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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Samantha Bee has been killing it this entire election, and I've re-watched the "Let Hillary Be Hillary" segment from last night's episode twice already today. The first line is appropriate to this thread; she asks how everyone is doing and says, "Don't lie to me, I know you're a wreck -- you can't sleep, you're shitting blood, and you're telegraphing your anxiety to your pets."
  2. Canned cat food varies pretty significantly (quality of the ingredients, percentage of calories from protein/fat/carbs, whether the ingredients are species appropriate), so if I was keeping track I'd want it noted what specific food they were eating. Presumably it's the same for dogs.
  3. I liked them pretty equally (as long as we're talking about Original Recipe Becky; New Coke Becky, no). And when I did a binge re-watch of the whole series last year, I realized I pretty much hate Darlene after she goes to Chicago. She's just a straight-up asshole whenever she comes home. After a couple of seasons of that, there's a run of just two or three episodes where she's enjoyable again, and then she gets knocked up and I just don't understand or recognize her from that point on. So, if we're talking the first five seasons - I like them equally (and I love both characters). The second half of the series, I prefer Becky when Lecy is playing her. With Sarah as Becky, I just want both off my screen. My Roseanne UOs are: - I don't hate the "it was all a book" ending (I only hate the husband switch for Darlene and Becky) - I don't hate the "Roseambo" episode or the Jenna Elfman Riot Grrrl episode (the latter I outright love) - I think Roseanne and Jackie's attitudes towards Dan in the amnio episode make sense based on his actions, which is why they change as he explains himself - While I do like it less in later seasons (seasons two through five are its prime for me, with four being my favorite), overall I enjoy the series all the way through.
  4. It's obviously not meant to be real, so it's silly for me to be annoyed, but I nevertheless don't like that one because he just shakes out the change, grabs the pizza, and goes -- so the poor worker is supposed to come around and pick all those coins up off the floor?
  5. I cried watching her vote, I cried watching the Roar ad, I cried seeing a news article's picture of the "I Voted" stickers on Susan B. Anthony's grave, and then I cried at your post. It's going to be a long day. I've been so focused on the importance of not electing Trump that it has only recently truly set in that we are, hopefully, on the brink of finally having a female president in this country. I've waited my whole life for that, and it's really hitting me today. I'm in white, and heading out to vote shortly. Oh, and I've never really liked Roar, but now that it's associated with Hillary's ad in my brain, I've downloaded it onto my iPod so I can listen to it on a loop as I walk to my polling place.
  6. There are also I Do songs from Lisa Loeb, Jewel, and, my favorite of those springing to mind, Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians.
  7. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    The hell, Seattle? I'm supposed to continue my Philadelphia rally high by capping off my night with a victory, and I tune in to find you trying to give the game away. Thankfully, it worked out (bless that third and goal sack), but fourth and goal had me thinking my evening was about to be ruined. Whew. The Giants pull off a great victory, the Raiders (a team I grew up watching at the L.A. Coliseum) are finally worth rooting for again, and Seattle caps off my night. It was a good NFL week for me.
  8. I love acorn squash. I'm more a summer squash than winter squash fan - I like virtually all of the former, while some of the latter are too sweet for me to eat more than a bit of. But I love to roast acorn squash or make soup with it.
  9. Okay, I'm turning off the TV for the rest of the night, because I am fired the fuck up and I don't want to mess with that. I voted for Sanders in the primary and have no regrets about that; his policies are even more in line with my values than hers. I was also always not just prepared but eager to vote for Clinton in the general election should she win, regardless of which one of the 87 Republican candidates got the nomination -- she's exceptionally well qualified for the job, has an admirable history of public service, and certainly aligns with my values far more than anyone the Republicans (or other parties) offered up. HRC versus Trump? There couldn't be a better example of a no-brainer. WHEN (please, universe!) Hillary is elected, I fully expect to have my usual differences with her where she's too far to the right for me -- foreign policy, Wall Street, etc. -- but I am not going to have to hold my nose tomorrow to vote for her. I'll do it with pride. And tonight's event in Philadelphia brought that home. I'll speak up when she's wrong. I'll work to push her to the left. But I'm with her. Unreservedly.
  10. This "If you believe in ..., then you have to vote" section of HRC's speech is great. HRC: "I regret how angry the tone of the campaign became." Voice from the crowd: "Not your fault."
  11. I love the way he laughed when he said it's not enough to just elect Hillary, because Congress is filled with people who've already pledged to be even more obstructionist with her than they've been with him -- "it's hard to imagine that's possible, but they've promised it."
  12. I have already stolen that in an email to my friend. President Obama reiterated something Michelle said in her Iowa speech: Hillary Clinton is more qualified for president than anyone who's sought the office in modern history -- "more than me, more than Bill." He also called Trump "uniquely unqualified" to lead our economy and "temperamentally unsound" to serve as Commander in Chief. Now he's calling out the double standards applied to Hillary, talking about how he's had to bite his tongue and sympathizing with what Bill and Chelsea must have felt every time. Admitting it takes a toll to be subject to such attacks, and saying Hillary doesn't complain or buckle, just doubles down on her commitment. This rally is really doing it for me.
