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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Like the sight of Tom Brady knocked on his ass. Thank you, Rams. I'm still getting used to Matthew Stafford (hell, I'm still not 100% adjusted to the Rams being my local team), but he performed very well today and this is a promising season. (Which is good, since the Giants suck and the Seahawks are off to a rough start.)
  2. Of the two, I prefer Mayim - I think she has a better overall hosting presence, while still being unobtrusive - but I would have liked to see Brad guest host. (Same with Julia Collins, if they were going to bring in more big winners, but I certainly understand the focus on broadcasting professionals.)
  3. It's not at all unusual for actors to miss the occasional episode because of a scheduling conflict; they mostly have to work other roles and appearances around their regular gig, but it sometimes happens that they're allowed to miss an episode. Goranson has worked with Bruce Helford and Sara Gilbert much of her life; if she came to them and said, "There's a charity event back home I've done for several years and this year it conflicts with filming. It got canceled last year because of COVID, it benefits first responders, and I haven't been able to go home much during the pandemic [she couldn't even be with her family last year when her mom died]; I know the timing sucks, and this is a really tough call for me, but I'd like to go," I'm not surprised they said yes. It's a business, but there's also an off-screen Conner "family" after all this time, and with a large cast it's not a deal-breaker for her to miss an episode.
  4. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Back when I (in Los Angeles) got a lot of Giants games, I was annoyed at how many morning games they played, since I'd sleep through the first half. Then the Giants started sucking, and then we finally got an NFC team of our own back, and TV coverage steadily evaporated. Instead of switching from Dish to DirecTV to get NFL Ticket, I found myself relieved I was being spared. I'll always be a fan, but, damn, the G-Men are hard to watch.
  5. As I recently said in another thread, I followed my dental hygienist from one dentist to another. I've never even had a cavity, so my dentist is just someone who reads my x-rays every few years. My hygienist is the one actually working on and monitoring my teeth. I'm much more invested in my relationship with the hygienist than the dentist. She's great - we share a love for cats, and for what you can learn via continuing education credits, which a lot of people in both our professions (dental and legal) dismiss as a useless burden - and I'm going to be really bummed when she retires (she's been cleaning my teeth most of my life, and is already down to working one day a week, so I know it's coming). I do like the dentist I followed her to, so I'll try the other hygienist in the practice when the time comes, but I'll be out if I'm not satisfied.
  6. Huh. I've been there - including after dark (I have a friend in Chicago, and her best friend is a born and bred South Sider, so we always hang out there some when I visit, and I find average city street smarts serve just fine) - but didn't notice that. Next time, I'll have an ear out for it.
  7. In what part of the world is "probably" pronounced "prolly"? I need to make sure I don't go there. (Okay, hearing that would likely not bother me at all. But seeing it written? Oh, yeah - peeved. Just like how, as I've mentioned before, hearing "drawer" pronounced "draw" is just a thing that happens in some regions, yet for some reason someone thinking it's spelled that way sends me into spasm.) The only feeder I have is for hummingbirds, but I sometimes scatter birdseed on the ground in the backyard. The bag I bought recently was labeled as being for doves. I have three pairs of doves that hang out here (but nest elsewhere, to my consternation - I like watching bird nests - but also a bit to my relief, as I get upset when something bad happens, as is often the case in nature), and I figured there's stuff in the mix other birds will eat, too. A few mornings ago I looked out to see 11 doves (it should have been a dozen, but I'd found enough feathers a week before to know one got killed) feasting together. Riley (my cat) slept through it. As she did this morning when about eight ... something ... birds (something fairly small and brown; like with dogs, I can only identify a few breeds and otherwise just describe them by size and color, not caring enough to look it up - there are gaps in my intellectual curiosity) were happily pecking around the other side of the yard. But I enjoyed it; I like watching how they interact (better than humans).
  8. I've been watching The Good Place on Netflix, and just got to the part in season three where Eleanor and Chidi declared they're in love. Wow, I cannot believe the show went there after three seasons of seeing the complete lack of any sort of romantic or sexual chemistry between the characters. They work very well together as friends and not at all as a couple. I've really been enjoying the show, but this plot is a big fat dud that I hope goes away or at least isn't so much of a focus that I can't just drown it out and enjoy the rest. Because right now it's distracting; I'm rather astounded by how utterly devoid of romantic/sexual chemistry they are.
