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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Different half, same stupidity. This game is the worst. I've never not watched a Super Bowl, and always thought the only way that would happen would be the dreaded Patriots-Cowboys game, but I may give up on this one in the fourth quarter.
  2. I don't know any of The Weeknd's music, and this halftime show isn't making me want to change that. It's not bad, it's just sort of there.
  3. Ugh, bad enough on general principle, but that it was Antonio Brown makes it so much worse. I need to get drunk during halftime if I'm going to survive this game without stroking out.
  4. That "I got knocked down" performance by the TB receiver was quite something.
  5. It seems to be their MO; another one in that series has Tom Brady and Gronk.
  6. Three more points. Whoopdefuckingdoo.
  7. I do, and that's what made me laugh about the commercial. "Where could I be? Believe it or not, I'm not home."
  8. Every time I hear Succop's name, I just can't imagine what elementary school was like for him.
  9. Oh, goddammit with a defensive hold negating the turnover!
  10. Good thing, then; that commercial cracked me up at several points.
  11. Some of the scenarios in Tracy Morgan's Rocket Mortgage commercial made me laugh out loud:
  12. Whew! I was so afraid in real time that the ball crossed the plane, but thankfully Sarah Thomas was right and I was wrong.
  13. Because, to borrow from Jim Mora, they're not doing diddly poo.
  14. I've been busy during commercial breaks until now, so the Drake from State Farm was my first - off to a good start. The Chiefs, not so much. Come on, Kansas City!
  15. I'm watching at home alone this year, rather than going to my parents' house as usual (we're a two-house bubble) because I woke up feeling like I might be coming down with a cold (I'm most likely not, just run down, but just in case). But my mom brought me chicken wings and stuffed mushrooms, and I also have vegetable crudité with dill dip and shrimp cocktail. There's usually salami, cheese, and crackers, too, but my mom didn't bring me crackers and I don't have any here, so I'm not sure if I'll bother to cut up some salami and cheese. I think I have plenty of food without it!
  16. I finally watched this last night, and liked it. It's a very simple story about average people, a basic coming of age story, but the characters are written and played so realistically it's interesting to watch. Lady Bird and Marion both have some horrible personality traits, and the actors completely embraced them - they were willing to be totally unlikable at points throughout the film, because it's real, trusting that it will be balanced out by the characters' good traits. I like the way sex was handled, from her mom saying college is a better age to start having it, but just be safe, to Lady Bird not having it when she didn't want to, having it when she did, and deciding she likes dry humping better, but not treating her physically and emotionally disappointing experience as a mistake or a huge deal. I also like how many silly little things there were, like Lady Bird buying cigarettes, a nudie mag, and a lottery ticket on her 18th birthday. And I like that the popular girl didn't rat her out when she found out Lady Bird had lied about where she lived. She was turned off by it, but they were dating guys who are friends, so they'd still be around each other and it wouldn't be an issue. The actor playing the best friend did good things with a stereotypical role. Everyone in the supporting cast turned in great performances; I especially loved Lois Smith as the nun who tells dancing teens to leave six inches space between them for the holy spirit but also finds it a hoot to have unknowingly driven a nunmobile with "Just Married to Jesus" on it. (I love her interaction with Lady Bird overall, but especially in that meeting when she says they're not just married, it has been 40 years, and Lady Bird says, "Well, he's lucky to have you.") And, of course, the leads. Saoirse Ronan and Laurie Metcalf were wonderful. The dressing room scene when Lady Bird says she wishes her mom liked her, and her mom completely misses the point and says, "Of course I love you" is my favorite moment of Ronan's, and Marion's face as she drives through the airport is my favorite of Metcalf's.
  17. Hell, I think it's dumb the Disney+ airing got a thread in Movies here, since it's not a film, it's a recording of a stage performance. So, yeah, I am with you on the nominations - no matter how much I love the performances.
  18. I have one, from Roseanne: Arnie leaves Nancy via a note claiming he's going with aliens from outer space. When Dan reads it, he asks, "Who are the Allens and why are they out of spice?" "Aliens, Dan. From outer space." "Oh, that makes a little more sense."
  19. I wasn't quarantined in my room when sick. When I was at my most miserable, I was in my parents' bed during the day as they had a TV in their bedroom and I didn't and watching TV between dozing off was about all I could do. Then I progressed to being based on the couch in the den, watching that TV, until I felt well enough to read again, at which point I went back to my room. And any wandering I wanted to do throughout this process was a good sign, and good exercise to build me back up; at no point was I told I had to stay put somewhere. I had a cold, not Ebola.
  20. Look in on a random Saturday of my childhood, and it's possible you'd find me playing basketball with my dad and then doing his hair and nails later, just as you could choose another day and might find me doing the same activities with my mom. He was very much a product of the '40s and '50s in which he was raised, but he wasn't sexist or insecure enough to reject spending time with me based on the gender stereotypes surrounding the activity in which I was interested in enging at the time. Go out with the nail polish and barrettes? Of course not, because that's not how he dressed. But he wasn't going to refuse in our own home. I doubt any parent of any gender wants to play Go Fish for an hour, but they do it. They're happy when their kid wants to share something they actually enjoy, but they know activities they wouldn't choose on their own are part of the gig. One of my favorites is the commercial where the dad is practicing cheers with his daughter - "Oh, those boys are much too much" - and gives it all he has. But it's terribly depressing we need to have a PSA encouraging fathers to be dads. So the more scenes of dads parenting, in all forms, in commercials, the better. We need to eradicate those with dads acting like another kid and their wives just smiling and cleaning up after the lot of them like that's her job.
  21. How great that VRC was able to keep some of the tavern staff employed by having them cook meals for Ninth Ward seniors. They're as hard hit by the pandemic as anyone, yet Tia still thinks, "How can we help?" Poor Thin Man looked so sickly and sad; I'm glad they were able to remove him from the situation and get him the needed help, and Yukon is slowly coming around. Black (Balou now) and his pack would scare me, too. It's cute how, with continued exposure, they started to get curious rather than confrontational. Slowly realizing they didn't have to be so defensive, they even let Tammy introduce Tania to them. To see the big bad wolf getting brushed and giving kisses was beautiful! I'm glad they now have a sanctuary for unadoptable - or at least not yet adoptable - wolf dogs. With some crossover, they have the wolfies in Texas, the hounds in Assumption Parish, the pits in the city, and satellite locations that provide a home environment for those most in need of it. It's really pretty incredible what they do given the scope of the problem. Sheeka knew what she was doing with that hug. She was funny with her whatever, I have grass and treats reaction to the noisy cars. And absolutely hilarious rubbing herself around the whole tent. There's wonderful hiking to be done in Utah (I've hiked in all its national parks), and I think she's going to enjoy it immensely, and enjoy just as much their couch potato life during the week since she's got a great backyard to run around in. The adopter has the perfect lifestyle for her energy; after a few years of waiting, I think she indeed has her forever home.
  22. "My hat blew off, Daddy!" "I hope your goddamned head was in it."
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