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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Oh, yeah - I would not be as fond of summer if it involved crazy humidity! When I was a kid, every third summer we could go visit my dad's family in Oklahoma for a week. Getting out of the shower, drying off, and being damp again before I even had a chance to get dressed was not my idea of a good time.
  2. I love summer; my ideal temperature is 85 degrees, but I can handle it hotter, too. When it gets over 100 degrees, I pretty much stay inside, but we don't have too many of those days. And the sun doesn't set until 8:30 p.m.? Heaven.
  3. I ran Olmsted (a relief, since when the category was announced my reaction was "Who's Frederick Law Olmsted?" - architects are not in my wheelhouse), musical genres, and crossword clues in the first round. I missed four; two in late (the blight TS and the James Corden show) and one each in fashionably (the buffalo plaid TS) and party (the Tyler TS), so I was off to a good start. But in DJ, summer movies did me in early on; I only got one (pixels, because I didn't need to know the film, just what screen images are made of). I only ran lakes (well, I said grape growing for the wine TS, but since my answer is better than theirs, I'm counting it). I missed six across the other categories (only two of them in faith, so good for me). FJ was an instaget, so at least I finished strong.
  4. Anchiote shrimp topped with pickled onions and chopped (garden fresh) cilantro. The side was roasted (garden fresh) zucchini seasoned with garlic, cayenne, and chili powder, topped with cotija cheese, cilantro, and lime juice. The salad was mixed greens with cilantro pepita dressing. So, yeah, cilantro night here. I'm waiting for my stomach to tell my brain I'm full, because right now I still want more yummy food.
  5. Yes; one could say "Sleepover" is loosely based on just about any case of teenage girls killing another, including the Sharer murder (and, here, it was only one girl doing the killing all on her own). As you said, the SVU episode got closer, with the motive (although, of course, they changed it to being about a boy rather than a girl), more extensive group action than in this one, prolonged attack, the stabbings, the trunk, and taking the victim's jewelry. Unlike that SVU episode, this one got into the psycho abusive parenting angle, but only for one of the girls who didn't do it (where in the Sharer case, the ringleader and girl most involved in the murder was the one who'd grown up in horrifying circumstances). It would be impossible for any one-hour crime drama episode to get into the crazy degree of abuse the multiple perpetrators in the Sharer case grew up in and how that affected everything from the commission of the crime to the charging to the sentencing to the parole decisions, though. I doubt this episode was ever intended to be more similar to the Sharer case - most CC stories resembling real crimes took a basic set of facts or one particular aspect and then went off in their own direction (it wasn't as "ripped from the headlines" prone as L&O).
  6. I wasn't told to isolate my cat, like shut him in his own room, just not to spend too much time right up close with him. I noped out on that by Day Two. The poor guy slept on the hallway floor outside the closed bedroom door the first night. No way I was doing that to him again, when he wasn't going to increase my lifetime cumulative radiation exposure all that much (per state regulation, he had to be down to only a certain level - they measured how much he peed out - left in his system before he could be released in the first place). That was all from the thyroid specialist who did the treatment; my primary vet, when she had it done on her own cat, did the same as me and went right back to cuddling by day two. (I laughed when I "confessed" and she told me she did the same, and her thought process of Eh, even at a much higher level of exposure its effect would be on fertility, and I'm not having kids anyway. Same, sister!) As for the litter, I didn't worry about that, as he didn't track much.
  7. Mayim, reading clue: Saying "blushing crow" instead of "crushing blow" is one of these, named for an Anglican clergyman. Me, thinking: There was a priest named Malaprop? And then Julia answered, so I never got to correct myself to spoonerism. But I did at least amuse myself a little. I was also amused by Julia's reaction when anti-pope turned out to be correct. If it wasn't for Arrivals & Departures, I'd have only missed one in the whole first round (like the contestants, I didn't know Owen in baby names), but I completely blew that category - the only one I got was Harding! (I'm surprised I, and all three contestants, failed to come up with Bismarck in time.) In DJ, U.K. TV was my blown category - I only knew Premier League. The only category I ran was stream writing, and I missed one or two each in all the rest. I rebounded to know FJ immediately. By the questioning way Mayim read Derek's answer, she may have never heard of Olivia de Havilland. (At first I thought she couldn't make it out, but it didn't look unclear and if it was, I'd have expected an Olivia d... oh, Olivia de Havilland type of reading.)
