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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. They split up ten years ago; they've been dating other people for a long time now (I don't know if either are now, but they both have been over all those years). I'm sure they've both long since quit caring who the other was seeing (who he was impregnating while they were still together, yep, that bothered her, but after you've separated and filed, it's a totally different ballgame). They're reported to be on good terms, and still do family celebrations together with their adult kids.
  2. Maybe it's my superpower, but I haven't ever found it terribly time consuming to light or extinguish multiple candles even if I do all of them in a room. (I counted; my bathroom usually has eight. The only time I light all of them is for bubble baths. I also have a night light setting on my overhead light, and a lava lamp on my vanity, so I can easily create adequate light for reading.) More time spent dusting, though, yeah.
  3. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Thank you; I saw this just in time to watch. I enjoyed it, especially the parts with Madden watching old footage or watching interview subjects talk about him. I also loved Troy Aikman watching Madden use his handy telestrator back in '95 to highlight Aikman's inability to grow a beard. Madden's interest in people was lovely, and why he connected with so many. I think he was inherently like that, but once he retired from coaching and spent all that time traveling by train and then bus all across the country, he had the time to really indulge his love of conversation.
  4. I haven't seen this beyond the first episode since I don't have the streaming service, but that's how she was in the original series - and then her mom came to visit, and it was painfully clear why. Her dad died, and her mom not only had to work a lot, but also clearly chose to work even more and - and I think this is what affected Beth the most - just blatantly said no, I don't miss you. At an age when most young adults were dealing with parents having difficulty adjusting to the fact their kids were well and truly ensconced in their own lives now and couldn't/wouldn't make a lot of time for them, Beth was the one saying, "I would just like to spend some time with you" and her mom shrugging it off with "Eh, we don't like to do the same things". Her neediness was tiring, and I can't imagine living with the melodramatic quests for attention, but I understood why she was like that. It's sad to read she's still like that. Just be you, Beth, accept you're not everyone's cup of tea, and stop trying so hard. (Is it possible she's reverting to that dynamic because she's around people she lived with at that age [I know she's been on Challenges in the years since, but I haven't seen her since RW]?)
  5. Ah, thanks - that makes sense (and is cute); I'm not familiar with that movie, but I also couldn't figure out how a kitten old enough to be fixed didn't have any teeth, so I had no guesses on the name origin.
  6. I figure they were all thinking, "The Lt. Gov. who took office when Cuomo resigned," but couldn't remember Hochul's name. Understandable in a way, and it was assigned a $2000 value, but it surprised me a bit since it was fairly recent news at the time of taping. Maybe it being fairly recent actually worked the other way - they hadn't been reading/hearing about her long enough for her name to be readily available in their minds.
  7. Yes, there's a Dolly Madison brand. Here is what the White House Historical Association says about Dolley Madison and ice cream: And this is from PBS:
  8. Um, hello, boyfriend's crazy sister, people "living their lives again" because they're "over the pandemic" is why we're still in the grips of a fucking pandemic. I hate people.
  9. I just watched the end of "Penalty Phase" during a break in football. I come to really dislike Gus by the end of the series, and bringing him back for Slider's trial with the hots for Rusty when he hadn't been written or performed that way during his initial arc creates a real "WTF?" feeling I have to set aside as their relationship begins, but I have to give it up for his response to Rusty saying he has no idea how to date anyone: "Nobody likes dating. It's the best thing about this whole situation - we already know each other." When you really sit and think about it, though, Rusty saying he has no idea how to date is terribly sad; he's had more sexual encounters than a lot of people twice his age, but none of them were of his free will, with someone he liked. Between what he saw go on with his biological mom and the crappy men in her life and then what was done to him on the streets, his relationship to sex is pretty warped. They never get too much into how that affects his first romantic experience, but I'm glad he has Dr. Joe and Sharon - and a Gus who, back at this point, is patient with him. (That kid had such a hard life for such a long time, and that's not any less sad because he has annoying qualities and Duff's focus on his mini-me was aggravating.)
  10. Sausage and peppers (or zucchini) is good, and the sausage would also be good with kale in a soup, or with pasta and some sort of creamy, cheesy sauce - a cajun/creole alfredo sauce would be especially good. Or with broccoli and cauliflower instead of pasta. Jambalaya, if you want something with rice. (There are lots of things you could do with potatoes or beans, too, but I hate both those things, so the above is where my mind goes.)
  11. I generally do, too. I only have a problem if they speak as if the fact he wasn't like that to/in front of them is evidence the victim is lying about what he did to her. We grasp the fact murderers don't kill everyone they know, I don't understand why it's so difficult to understand that harassers, abusers, and rapists don't harass, abuse, and rape everyone they know. I think the way studios campaign for a nomination/win can be shady, but I find it hard to take issue with actors making the rounds, especially once they've been nominated. And taking someone to task for wanting to win? Of course they want it! That doesn't mean they think the other nominees suck, it means they did something of which they are proud and have been recognized for it, and would really like that statue - and the prestige and resulting career boost that comes with having one's name forevermore preceded by "Academy Award winner" - in their hands at the end of the night.
