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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I read the archive, since I'm going to be watching Top Chef instead tonight, and I'm bummed Sarah didn't win a fifth game (and thus secure a slot in the ToC). I'm oddly entertained by her diarrhea of the mouth. Like everyone else, LOL at the Kit Carson clue; had a pTVer been in this game, that would not have been a TS. The Morse TS surprised me, as did rupture a bit. I missed two in Children's Lit, a weak category for me, but got everything else in the first round. I came close in DJ, too, but I was just as stumped as the contestants by The Planets (I didn't have the audio clue they did, but I still wouldn't have known it) and I could not drag lysergic out of my brain. I didn't get FJ, though; it crossed my mind, but I didn't think it had been around that long. Time flies!
  2. Oh, I like it, but this purports to be an "of all time" list, and I wouldn't rank it among the top 1000 of all the country songs ever sung over the last 100 years, and definitely not in the top 600. So it really puzzled me seeing it there on this list, given the history of its contents so far; I wouldn't have thought they'd even know the song, let alone rank it that high. The CU commentary made the light bulb go on over my head (I didn't know it had been covered semi-recently):
  3. Another group of ten consisting largely of songs I don't know. I was mighty puzzled by this entry, as I love George but this song shouldn't even be on the list, until I read the CU commentary and realized someone else had covered it, bringing it to the Sirius dudebros' attention, and they thought they'd make their list look a little more well-rounded by putting the original on here. I think this placement is about right, but reading that this is only one of two MCC entries on the list has me all kinds of irritated. Ugh - I don't hate this song, but I only know the chorus, and now that is stuck in my head!
  4. A proposal and sex often go together, but all this parsing isn't necessary. All I was saying in my original post was that since everyone else had been ruled out, when Leslie and Lydia showed up, they all thought that's the couple the rooftop was set up for. So "Should we just jump off the roof?" was in response to Lydia/Leslie being the couple, and they didn't want to be there for it (any of it - proposal, declarations, nookie, etc). The line was perfectly delivered, and I was merely referencing the context of it in praising that delivery. Their horror upon thinking they were taking Lydia's top off prompting them to spring out and reveal their presence to make it stop was funny, too. It was a wonderful comedic lead-in to what became a beautifully emotional scene.
  5. Talk about getting the top off is what caused everyone to burst out of their hiding place. "Should we just jump off the roof?" was before that, and since everyone who'd come up there assumed the "Together Forever" sign was going to be the backdrop for a proposal (rather than about keeping Roberto with them forever), I assume that was the initial thought when those two appeared.
  6. My objection to D.J.'s lack of reaction wasn't that sex was being discussed; it has generally discussed with a healthy degree of openness in this family. It was that he didn't bat an eye at the fact his dad was getting ready to sleep with someone other than his mom for the first time in eons. I wouldn't have expected him to have a problem with that, but I would expect a small non-verbal oh, wow, this is different/really happening/a little weird/bittersweet reaction to hearing it stated.
  7. I wonder if Sarah is just prone to nervous chatter or if she never knows when to stop talking (or not start to begin with). Wow, that Ariana Grande answer. I just looked up her name to see if it's one N or two, and there is all kinds of stuff on the internet about that bonehead answer. Alwin isn't living that down any time soon. The cinnamon bear and carbon dioxide TS were two I figured someone would figure out from the clues. Curry surprised me a bit, too. I can't decide about Harry Dean Stanton - I guess not, but had it been a photo clue I'd say yes. I ran the first round, but missed about half a dozen in DJ, thanks mostly to the Greek mythology and prequel categories, and got FJ, so had a fairly good game.
  8. She had on those under-eye masks that are supposed to help lighten the dark circles and tighten up the skin (evening out the fine lines a little). Set make-up artists use them all the time on actors, and now they've become common in "real life" too.
