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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. My friend's two labs grew out of their compulsion to eat anything and everything (including the kitchen cabinets), so hopefully Bear does the same -- before he eats something more harmful than a sock. If the people with the matted cat didn't love him, they wouldn't have brought him to the vet in the first place, and they wouldn't have cried when he was returned to them with a big row of stitches. They're extremely ignorant (letting a cat out overnight, and in coyote territory, no less?!), not uncaring. There are people out there who inexplicably have pets despite being so uninterested in them that putting down a bowl of food is the only care they give (so that if the pet gets sick/injured, the response is, "Eh, it's just a cat/dog; he'll either get better or die" rather than a trip to the vet). Those two were not that type of owner, so I hope this was a wake-up call that their love needs to be expressed with actions that keep him safe, not just cuddles. A dog with severe separation anxiety requires a very specific type of owner (it's not just about working from home, it's about being able to take the dog with you or hire a dogsitter to stay home with him every single time you do go somewhere), so I'm glad Chandler found someone up to the task, and hope the combination of medication and time to emotionally heal from the flood trauma ultimately lessen his symptoms so he doesn't have to be accompanied 24/7.
  2. Yeah, "I need a man cave because the rest of the house is hers" means "I do not come close to doing my share of the housekeeping and parenting, so she's the one cooking and picking up after the kids evenings and weekends; I need a room to hide in or I might have to pitch in."
  3. I also live in a climate that doesn't get cold by much of the world's standards - Los Angeles - and my thermostat is turned off overnight (well, because it has to be set at something, it's at 50, and since it never gets that cold, it is effectively turned off), because I see no point in heating the house when the cat and I are under the covers. So I agree that unless they were having a seriously freakish cold snap, the interior temperature with a broken furnace should not have dipped so low that everyone had to pile into Sophia's bed because she was the only one with an electric blanket; just pull up the covers, maybe throw on an afghan, and feel warm soon without needing to endure being sandwiched between a shit ton of people. And I know they're old, but only Sophia is the old-old that seems to always be cold. While well through menopause and its hot flash phase, most women their age I know are still warmer than the rest of us. (This bed sharing craziness did happen before Rose managed to stick the AC onto the on position - which really isn't possible, and at worst, just kill that breaker - and thus make it truly cold, right?)
  4. I don't remember much about it, other than I liked it and I had no idea Tori Spelling could act, so I'll have to re-watch it and then keep an eye out for the sequel. Thanks for the heads-up.
  5. Of course she didn't exist yet in their minds in season two, but when they did create her in season five, they gave her a backstory that already had her heading up FID by this time, so she retroactively did exist at the time of this incident.
  6. Yes! That is my favorite part of the commercial.
  7. They're showing some old episodes now, so I hoped that meant a new season is starting soon, but there have been no ads to that effect during commercial breaks or as on-screen banners. There's still nothing up on the show's home page on Animal Planet's website, and the show's Facebook page still has the date of last season's premiere. So who knows when we'll get new episodes. But at least I have some old ones to watch again while cleaning the house.
  8. She ran Gabriel's case, and Andy's (although, in his case, he called her directly, but she didn't hand it off to Elliot, she ran it herself), and she ran cases where patrol officers did the shooting. This was not only an OIS (of a protected witness, no less) this also was the death of an FBI agent inside Parker Center, killed by a civilian using an LAPD lieutenant's gun. Methinks Captain Raydor would handle that, so - vacation is my head canon.
  9. I don't like spy stories, so that two-part season finale wasn't my thing in general and I started doing something on my computer and just half-listening, but it had good moments like Taylor's messy eating, "Meg Wellman" as Elaine (I know Debra Mooney has been in many things, but thanks to her stint on Roseanne, she'll always be Mrs. Wellman to me), the Kitty stuff (get your cat spayed, Brenda!), Brenda's "five-mile" run taking 15 minutes because she only gets as far as the bakery, and her umpteen abandoned projects cluttering up the house. It also included my third sighting so far in the series of an actor who later turns up on Major Crimes playing a different character (the guy playing Richard Branch). In order for Brenda and Raydor's meeting in Red Tape to be their first, as Brenda says it is, we must fanwank that Sharon was on vacation when the murder room shooting in Overkill happened and her second-in-command handled the 72-hour reporting cycle for FID. (That they never meet after that in any of the four months that lapse between shooting and reinstatement can be explained as it being the federal investigation that's still ongoing, although I believe there is a line that suggests the IA one is, too, but it's believable Brenda's limited role in the events was thoroughly covered in that initial report and the only follow-up questioning was with Provenza and Julio.)
