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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Many people use their nickname as the name they go by, and performers are no different - Miley Cyrus, Spike Lee, Buster Keaton, Cyd (had been Sid) Charisse, Bing Crosby, Judge Reinhold, etc. - so I don't regard it as any cause for concern or analysis. In fact, so many performers have been told they need to pick a stage name because their given name is too [insert pejorative here, and all too often "ethnic" fits the bill], I'm glad when it's their choice, and of a name that already belonged to them.
  2. I'm not surprised. I have two nearby (my neighborhood is about smack dab between the two), and, while I tend to stay away from "big box" stores, I am unashamedly a Costco member. The company treats its employees well, the Kirkland brand puts out quality items (for example, its organic extra virgin olive oil was one of the few that came out of the UC Davis study proven to actually be 100% 1) organic 2) extra virgin 3) olive oil, and then add in the terrific price - sold!), and they provide shelf space to local brands. Plus all those yummy free samples; I snack my way through shopping. I work from home so have the flexibility to shop during off-peak hours; I couldn't handle the weekend or after-work crowds (and won't get up early enough to beat the rush that way). Same with gassing up my car - what a savings, and, while sometimes I'm still unpleasantly surprised, I can usually time it so there's little wait. Living alone, there are some things that come in too large a package for me to consume in time, but between my parents and friends, we have a good sharing system in place. The toilet paper lasts me about six months, and I had just bought a package in January of 2020, so when COVID hit and people started losing their minds and hoarding it, I was all set through summer, when that had settled down.
  3. There have always been and always will be disagreements over what stance on any given issue is the best for women. There should be. Women who belong to another oppressed group - race, gender identity, sexual orientation, class, etc. - will, unfortunately, probably always have to bang their fists to get majority women to not just step back and listen to intersectional realities, but stop treating those experiences as sectarian, to be dealt with later while the movement concentrates on the so-called universal, but which really means white, issues. This is a sad reality in every progressive movement, like how women are sidelined by men in every one other than feminism; members of a dominant group always center their own experiences, and need to be continually called out for that myopic view. And there will always be assholes - because, being made up of humans, there are assholes in every group - who engage in petty grievances that distract from the common cause. The issue raised and questioned was widespread shaming over stuff like food choices, and that's never been part of either my lived experience or study of feminism.
  4. Wow. I eat ice cream out of the container because it's just me. I also have friends that if we're having ice cream together, we'll just grab two spoons and dig in (fewer dishes to deal with, and we don't care about germs). But even with them, knowing they wouldn't care, it wouldn't occur to me to, on my own, just grab a spoon, open their freezer, and have at it. (Now, I do that when I'm kitty-sitting at my parents' house while they're vacationing, but we all regard that as still being my other home and I also know they don't give a hoot about my germs. It's a very family-specific situation it wouldn't occur to me to replicate elsewhere no matter how comfortable I am there.) And half each of five different flavors gone without you ever having seen anyone eating it? How many people were staying with you? Were they raised by wolves? That's just weird on top of rude. I know you work so hard to be a good host, it irks me that someone shat on your hospitality.
  5. I knew you could leave if off, but wasn't sure if you could say/write the wrong one and be ruled correct. Even playing at home, I tend to leave them off unless 100% sure just in case.
  6. From the Deadline obituary: No, no, no - his GG role cannot simply be listed as Enrique, it must be Enrique Mas, with a mental exclamation point added. (He had previously appeared on the show in another role, Pepe, but that one is best left forgotten.)
  7. And now "Enrique Mas" - Chick Venerra - has died.
  8. I got quite a laugh out of Jen's pot belly answer for the Sandwich DD, and I love that she laughed as she said it. The platinum blonde TS surprised me (not that nobody knew the film, or maybe even knew Jean Harlow these days, but that nobody looked at that picture and "two-word" and came up with the hair color; maybe they all, like Kathryn apparently did, thought only the film title had two words). So did Salt Lake a bit. I did not have a good first round. I didn't know a single one in the comic book characters category, and I missed two each in literary (it would have only been one, but I couldn't spit out Vronsky in time) and food (Hamantaschen and Sandwich). It just got worse in DJ. There I blew Lost & Found in its entirety, and missed three in Broadway, two in ports, and one each in elements and In a Storm (I'd have needed be able to look at "blizzard" for longer to come up with Libra). To cap it off, I didn't have a guess for FJ, and then wanted to bang my head on the desk when the response was revealed; I should have come up with that. I haven't picked up through cultural osmosis anything about The Handmaid's Tale other than it exists, it was written by Margaret Atwood, and it was made into a TV series that won a bunch of awards. Unfortunately, none of that was in the clue, so giving me the year and the nationality of the author didn't help me. But 14th century "stories" (meaning the work is a collection) should have made me think of Canterbury Tales, and then I'm sure The Handmaid's Tale would have come to mind because of "tale" and I'd have figured that must be it given its recent resurgence popularity. I screwed myself up by thinking, after my initial quick read of the clue, I had a better chance of coming up with the modern work and concentrating on that part of it.
  9. I didn't hear any fireworks on the 5th this year. Bombs for hours on the 4th, but just one or two pops on the 3rd (which is what really surprised me, since that was a Saturday) and none since. Maybe that fireworks shortage was in effect here, and everyone shot their wad on the 4th. Works for me!