  9. Goranson had no problem doing the previous live shows (like with this one, for the live election episode, they did two - one for East coast and one for West). As posted upthread, she was given permission to skip the premiere because she had a prior commitment at a charity gala in her hometown (Evanston, IL).
  10. When Bandit showed up at my parents' house, it quickly became clear that while he was used to people, he had never lived inside. The dishwasher, TV, ceiling fans, etc. were all scary. Especially one of the living room ceiling fans; he'd be trotting across the lawn happily heading for the house, and just getting a glimpse through the bay window would make him stop and have to ponder just how badly he wanted a snack or cuddles. It didn't take him long to get over that, but every once in a while something on the TV will still scare him over ten years later (to be fair to him, it is a very large TV). He loves any show with horses or cows - he'll watch intently - and most things he pays no attention to, but sometimes an image will spook him and he'll leave that part of the room. There's no discernible pattern, but the other night he booked it when a Tom Brady cologne commercial came on. We were all so proud. 😀
  11. Ha - my poor cat is now going to have to listen to me sing "Toe beans, toe beans, toe be-eeans" while I play with her paws (as I do, because they are the cutest). (I love both cat paws and "Jolene", but don't use social media, so I didn't know about the meme until now. I thank you. Riley, on the other hand - paw - will not, as I can't carry a tune with a forklift.)
  12. I used to be able to get good crab meat at Costco, for less than $25/lb, but they haven't had it in many months (I keep meaning to find the manager and ask if it's gone for good, but am never in the mood once it's time to check out). So I have to get it at my local seafood market, where it's twice as much. I went to that market this week for a few things, and tonight's dinner will be a very simple baked cod lightly coated with flour seasoned with paprika and cumin and cooked in a lemon garlic sauce. Roasted zucchini as the side dish, and horiatiki for the salad. Last night was homemade portobello and spinach ravioli - my neighbor came by saying she was experimenting with filled pasta after getting the hang of fresh noodles, had made too much, and wasn't sure how well it came out; did I want some to try? Um, yes, please! I could tell from looking at it her pasta to filling ratio was a little off (not enough filling), and I usually like a cheese inside my ravioli, so I made a garlic parmesan cream sauce and wilted in some extra spinach as I tossed it all together and it was delicious.
  13. The only thing keeping me from stroking out over number nine was knowing that I could click on the CU link and read some fantastically withering commentary on this ludicrous selection that makes the ridiculous pick at number five genius by comparison. Indeed, those fine folks did not disappoint; I loved every word, but especially this: Whew. It's over. That fucking song being number one is among the least crazy entries, and I'm now fairly convinced my cat possesses a better understanding of the genre than the bros at Sirius paid to compile this list. But, hey, we had fun here. Thanks, @UYI, for going the distance.
  14. I finally got to watch an episode this week instead of just reading the archive. I think Mayim did a fine job hosting, but I thought so the first time around (I think everyone did a fine job, and a few did particularly well). The Kristi Yamaguchi TS surprised me a bit (and guessing Tara Lipinski had my mind pretty well boggled, but then I realized Rebecca must have simply forgotten the category). Conga going unanswered was a little unexpected, too, since the clue gave two additional hints on top of the artist. I only ran get-togethers, five, and channels in the first round; I missed two in "and" (I'm normally good with vocabulary categories, but I'd never heard of chandler and couldn't get bandolier from my brain to my mouth) and one each in the other two. In DJ, I was terrible in novels, missing all but one. I ran everything else but Italy, though, and only missed one there, so other than novels I had a terrific round. FJ was another instaget, so after not having a chance in hell of getting Monday's right, I had four instagets in a row. Good for me.
  15. Last time I bought a baguette I bought carrots, too, so just to entertain myself with thoughts of this thread I made sure to arrange the carrots in the bag so their leafy tops were also visible.
  16. I don't know, she said she was really torn, and I sure wish Becky had been in the premiere, but I can understand why she chose the charity event. It's something she used to do but couldn't last year because of COVID, and she also lost her mom last year and couldn't be with her family; she was alone in L.A. I think going "home" was probably an additional pull, plus the nature of the event - being for first responders - would be something she finds all the more important this year. Tough call, and I'm glad she was allowed to skip the premiere to do what she thought was the most important use of her time.