  10. Wait - is this episode in which everyone finds out about Pope and Brenda's affair the first time Brenda and Fritz exchanged "I love you"s? That would be bizarre, since they already live together, but the way he said it and the way she reacted made it seem significant. (I laughed out loud that her "I love you too" note has a P.S. asking him to cancel her credit cards. Oh, Brenda - never change.) It was unbelievably stupid to call as a character witness in family court the former mistress* (no, the fact it wasn't this wife, but the first one, that he cheated on with her does not fix that), and Estelle's bombshell is really ugly fallout. And of course Pope's reaction is all about himself. *and not something Pope's lawyer would have actually done.
  11. Let's see - out of this country, surrounded by cats, and "You'll no doubt thrive best if you are the type of person who appreciates nature and likes tranquility — and rest comfortably in your own company"? Be right back; need to type up my resignation letter.
  12. Well, if that is the reason behind this Chicken Salad place being closed on Sundays, that would be short-sighted (just adjust your "weekend" like a lot of independent businesses do, so that everyone can get two days in a row off but the place is open on the days most people patronizing such a business would be there, which for a restaurant means open your damn doors on Sundays), but rooted in a commendable motivation. But given its location, I suspect it's a Chick-Fil-A type thing, and screw that.
  13. I met Faith Hill several times through work back in the day, and she does not have much going on between the ears, but she's nice. Reading the Crystal Gayle entry, I realize I had forgotten just how big she was in the late '70s/early '80s. Eighteen #1 hits!
  14. Hyperthyroidism and kidney disease together is a tricky dance, because the former can mask the latter, and sometimes it prevents you from being able to do the radioiodine therapy (because permanently resetting the T4 level like that will leave the kidney values too high), so I hope everything works out smoothly. I'm sure Lily is enjoying the reprieve, at least.
  15. There's one by The Rascals, too.
  16. I love that song, but when it came out a friend with whom I spent a lot of time played it so much I came very close to getting sick of it. It is indeed a classic. Other than that, I don't really listen to Kathy Mattea. I want to like the tearjerker Where've You Been, but there's something about the way it comes together that just doesn't do it for me. Martina McBride, though - I still listen to quite a few of those '90s hits of hers, plus This One's For the Girls.
  17. As would I. There are a lot of wonderful experiences of which I have no photograph or video. There are many of which I do (often because someone else captured it on film or "on film" while I was, you know, having it). If it works to have the experience and memorialize a moment/moments of it on camera, great. But that's far from my primary thought; it's more important to live it. During an unplanned encounter, I had a brief conversation with Gloria Steinem I'll carry with me until my memory fails me completely. I still smile remembering it. If someone had recorded that talk or photographed a moment of us having it, sure, that would have been quite a bonus (hell, I'd probably frame a photo). But - this was well before the selfie/social media era, but let's pretend this happened recently, when I could have awkwardly held my flip phone or happened to have had my camera on me and snapped a picture - I would never have thought of delaying or interrupting the encounter to photograph it; that's a notion that would have come as we were preparing to walk away, at which point I'd have thought to ask if we could take a picture together. That's it. I'd love to have a picture of it. But I'd sure as hell have rather had the minutes to talk and have it captured only in my mind than to have focused on shoving a phone camera in our faces to get the shot and then had her carry on to some actual interaction, never having had a reason to talk to me.
  18. Did she just keep picking up new friends constantly, for these parties to continue to be attended? Because I can't imagine many people continuing to stick around once it became clear this was not an isolated bad party or two, but her MO -- I'd think most would do as you did, and quit going. You can't rail against that nonsense too much for me; it boggles my mind how many people are too busy documenting their activities to actually experience them.