  9. I agree, in that this is a subject that can be addressed humorously but only if also addressed honestly, and "eh, it's a sitcom, not the real world" liberties with the fundamental legalities and other realities cannot just be waved away; not every nuance can be explored, but some pretty big ones must be, and that's incredibly difficult to do right as but one storyline over the course of a sitcom. The myriad horrible circumstances undocumented immigrants face and endure now make TV's typical "green card marriage" storyline difficult to find humor in at best, and damaging for the "see, this scam is so easy to pull off" falsehood (and thus further hatred and discrimination) it fosters at worst. Quite frankly, I don't trust this version of the show with it.
  10. I'm either misunderstanding the situation, or this isn't something the AG or media would be interested in -- wasn't the order in question delivered, just not to the right place? As I read it, the item (coffee?) was left outside the building, not outside the individual apartment as requested, and delivery notification was either unclear or nonexistent, so that when she went looking, she found the product, but only because she went hunting. This on the heels of prior errors. If so, that's definitely an order the company should have comped, and ridiculous it wouldn't because this would be the third of its errors on one account, but not something anyone is going to take up a crusade over. Dispute the charge and accept what happens is my recommendation (again, if I understand the situation correctly).
  11. That can happen in a relationship, too. I don't remember whether they skipped the condom or if it broke and, either way, somehow didn't know she needed emergency contraception (or if it was even said when she announced her pregnancy), but unplanned pregnancies happen. Frequently - near half of all pregnancies in the U.S. Women need more reliable birth control and better affordable access to it (and abortion), not more judgment on the circumstances that led to pregnancy. Becky opted to parent (not a wise choice, IMO, but the choice she made, and Emilio encouraged), and here she is, but she's in the same spot she'd have been in had she been in a committed relationship with Emilio.
  12. Nothing wrong with either scenario if that's what the parties want; the only universal requirement for sex is mutual consent. I'd find it a lot more interesting if they just co-parented, rather than falling in love, but if the latter, I hope it happens because of them, not the baby. I'd say she should learn from Jackie and Fred trying to create something that wasn't there because of Andy, but that apparently never happened. I enjoyed what Dan had to say at the poker table about his upcoming probable overnight date with Louise, but I agree with a poster upthread that having D.J. there with zero reaction to that conversation was unrealistic. Since this show has a history of shooting more than is used, and particularly of Michael Fishman's scenes being cut, I wonder if there was originally more. But, then, maybe not since all three kids were just casually teasing Dan about his walk of shame. I don't buy the universal easy acceptance of his new relationship. Not that anyone would necessarily be pitching a fit, given how slowly this has played out, but someone should have a bittersweet twinge at being confronted with this development! Dan's attempt at MacGuyvering a CPAP substitute at Louise's was hilarious. "We can talk in the morning." "I hope so." It's different than growing old with someone to enter into a new relationship as two older folks, and I like seeing that represented. In general, and especially the different experiences between Louise having dealt with, along the way, wanting to hide X,Y, and then Z early in a relationship before gradually learning you just trust that your partner has his own issues and will get over yours, versus Dan who is a total fish out of water. (And I love that Dan, while intimidated out of bringing his CPAP machine, apparently brought his sweats, socks, and comfy shirt to don for comfy sleep after the anticipated sex.) I swore I recognized the actor playing Harper, but in looking her up on IMDb, I've never seen anything in her (impressively long for her age) list of credits. But she amused me: "My mom says global warming is a hoax because it gets cold at night. [perfect pause] She's an idiot." "You're still gay, right?" to Mark after Ben allowed her to spend the night was funny. And I like the reveal of how the hickeys happened. And that this naturally led to a discussion of what role Ben is supposed to play to Darlene's kids. Mark's face when Ben tried to have The Talk with him was great. If they'd drop this baby nonsense, this relationship could appeal to me. Harris ribbing Darlene about being in jail was reminiscent of Darlene doing the same to Dan ("Mom says he's our new daddy now").
  13. That's terrific. Gloria Calderón Kellett has been at the forefront of talking about how and when production can resume safely, and she talks about the needs of everyone from high-risk legends like Norman Lear and Rita Moreno to the PAs. Also,thank you, @ShortyMac, for your postings keeping us abreast of behind-the-scenes news and other goodies. I don't use social media other than occasionally checking in on a very few Twitter accounts, so I'd miss much of this otherwise, especially the deleted scenes and bloopers you post in the relevant episode threads.
