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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Yeah, she hurt her knee and had to have surgery, then had complications from the surgery - including a clot - that sent her back into hospital, then she had to have one or two more surgeries, and she was out of commission from the injury for quite a while. (It was probably discussed in the Family thread.)
  2. Over is how the person who developed the toilet paper holder intended the roll to be hung, if that helps. The one person I know who is an "under" says she read you're supposed to do it that way if you have cats, to keep them from unrolling it. Forty-plus years worth of cats here, and not one of them has gone after the toilet paper, so I'll stick with over. Reasons? That's how I grew up. It seems logical. Maybe a little easier to grab.
  3. I do the opposite to my mom -- organize her mess of a pantry when she's out of town. She has the organizational skills of a watermelon, so when I'm kitty sitting for any length of time, I organize things so I can find what I'm looking for while I'm there. (And, oh my, the freezer -- steaks, fish, and chicken just all hanging out haphazardly with one another; it will not do.) My dad comes home thrilled, and my mom doesn't really care that I've moved stuff around, but as she adds new things she does it randomly, so the organization doesn't last long. One time I got bored and arranged my dad's side of the closet by color, but my mom is the one who puts the laundry away, so that didn't last long, either. Oh, well - it was still fun to do. I love organizing. My friend always laughs when she comes home after I've been feeding her cats -- she opens the cat food cupboard and finds the cans all facing the same way.
  4. When I think of word salad, I think of Sarah Palin. So many Palin-isms to choose from, such as pretty much her entire speech in Iowa endorsing Donald Trump. I love The Daily Show's take on it. Favorite bits of Trevor Noah's commentary: "It's like a bag of Scrabble tiles that grew a body and came to life." "It's like the only thing she hates more than Obama is punctuation." The last one makes me think of Newsweek's Jacob Weisberg, writing back in 2010 that Sarah Palin is like Fox News without the punctuation. The context: "[Sarah Palin’s] exuberant incoherence testifies to an unusually wide gulf between confidence and ability. She is proud of what she doesn’t know and contemptuous of those ‘experts’ and ‘elitists’ who are too knowledgeable to be trusted. The issue is not that Palin … still doesn’t know all the details. That’s understandable. The issue is that she rarely appears to have the slightest grasp of what she’s talking about. … Bush-isms … often hinged on a single grammatical or factual error. Palin-isms, by contrast, consist of a unitary stream of patriotic, populist blather. It’s like Fox News without the punctuation.”
  5. Talk about the actions (and inaction) of the 114th Congress - and other Senators and Representatives - here: bills, floor debates, filibusters, off-floor statements, etc. (Vomit quote courtesy of Josh Lyman, The West Wing.)
  6. This is me, including the anger over the VP selection. She's not as progressive as I would like on some issues, but we generally align on the important stuff. It's how I felt about Obama. She's exceptionally well qualified to be president, and I appreciate her long record of public service. I admire her intelligence and ambition, and the fact she's stood tall in the face of decades worth of unhinged vitriol and sexist bullshit. I've waited my entire life to vote for a woman for president, and while Clinton is not first on my list of women I'd like to see in the Oval Office, it's a vote I'll be proud to cast. I have some good quotes about Hillary that I've saved over the years, most from her first presidential campaign. From Anna Quindlen: From Sara Paretsky: And Katha Pollitt:
  7. That's what I was thinking about when I said I don't care about someone's lack of a system, but I just can't relate -- unless I put something in the wrong place, "Where the hell is that?" is just not part of my life. I do have one "junk drawer" that isn't particularly organized and has a much wider variety of items in it than any other drawer, but I still know what's in it. The right way is whatever way you'll remember.
  8. Ultra-organized. I don't care if other people don't have a system, so it's not a peeve, it's just something to which I can't relate; I like knowing exactly where everything is and thus how to instantly locate it. Clothes are organized by color, books/CDs/DVDs alphabetically, etc.
  9. I have a swinging door between my kitchen and dining room. My grandparents' house had one, too, so between that and the TV exposure (although right now I can only picture one in the Cosby Show), they're typical to me. But there have been several people who, upon coming to my house for the first time, have commented on the door, so I'm sure they're a novelty to others.
  10. The one who absconded with Suzanne's money was Reggie Mack Dawson.
  11. Nope. I find him dull as dishwater in general, and, as I said, completely incapable of generating romantic chemistry despite a long list of attractive (physically and otherwise) female co-stars. So any movie predicated on his character's romance is destined to fail for me. I'm not sure I'd have been all that enamored of this one with another actor, though; Bullock has her usual charm and I like the supporting cast of older characters, but I don't think I care for the script all that much more than I do for Pullman. It's just sort of there.
