an inadvertent stretch - to one of the slasher films of that era. It also wonderfully replicates the look of such a film.
  10. "That is the worst iced tea ever! What is in there, ass?" "Peyote. Peyo-tea." "I just took muscle relaxants with peyote? ... What do I do?" "You should probably brace yourself for some light vomiting, followed by life-altering hallucinations."
  11. How can that be the original meaning when the word has been around a lot longer than computer programming has? But, yes, that informal definition does explain the origin of this whole "life hack" thing, so thank you for that reminder because now it won't bug me as much. In another thread, there was a multi-post argument over whether someone was "ratchet." I finally had to go to urban dictionary to figure out what the hell this woman was being called, because ratchet as an adjective - rather than a socket wrench, or a steady, perpetual process - was completely foreign to me. Everyone get off my lawn.
  12. Grace being excited that her vibrator is dishwasher-safe made me laugh even harder than Count Drinkula. I also loved Grace distracting Frankie by saying there was a drone outside. Poor Grace; she’s certainly got her flaws, but when the housekeeper is the person in the family with the highest regard for her, you have to wonder how much of her behavior is a result of theirs and how much of theirs is a result of hers – it’s complicated, and I like that. Realizing Robert gave her gifts – the one sign of affection he ever did give her – to manage her … ouch. I could not love more Grace and Frankie going off on everyone, taking a moment for Frankie to forgive her, and getting right back to it – then announcing they are partnering up to make vibrators for women with arthritis. “We’re making things for people like us, because we are sick and tired of being dismissed by people like you.” I fucking love this show. Mic drop, indeed.
  13. I finally got to see what all the Buzzy fuss was about, and it turned out to be his last game. The nonsense as he’s being introduced is not my style, but I have such a low tolerance (I think Barry Sanders had the best touchdown celebration in the NFL – hand the ball to the ref and get back to work – so very little other than standing there is my style) I’m not a good judge of whether it’s obnoxious or quirky. I watched the interviews, which I don’t normally do, to see what I thought of him there and I found his Mel Brooks/Carl Reiner story charming. So, as per usual, he was rather innocuous to me. He wasn’t a dominant player, though, so I’m surprised he’s stuck around this long. I figured someone was going to screw up and say Jason Voorhees for the Friday the 13th clue, not the Freddy Krueger blunder. Once Erin knew Mrs. Voorhees was the killer in the original, I was rooting for her. Okay, her “mot” was embarrassing, but I can easily imagine that as someone she’s only ever seen written, not heard said. Good game, but the thin red line TS surprised me. I didn’t know the Swiss Guard, though. The utter bullshit that was a be more specific prompt on the Northern Ireland clue has been well covered here, so I’ll spare you my rant. FJ was an instaget, which I wasn't anticipating based on the category -- my reading is heavily slanted towards non-fiction, so sometimes I have embarrassing knowledge gaps when discussing novels.
  14. Good for Babe, and good for Frankie and Grace. I believe Frankie simply made pudding, and the other friend simply wheeled the tank into the room - their way of showing support (whereas Grace's was to be nearby). But it was Babe who would put the meds in the pudding and eat it, then put the bag over her head, etc. She wasn't asking anyone to set themselves up for criminal prosecution. I shall from now on refer to Sol as "This fucking guy." Works for me.
  15. I'm really tired of everyone on television who drinks a lot being an alcoholic, but if you're hiding booze in your own home and drive drunk to get more... yeah, Grace doesn't just like to drink, she has a problem. But I hope the show doesn't go all AA on me, because I really like the Grace we've seen. It was pretty brutal to watch her get that drunk and lash out at Frankie, but I know the aftermath will be interesting. And it's always fun to see Estelle Parsons on my screen. I love that Babe's reaction to Frankie's recap of all that's happened was, "You're living with Grace?!"
  16. Yes, when she wondered, "How could I have done that to her?" Everything she knew going in - talking with Frankie, talking to her god in church - she let herself forget when it was so hard to say goodbye to Phil, but then when Elaine had that moment of clarity she got smacked in the face with the fact she was doing to Elaine what Sol had done to her all those years. Yes, the overwhelming majority of the blame lies with Phil, and there are extenuating circumstances because Elaine's illness is the reason she and Phil are still married, but Grace knowingly slept with another woman's husband. And good gravy, yes to conversation upthread - Robert has more chemistry with the ex-priest dog owner whose name I've forgotten than he's ever had with Sol.
  17. “You broke Jesus?” “He’ll come back, that’s his thing.” Ha! The gathering with the birth mother cracked me up, when they were trying to explain the various relationships to her. As did the family gathering before that when Coyote told them. I don't have a problem with her meeting with Coyote being a one-off, but she definitely should have told him that when he first reached out -- yes, I am open to meeting with you, but I don't want to have an ongoing relationship with you -- and let him decide how he wanted to proceed. Brianna has competition – Bud is vying for the title of my favorite character other than Grace and Frankie. Oh, Grace. You've waited this long, you can't wait until the wife is dead?