  14. The OK Corral and muscles TS surprised me. So did ERA a bit, because they seemed to have a general knowledge of baseball, and no one even guessing Grant, with Eisenhower ruled out. "What is Australian Airlines?" (instead of Qantas) being delivered so confidently was oddly entertaining. I ran the first round, but in DJ I missed most of the religious -isms (what a shock, I know) and a couple of the French prince clues. I didn't get FJ (I've never seen the movie; epics aren't my thing, nor are biblical stories), and in fact didn't even wind up with a guess - my brain kind of stalled out in trying to pick one of the few that were rattling around it, and never settled on one.
  15. I wasn't into this one for a while, probably because it was entirely about romantic relationships, which generally don't interest me. But then Penelope and Max got up there, and I was in heaven. Her one-woman show about the word "no" was a delight. As was him there for a couple of months and then gone for a couple of months being her dream (sing it, sister). His proposal was great. It's wonderful to see commitment other than marriage get positive representation on TV; it just happened on Grace and Frankie, too. "Should we just jump off the roof?" when they were all hiding and thought Leslie was about to propose to Lydia was perfectly delivered. And then it was so sweet from then on -- Lydia's explanation of home, that it was Leslie's idea to put Roberto's ashes in the rooftop garden, Elena saying she knows Roberto would have accepted her, and that makes her miss him even more. One pet peeve: Alex joins the millions of people who either don't know or don't care what anniversary means; you have one annually, not monthly.
  16. Ooh, unpopular opinions about WW pairings? I'm in. I quit watching before the stupid (hello, she's his assistant!) Josh and Donna thing went anywhere, but I hate the very idea of them as a couple, even after she wasn't his assistant -- those characters were somehow simultaneously each too good for the other. Just an awful match. Amy I liked, but not with Josh. The only character I ever liked with Josh in terms of a love interest was Joey Lucas. I hated Sam and Ainsley, because I hated Ainsley. I did not find her quirky and charming, I found her annoying. Even though I didn't watch it, I am still irritated C.J. wound up with Danny (and a kid) in the end.
  17. That's not how I recall it, so I looked up the numbers. While they never equaled the triple platinum success of their debut album (Out of the Cellar, which contained "Round and Round"), their next album did go double platinum and the next two platinum, and several of their songs were used in films and TV shows. I think a lot of people today would only remember "Round and Round" and maybe "Lovin' You's a Dirty Job" (which is all that came to me, even though I had several of their albums back in the day), but they weren't blink and you missed them at the time - they were popular for several years.
  18. The code blue TS was a stunner. The Adidas TS was a little surprising, and maybe Age of Innocence, too. I figured she just blanked on the defibrillator DD, but Lauren didn't seem to show any "oh, of course" recognition when Alex revealed the answer. I don't know why they initially gave Sarah credit for "jib" when "two-word" was specified in the clue. I got all the TV titles in the first round, despite only having watched one of the shows (and despite my recent dismal showing in pop culture categories), but I didn't know what kind of jib it was, either, so I was one shy of running the round. I only missed three or four in DJ and got FJ (after initially saying McSomething; it came to me in time), so it was a good game for me.
  19. "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now" is my Starship jam, but I agree the "worst song of all time" hatred is unwarranted. Several years back, GQ ran an oral history of "how 'We Built This City'—the most detested song in human history—got built".
