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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Because they're significantly tied up in stocks, and the market drops like a stone as Trump's numbers go up.
  2. Which is why - again, regardless of how this comes out - while the majority of my ire is directed at those who voted for Trump, those who knew Trump is a hideously unqualified and, in fact, dangerous presidential candidate yet decided not to vote for Hillary are not excused.
  3. Whatever the outcome, her gender was a significant factor in this election. Not only will no one convince me otherwise, I'm at the point where if someone said it to my face right now I would punch them. So it's a good thing I'm holed up with my cat. And she's a liberal feminist.
  4. That motherfucker has never picked up a Bible in his life. I'm an atheist and know that the book is "Second Corinthians," yet the guy they're hanging their hat on called it "Two Corinthians" in a speech. And then, yeah, there's the fact there is absolutely nothing Christ-like about his character and actions.
  5. I have been paying literally twice as much as I could pay for one of the new plans introduced under the ACA (not by getting something on the exchange, just by switching to a plan that is still fully funded by me, but came about following the ACA and is cheaper yet provides better benefits) because I'm grandfathered into it and can't lose it so long as I pay my premiums. If I go with something else that is cheaper but doesn't come with those protections, and Republicans get rid of the ACA and its prohibition against denying policies to those with pre-existing conditions, I will be without health insurance. So the Republicans and their goddamned crusade against the unpardonable sin of people having health insurance have been costing me $200/month for quite some time now.
  6. Exactly. I'm scared. Fuck it, I'm terrified. This is closer than even I - who have been jumping up and down in red-faced frustration yelling at people that this is Hillary Fucking Clinton we're talking about and thus the not really pro-Hillary but anti-Trump contingency needed to turn out because those "oh, she's got it" predictions just were not realistic given this country's history of hatred for her - expected. But it's still largely what I expected, and it's not ever yet.
  7. That assumption - made by a whole lot of people with much bigger microphones than you, and thus heard by a whole lot of people - is a big part of the problem here. Many people who aren't particularly fired up about her but understand she's a better option for them got complacent, or scared (of the tactics they'd face at the polls), and decided they didn't need to vote for her, because she'd win anyway.
  8. Right? Look, I am way over to the left. I do not agree with Hillary on some key things, and I thus have some significant concerns about how her presidency would play out. But come the fuck on! I damn near skipped to and from my polling place to vote for her. There was no question. No nose-holding. She is an EXPONENTIALLY better option than anyone on the ballot.
  9. They're talking about the future of the Repubican party on PBS right now, and saying that Trump doing better than projected is going to give that (hate-filled) wing of the party more power. Lovely thought. Here is what pissed me off all along about my friends who were skipping through fields of daisies content in the knowledge the polls projected easy victory for Hillary. That was NEVER going to happen. Significant swaths of this country are absolutely unhinged in their irrational hatred for her, and just as many have an "eh, I just don't like her" attitude towards her. So the second group was going to look at those polls and stay home (or cast a protest vote), figuring that they could avoid a Trump presidency without having to hold their noses and vote for her because the rest of us would take care of it.
  10. Yeah, I'm feeling like I'm in a bit of an alternate universe right now, and I keep thinking I've missed an upset. HAS a state that was expected to go for Hillary gone to Trump?
  11. We have a long way to go. But I am so utterly revolted that it's even an open question. That I knew it would be at this point does not lessen my disgust in the slightest. This is not a typical election. This is a moderate with a wealth of experience versus a narcissistic loon who doesn't comprehend the basics of how government works and has run a campaign of lies and hate. That we're sitting here chewing on our nails is a shameful indictment of our country.
  12. 123-97 Trump, but all the states he has picked up are states he was projected to pick up, right? RIGHT?! That's how I'm staying ... well, not calm, but alive.
  13. Fucking Texas. On PBS, they're talking about how the gender and racial gap is not as large - per exit polls - as expected. The hell?
  14. I'm about to go pour drink number three, and I normally don't even start drinking until 6:30. Good thing my office is closed - as a post-election mental health day - tomorrow.
  15. NYT and The Guardian are updating at pretty much the same pace (they're both still at 60-48 for Trump), which is behind the broadcast media; that's how it usually goes, with print media slower to call a state definitively.
  16. Nope. That seemed to be how my anxiety over this election chose to manifest this morning -- I cried at about half a dozen things. Then I was calm for much of the day, and then I turned into a basket case as polls started closing.
  17. PBS NewsHour is talking to a Trump surrogate, so time to hit mute. I like The Guardian's map, too.
  18. My parents are both Republicans and would probably rather gouge their eyes out than vote for Hillary. If that translates to voting for Trump, I don't ever want to know. I'm not asking; political differences notwithstanding, we're really close and get along pretty well, but it truly would break my heart if they voted for that man. I'm going to tell myself they abstained.
  19. Gee, shocking - Oklahoma goes to Trump. I have a shit ton of family there, and probably every single one of them voted for Trump. I'm so embarrassed by that I'd only admit it here under the cloak of anonymity. (Oh, I just remembered I have a total leftist cousin in Tulsa. Yeah -- sorry about the rest of my family, folks.) Rubio. Fuck that guy.
  20. Okay, I already need a break -- I'm going to watch an old episode of Modern Family on USA. But I'll be back. I am drinking whiskey at 4:00 in the afternoon. I mean, not that it's never happened before, but damn you Donald Trump!
  21. What's everyone ingesting to get through this night? Maker's Mark here.
  22. I'm going to start with the Democracy Now! coverage (via LINK) when it starts in a few minutes, and then when PBS NewsHour begins its coverage at 5:00 (I'm on Pacific time) I'll probably switch back and forth with that. I'm missing Al Jazeera America more than ever.
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