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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Trip over, especially if you're a woman. So the killer can catch up with you. (I guess I should be happy for the log; after decades of horror movies, I'm so tired of women tripping over their own damn feet while fleeing.)
  2. I don't have a problem with that; he loves what he does in County's ER, and much of what he likes about it wouldn't have existed in that private practice job he was offered. I think he turned it down without properly discussing it with Jen and accounting for its implications for her, though, and that's part of his unfair pattern of prioritizing his career goals over hers.
  3. There is no self checkout at my local market, but I occasionally shop at Ralphs as well, and the one near me was recently remodeled, including replacing some of the traditional checkstands with additional self-check lanes (and implementing the hand-held scanner thingies). I don't use self checkout, so I'm irritated, but I also shop at off-peak times, so - thus far - having fewer regular lanes hasn't slowed me down. My peeve is that they moved the whole damn inventory around as well, and I can't see a single benefit of that, just the irritation of requiring me to learn where things are now. There's nothing obvious, like the butcher section is larger now, the produce department is more efficiently organized, or they added an aisle and thus now have more items available. It just seems different for the sake of being different. I go in there rarely enough that if I ever needed something from the center aisles, I already had to stop and remember where it was. Now I'm wandering around muttering, "I just want some dry pasta. And where the hell did the club soda go?!"
  4. That makes me laugh, too, but I also like that it shows he understands what's expensive and what's not, and that money doesn't grow on trees. Yeah, if it doesn't make sense for them to be married, but they want to be "married" as their chosen way of declaring and celebrating their commitment to each other, let 'em call it a wedding. While not all of them have a ceremony, there are a lot of unmarried partners out there who refer to each other as husband or wife as an easy shorthand to describe their relationship to each other.
  5. The show liked going overboard in presenting these characters as devoted souls forgoing more lucrative careers in order to help the unwashed masses at County, which is why they created these exaggerated scenarios where even the doctors could just make rent and put food on the table on their salaries. That only someone with family money like Carter could live comfortably on this job, so for everyone else it was a major sacrifice.
  6. I don't think he will, but if I'm wrong, I hope they show The End, an underrated black comedy in which he not only stars but also directed. And Myrna Loy and Pat O'Brien play his parents, so that's right up the TCM audience's alley. (As I noted in the Celebrity Deaths thread, he - a big fan of old movies - sought them out for the roles, threw a huge party for them on the soundstage the day they filmed their one scene, and remained friends with Loy for the rest of her life.)
  7. It was moved because it had become a hit despite its Friday timeslot; the season four premiere garnered well over 20 million viewers (double its season one average) and the next few episodes remained in the 18-19 million range, at which point it was moved to Sundays. It averaged about 19 million for the season, and held fairly steady over the next two seasons, before dropping off significantly and steadily.
  8. We need night-vision footage of these baby gate escapades!
  9. Dolly Parton on the death of Burt Reynolds, via Twitter: And Sally Field said in a statement: "There are times in your life that are so indelible, they never fade away. They stay alive, even forty years later. My years with Burt never leave my mind. He will be in my history and my heart, for as long as I live. Rest, Buddy."
  10. I'm having trouble picking a favorite. Maybe Oh What It Did to Me, but then there's What Do I Do With Me, Two Sparrows in a Hurricane, the Don't Go Out duet with T. Graham Brown, If It Don't Come Easy, Love Me Like You Used To, Walking Shoes, Down to My Last Teardrop, and, of course, Delta Dawn. She's just fantastic. I even watched her short-lived reality show.
  11. [Burt Reynolds]: "Which one's the slut?" [All, with raised hands]: "I am."
  12. I know very little about Burt Reynolds beyond his films, but one thing I do know is he loved old movies. He sought out Myrna Loy (one of my favorite actors) and Pat O'Brien to play his parents in The End, an underrated black comedy he directed. They are in just one scene, but he had a big party to welcome them to the sound stage that day, complete with a huge picture of them from a film they'd done together in the '30s. He stayed friends with Loy for the rest of her life. Whenever he was in New York, he'd call her up and say, "Hi, Mom, it's your erstwhile son here to take you out to dinner."
  13. Yes! That's the first thing I thought of upon reading the news of his death. I will be watching Smokey & The Bandit (a movie I know verbatim) tonight, that's for sure. And The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas (know that one by heart, too).
  14. And also that it would make Angel, rather than her parents, Cristina's next of kin (and vice versa), and you sure as hell don't want a situation where Cristina can't make her own medical decision and Angel has the right to override her parents' wishes and make the call himself. If they're not married, it's also far less hassle to go their separate ways or even just return to dating and living separately if it turns out living together is a disaster.
  15. Yep. Roots and all. We'll see how it actually plays, but that sounds fabulous!
  16. Wouldn't he have been sending her back to her mother, not tossing her out on the streets? I don't remember the specifics, but I have a general sense that Rachel coming to live with Mark (and Corday) to begin with was not a simple matter of shifting from one parent to another, but her being rewarded for acting like a shithead (maybe a typical teen, maybe more; she did run away or something) in one primary home by getting to shift her primary residence to the other home, the one with the parent who is more lax on discipline. Then her irresponsibility nearly kills her little sister, and going back to Jen's would mean just focusing on Rachel's issues, not also having to guard against her once again putting an infant at risk? Yeah, buy that twit a train ticket.
