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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. That's exactly where my mind went, too. I wonder who has a box of doll heads this time - hopefully it's not still D.J.! "The little runt's a psycho."
  2. Easy peasy - fries and soda. I hate potatoes (so I'll only eat fries if they're really thin and crispy - tasting like fat and salt, not potato - and dipped in ranch dressing, and could happily never eat one again), and I drink soda (as a mixer) maybe once a year. If I had to pick two among the things I actually enjoy, I'd choose beer and cake; I only have them occasionally, so I'd miss them, but not the way I'd miss tacos and pizza, which I make fairly frequently because they're so easy and versatile. If not for the fact I keep half an eye on my carb intake, I'd eat them regularly.
  3. I forgot Anderson Cooper had competed in celebrity J! so many times. I figured he'd be a good guest host given his broadcasting experience, and he was. I didn't get a single sci-fi clue right (I knew the first one was Hal the computer, but couldn't remember the film's title in time). I also missed two self-help clues, and only got the other three by guessing correctly. I ran the other first-round categories, but there were a lot of lucky guesses involved. In DJ, I was terrible in the fiction category, only getting one ("It was a dark and stormy night"). I also only got two ancient cities (I knew Lima and correctly guessed Guatemala). I ran the human body and organizations and only missed one each in wet words and emcees, though, so it wasn't a disaster. FJ was an instaget - especially since there's a print of it hanging in my home office, which is where I watch J!
  4. Come on! That duet is pretty much the epitome of country music, and they don't even have it as Top 200? This is also too low. (And I can't believe "Rhinestone Cowboy" didn't even make the list at all!)
  5. I have my browser's (Firefox) zoom set at 150%, because my eyesight is bad, and the posts fill the screen; I don't see that right-hand column of useless information at all.
  6. It was nice of Coral and Lori to play along - as Coco Loco and Teriyaki Terror - when Mike started doing his Miz shit. I'd have just noped right out of there and told my friends about this fucking lunatic I'm living with, but they got down with it and had a good time. It's hard to believe he's made an entire living out of that persona, but good for him, I guess. Mike: I wish the rest of the roommates had wanted to come to dinner with my parents. Mike's dad: Spouts racist, "alternative facts" version of Cleveland history at dinner. Me: Gee, I can't imagine why only Kevin wanted to be part of this.
  7. What great food we've seen on this show! So many high scores and close matches. I somehow missed its existence last season, but the caliber of chefs and judges have been so impressive this time around I could tolerate Guy Fieri. I "know" the Top Chef contestants best, so with me liking everyone's food and liking what I know of their personal conduct, I was open to any of the Final Four taking the prize. In the end, I was kind of rooting for Brooke - because I've eaten more of her food than anyone else's and also because I laugh pretty damn hard at how her victories piss some people off - but also kind of rooting for Maneet since Brooke had already won. Bottom line, I was just very happy to have 1 vs 2 consist of two fantastic female chefs competing for the title; three cheers for blind judging! It's a bummer Brooke's hollandaise sauce broke; I hate to see one dish with a technical error rather than two stellar dishes going head to head with one being slightly better. But that didn't seem to have been definitive; it was still close. And Brooke has now competed twice on Top Chef and twice on this show, and of those four battles through elite competition, she has twice won and twice come in second; that's quite a record. Your main ingredient three ways in less than an hour - that's a proper final challenge. I love langoustine, so I was drooling over the dishes. They both used a couple of ingredients I don't like just as a matter of personal preference, but they also both did such wonderful things that I wanted to eat all the food, to the extent I was jealous of the judges getting to eat even things I wouldn't have ordered. Fundamentally, I love how much money this competition generated for struggling restaurants. I like that both their picks got $10k in this round. I'll be back next season, but if FN could switch hosts (and useless host spawn), I'd be even happier about it.