  8. Yeah, last time I cleaned out an office, I had to have my mom come take a couple of boxes because I couldn't fit everything in my car (if I'd re-packed using different boxes, I could have, but she was close enough it was easier just to draft her into duty). So I chuckle at characters who've been in a job for eons walking out with one file box worth of stuff.
  9. Hm, well, there were no teen or college tournaments this season, so they'll have to do something different.
  10. I know that, but adopted vs. biological was of no relevance to my point, which was that I feel sympathy for the entire family, especially the girl who lost a parent at a particularly vulnerable age. (I never identify adopted children as adopted unless that's relevant to what I'm saying, given the history of differentiating them in a diminishing way.)
  11. I liked Carter a lot better with his female friends/colleagues than his love interests (and, of course, loved most his relationship with Benton). Hell, Carter and Kerry as tenant and landlord are exponentially more interesting to watch than Carter and any one of his girlfriends. The only "romantic" relationship of his I liked is the one that hadn't actually turned that way yet (and then the actor left) - Carter and Anna Del Amico. The actors had good chemistry, and the fractured friendship being rebuilt laid a good storyline foundation for having them date. He was okay with Julie Bowen's character, but she was so clearly written as just a temporary roadblock to Carter/Lucy thing; I think the only reason it wasn't as bad as his other relationships is that they never wrote it with the idea it might go somewhere. The others all felt like insisting on something that wasn't working (exhibit A: Carter and Susan. WTF?!).
  12. I'm perfectly content waiting until a new season to premiere the new host - and I'm really enjoying seeing the guest hosts' enthusiasm at getting to live out a fantasy for two weeks [and raise money for a favorite charity to boot]) - but if they fill the period of re-runs between this season's end and next season's premiere with Alex episodes, it could make the introduction of the new permanent host more difficult than it needs to be. Yet if they fill it with re-runs from the guest host episodes, they're showing us things we just saw. I don't generally watch in between seasons, so how do they normally handle that six week summer reruns period -- show episodes from the season that just aired, or go back into the vault for some older ones?
  13. I've just started in on this as my latest re-watch, and, while I have a very high tolerance for alcohol, I would be drunk within two episodes if I made a drinking game out of Lindsay tousling her hair. Is this the first time the roommates were all students? They all go to good schools, too. Watching the casting special, I wonder if MTV really considered casting Nathan's girlfriend with him, before opting for Nathan and David as the better "already know each other coming in" twist (with his relationship with Stephanie providing plenty of drama just over the phone). I know watching this is just going to make me angry on Irene's behalf all over again, but I'm doing it.
  14. I've never heard that term (I associate with an almost entirely child-free pack, but I've long heard of "terrible twos", yet never "threenagers", so figured it was a new addition to the vernacular). I did a quick internet search and found articles back to 2015. Huh.
  15. I knew she eventually landed back in her hometown area, but I hoped against hope the Miami job/apartment wasn't as shady as it sounded - that she hadn't been duped but had wound up with something on her resume, then returned home able to build on her job history where she wanted to be. I knew that was unlikely, given all the neon red flags, but I just like her so much. Still, at that age and for how short-lived it was, it was probably just a bump in the road - minor compared to what she'd dealt with all her life - and hopefully she settled into a happy existence.