  12. Since the Babe Didrikson clue was a DD, I like to think that if it was a regular clue, one of the other contestants would have known her. (Perhaps Amy, as she's done well with sports clues.) Because her being a TS would make me sad.
  13. Another archive game for me. The score TS was a doozy. After two stellar first round performances in a row, I only ran philosophy in this one. But I was only bad in White House, missing three; in the rest, I just missed one each. Things went downhill in DJ; I only ran countries and woman, and I was pretty bad in some of the others. I blew almost entirely the category about actors playing multiple roles; the only one I knew was The Good Place. I also missed three in science, and two each in the others. FJ was almost an instaget - I knew it was the ship that rescued Titanic survivors, but it took me a few moments to remember its name.
  14. Ghislaine Maxwell has been convicted (on five of six counts) for her role in recruiting and grooming Epstein's victims. A sentencing date has not yet been set.
  15. I always have homemade chicken stock on hand and I have some frozen chicken & cilantro mini wontons Costco had on sale, so as it rains outside I am enjoying wonton soup with those wontons, shiitake mushrooms, bok choy, and chicken (and then chopped scallions and cilantro added to the bowl). I let the stock simmer with ginger and garlic before I added the ingredients, and then stirred some Tamari and a little bit of sesame oil in at the end, so it's quite tasty. I'm still pondering dinner; I have leftover spinach gratin I need to eat, and took a couple of bone-in chicken thighs out to thaw, but haven't decided what I'm going to do with them.
  16. I agree. I have been a fan of hers for about 30 years now, going back to when I first saw her perform in a comedy club. And she just gets keeps getting funnier and smarter. Fabulous woman.
  17. I don't. I have a "nude" bra that I wear with a few white shirts, but I have a strong aversion to boring underwear (mine, I mean; I don't care what anyone else wears!), so other than that I don't have any plain bras or panties - lots of colors, patterns, textures. But I agree the number of women getting undressed in front of a man in an unplanned situation who have on sexy - and often matching - underwear is higher on TV than in real life. (Unless her "granny panties" are played for laughs, instead of just being a non-issue because that's what some women wear sometimes.) Similarly, TV men always have on cute boxers. (Not that I want to see tighty-whities, mind you, but they hardly exist on TV.)
  18. No, it simply refers to when the bank posts the money to your account. They get it from the employer well before Friday, so some banks - not just Chime - don't wait until Friday to make it available to you. Whenever the money hits, it hits again two weeks later (or one week, or one month - whatever the pay schedule), so there's no long-term benefit to getting it on Wednesdays rather than Fridays; it's a silly thing to build an ad campaign around. But, then, so is every single policy in the Liberty Mutual commercials, and look how long those have been running.
  19. Yeah, like I said, that being a TS surprised me due to the hint, when the category had already narrowed it down to two-word titles. But, of course, it's a lot easier for me to pick up on hints sitting at home than it is for contestants standing there on the stage.
  20. But weren't we expected to join Doug as a work in very early progress, trying to - among other changes - date more meaningfully, while still having most see him as the playboy he'd long been rather than noticing or at least trusting in the recent change? I mean, dude has a kid he's never even met, but his whole early season arc is he's not that guy anymore but folks still see him that way, so we join him at the beginning of that transition, where he's making some changes, and some things change while some things look like the more they change the same, the more they stay the same, and he struggles to prove himself.
  21. Indeed. It's not quite as clear cut these days, but that used to very much be the case. Organizations aren't pulling these ideas out of their asses; tiered rewards have traditionally led to donors giving more.
  22. Aw, how nice - Amy saying Julia is one of her favorite champs. She's one of mine, too. As is Amy. (My call got postponed, so I'm watching the game even though I'd already checked the archive, since, like with Julia, I enjoy watching Amy just quietly play and win.)
  23. Another archive game for me. The David Copperfield TS surprised me, since the category spotted it had to be a two-word title and the clue gave the "magic" hint. I came so close to running the entire first round again, but I didn't know potash. In DJ, I only ran vitamins and bogus. I missed all but Battlestar Galactica in the space shows, but otherwise did well, just missing one each in the remaining categories. I didn't come up with FJ, though. I figured with all that artwork it was probably in France or Italy and went with Italy, but picked the wrong river.
  24. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Madden was the perfect fit for the Raiders at that time (yes, I remember their difficulty getting it done in the playoffs), and then as an announcer so good at making the average viewer understand the calls and the rules. His love for the game was legendary. That message he left on Tom Coughlin's voice mail after the Giants, playoff slot already secured, played their starters against the undefeated Patriots in week 17 and damn near won it (practice for beating their ass in the Super Bowl) is one of my favorite things in football:
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