  8. Yeah, that's what makes the content of Barb's tirade against Dan fall flat (the context, whatever truth lies in what she said, is ridiculous because she's one rung above a stranger and it's none of her damn business) - it's not like this all started because Dan couldn't pay his bills, so asked half of Lanford to move in and help support him. Darlene lost her job and moved back home with two kids because she couldn't afford to support them on her own and David is a deadbeat dad. Becky decided to have a child and moved back home with that baby, because she couldn't afford to support her alone and Emilio has little to contribute. Darlene then also moved her bearded sloth of a boyfriend in when he lost his job and could no longer afford his apartment. For a long time, none of these people were paying a dime of rent, presumably putting nothing towards the utility bills, and quite possibly not even covering their own food costs. Gee, ya think maybe the added burden of all these squatters pushed Dan's perpetually-precarious financial situation over the edge, and then his stupid, prideful refusal to disclose reality and require everyone to chip in put him in a hole that, yes, they are now all contributing to digging out of? Darlene's promotion is recent, as is Ben being given the hardware store; even if they can afford to get their own place (which the show plays fast and loose with), that's new, and if Darlene wants to stick around a while longer to continue helping her dad regain some semblance of economic stability - and enjoy having a horde of people around to help raise Mark - that's not unreasonable. Barb should have told her son the Conner family's finances are not his problem, nor are his their problem; stop camping out in a storeroom and go rent a decent apartment (and if he can't do that without Darlene paying half, then he's really in no position to harp on her about money), see how things go with the store and his relationship with Darlene over the next year, and then decide where he can/wants to live going forward. Instead she goes to lecture her son's girlfriend's father about his family in his house. Murphy, you entertain me, but take a seat on this one.
  9. I don't like it, for the same reason I don't like any number of starchy sides/elements, because I tend not to like starchy vegetables. But such things are a wildly popular staple of many cuisines - a vehicle of starchy goodness to sop up and deliver the juices of the main dish - so I'm not sure what specifically about fufu makes you wonder if it would, like the others, taste good. (I hate mashed potatoes, but I'm not confused by their popularity.)
  10. I've re-watched about ten episodes of this, and a lot of memories are coming back. Producers clearly ran with a sexist characterization of Lori, but goddamn, did she give them a lot of footage to work with. I love how Coral was always trying to point out none of these guys were worth the thought and effort she put in to the crushes. One of the few thing I remembered, and greatly enjoyed revisiting, was Coral inviting Mike to call up his friend and reveal he'd called her and her friends panty droppers and someone so stupid he felt dumber (um, that's possible?) after being around her, and ask her which she found more rude - those comments, or Coral's dismissive "peace" upon meeting them. I cannot fucking stand Kevin, but his "This round goes to Coral" was funny. I also remember Coral and, especially, Nicole, taking Malik to task for presenting as one type of Black man and acting as another, explicitly saying there wasn't anything inherently wrong with the latter, but the disconnect was very confusing and made the presentation feel like a front. Interesting conversation then, and now. I had completely forgotten what a hard life Nicole came from. So that is indeed still to come? Because I have such a distinct memory of that (one of my few), but when it didn't appear in the RW/RR casting special or the Morocco episode (in which Jisela wasn't even there; it was Katie), I thought I was fabricating a really odd thing.
  11. That's already being discussed in the Guest Host thread, @853fisher. (Buck is mildly controversial, but mostly just annoying as all get out.)
  12. That seems to be another thing in the works, slowly returning to normal across the site. I've never been without the editing function that I'm aware of during this transition period (it was there the two or three times I needed it, but of course I didn't look for it when I didn't), but I've seen a couple of other posters who didn't have it, or had it in some threads but not in others, recently remark that it's back for them.
  13. For my latest batch of soup (I make a steady supply of stock, so I regularly make soup for convenient lunches), I was leaning towards asparagus soup, but wound up going with lemon chicken and cauliflower rice soup. Light and bright for when it's not at all soup weather. Next time will be asparagus, another spring favorite. I have a couple of different versions I make, but I'd love to hear if anyone has a beloved recipe in case I'm in the mood to try something new.
  14. Our long national nightmare is over! Okay, the two-day navigation inconvenience for posters on an internet forum has ended. But I'm quite happy.