  10. Spare yourself the time spent manually searching a thread! While the Search function is no longer available on individual threads (or, if it is, they've moved it someplace I can't find), so that you have to search an entire forum/sub-forum instead, when you're looking for something in one of these threads and have to back out to Everything Else in order to use Search, wading through those results for all of EE is still usually a lot faster than manually searching the individual thread. (And this one took no wading at all; your original question was the second result.)
  11. Here's the post (in Chit Chat): https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/26532-chit-chat/page/226/?tab=comments#comment-6814089 Oops, you wanted the link to the ad-blocking app they provided, not a link to the post: https://www.fbpurity.com
  12. Back when I was watching regularly, they did that all the time. There would be all these people that just screamed "missionary" to me, but their stated reason for moving was something different. I'd get on the TWoP forum and, sure enough, someone would have posted that they found the HHs online and they're missionaries. If you're too embarrassed to say on national TV that's what you're doing, maybe evaluate your life choices. If you want to be honest but the producers won't let you - which is what I suspect, given the frequency with which it occurs - why agree to go on the show? (Of course, why do any of these people agree to fabricated stories in exchange for 15 minutes of fame on an HGTV show?) Have there ever been any shows where the HHs outright stated they were moving to another country in order to harangue people just trying to live their lives do missionary work? I feel like there might have been a couple, but it's not coming to me.
  13. Well, that doesn't sound like "tons" of feminists to me, such that the movement at large can be accused of a practice of shaming.
  14. Is she terrified even if you give her a happy pill and do it at home? Hopefully she'd be at least less freaked out, and it would take less time, so less chance of the stress doing any real damage. The stress factor isn't to be dismissed; you're right to evaluate whether it's worth it under the circumstances. So I'd look at how stressful it is for her and for how long under the best conditions you can create vs. the problems/potential problems caused by not doing it. I trim my cat's claws, because even with her scratching post usage they get long enough that she starts getting caught on things and I don't want that to result in an injury (slim chance, but not worth taking if I can reasonably avoid it). She doesn't like it, so I wait until it absolutely must be done, to stretch out the time between mani-pedis. But it doesn't stress her out too much; when I first got her, it did, as I could feel her little heart racing, but now she does a bit of wiggling and twisting to see if she can get away and is annoyed rather than scared. So it's worth it in our case.
  15. Where are you encountering these tons of people, in real life or as screen names on a social media account? That's not remotely my experience, so I'm curious.
  16. I'd never seen him before this, so had no idea he was "a name" and just thought it was unfortunate they'd cast such an obnoxious person to tag along and provide repetitive exposition. I agree he was a waste of time.
  17. I don't think there are as many odes to frugality out there to choose from as there are '80s ditties about accumulating wealth.
  18. It still is in some states; while, by 1993, we finally had no state left in the U.S. with a wholesale marital exemption to its definition of rape (all 50 states used to have an "of a person other than a spouse" or similar clause in their penal codes), many states still define rape of a spouse differently, requiring additional elements to be proven in marital rape cases. For example, about 15 states only consider it rape if physical force is used, so you can go ahead and rape your wife if you've drugged her or she's otherwise incapacitated.
  19. Exactly; if I think I'll re-watch something several times, I buy the DVD/Blu-Ray (if available), even if it's on streaming and/or syndication. I can watch it anywhere, anytime, not just when a provider decides to make it available and only on my one TV that's hooked up for streaming. And, while I generally only watch them once, like @GHScorpiosRule, I enjoy the special features.
  20. Also remember with these elderly women that for most of their lives "date rape" wasn't a term. It wasn't understood to even be rape; it was just a bad date. There's a lot at play, although of course none of the explanations that apply in any given case excuse making such hurtful statements dismissing women's stories or blaming them for their own attacks. They can speak of their own experiences without denying other's.
  21. Tonight's game will be pre-empted by basketball, so I just checked the archive. The Kerouac TS surprised me, especially with Ginsberg ruled out, as did no one even guessing an Asian monarchy with a large population. I missed one in clocks (the Rouen TS, and the picture wouldn't have helped me) and one in personally (the bible one, of course), but otherwise ran the first round, so I was back to form after last night's disappointing start. I was off to a terrible start in DJ, though; I got the first two scattered clues, and then stunk up the joint in First Novels, missing all but one. But I rebounded; I ran vowels, brands, and monarchy (wasn't expecting that one, and only because of scrolling through the Royals thread as I next unread topic my way through this site's Everything Else section did I know the queen of Denmark's name) and only missed one each in spin-offs (Arrow) and American Revolution (Saratoga, and I don't think the picture would have helped me). I correctly guessed FJ, because limestone was successful in making rock spring to mind, and, while I don't know the lyrics or melody, I know the title "Rock of Ages". So I initially said it as a joke response, but then thought well, wait, that's a hymn, and a big rock could provide shelter from a storm; that might actually be right. So I backed into that one, but it counts.
  22. (From discussion in the Favorites thread) I'm still not doing much in-person shopping other than groceries, but in non-pandemic times, yes, I still went to the mall. Not to "go to the mall" like when I was a teenager, wandering around for hours, having a snack, going in and out of stores. But go to the mall because that's where a store I want something from is? Maybe pop into another store I like in the same section of the mall to see if anything strikes my fancy since I'm here anyway? Yes.
  23. Taking mall talk to Small Talk (I'm a poet, and I know it) ...
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