  13. I don't know if I'll be able to eat tomorrow. I do know I'll have to remind myself I can't take an Ativan with alcohol, because I am going to be really tempted to dig out one of those pills; I've already started having some physical manifestations of anxiety, and other than one totally random incident years ago that was, by process of elimination, ruled an anxiety attack (and resulted in the Ativan), that is something that only happens during periods of extreme and acute emotional trauma. That is what this election has reduced me to. I've been appalled before, and thoroughly disenchanted with my fellow Americans, but this is an entirely different ball game. This man is more dangerous and less qualified than George W. Bush could even conceive of being. I can't believe a Trump presidency is even a possibility. The Philly event is making me feel a bit better.
  14. I was enjoying the music, and then he started talking about what Hillary wants for America and will bring to the presidency, compared to Trump, and I scared my cat by actually cheering. (I think it started with "women's rights will be not an afterthought, but a priority," and just got more exuberant from there.) I've always been a fan, but he kicked it up a notch tonight. He didn't say anything new, but he spelled it out in such a clear, simple way that just touched the right place in me. I had started having some physical manifestations of my anxiety, and he's helping. I tuned in just in time.
  15. I had to peek my head out from my election anxiety bunker to share this: My office is going to be closed Wednesday. It's a civil rights non-profit, so elections are always a major topic of conversation, and obviously never more so than this year (at least we're all on the same side). Everyone is a big ball of anxiety, so the executive director just announced that since everyone is going to be hung over, half of us have already said we're not coming in/working that day (including her), etc. she's just calling it an official mental health day and closing up shop.
  16. In my immediate area, most of the downtown streets still have coin meters, but the lots (and some of the streets) have switched to pay stations accepting bills or cards only. But you do get a receipt, so if there's a credit card issue there is a paper trail. My related peeve: Parking garages that require you to pay at a pay station before leaving (rather than paying at the exit gate as you used to), and then do not put a pay station on every level.
  17. Too early? I've been drunk for a month. I think I'm going underground between now and Election Day; every new storyline (and that's exactly what they are) just makes me anxious and angry, and even my cat's supreme cuteness is becoming powerless in the face of such terror. See y'all on the other side. May Nov. 9th break with me marveling at how utterly dance in the street and weep with relief thrilled I can be with a centrist president under circumstances so horrifying my mind could have never conjured them up.
  18. I was only checking in during breaks in a football game, but it seemed to just be repeats of two Earl-centric episodes rather than a special -- was there any new footage I missed? I like and respect him so much, and wish him the best. They're airing the first episode right now, and it's really something to see Mondo as a recent parolee/new employee. He really turned his life around, and it just kills me that our criminal justice system has basically forgotten about the rehabilitation prong of its purpose so that there are so few opportunities for employers like Tia and employees like Mondo to connect and make things better for everyone, including society in general. This show is so important for its impact on viewers' attitudes towards pit bulls, and towards parolees. I've introduced more than one animal lover with a disturbing attitude towards the incarcerated/paroled to this show, and watched them get sucked in via their compassion for the dogs and emerge with a new understanding and respect for the formerly incarcerated struggling to make their way.
  19. Correct, and that was part of the storyline -- that the change in the statute allowing for prosecution was new, and part of Ross' defense strategy was to challenge that law. I believe they based it on a case in Oregon (which was one of the first states to amend its penal code to eliminate the spousal exception from the definition of rape).
  20. For me, the greatest laugh is Gillian Anderson's, but Janney is a close second.
  21. I can't place the 78 reference, either; the only one springing to mind for Sophia is in The Break-In (so, early in season one) when she says, "I manage to live 80, 81 years. I've survived pneumonia, two operations, a stroke. One night I'll belch and Stable Mable here will blow my head off!"
  22. I make popcorn on the stove, too, and twice in my life I've had someone react as if I performed magic; they truly thought the only way to make popcorn (other than microwave popcorn) was with a specific machine.
  23. I have to confess that taking Riley to the vet rather than bringing a vet to her is pure laziness on my part. Maddie and Baxter didn't freak out in the car or at the vet's office (especially Maddie), so I never researched mobile vets in the area. For the practice I use, I know the qualifications and temperament of the vets and vet techs, the quality and cleanliness of the facility, the degree of technology available, etc; I'm completely comfortable with what they provide, and I haven't taken the time to research and interview mobile vets now that I have Riley. Thus far, she has only been to the vet twice (with me, anyway), so I'm hoping she settles down as she survives more vet trips and understands that nothing horrible happens to her there and she gets to come home. But if she winds up being a cat who is always stressed out by a trip to the vet, I will need to get off my ass and find her a good mobile vet. Here, you have to bring your own bags (or pay for paper bags from the store/do without), so now everyone is used to it, but as someone who has been using cloth bags for a good 20 years now, I used to endure some befuddled cashiers/baggers. And I still occasionally run into one who's confused by my reusable mesh produce bags.
  24. I do, too. I saw her in Moonlight Mile and had such a visceral reaction to her I have never watched her in anything since.
  25. Right? I hate kids, and yet that little girl cracks me up. Commercials are really something. Among the organizations easiest to make people hate are the IRS and insurance agencies. Yet these "pay 1/10th of what you owe" commercials for debt consolidation agencies and "Never mind how insurance works; pay for us up front and feel better" commercials for Liberty Mutual manage to make numerous viewers angry rather than sympathetic. How shitty do you have to be to make insurance companies or the IRS look reasonable and fair by comparison?
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