  16. Chipwich, hands down. In my early 20s (when I had metabolism for days), my co-workers knew that if I made a 3:00 run to the commissary for onion rings, I was having a bad day and needed the pick-me-up, and if I grabbed a chipwich out of the vending machine, I was celebrating a good day. I'm actually rather uninterested in most of those, and would have been as a kid, too - I've always been more excited by salty, crunchy treats than sweets. And, come to think of it, I'm not sure I ever purchased something from an ice cream truck. But my parents had a motorhome, so we went camping at least one weekend a month, and I was always allowed to go buy a treat from the campground store once a day. That's what I associate these things with. (We occasionally had them in the freezer at home, but it's primarily a campground thing to me.) Of that list, the only other ones that I like/sound good (many I'm unfamiliar with) are: - Ice cream sandwich (that was my childhood choice before I discovered the chipwich, and remains my second choice) - Drumstick (they're okay; I don't really like nuts [which I love] mixing in with my chocolate, so the top part was something to get through and enjoy the rest, especially the ones that have more chocolate down at the tip of the cone) - King Cone (never heard of it, but looks good). I hate Snow Cones, for the same reason I hate blended margaritas or other cocktails - the texture. I remember tasting a friend's Fudge Pop and disliking it.
  17. I'd have to watch it again - I haven't seen it since renting it on laserdisc (yes, seriously) - to assign that specific a rating, but I share the general sentiment of really liking it despite the utterly unlikable nature of its main characters and their circumstances.
  18. I only saw the original, but I loved it, especially the early screener I came across that was on the whole a better version than what became the theatrical release (which was the first version I saw). And then I saw yet another cut on DVD, and thought I could create a fantastic movie from the three. Which, yeah, the filmmakers should have done from jump, but they still turned out a great horror film on a pocket change budget. I would not be at all surprised if the sequels rushed into production after its success utterly lost that magic, like the Halloween sequels. I just had learned my lesson by then, and didn't watch any of them, so the original stands alone in my memories.
  19. This season ended so strangely; they all just left on their own schedule, and there really weren't any good-byes shown, even between the people who liked each other. That job, complete with furnished apartment, Cynthia wound up with in the end sounded like some shady sales thing that would get ripped out from under her in a hot minute, so I hope things worked out. This season was just okay, but I really enjoyed revisiting Cynthia, possibly my favorite RW roommate of all time.
  20. "It does not take a genius to understand that Flora and Helga and Olga are not going to be very well supported by a thin sheet of glass on an aluminum frame." Oh my stars, that whole night is just as funny now as it was back then. My only regret is that Cynthia wasn't awake to throw holy water on everybody. "Y'all goin' to hell."
  21. I hate those tiny ants that are beamed in from outer space! I get them occasionally on my kitchen counter or, worse, in Riley's bowl of food. Regular ants, you just follow the trail to their entry point and thwart them there. It's annoying to get rid of the ones already inside, but it's a one and done. These alien ants, though, there is no trail. Such a pain!
  22. That's why I found Mayim's remark ridiculous, regardless of what subconscious bias lead her to say it - it wasn't an obscure bit of trivia only an Aerosmith fan would know, it was simply remembering the name of the rock song that was titled for the "dude" it's about, and would make sense to have been inspired by a guy's long hair. So there was nothing surprising about anyone who was listening to the radio at the time coming up with it.
  23. Also Good Charlotte (for "Complicated").
  24. Yeah, what the hell was that - because she's an older southern housewife, she's not going to know that song? That was about 60 seconds into Susie's first game, so it's not like it was based on any actual evidence of what is and is not in her wheelhouse. She started to (presumably) say Ireland, but all she said was the I before correcting herself and saying England. The D.C. TS surprised me a bit. Julia's xylophones answer for what xylology is the study of cracked me up - she was dead serious. I almost ran the first round, but I missed two games (Risk and backgammon). In DJ, though, I only ran African Americans and ears, and I was terrible in studies - I only knew gerontology! I missed two each in the rest. I finished it off by having no idea for FJ.
  25. I love what he says after that even more: "You're either gonna tell me every damn thing you know, so there's a small chance I can actually do them some good, or I'm gonna be all over you like a fly on shit for the rest of your natural life. Your misery will be my goddamn mission in life."
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