  15. I had to laugh when Bridget said you don't have to make the special sauce recipe for the smashed burgers - if you want to just use ketchup and mustard, go for it. I would never allow either of those things near my burger. I use mayo. (But I'd eat the sauce she made that included a little bit of ketchup.) Are those cheese slices she used even real cheese? It looked like a "cheese product". Those burgers didn't particularly appeal to me in general; I'd rather have a thick, juicy patty.
  16. Being from Los Angeles, I thought all the talk about Boston traffic/drivers was overblown - until the first time I drove there; it's kind of exaggerated, but it's also kind of true. I did fine each of the several times I was there, but I understand how it got the reputation.
  17. Firefox is what I use, and I've never seen the right column at 150%. If I go down to 100%, then, like @saber5055, I see the new crap in some threads but not others; I haven't poked around enough to decipher a pattern (since I'm happy to just zoom back to 150% and avoid it). So I don't know what the difference is, I'm just glad I've always - I think that right column first showed up with the major change a few years ago? - been able to avoid it by zooming, because wasting a third of the screen on blank space and/or bits of trivia seems an odd choice to me; I prefer to fill my screen with useful content.
  18. I'm rather taken aback by this. My vet's office emails me all lab test results for me to review, and then the vet calls me and we go over them; this was also the case with my two previous vets (well, going back to the first, there was no email then, so it was us talking, the clinic mailing me a copy, and then me calling with any follow-up questions). The notion of a vet refusing to disclose test results is disturbing. The average owner needs help interpreting them, of course, but that's part of the vet's job. And some owners may just say "It's all Greek to me" and decline to hear any numbers, simply wanting to know what's wrong and what they need to do. But a default position of treating this information as secret unless pressed for it is troubling.
  19. I don't see any of that crap because within my browser I set my screen at 150% instead of 100% -- that right-hand column disappears and the actual posts (you know, the stuff I'm here to read) fill the page. I also don't see the names of posters who reacted, just the usual number (that I can hover over/click on if I want to see who makes up that number). Going down to just 133% makes that show up, so I'll continue to hang out here at 150%. Basically, thanks to my longstanding practice of zooming in because I can't frakkin' see, the only headache for me following this update is a temporary one - waiting for the customized home page to return.
  20. I know contestants are notoriously bad at geography, but no one identifying the countries Liechtenstein sits between still surprised me. I know almost nothing about golf, so only came up with one (and, no, it wasn't the $200 clue; even though I know they tee off, I got confused by "box" and couldn't even come up with tee! [It was sand that I got]). I also missed Birdseye and grouse just as the contestants did, but got everything else in the first round; if it hadn't been for frakkin' golf, I'd have been off to a great start. In DJ, I joined the contestants in being stumped by Horatio Nelson, Ed Sheeran, and the Gulf of Bothnia. I also missed two books and one song that they got. I only ran Latin phrases and Nastive Americans, but still a decent performance. FJ, though - no clue. I figured Brigham Young was too easy and Utah was a red herring altogether, but I didn't get any further than that to even spit out another university named after someone. As soon as Aaron said Stanford, I knew he was going to talk some smack.
  21. I have helped many a fellow customer at the grocery store; I'm tall enough (5'9") to be able to reach everything, so when I see someone struggling, stretched out from toes to fingers, trying to reach something on the top shelf, I ask if they'd like me to get that for them. And, yep, they're thankful, because it's a lot quicker than hunting down an employee.
  22. Now there's a link down at the bottom of the giant-ass home page that says "Choose your default homepage tab in account settings", but when I click on it, I can't find anywhere within those settings about a customized home page.
  23. I hope the customized home page comes back (I created a thread to ask), because trying to navigate using Follows is a right royal pain in the ass (it wouldn't be so bad if it came up in order of most-recent activity, so all my followed forums/topics with unread content would be in a row, but this scrolling through crap is ridiculous).
  24. Following this morning's update, how do I get my customized home page back? At the top, there used to be All Forums and My Forums (or something like that), but now I can't see anything to switch it from the main homepage to my customized home page.
  25. No. I think Richard's "I'll say what everyone is thinking; this dish is too white" comment was about Gabriel's offering, but unless I am completely misremembering, it definitely wasn't about Brittany's losing dish.
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