  19. When the film first came out, I thought she dropped it on purpose (because of that close-up on her hand), and it infuriated me, going a long way towards ruining a film I otherwise loved. But then I watched it again years later and thought the opposite. In thinking on it over time, I realized that it just doesn't make sense for her to have dropped it on purpose. Not just that it would be out of character for Dottie (who realized her error in leaving early and came back to finish out the season doing something she loved, with people she loved, and with her husband's enthusiastic support), but just out of "character" for a movie, period -- if the main character did an unbelievably shitty thing like that, there would be aftermath. Dottie would show regret, Jimmy would be suspicious (and change his attitude towards her accordingly), we'd hear a teammate remark on how Dottie can usually hold on at least, and maybe someone even suggest (not to Dottie, but to another teammate, e.g. Doris to Mae) she did her sister a favor, Kit (that eternally insecure baby) would wonder if Dottie gave her the win, etc. But none of that happens. Dottie is at peace, Jimmy is as enamored as ever, no Peach does anything towards Dottie other than support her, and Kit (who's one of the two people who felt just how hard she hit Dottie) is happy. Throwing the game would not only cast Dottie in a horrible light, it wouldn't say much for Kit, either, that no matter how good she is or how much she loves the game and wants the win, she simply can't get it unless her sister tanks the play. So it would make both sisters look bad, screw over all the Peaches we'd come to love, and make Jimmy's belief in Dottie's love of the game (and how that helped him re-discover his own) misplaced. Sure, there are purposely-subversive films out there that turn storytelling convention on its ear and screw over all the characters, but this celebration of a league of women coming together is not one of those films.
  20. That all sounds great; I'm really excited for this. And I, too, am glad they didn't go down the tired "child of a hippie liberal rebels by being conservative" path with Avery (they did that already with McGovern, anyway).
  21. No, but I can't eat when I first wake up (it would make me feel nauseated), so I'm not going to mess up the bed again an hour or two later (assuming my cat actually got up to let me make it in the first place) so I can crawl back in it to eat. If I didn't have that issue, though, and someone brought me breakfast in bed, I still don't think I'd like it for the reasons you don't -- I'd much rather be sitting at a table than trying to keep a tray of food/drink from jiggling too much and spilling on my sheets.
  22. I had to go find this commercial, because I thought, "How do you hold a knife wrong?" That is, indeed, a little odd. And what is she cutting, anyway - she's eating a salad, and I don't see any big slices of meat on top of it; it looks like one where everything is already sliced/diced/shredded and ready to bite.
  23. Yikes. Often, recalls are because the company notices an error was made in the production process that could have resulted in the contamination of products coming in/out of the facility on X date(s) - the cause is known, the risk is potential. They correct the problem, recall the potentially-affected lot numbers, and carry on. This one is because state Agriculture Dept. inspectors actually found the bacteria in the food, and the company has shut down production until the cause can be found.
  24. Taylor Swift - Whatever. Yes, obviously given her success (country and pop), age at which she started, fact she both writes and sings, and female empowerment/solidarity ... um, persona? schtick? genuine belief muddied up by juvenile antics and annoying personality? ... she's going to be pretty highly-ranked. I even like that Blank Space song, heaven help me. But she just bugs. Anne Murray - I'm surprised to see her ranked this highly. And it's not even about country vs crossover vs pop for me, it's that she's so vanilla. The fact music is work she fell into rather than being a passion shows. But, I must admit, I have several of her songs on my iPod -- Now and Forever, Nobody Loves Me Like You Do, Could I Have This Dance (I would have liked to have heard that as the duet with Kenny Rogers it was intended to be, too). I even sort of like A Little Good News, even though I don't want to because it's such a simplistic, naive take on things.
  25. I only saw the episode in chunks, but I saw that entire segment and teared up at the audio footage of them saying goodbye. Poor Halo, and his poor owners. When Dr. Pol asked if they wanted him to step out for a few minutes for them to talk about what to do, and the camera was on the husband, you could just tell that he and his wife were having a non-verbal "We know what we have to do" conversation There's a similar plaque at my vet's office. They used to just put a sign on the door of the exam room in which it was happening, for those passing by, but people don't see that until they are right on top of it and there's one exam room that is right off the waiting room. So now they have the centralized notice to keep it down in the event of euthanasia. I didn't see the end segment, so I didn't realize we got no update. I cannot believe how low his blood sugar was! And he was so young. I hope everything worked out. It's odd they didn't show an update screen at the end; this isn't a show that meticulously avoids sad endings, so if the puppy didn't make it, that wouldn't be a reason for it not to be mentioned. I was a little confused on that - I thought Dr. Pol said, in VO, that the new cats had moved in next door, but then when Tater was checking these "intruders" out, it looked like they were across the street from each other. If both are true, at least one party is allowing their cat(s) the freedom to go across the street. That, um, doesn't seem like a good idea.
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