  12. Same here, bilgistic. My disinterest in Grey's Anatomy originated from how strongly I disliked Ellen Pompeo in Moonlight Mile, and nothing I read/heard about it once it got going ever made me think I should give it a shot in spite of her. It sounds too soapy for me.
  13. I don't recognize that one, but try in the Say What? thread and maybe someone can decipher it for you.
  14. To me, Bill Pullman has an astounding ability to be completely lacking in chemistry with every woman he shares the screen with, so that one does not work for me.
  15. Heart & Souls (which I adore and haven't seen in a while) is on right now, and has two moments for this thread: when the guy whose stamps were stolen as a kid looks down and finds them and calls out to his wife (and Milo's reaction to finally setting things right) and when Penny realizes the police sergeant is her son.
  16. It took me a ridiculously long time to put together that the reason I hate cheesecake is that it's made with cream cheese. And I learned the hard way to ask my server what cheese is included in a spinach, artichoke, and cheese dip, as I once happily dove into one that turned out to include cream cheese. Like with cheesecake, I couldn't immediately identify why I found it so unappetizing, but it soon became clear.
  17. Brian Kerwin had a nice run as Jackie's boyfriend Gary on Roseanne (and played a small role alongside Allison Janney [in The Help], which would be all I'd need out of life if I was an actor, heh). And also picked up some notice as being one of the few hearing-impaired actors to simply appear on screen with hearing aids that were not remotely part of the character's story line. But, yes, he's one of the many whose talents never translated to an equivalent level of stardom. On the other hand, he's one of the few who've managed to parlay his talents into a solid "working actor" career. I'm always happy to see him on my screen.
  18. Probably; I've overheard more "well, you're well-insulated" snark than the reverse. As we've all said, people suck. I tend to run warm, regardless of weight (though the degree does tend to fluctuate along with my weight), and my office has its own thermostat, so I don't share this problem, but I remember the days of communal space and it was not difficult to keep things at a temperature that was comfortable for all but the rare outliers. For someone to need to be decked out as Nanook of the North indoors is ridiculous.
  19. Obviously what's really annoying me in this USC/Colorado game is that USC keeps fumbling the damn ball, a huge hole in what is otherwise some nice, solid play, but hearing the Buffaloes called the Buffs is also bugging me because I keep hearing it as Bucs.
  20. I love the Myrbetric (or something like that) bladder; for me, it's those big eyes, especially when they're just visible over the table, going back and forth between the woman and her doctor.
  21. Maniac, reporting for duty. I hate cream cheese, so I eat my bagels toasted and buttered. It has always cost less than a bagel with cream cheese (the few times over my life I've ordered a bagel somewhere; that's generally something I make on the go at home) -- no charge beyond that for the bagel for butter, an extra charge for cream cheese. I've obviously never bought a package of cream cheese, so I don't know how the cost compares per ounce to a package of butter. So I may be totally off-base, but, even with the typical mark-up, $1.25 for a bagel's worth of cream cheese sounds steep.
  22. That's definitely true, and one of the reasons I'm always piping up when I see something. A friend of mine keeps hoping I'll be there when What Would You Do? is staging something (but I remind her I'd never sign the release, so me getting my Julia Sugarbaker on would never make air anyway). I'm a fast walker, and an impatient person, so I have to check myself and remember it could very well be a shapeshifter-like scenario where the person can't help it, and the extra seconds it takes me to be able to get out from behind them are meaningless. But, good god! Even where it's some idiot too busy staring at their phone to move at a reasonable pace, never in my life would I ram them with my cart! And to then keep up that attitude when told what the legitimate issue is?! What an awful, awful person that was.
  23. The Northridge quake was the only one I've been through that did any damage (beyond the stray crack in drywall/plaster) to where I was living and that was strong enough to actually scare me; for a while after that I'd have a moment of panic at the first shake, but then I went back to barely looking up. A friend of mine lived in Northridge at the time, and the poor guy wound up out in the street naked (that's how he slept, and it shook so hard he just ran out of the house) until his mom darted back into the foyer closet and grabbed him a long coat. I was in the shower during a particularly strong aftershock, and had a momentary nightmare vision of winding up the same way. Peeve: People who don't put hand towels back in the neat order in which they found them. A minor thing, to be sure, but even if leaving them hanging as a crumpled mess is what they do at home, why do they not restore them to order at other people's homes? It takes a few seconds to leave it as you found it. (Which, yes, means it takes me only a few seconds to straighten up, but it makes me twitchy to walk into my bathroom and see it all haphazard -- I may have a problem.)
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