  18. I thinks the tower is so beautiful at dusk when it's first lit, and something very close to Vegas-style garish when it gets dark and the lights start blinking. Yet very much enjoyable to watch it from Trocadero - once. Speaking of beautiful sights at dusk, in London I love to cross the Thames at dusk and look back at the houses of parliament.
  19. With what Brianna was wearing in that meeting, I don't think Frankie has to worry about a corporate dress code at that company regardless. I loved Brianna's reaction, showing how very hurt she was by Frankie disrespecting her, who runs the company, and Grace, who built it, by jeopardizing a valuable business relationship with that stunt. And I loved Frankie's reaction at home, when she realized she'd screwed up (but I still don't think she realizes what she did to Brianna as much as she realizes what she did to herself). Something I noticed in this episode, and have in several episodes this season, is the occasional adorable look of amusement/affection on Grace's face when Frankie does or says something so very Frankie. If it had happened all along, I might chalk it up to Jane being charmed by Lily's performance, and I'm sure she is, but because it's a developing thing I think it's an acting choice to show the evolution of Grace's reactions to Frankie. Very nice touch. The one downside for me with this show continues to be the relationship between Robert and Sol, as I just don't feel much chemistry between the actors. So I'm having a hard time getting invested in what happens between them. When watching any other combination, I feel the relationship the show is telling me the characters have. But not with those two.
  20. If you're just inexperienced, I'd suggest doing a little research, practicing on some scrap wood and then doing it yourself - painting is simple, it mostly requires you not skimping on the prep work and knowing some basic techniques. If you already know what to do and have painted before, but it's just not something you're good at, then go ahead and hire someone. Do you have a friend who would help you? A bathroom vanity isn't even a full day's project, so something I'd come over and do for a friend in exchange for pizza and beer afterward. Oh, and if you do buy one to paint over, make sure you get one that has been painted, not stained, and try to get one with a low-gloss sheen -- much less sanding for you to do in prepping it for new paint.
  21. I'm a feminist, a civil rights attorney with a focus on women's rights, and one whose undergrad degree consisted of a minor in gender studies, so this category is right up my alley. I've just been pretty sporadic in checking the GG forum since I haven't been watching the show lately. S is for Shula Firestone, whom none of the Girls would likely have been aware of at the time, although Dorothy - being in NY - might have heard mentions of Redstockings.
  22. Me. It drives me batty when I tell someone such and such a place is off the freeway, just a couple miles east on X street and they ask if that means they turn right or left from the exit. Well, that depends on whether you are going north or south on the freeway, doesn't it? However, when I know someone's starting point (and thus can say whether they'll need to turn left or right), and am asked to translate, I'm not annoyed because I understand that some people's brains don't work that way. I just can't relate to it, because mine does.
  23. After basically telling her to go away and never come back, Phil reaches out not with a "Would you like to talk?" phone call but with a Facebook friend request? I thought, "I'll leave you to develop your sense of irony" would be my favorite line, but then along came, "My deal is our father, who is a mess, is camped out at the house of our mother, of all people, and starting Monday I'm working in an office with, I guess, my now soon-to-be ex stepfather/boss/uncle, whose workload I've been carrying because he had a stupid heart attack." I agree with two seemingly conflicting opinions expressed above: Frankie should be the one person Robert could forgive Sol sleeping with (under the circumstances, not again or a year down the road or something), AND she's the one person he can't live with Sol sleeping with. The relationship between Grace and Frankie is the main draw, obviously, but I also thoroughly enjoy exploring Grace/Robert, Frankie/Sol, Grace/Sol, and Frankie/Robert and look forward to continuing that. Robert's right that the four of them are family, and I think they're going to settle into something comfortable eventually. But Sol - who doesn't seem to want to be emotionally inconvenienced in any way - wants to jump immediately from here to there. Some day down the road, maybe he can run away to Frankie's for a couple of hours when he has a problem with Robert. But right now, camping out on her patio? Come on, Sol!
  24. My family alone disproves that theory. I'm still having trouble with hack meaning a shortcut (or whatever it's supposed to be when used that way). You say "hack" to me, and I think of hacking into a computer system, hacking away at something with an axe, being a hack writer, or not being able to hack it.
  25. That makes me think of Seinfeld, with George doing the opposite. "If every instinct you have is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right." It worked out very well for him. We didn't have buses at my high school (for daily to/from school; we had them for away games and such), so everyone walked or drove/was driven (mostly the latter, as it was a private school and thus not many of us happened to live within walking distance). I got my car right before senior year, and got a decent parking spot in the lottery, but I didn't have a first period class so someone had usually stolen it by the time I got there. There was a spot that wasn't an official parking space but was perfect for one - closer than my assigned spot, too - and I could park there without blocking anyone, so that's what I did. They'd call me into the office and I'd tell them I'd move as soon as they got Whoever out of my spot. We repeated this silly dance for a while, until that non-spot was unofficially mine. I wonder if the next year they got smart and just made it into one.
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