  17. I did all my law school internships for school credits rather than pay; I was lucky enough not to need the money (it was a second career for me, so I had plenty of savings to cover my living expenses, and my parents gave me the money - an advance on my inheritance 🙂 - for the tuition my scholarships didn't cover), and I was working for non-profits where it was a lot easier to get something set up for credit than for pay. Plus the credits were more valuable to me; my final semester, my schedule consisted of one day at an internship, and one day at a class in the morning and the internship the rest of the day. I was so well rested for bar prep! But in college, all the good internships were for "experience" - no pay, no credits, (and too often no actually learning anything other than how everyone took their coffee and where the copy room was), but you had a big-name company on your resume. No thanks; I'll take a paycheck from someone "lesser" who will actually pay me for my time and give me something productive to do.
  18. Scoot over. I hate facial hair in general, so it's not a surprise I dislike his, but I find it aggressively awful.
  19. It's not about the launch of Discovery+, it's the fact AT&T bought Discovery and promptly put on hold production of most Discovery productions to decide what to keep, retool, or ditch, and then realization the pandemic - and the limitations on production it necessitated - wasn't going away any time soon created more uncertainty rather than a timely answer; some shows got eventual abbreviated seasons but with no word as to future plans, and some shows got squat. It's a company-wide mess, and hard to predict given the unique set of circumstances.
  20. Yeah, I'm going to need an inventory of the evidence. Because it looks to me like they decided they needed an afternoon snack of apples dusted in paprika and then decided it would be more fun to just roll around in it instead. I think they're career criminals who know the only answer you ever give the cops (Kathleen Madigan fans will recognize this, but it's true): "I do not recall, and I need an attorney." The evidence is all circumstantial - maybe their DNA has been on the spice bottle since they helped carry in groceries. Or maybe it was placed there today, but there was an ant invasion, and they'd read on Facebook that sprinkling spice all around the room will kill them and deter all future invaders, so they were just helping. So can bosawks prove the necessary mens rea of the charged crime beyond a reasonable doubt? Risk jury nullification because of those cute faces? Nah, there's a very generous plea bargain in their future.
  21. You have one up on me - I could only think of locusts. Which was obviously quite convenient (like only being able to remember one Wright brother last night). The frogs answer made me think of "Mulder, toads just fell from the sky!" from the fabulous "Die Hand Die Verletzt" episode of The X-Files, but I didn't know that alluded to a plague story in the Bible. If I had, I might well have done as Matt did and figured that was the answer instead, as frogs are consumed far more often than locusts (I assume; maybe locusts are a delicacy in some part of the world I've never been to). So, sometimes ignorance really is bliss.
  22. Another archive game for me, but, thankfully, not seeing the visuals didn't harm me any. I don't know that I would have accepted deferential instead of deference; the wording of the clue calls for the noun, not the adjective. The dust TS surprised me, since there were two ways to get it (knowing the fourth part of a comet or knowing what Pledge is used for). Ballad going unanswered surprised me a bit, too (I didn't get it, either, but one of us should have). I missed one each in interest, code, and peak, but got everything else in the first round. In DJ, I only ran superlatives and def, but would have done well if not for the Role Players category; in the other three, I only missed one each, but I missed every single clue in that one. I rolled my eyes so hard they nearly got stuck at the FJ category, but it turned out to be a very easy guess.
  23. The absolute worst was when Joplin's siblings sold Mercedes the right to use "Mercedez Benz" in a commercial, although they and others close to Janis said she'd have found humor in the satirical song being played as a testimonial.
  24. I had to switch my cat's food from raw to canned and the time before last that my local pet food store ordered me a case (it's a pretty small store, and for the particular variety of Wellness Riley eats, they only stock the small cans, so they place a monthly special order for me of the larger cans), the distributor was having a very hard time getting it from the manufacturer. So I had to order a case from Chewy to tide her over, and even that took several days longer than their usual two because none of their warehouses anywhere near me had it (for which they gave me a very generous discount; I prefer to shop at my local, independently-owned store, but Chewy's customer service is top notch so I feel very good buying from them when I need to). Thankfully, the last order presented no problem for my local retailer, but I was holding my breath; cat food is the last thing I want to run into supply chain problems with! She's a very finicky eater, and has a small appetite even for the few things she loves, so it's a big deal if none of those things are available; she's not the kind of cat I can just put something else down and say "when you get hungry enough, you'll eat it".
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