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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. That's why it amuses the ever-loving hell out of me that there is a product marketed specifically for opening such packaging -- which, you guessed it, comes in the very same packaging.
  2. I loved that, too. Sitting down with all those pattern books spread out on the slanted table, picking a couple out and going to the big filing drawers to get them, and then wandering around to select fabric and notions. Good memories.
  3. My picks are the same as @Melancholy's, and for largely the same reasons: Pilot (great as pilots go, but still plagued with some of the inherent issues that make pilots weaker than many of the episodes to come) Mr. Willis of Ohio (there's a lot I love, but the C.J. doesn't understand the census thing is infuriating, and I don't find the bar scene anywhere near as great as Josh does) Six Meetings Before Lunch (too much Zoey for me, since I don't think much of Moss's acting)
  4. Yep, and that's when we see the shift in their relationship. Bev's hypercritical, passive-aggressive routine on a daily basis naturally yielded more intense responses from Roseanne and Jackie than we'd seen from them during the years when Bev merely called and visited. Bev's first reaction to nearly everything either of them do is negative, so that their frustration often crosses the line into outright meanness after she moves to Lanford doesn't surprise me.
  5. What you're describing is bisexuality, not pansexuality. Because Jazz has said she's open to the possibility of dating not just cisgender boys or girls, but also transgender people - meaning she's open not just based on gender, but also gender identity, biological sex, etc. - she has tentatively identified as pansexual, not bisexual. If Ari wasn't naturally inclined to date, she probably did - it seems like Jeanette was happy dating at that age, and thus erroneously assumes every girl that age wants to date and will enjoy doing so - but Ari may have been interested on her own (and/or succumbed to societal pressure to date) and thus Jeanette never "had to" push the issue. I can't recall if Ari, when she was at home and thus on the show more, ever talked - to Jazz on camera, or in her talking head interviews - about her dating experience at Jazz's age.
  6. How is that relevant when Jazz and her parents have always said the rule is anyone who takes Jazz on a date must know (for her safety) she's transgender in advance? She's never made out with someone and then sprung the news on them. (They've long used the same standard with sleepovers with friends and such, as well.) The "when should you disclose?" line isn't a bright one, of course, but wherever most people draw it, I think Jazz's interactions have come down on the right side. She hasn't. Jazz has said she's not clear on what groups of people she is and isn't attracted to; at this point, she's more pansexual than any other orientation.
  7. It's pork. Like ham, but cured differently and not cooked. Or something like that; I'll leave it to Only Zola to fill in.
  8. Let Mary Jo Shively show you how it's done:
  9. I've never had a chili dog, either, but that is easily explained by the fact I don't like chili. I am now craving a hot dog, however. I hardly ever eat them, but I like them. Vienna and Nathan's are my favorites, but Hebrew National is okay, too. Alas, dinner will be tilapia. Baked some way, and served with something. I haven't gotten that far in my thinking yet.
  10. This game is hard for me, because as much as I love this show, I don't watch it anywhere near as obsessively as I do The X-Files, so I don't always know by looking at a title what all happened in that episode. So, from what does jump to mind: - Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc (because of that horrible scene when Sam ignores everything Laurie says and just declares that he's going to be her friend and the show expects me to find it cute, and because of Leo calling C.J. a "good girl" to the Vice President) - 20 Hours in L.A. (just kind of weak overall) - The Crackpots and These Women (much to love, but oh my gods, I hate the "these women" part of it with the heat of a nova)
  11. I'm laughing because I considered getting my mom night vision goggles this past Christmas, precisely so she could watch all the critters in her hill, but my eyes got a little crossed trying to parse the reviews for something that would be good enough for that purpose without costing an arm and a leg.
  12. Way back when, before I had a passport, I used my social security card for I-9 purposes upon starting a new job, but I could have used my birth certificate instead (the card was just easier; I had that at home, but the certificate was with my parents). I think those are the only times I've ever produced the card, rather than just filling in the number. And I'm very "Why do you need that?" with my SSN if it's not clear to me; it was designed for a limited purpose, and then all these entities started trying to use it as a means of ID for things that have nothing to do with that purpose.
  13. Season two, and by far. It's stellar.
  14. I think your DVR is just trying to spare you the additional 40 minutes of juvenile posturing.
  15. PCH is Pacific Coast Highway in California, which is also highway (state route) 1. It runs north and south along the coast. The 101 is a U.S. highway running largely parallel, further inland. The 5 is interstate highway 5, running up/down the middle of the state. Our freeways have numbers, but some of them are more frequently referred to by names. But not the same name, throughout, mind you; for example, the 5 is the Golden State Fwy in one area, but the Santa Ana further south. Here, we say "the [number]." In other parts of the country, it's just the number. So, for example, I say, "Take the 5 North," but my friend in Boston says, "Take 95 South." So, yeah, you'll hear things that don't immediately (or even at all) match what you're seeing on a map. I've come to largely view that as an entertaining part of travel, but it can be aggravating at first.
  16. And I'm the opposite; I'll take the 5 north for a quick trip up to my starting point, and then meander back south via PCH to enjoy the beautiful view and make a few stops, before cutting over to the 101 when I need to speed things up again.
  17. Instead of following my cat's wise example, I wound up staying in the room, dividing my attention between the show and what I was working on. What a stupid episode. Elena telling her date to eat, and then later on the verge of a meltdown because she thought her dress was ripped, only to laugh and say, "I almost freaked out over nothing!" when she realized that's just how it was cut, was wonderful. As was Rachel reminding herself she can't dictate when other people arrive, and being excited that her date asked her out again. The rest? Good grief. Steven's date certainly thinks she's all that and then some; the attitude radiates off of her so clearly it's almost a visible entity beside her. Yet Megan managed to be even more insufferable. And then there's Sean, who always bugs me, and Steven, who was working my nerves last night. The fact they're all on about a 13-year-old level when it comes to dating was on full display, and it was basically an entire episode of it. Sprinkle in a little bit of Rocco and his family, whom I don't care to watch, Megan teaching everyone how to tie dye even though they staged pretty much the same exact scene in a previous season, and I wish I hadn't given it even the half-assed attention I did.
  18. I love Carlsbad Caverns. A lot of the others you listed, too, but I really love Carlsbad Caverns. I have a National Parks pass, and have been to many of them. I highly recommend the ones in Utah. Utah is an ... interesting ... state, but it's one of our most beautiful. Arches, Zion, Bryce, Canyonlands, and Capitol Reef all in one state, and all so different. Moab is a great place to rent a condo, enjoy little shops and restaurants, and use it as a base to explore Arches and Canyonlands National Parks. You can go river rafting, too. Dead Horse Point State Park - recognizable from many movies - is on the way (well, depending on where you're coming from). There's a very small town near Capitol Reef that I'm blanking on, but it has a terrific restaurant. Capitol Reef gets overlooked by a lot of travelers, but I found it well worth the side trip for a couple of days.
  19. I don't like them simply because of the texture. I won't drink blended cocktails for the same reason.
  20. I love Lafitte's. Lit by candlelight? Old guy playing piano? I'm in. I went there the first time I visited New Orleans, and return there every time.
  21. Five minutes into this Sean/Megan/Steven shit, my cat sat up and gave me a look that roughly translates to "I can't with this" and left the room. I think I'm going to follow her.
  22. I saw the name and immediately thought, "Coleman!" (his Cagney & Lacey role). It was a small role, but he was in most of the episodes, and I've associated him with it ever since. I think the only other thing I've seen him in is L&O: SVU, as a judge, and whenever he'd pop up, I'd think of Coleman.
  23. Adding Smashing Pumpkins to the Beautiful list.
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