  20. Me too! The whole thing was funny, but that was what really got me laughing. I don't watch SNL, but enough people were talking about that open that I had to look it up:
  21. I loved this; watching them stroll down the beach together, Grace back where she is happiest, made me cheer. This was a good season, and a great finale. Grace realizing what she was doing, losing herself in a marriage yet again, was just what I expected, and Frankie hit it right on the head – it’s not necessarily that she never should have married him, it’s that they need to figure out what unconventional arrangement works for them, just like Brianna and Barry have done (her proposal was perfect!). This one-size-fits-all shoehorning everyone into traditional marriage doesn’t work for a lot of people, and requires them to give up too much, mostly women. I really like seeing that explored and celebrated on this show. Of course, with only one season left, conveniently dispatching with Nick would work too, heh (I love “It’s white collar – in three years he could be president”). LOL at him telling Grace everything will be okay, while the FBI agent shakes her head no. And Grace and Frankie realizing that, yeah, he bragged about evading taxes a lot. Love the couch being stuffed with money, and them not having any qualms using it rather than turning it over to the Feds. I know I swing back and forth on when realism matters to me and when it doesn’t, but this is a time it doesn’t. I don’t want the repairs to take the whole season, and again with the ridiculousness of Robert and Sol’s finances, but having the foursome living together at the beach house for several episodes worth of comedy (and possibly a true final reckoning) is something I greatly look forward to. J-M and Frankie both checking their breasts for their phones was funny. (As was "stop bogarting the toilet".) I like the role Joan-Margaret plays in the relationship, the voice of reason – only sometimes that reason is a little crazy. It’s completely unrealistic that Mallory, with her extremely-limited experience, period, and none in management, would be offered the same job Brianna turned down, but her getting revenge by being Brianna’s boss - and taking such great delight in using Brianna's hated "supervisor" word is funny. I like Brianna a lot more than I like Mallory, but I still enjoy Mallory's moments of getting one over on her sister. Did they get season seven filmed before COVID-19 shut down Hollywood? Because, with an entire cast in the high-risk category, ain't no one going to insure this production until there's a proven vaccine.
  22. I love how this episode showed how ingrained habits and expectations are - If you sat down and presented this scenario to Grace, she'd say the woman in question should ask her husband why it was important to him not to do business with Mark Cuban, and, depending on that answer, either agree or not, and, if agree, go explain to her business partner and the two of them strategize how to pitch to the others. But when she's living it, she falls right back into saying yes, and then trying to avoid dealing with it. It was painful to watch - although I absolutely loved seeing her get up there and, with a little struggle, tell the world her age and her stuck on the pot story (while Frankie demonstrated) - but realistic, and necessary. Frankie telling her she betrayed herself, which is the worst part, is what this boiled down to and I'm sure the finale will be about Grace coming to terms with that. And I like that so much more than just another "they had a fight; will they break up?" conflict. The Bud storyline was silly, but I can see where it's tempting to feel heroic, when he's been the unsung rock of the family for so long. And of course Coyote forgot all about the sugar prompt and just handed him the sugar and suggested, hey, maybe my brother can give you a kidney. Robert and Sol's financial woes are still a big ball of whatever to me; they can still afford to go on the cruise. Just confess you spent way over the limit, and why, promise never to do it again, and move on; the money isn't the issue. And Peter can go away any time now.
  23. I'm slow roasting a pork shoulder, so I'll have pulled pork to make various things out of throughout the week. Tonight it will go in quesadillas with a pineapple-avocado salsa.
  24. This is really getting silly. (I know, it's a sitcom.) Twenty thousand dollars is not this big a deal in their financial position that Robert would go through all these shenanigans rather than just fessing up he donated to the theatre. But his Lyft passenger's "what the fuck" when he started singing in response to her request they just listen to some music instead of talking almost makes it worthwhile. Grace and Frankie stealing the toilet back was funny, and very sweet when Grace talked Frankie out of the funk she was in after the cop's words. I love ending it with "Are you really going to wear the cape?"/"Fuck no." I've long been tired of the perfectly acceptable things that get labeled as inappropriate about Brianna in her relationship with Barry, and would like to see them continue on as they are, but her taking a job in San Francisco without even talking to him is beyond. Saying - in the course of an actual discussion - I've received an offer, it's a great opportunity and I want to take it, and I want you to come with me, but if you don't, I'm still taking it, that's good. But accepting the job and just casually presenting their joint relocation as a given, that's very bad.
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