  17. The wire is in air space just below the ceiling, not in the toilet, or any other body of water. You're not going to shock, let alone electrocute, yourself while flushing, or doing anything else in there, unless you suddenly feel compelled to reach up grab a live wire.
  18. Jumping Jesus, enough with regarding getting married as the be all end all of a woman living a "normal" life. And I wish they’d both walked her down the aisle; Cristina isn’t the kind of bride who’s going to walk herself down the aisle, but having both parents like Mariano suggested would have been appropriate. Especially since they kept the "who gives this woman?" crap and answered it with "her mother and I do." So make it a little less offensive, especially in these circumstances where the bride is an adult yet not in some ways, and also include both parents on the walk down the aisle. Those awful curtain fabric bridesmaid dresses weren't any more attractive on film than in pictures, but I love that Rachel got to look nice in a different dress. With those things out of the way*, this - from what I saw, which was only the second hour - was nice. I’m glad Angel’s mom is in his life, even though she’s not the one who raised him. It was nice to see her. And John’s reaction to seeing Cristina in her dress was sweet. I love Elena running down the aisle in rehearsal, and her “don’t let me trip” deep breaths during the ceremony. And Angel’s “I got this” pep talk to himself at the altar. My favorite was Rachel's speech. Do we think John has any idea what catching the garter means, or that he just wanted to be the winner, heh? Because he didn't say anything about wanting to be married, nor can I imagine that being something he wants. They said their last names earlier, so it's not like this was altered for privacy -- when they were introduced for their first dance, it wasn't as Mr. and Mrs. [Angel's last name], but as Angel and Cristina. If she didn't change her name, I'm impressed. (They did sign the actual legal document, right, not just the church thing -- this is a legal marriage, in which changing her last name was an option?) *Okay, one more thing -- is anyone surprised Rocco has been conditioned to bow and wait for applause after every fucking thing he does? I'm surprised he didn't do it during the actual ceremony.
  19. Not a favorite commercial overall, but a favorite line delivery from a commercial: In the toilet paper commercial where a pregnant woman keeps having to get up and pee in the middle of the night, I love the way she says to the fetus around 4:00 a.m., "You gotta be kidding me, little dude." And I never noticed it before tonight, but at the end she - in voiceover - says through a yawn, "I've never peed this much in my life." That line is just as pitch perfect; we don't even see her shuffling back to bed, yet I can picture it just from her voice.
  20. So is mine, so when I'm wandering around on a long trip, I'll usually email her each time I arrive in a new city or country and call her once a week for a brief chat. I don't know what having an itinerary would really change, though; the same things could happen to me. I could plan to the hour where I'd be each day, and still wind up dead in a ditch or whatever it is mothers think is going to happen.
  21. Yes. The commercials are predicated on showing how the same set of circumstances plays out differently in two different scenarios - the easy peasy when someone with Liberty Mutual is in that situation, and the disaster that befalls someone with different insurance in the same situation. In this, it's getting a flat tire in the middle of the night ("middle of the night" is said by the Liberty Mutual woman whose son had roadside assistance, and then we cut to the hapless duo who don't have it and are thus on their own, but they can't even identify a lug wrench).
  22. They may not care. There are few circumstances when I care if someone is up to fifteen minutes late, and if they're half an hour or more late, the odds of me being ticked off about it go up substantially, but depending on the circumstances (why they're late, what they're late for, and what I'm doing while I wait) I still may not care. But when it is inappropriate to be late, I say something so they know not to pull it on me again.
  23. Ugh, no. As long as they didn't get pissy when I opted to go off and do something different than the group sometimes, fine, but otherwise those aren't the kind of people I'd vacation with. But if I were going to be wandering around town in a herd, I'd be like you - let's get at least some of this stuff planned in advance so we're not scrambling for reservations or wasting vacation time sitting around discussing the logistics.
  24. We know Megan only became part of the group upon filming the show (some of them may have met at national conventions, but she wasn't part of the local DS community because she lives in Colorado), but some of the locals already knew each other just through the Los Angeles DS community or specifically spent time together at that center where we see them congregate. So was Cristina already friends with Rachel or Elena? I have no recollection from season one who already had a relationship with who. I'm not surprised to see the other women from the show as Cristina's bridesmaids, I just hope the reason only women from the show were her bridesmaids isn't because the show paying for all this means production dictated the wedding party or poor Cristina didn't have any close friends prior to doing the show.
  25. That's not how I travel, but making an itinerary isn't a peeve per se. But, boy howdy, what would quickly become an "I'm gonna go do my thing, you stick to your precious list, and I will see you back at the hotel tonight" situation would be getting to our destination and having my travel partner flip out about deviations from the itinerary. Traveling is when I'm in my most loosey goosey state; I make more last-minute decisions on a one-week trip than I do in the average month. Of course, this is one of the many reasons I prefer to travel alone.
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